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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gentrification négociée : anciennes frontières et nouveaux fronts dans le centre historique de Mexico / The negotiated gentrification : old borders and new fronts in the historic center of Mexico city / Negociar la gentrificacion : antiguas fronteras y nuevos frentes en el centro historico de la ciudad de Mexico

Diaz, Jeronimo 08 December 2014 (has links)
Durant la première décennie du XXIe siècle, le centre historique de Mexico a cessé de perdre ses habitants, amorçant un mouvement de revalorisation économique et symbolique dont on commence à peine à mesurer l’importance. Cette thèse retrace la formation de ce haut lieu patrimonial pour mieux appréhender la singularité du processus de gentrification qui s’y déploie. Deux postulats sont mis à l’épreuve.D’abord, il est stipulé que la gentrification s’inscrit dans un continuum historique qui détermine la division sociale de l’espace urbain. On constate en effet que les “pionniers urbains” prennent place en des lieux spécifiques, en particulier le long des foyers “civilisateurs” établis depuis la période coloniale, où l’on retrouve actuellement une offre immobilière adaptée aux aspirations et aux besoins sécuritaires des nouveaux habitants.Ensuite, la gentrification n’est pas le produit d’acteurs individuels mais elle implique des conflits d’intérêts entre des acteurs collectifs. Nourrie par de nombreux témoignages, cette recherche interroge le rôle que les élites politiques et économiques entendent attribuer au noyau historique de la capitale mexicaine ; elle expose la participation ambigüe des classes intermédiaires ainsi que les différentes formes de résistance exprimées par les populations exclues du projet urbain. Enfin, afin d’évaluer la prétendue pluralité du projet de “revitalisation”, reprenant les débats autour de l’aménagement participatif, elle offre une description détaillée des différents mécanismes de patrimonialisation et de gestion sociale établis par le gouvernement local en guise de neutraliser les conflits inhérents au processus de gentrification. / During the first decade of the 21st Century, the depopulation of the historical downtown of Mexico City ceased, giving way to a process of economic and symbolic revalorization. The causes and consequences of this process have not been fully identified. This thesis reviews the origins of this important patrimonial site, and attempts to analyze the territories currently undergoing processes of gentrification, based on the following postulates:First, it stipulates that gentrification takes place as part of a historical continuum that determines the social organization of urban space. In fact, this research shows that those who are “pioneers” tend to appropriate specific places, which are usually former “civilization” nuclei established during the colony. There as well, real estate offers aimed at these new groups of the population, more demanding in terms of safety and urban comfort, cluster.Secondly, it establishes that gentrification is not produced by isolated actors, but rather implies conflicts of interest between diverse collective actors. Sustained by a diversity of testimonies, this thesis examines the character that economic and political elites sought to imprint upon a fundamental territory for the Mexican capital; it also explores the ambiguous participation of the middle classes and depicts the different forms of resistance set in motion by those excluded from this new city project. Finally, it offers a detailed overview of the mechanisms of patrimonialization and social management established by the Federal District’s Government, in their attempt to neutralize the conflicts inherent to the gentrification process. / Durante la primera década del siglo XXI, el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México dejó de despoblarse, dando paso a un proceso de revalorización económica y simbólica cuyas causas y consecuencias no han sido plenamente identificadas. La tesis abarca los orígenes de este importante sitio patrimonial y pretende analizar los territorios actuales de la gentrificación a partir de los postulados siguientes.Primero, se estipula que la gentrificación se desenvuelve dentro de un continuo histórico que determina la división social del espacio urbano. De hecho, la investigación arroja que los “pioneros” tienden a apropiarse lugares específicos, que suelen ser los antiguos núcleos “civilizatorios“ establecidos durante la colonia. Allí se concentra también la oferta inmobiliaria dirigida hacia estos nuevos grupos de población, más exigentes en términos de seguridad y de confort urbano.En segundo lugar, se establece que la gentrificación no es el producto de actores aislados sino que implica conflictos de intereses entre diversos actores colectivos. Nutrida con testimonios diversos, esta tesis examina el carácter que las élites económicas y políticas quisieran imprimir sobre un territorio medular para la capital mexicana; expone además la participación ambigua de las clases medias y retrata las diferentes formas de resistencia puestas en marcha por los sectores excluidos del nuevo proyecto de ciudad. Con el fin de evaluar la pluralidad del proyecto “revitalizador” del Centro Histórico, y retomando discusiones en torno al ordenamiento territorial participativo, la tesis ofrece un panorama detallado de los mecanismos de patrimonialización y de gestión social, establecidos por el gobierno del Distrito Federal en su intento por neutralizar los conflictos inherentes al proceso de gentrificación.

Ville modèle, modèles de ville. Nîmes (1476-1789) / Non communiqué

Caillat, Gérard 02 December 2011 (has links)
La notion de modèle renvoie à un mode de représentation, à l’exemplarité, et à une méthode d’investigation. À la quête d’une identité, la ville projette sous diverses formes une représentation d’elle-même. Les historiens superposent à cette idéalisation initiale un ou des schémas d’interprétation qui leur permettent de développer leurs propres thématiques. Nîmes apparaît ainsi tour à tour comme l’exemple de la colonie latine, la ville renaissante en admiration devant son propre passé, la place forte huguenote défendant la liberté religieuse, la ville des Lumières déployée autour des vestiges de l’Augusteum. Aujourd’hui, l’exceptionnelle conservation de ses monuments antiques suggère que la romanité s’inscrit dès l’origine et immuablement dans le paysage et dans l’imaginaire urbain. Les archives consulaires permettent d’établir au contraire une lente maturation, scandée par les perturbations violentes des guerres civiles et par les évolutions des systèmes de défense. La ville de Nemausus est familière, mais lointaine et inappropriée juridiquement. Le corps politique préfère s’appuyer sur le privilège consulaire, créé par les comtes de Toulouse, et sur le statut particulier des États de Languedoc pour représenter la communauté. Profondément réformé en 1476, le consulat canalise le débat politique local jusqu’à la Révolution. Quand, au milieu du XVIIIe siècle, l’expansion industrielle montre les limites de son droit sur l’espace, il trouve les moyens d’infléchir les choix du pouvoir royal en matière d’urbanisme. La thèse, qui couvre de manière équivalente les trois siècles de la période moderne, est organisée en deux parties : l’identité de la ville et la construction du paysage. / The notion of model refers to a mode of representation, to an exemplary nature, and to a method of investigation. In the search of an identity, the city projects by different ways a representation of itself. The historians stack upon this idealized image one or several outlines of their own themes. Nimes appears so alternately as the example of the Latin colony, the Renaissant city filled with admiration for its own past, the fortified town Huguenot fighting for the religious freedom, the city of the Enlightenment spread around the vestiges of Augusteum. Today, the exceptional preservation of its antique monuments suggests that Romanity remained unchanged from the very beginning in the landscape and in the urban imagination. The archives of the consuls allow to establish on the contrary a slow maturation, accellerated by the violent disturbances of the civil wars and by the evolutions of defence systems. The city of Nemausus is familiar, but distant and legally worthless. The political body prefers to use the consular privilege, created by the counts of Toulouse, and on the particular status of the States of Languedoc to represent the community. Profoundly reformed in 1476, the consulate channels the local political debate until the Revolution. When, in the middle of the XVIIIth century, the industrial expansion shows the limits of its right on the space, it finds the means and the capacity to bend the choices of the royal power in town planning. The thesis, which covers in a equivalent way the three centuries of modern period, is organized in two parts, the identity of the city and the construction of the landscape.

Laredo, un port de Castille au XVI ͤ siècle / Laredo, a harbor of Castile on 16th century

Gabiola Carreira, David 02 December 2017 (has links)
Au XVIe siècle Laredo était un des ports les plus actifs des Quatre Villes de la Côte de la Mer, la façade maritime de l'actuelle Cantabrie au nord de l'Espagne. Cet essor cessa à la fin du siècle lorsque le port larédain plongea dans une crise économique profonde et irréversible. Comment expliquer cette trajectoire ?Le contexte géographique fut un obstacle majeur : la circulation vers l'arrière-pays était difficile à cause de la Cordillère Cantabrique et les infrastructures portuaires étaient particulièrement exposées aux caprices de la mer. Au XVIe siècle les Larédains jouèrent un rôle essentiel dans le transport de la laine de Castille vers les Flandres et dans l'importation de tissus et de marchandises. Laredo était alors une porte d'entrée pour tous ces produits qui étaient par la suite expédiés par les commettants larédains vers les principales places marchandes castillanes. Les connétables de Castille contribuèrent à l'essor de ce trafic. À la fin des années 1560 la rivalité avec l'Angleterre et les révoltes dans les Flandres paralysèrent les échanges commerciaux et l'économie larédaine déclina progressivement.Le XVIe siècle fut aussi pour Laredo le temps des armadas. Le port se transforma en base navale d'où la couronne expédiait soldats, matériel et argent pour ravitailler les troupes qui se battaient en Flandres. Mais à partir de 1572 Laredo cessa de jouer ce rôle au profit de Santander qui était un site plus facile à défendre. La présence de ces flottes fut à l'origine de nombreux conflits avec la population locale, mais l'organisation de ces armadas représenta pour de nombreux Larédains une source de revenus lorsqu'ils approvisionnaient les navires, ou effectuaient des réparations diverses. / In the 16th century, Laredo was one of the most active harbours of the Cuatro Villas de la Costa de la Mar, the seabord of the present Cantabria Region in the North of Spain. This growth ceased at the end of the century when the harbour of Laredo plunged into a deep and irreversible economic crisis. How can we explain this reversal/this evolution?The geographical context was a major obstacle: movement of goods and people to the hinterland was difficult due to the Cantabrian mountain range, and the port infrastructures were particularly exposed to the whims of the sea.In the16th century Laredo inhabitants played an important role in the transport of wool from Castile to Flanders and in the import of fabric and goods. At that time, Laredo was a gateway for all these products, which were shipped afterwards to the main Castilian marketplaces. The constables of Castile contributed to the development of this traffic. In the late 1560s the rivalry with England and the rebellions in Flanders curbed this trading activity and the economy of Laredo gradually slumped.The 16th century was also for Laredo the time of the armadas. The harbour transformed into a naval base from which were sent soldiers, equipment and money in order to supply the troops who were fighting in Flanders. But, from 1572, Laredo stopped playing this role in favour of Santander which was an easier site to defend. The presence of the fleet was the cause of several conflicts with local people, but the organization of those armadas was for several people of Laredo a source of income when they supplied ships or when they made different repairs.

Community, Connection, and Conflict; The Liminal Spaces of the Regents Canal and the Industrial Transition of London (1812-1900)

Colman, Maya Pearl 30 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

L’espace du Palais. Étude d’un enclos judiciaire parisien de 1670 à 1790 / The space of the Palais. Study of a parisian judicial enclosure from 1670 to 1790

Pitor, Adrien 16 November 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche est consacrée au Palais de Paris des années 1670 à 1790. Situé sur l’île de la Cité, le Palais est une ancienne résidence royale qui abrite un ensemble de bâtiments et de cours aux fonctions variées. Il se présente à la fois comme le quartier canonial de la Sainte Chapelle et comme un pôle artisanal et commercial tourné vers le demi-luxe. Il accueille également une collection de tribunaux dont certains de première importance, à commencer par le Parlement et la Chambre des Comptes. L’enjeu de notre thèse est de comprendre comment ces différentes fonctions coexistent, s’opposent ou coopèrent dans l’enclos juridique correspondant au ressort territorial du bailliage du Palais et comment ce territoire est investi par ses habitants et par l’ensemble des Parisiens. Notre approche, essentiellement spatiale, se fonde sur un corpus de plans, coupes et élévations qui a permis de procéder à des restitutions graphiques et cartographiques et d’apprécier les transformations architecturales tout au long du XVIIIe siècle. Elle s’appuie également sur le fonds du bailliage du Palais et celui du procureur général du Parlement. Nous envisageons la structuration interne des logements, des boutiques et des tribunaux (salles d’audience, salles du conseil, parquet, greffes, buvettes) ainsi que les points de contact entre les différentes juridictions (Grande Salle, Conciergerie). Il s’agit également d’insérer le Palais dans son contexte urbain en analysant la composition sociale et les pratiques propres à ce territoire. L’usage public du lieu implique des formes d’encadrement spécifiques et conduit au développement d’une culture singulière. / This research is dedicated to the Palais de Paris from the 1670s to the 1790s. Located on the Ile de la Cité, the Palais is a former royal residence which houses a set of buildings and yards with a variety of functions. It comes across as both the canonical quarter of the Sainte Chapelle and as a hand-made and half-luxury commercial point. It also hosts a collection of courts, some of prime importance, starting with the Parlement and the Chambre des Comptes. Understanding how these different functions coexist, oppose or cooperate is at the centre of our research. We will analyse those various relationships in the legal enclosure corresponding to the territorial jurisdiction of the bailliage du Palais and see how this territory is taken up by its inhabitants and by all Parisians. Our approach, essentially spatial, is based on a corpus of plans, sections and elevations that allowed to carry out graphic and cartographic renditions and to assess architectural transformations throughout the eighteenth century. It also relies upon the funds of the bailliage du Palais and of the Attorney General of Parlement. We are considering the internal structure of accommodation, shops and courts (courtrooms, boardrooms, prosecutor's office, tribunal registry, refreshment bars) as well as the points of contact between the various jurisdictions (Grande Salle, Conciergerie). It is also about placing the Palais in its urban context through the analysis of its social composition and the practices specific to this territory. The public use of the Palais implies specific forms of supervision and leads to the development of a particular culture.

Urban Suburb: How The Built Environment Influences Class Identity

Braden, April 18 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Water for a few : a history of urban water and sanitation in East Africa

Nilsson, David January 2006 (has links)
This licentiate thesis describes and analyses the modern history of the socio-technical systems for urban water supply and sanitation in East Africa with focus on Uganda and Kenya. The key objective of the thesis is to evaluate to what extent the historic processes frame and influence the water and sanitation services sectors in these countries today. The theoretical approach combines the Large Technical Systems approach from the discipline of History of Technology with New Institutional Economics. Throughout, urban water and sanitation service systems are regarded as socio-technical systems, where institutions, organisation and technology all interact. The thesis consists of three separate articles and a synthesis in the form of a framework narrative. The first article provides a discussion of the theoretical framework with special focus on the application of Public Goods theory to urban water and sanitation. The second article describes the establishment of the large-scale systems for water supply and sanitation in Kampala, Uganda in the period 1920-1950. The third article focuses on the politics of urban water supply in Kenya with emphasis on the period 1900-1990. The main findings in this thesis are that the socio-technical systems for urban water and sanitation evolve over long periods of time and are associated with inertia that makes these systems change slowly. The systems were established in the colonial period to mainly respond to the needs and preferences of a wealthy minority and a technological paradigm evolved based on capital-intensive and large-scale technology. Attempts to expand services to all citizens in the post-colonial period under this paradigm were not sustainable due to changes in the social, political and economic environment while incentives for technological change were largely absent. History thus frames decisions in the public sphere even today, through technological and institutional inertia. Knowing the history of these socio-technical systems is therefore important, in order to understand key sector constraints, and for developing more sustainable service provision. / <p>QC 20101122</p>

Written in Blood: Negotiating Public Reaction and Professional Objectivity in the Media to the Wayside Murder in Youngstown, Ohio, 1876-1877

Koltonski, Edward Anthony 22 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Flame, Furnace, Fuel: Creating Kansas City in the Nineteenth Century

Dell, Twyla J. 21 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.


VITOR LEANDRO DE SOUZA 01 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Em 1917, músicos da Banda do Corpo de Bombeiros do Rio de Janeiro apresentaram o hino Soldado do Fogo. Os versos celebravam a sagrada missão destes voluntários que não temem da morte na sua batalha contra incêndios horrorosos e dantescos. A letra do hino condensava uma narrativa que, desde meados do século XIX, havia sido forjada institucionalmente, na intenção de consolidar o caráter heroico de integrantes comprometidos com a tarefa de proteger a vida e a propriedade, ainda que para isso tenham que perder a própria vida, com o cumprimento do seu dever. Essa versão idealizada do lugar social do bombeiro, elaborada e reelaborada pela Corporação, será questionada nesta tese em três argumentos principais. Primeiramente, através da análise das formas de recrutamento e do perfil dos agentes nos níveis mais baixos da hierarquia institucional, revelando dinâmicas relacionadas aos mundos de trabalho e aos conflitos laborais na virada do século XIX para o XX, que contrastam com a imagem de um voluntário empenhado no ofício de se sacrificar pela missão. Em segundo lugar, aponta para o Corpo de Bombeiros como uma instituição menos coesa do que aquela imaginada por seus comandantes, em grande medida fraturada por hierarquias e distinções que separavam, por exemplo, uma maioria de trabalhadores pobres dos militares de alta patente do Exército brasileiro. Por fim, a tese revela os limites de atuação dos bombeiros na execução das suas atribuições: seja pelas precárias condições de trabalho, seja pela carência de equipamentos à sua disposição. Enfim, esta pesquisa traz à tona um universo de trabalhadores lutando contra muito mais do que incêndios: por salários, condições de trabalho e possibilidades de ascensão social. / [en] In 1917, the Rio de Janeiro Fire Department official band performed the new hymn praising the Corporation: Fire Soldiers. The lyrics celebrated the sacred mission of those volunteer workers who did not fear death when in battles against the most awful and horrid fires. The verses condensed a narrative that had been institutionally forged since the mid-nineteenth century, aiming at consolidating the heroic character of its corps engaged with the task of protecting life and property as a duty to be fulfilled even if losing their lives while doing it. That ideal version of the firefighter s social place, elaborated and re-elaborated by the Corporation, will be questioned in this thesis in three main arguments. First of all, based on the analysis of the forms of recruitment and on the profile of the agents within the lower hierarchical levels, the study will reveal the dynamics related to different work spheres as well as occupational tensions by the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, which do not fit the image of a volunteer brigade ready to sacrifice life for the cause. Also, the research presents a Fire Department as less cogent than that ideal imagined by its commanders, greatly caused by distinctions and hierarchies that separated a great majority of poor workers from the high ranking officials in the Brazilian Army. Finally, the thesis reveals the limitations on firefighting attributions, due to very precarious working conditions or to lack of adequate equipment. The research also brings to the main stage a whole new universe of workers fighting not only a great number of fires but also for salaries, work conditions, and the possibility of social climbing.

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