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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hotelaria, cidade e capital: o edifício hoteleiro e a reestruturação dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos / Hotels, city and capital: the hotel building and the restructuring of contemporary urban spaces

Spolon, Ana Paula Garcia 27 May 2011 (has links)
Esta tese dedica-se à investigação e compreensão de um dos elementos considerados essenciais para o entendimento dos significados do ambiente urbano contemporâneo, os edifícios. Interpreto-os não a partir de uma visão reducionista, mas desde um ponto de vista amplo e totalizante: como produtos imobiliários e como artefatos arquitetônicos, dotados de valor material, social e simbólico. Parto do princípio de que, como artefatos, colaboram para ressignificação dos espaços urbanos por meio da configuração dos espaços internos e da edificação, bem como por sua relação com o entorno, a partir da dialética entre a estrutura material edificada e a sociedade. Como produtos imobiliários, inserem-se de uma maneira inovadora no circuito de valorização do capital, firmando-se como mercadorias e orientando a própria sobrevida e expansão do capitalismo. A dinâmica socioespacial e as características do capitalismo contemporâneo levam a um movimento de reestruturação imobiliária, processo complexo e amplo, que se dá em dois níveis: a reestruturação espacial (novas formas e funções do imóvel e a revisão de seu papel estruturante junto à sociedade e ao espaço) e a reestruturação produtiva (novas maneiras de construir e administrar o produto imobiliário). A pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da interpretação da produção imobiliária voltada para o mercado e direcionada para fins específicos e usos determinados, neste caso, a estrutura material de hospedagem ou simplesmente hotelaria instalada em importantes destinos do circuito mundial de viagens. A tese teve como objetivo maior orientar a apreensão do sentido e dos significados do ambiente construído e de sua adequação aos processos de valorização do capital e de reestruturação dos espaços urbanos contemporâneos. / This thesis devotes itself to inquiring and grasping of one of the elements considered essential to the understanding of contemporary urban environment meanings, the buildings. I interpret them not from a reductionist view, but from a wide and totalizing point of view: as real state products and architectural artifacts, endowed of material, social and symbolic value. I argue that, as artifacts, they collaborate with resignification of urban spaces by means of internal spaces and building configuration, as well as their relation with surroundings, from a dialectics between built material structure and society. As real state products, they insert and brace themselves in an innovative way into the circuit of capital valuing as commodities, allowing the survival and the expansion of capitalism. The social-spatial dynamics and the characteristics of contemporary capitalism lead to a movement of real state restructuring, a wide and complex process, which takes place in two levels: spatial restructuring (new real state forms and functions and the review of its structuring role in society and in space) and productive restructuring (new ways of building and managing real state product). The research has been conducted from the interpretation of real state production focused on market and directed to specific purposes and determined uses, in this case, the material structure of hospitality or simply hotels installed in important destinations of the world travelling circuit. The thesis aims at orienting the apprehension of sense and meanings of the environment built and its adequacy to processes of capital valuing and contemporary urban spaces restructuring.

Economia política das remoções forçadas urbanas: expropriação, espoliação e exploração na produção do espaço urbano (o caso da Comunidade Aldaci Barbosa, Fortaleza/CE) / Political economy of the urban forced evictions: expropriation, dispossession and exploration in the production of the urban space (the case of the Aldaci Barbosa Comunity, Fortaleza/CE)

Iacovini, Victor 24 April 2017 (has links)
Num contexto onde a produção do espaço urbano tem cada vez maior relevância, seja pela provisão de infraestrutura, seja pela produção imobiliária, ou por sua articulação; muitas famílias residentes em assentamentos autoconstruídos são ameaçadas de desapropriação e remoção forçada com baixas indenizações em função de projetos urbanos. Tal situação suscita diversos conflitos políticos entre as comunidades ameaçadas de desapropriação, os órgãos públicos e interesses privados envolvidos. No centro do conflito estão pautas como a permanência no local, os procedimentos (cadastramento, avaliações, indenizações), a alternativa habitacional, etc. O Objetivo Geral do trabalho é compreender o papel dos processos de remoção e reassentamentos forçados na atual produção do espaço urbano em suas dimensões política (hegemonia, dominação e luta de classes) e econômica (espoliação, exploração, acumulação e reprodução ampliada do capital) e o seu entrelaçamento na reprodução ampliada e acumulação de capital. A hipótese é de que, no contexto atual, onde a produção do espaço urbano é cada vez mais relevante à acumulação e à reprodução do capital, os processos de remoção e reassentamentos forçados urbanos - enquanto mecanismos geográficos de adequação do espaço às necessidades de reprodução do capital - ensejam não somente uma acumulação por \"espoliação\", mas também por \"exploração\" dos bens patrimoniais (terra e/ou edificações) de comunidades pela expropriação; complementada pelo \'novo\' espaço (infraestruturas, moradias, etc.); assim como ensejam e expressam, dialeticamente, a (crise de) hegemonia, a dominação e a luta de classes. O método adotado consiste na conjunção entre pesquisa bibliográfica, documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e no estudo de caso da Comunidade Aldaci Barbosa, em Fortaleza, Ceará. Os processos de remoção e reassentamentos forçados urbanos tem crescente centralidade na produção do espaço urbano, enquanto mecanismos geográficos de operação do poder e de ampliação da hegemonia e da dominação das relações de propriedade privada e do modo de produção capitalista, entrelaçados por uma \"conexão orgânica\" entre a exploração e a espoliação que impulsionam a reprodução ampliada e a acumulação capitalista pela produção do espaço urbano. / In a context where the production of urban space is increasingly important, whether by the provision of infrastructure, by the production of real estate, or by its articulation; Many families living in self-built settlements are threatened with forced eviction and forced removal with low compensation for urban projects. This situation raises a number of political conflicts between communities threatened with expropriation, public agencies and private interests involved. At the center of the conflict are guidelines such as the permanence in the place, the procedures (registration, evaluations, indemnifications), the alternative housing, etc. The General Objective of the work is to understand the role of forced removal and resettlement processes in the current production of urban space in its political (hegemony, domination and class struggle) and economic dimensions (espoliation, exploitation, accumulation and amplified reproduction of capital) and their interweaving in expanded reproduction and capital accumulation. The hypothesis is that, in the current context, where the production of urban space is increasingly relevant to the accumulation and reproduction of capital, urban forced relocation and resettlement processes - as geographic mechanisms of space adequacy to the reproduction needs of the Capital provide not only an accumulation by \"dispossession\", but also by \"exploitation\" of the patrimonial assets (land and / or buildings) of communities by expropriation; Complemented by the \'new\' space (infrastructures, housing, etc.); Just as they dialect and express, dialectically, the (crisis of) hegemony, domination and class struggle. The method adopted consists of the combination of bibliographic and documentary research, semistructured interviews and the case study of the Aldaci Barbosa Community, in Fortaleza, Ceará. The processes of urban forced eviction and resettlement have a growing centrality in the production of urban space as geographic mechanisms for the operation of power and expansion of hegemony and domination of private property relations and capitalist mode of production intertwined by an \"organic connection\" between the exploitation and the dispossession that impel the amplified reproduction and the capitalist accumulation by the production of the urban space.

Vivo na cidade: a experiência urbana na cultura punk / Living (alive) in the city: the urban experience in punk culture.

Santos, Débora Gomes dos 12 May 2015 (has links)
O advento do punk assinalou um ponto de inflexão dentro do universo cultural pop. A música punk, elemento centralizador da identidade do movimento, emergiu com a proposta de romper com as tradicionais premissas de aptidão e técnica cada vez mais presentes na música de meados da década de 1970. O retorno a um desenho musical simples e visceral somado à valorização de uma realidade cotidiana ordinária trouxe para o centro da composição tanto sonoridades características das grandes cidades quanto narrativas relativas à vida no âmbito da metrópole, fazendo da música punk um potente veículo de absorção e transmissão de experiências urbanas. Assim, este trabalho explora a música como elemento catalisador de formas de apropriação e ação na dimensão da cidade e a música punk enquanto lente para a análise do fenômeno urbano, em particular pela observação de quais olhares o punk brasileiro lança sobre o espaço urbano no contexto periférico da cidade de São Paulo. Na produção das bandas punks que emergiram na cidade no início da década de 1980, período fundamentalmente marcado por um truncado processo de redemocratização, observa-se uma acentuação das questões colocadas pelo punk no plano internacional. No contexto brasileiro a linguagem agressiva do punk foi superlativada pela ânsia da juventude carente em expressar a própria experiência de crise em meio à particular complexidade da metrópole paulistana. A contundência e a densidade da música punk evidenciam, portanto, as tensões e relações tacitamente presentes no espaço da cidade a partir da percepção sensível daqueles que vivenciam seus espaços, de forma a permitir uma investigação mais complexa do fenômeno urbano. / The advent of punk marked a turning point amidst the pop culture universe. Punk music, as the centralizing element of the movements identity, emerged with the proposal of breaking-up the conventions of musical expertise and technique increasingly present in rock compositions of the early 1970s. The return to a simple and visceral musical form combined with an emphasis on the dynamics of an ordinary everyday reality brought to the composition core both the particular sonorities of the great cities the general hum of the city as well as narratives of urban daily life, establishing punk music as a powerful vehicle of transmission of urban experiences. Therefore, this dissertation aims to explore music as a catalyst of different forms of urban appropriations and punk music as a specific lens for the analysis of urban phenomena, particularly by observing which questions Brazilian punk casts over the peripheral urban context of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Brazilian punk bands that emerged in the early 1980s, a period essentially marked by an inconclusive process of political redemocratization, show a particular accent over the issues raised by international punk scenes. The Brazilian context enhanced the rudeness and aggressiveness of punk language, since it embodied an up until then unprecedented possibility for the deprived urban youth of expressing their experience of crisis amidst the complexity of São Paulos urban environment. The strength and density of punk music draw attention to the tensions and relations tacitly present in the city as they are perceived and experienced in everyday life, thus allowing a more complex investigation of the urban space.

Barcelone, Marseille et Naples, territoires du picaro urbain : modéliser un discours littéraire de la marge / Barcelona, Marseille and Naples, territories of the picaro urbain : modelling a literary speech of the margin

Riberi, Erika 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet, à partir d’une réflexion sur la littérature romanesque produite sur Barcelone, Marseille et Naples depuis 1975, la définition d’un certain type de personnage utile et pertinent pour écrire littérairement l’espace urbain contemporain dans le contexte épistémologique particulier de « l’âge postmoderne ». Dans un va-et-vient constant entre critique et théorie, la thèse se donne pour but de définir les caractéristiques, fonctions et effets spécifiques du « picaro urbain », personnage de la marge par excellence. Elle s’intéresse également, à partir de cette réflexion générale établie à partir d’une perspective locale et régionale, aux discours particuliers qu’ont pu produire les écrivains sur Barcelone, Marseille et Naples par le biais de ce type de personnage. En cela, la thèse s’inscrit aussi dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, en s’intéressant aux autres discours formulés sur ces trois villes,qu’ils soient scientifiques, artistiques, performatifs ou quotidiens. / Barcelona, Marseille and Naples, territories of the picaro urbainModelling a literary speech of the marginConsidering the novelistic production on Barcelona, Marseille and Naples since 1975, thiswork aims to define a type of character who is useful to write literarily the contemporaryurban space in the specific epistemological context called “the postmodern age”. Comingand going from criticism to theory, this thesis defines the main characteristics, functions andspecific effects of the so-called “picaro urbain”. He/she reveals himself/herself to be theprotagonist of the margin “par excellence”. Given this general reflection first made about alocal and regional perspective, this work is also interested in the specific speeches producedby the writers on Barcelona, Marseille and Naples through this kind of character. In doing so,this study also adopts an interdisciplinary perspective, looking at other speeches about thosethree cities, whether they are scientific, artistic, performative or daily.

Memórias de dor em Buenos Aires: de ex centros clandestinos a lugares de memória e consciência / Hurtful memories in Buenos Aires: from ex concentration camps to sites of memory

Cabral, Rebeca Lopes 28 June 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação olha para as formas de representação da memória da última ditadura militar argentina (1976-1983). Toma-se como recorte os Ex-Centros Clandestinos de Detención Tortura y Extermínio (Ex-CCDTyE) de Buenos Aires, hoje lugares de memória e consciência, que compõem a Red Federal de Sítios de Memoria (REFESIM): a Ex Escuela Mecánica de la Armada (Ex ESMA), o Ex Club Atlético, o Ex Olimpo, o Ex Virrey Cevallos e o Ex Automotores Orletti. Busca-se analisar esses espaços, cenários da barbárie no passado, observando como cada um trabalha suas especificidades e se completa (ou não) com os demais, de forma a configurar (ou não) uma narrativa complexa e não redundante na cidade. O trabalho pensa os cinco sítios sob a perspectiva de rede, discutindo as possibilidades - estéticas, políticas e éticas - de representar as memórias da violência na contemporaneidade, a partir e através de lugares da cidade que foram espaços concentracionários (COLOMBO, 2017) no passado e tornaram-se sítios de memória. Para tanto, eles são analisados pelo conjunto de tensões que os construíram: entre grupos, agentes, grupos dentro de grupos e políticas de memória; e os signos (como aquilo que comunica), ferramentas e técnicas (arquitetônicas, arqueológicas, gráficas, propagandísticas, entre outras) escolhidos para representar tal memória de violência. / This dissertation looks at the forms of representation of the memory of the last Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983). It is taken as a focus of the investigation the former Centros Clandestinos de Detención Tortura y Extermínio (Ex-CCDTyE) of Buenos Aires, now sites of memory and conscience, which compose the Red Federal de Sítios de Memoria: the Ex Escuela Mecánica de la Armada (Ex ESMA), the Ex Club Atlético, the Ex Olimpo, the Ex Virrey Cevallos and the Ex Automotores Orletti. We pretend to analyze these places that were scenarios of violence in the past, and that today are part of a network, observing how each of them works its specificities and completes (or not) with the others, in order to configure (or not) a complex and non-redundant narrative in the city. This dissertation looks at these five sites from a network perspective, seeking to discuss the possibilities - aesthetic, political and ethical - of representing the memories of violence in the contemporary world, from and through places in the city that were concentration camps (COLOMBO, 2017) and became memory sites. For that, the Ex CCDTyEs are analyzed by the set of tensions that built them: between groups, agents, groups within groups and memory policies; and signs, tools and techniques (architectural, archaeological, graphic, propagandistic, etc.) chosen to represent the memory of the violence of the 1970s.

Approche discursive et interculturelle comparée : se déplacer à Khartoum et à Besançon / Comparative discursive and intercultural approach : to move in Khartoum and in Besançon

Mohamed El Agab, Abdelhamid 15 December 2018 (has links)
Les déplacements dans l’espace urbain et l’expression de ces déplacements sont liées à la réalité géographique et sociale des villes, à des données culturelles et à des données linguistiques. C’est pourquoi un cadre pluridisciplinaire empruntant à la psychosociologie de l’espace, à la linguistique et à l’analyse de discours est nécessaire pour les aborder. Notre champ d’étude est la ville de Khartoum au Soudan et la ville de Besançon en France et les langues concernées sont l’arabe et le français car des relations académiques et universitaires unissent ces deux univers linguistiques et culturels. Dans une perspective comparative d’analyse des discours et des représentations, nous avons constitué des corpus oraux relevant de différents genres en arabe et en français à partir de plusieurs démarches méthodologiques : réponses à un questionnaire, micro-récits rétrospectifs d’itinéraire, communications d’itinéraire piéton. Nous avons précisé le contexte géographique, historique et sociolinguistique de l’étude et nous avons analysé nos corpus de points de vue différents : un angle psycho-culturel et psycho-cognitif portant sur les représentations et les images mentales des villes, un angle linguistique (sémantique et syntaxique) portant sur les verbes de déplacement en arabe et en français,un angle discursif portant sur les descriptions d’itinéraire et nous avons complété notre analyse avec notre expérience vécue à Khartoum. Les résultats de l’analyse des corpus ont jeté la lumière sur la diversité des expressions de déplacement et ont montré certains phénomènes qui y sont attachés. En effet, cette étude nous confirme par exemple que les personnes appartenant à un même groupe se font une image collective identique de l’espace urbain, que dans les communications d’itinéraire, les itinéraires séquentiels dominent sur les indications générales. En ce qui concerne les représentations de la capitale Khartoum elles sont plutôt positives chez les Soudanais que nous avons interrogés et la plupart d’entre eux ont des sentiments d’appartenance très forts vis-à-vis de leur village ou ville d’origine. En décrivant leurs déplacements, les locuteurs privilégient les verbes de polarité médiane et l’effacement énonciatif. / The displacements in the urban space and the expression of these displacements are related to the geographical and social reality of cities, to cultural and linguistic data. This is why a multidisciplinary framework borrowing from psychosociology of space, linguistics and discourse analysis is necessary to tackle them. Our field of study is the city of Khartoum in Sudan and the city of Besançonin France and the languages concerned are Arabic and French because academic and university relations unite these two linguistic and cultural universes. In a comparative perspective of analysis of discourse and representations, we have created oral corpus of different genres in Arabic and French from several methodological approaches : answers to a questionnaire, retrospective micro-narratives of itinerary, communications of pedestrian itinerary. We specified the geographic, historical and sociolinguistic context of the study and we analyzed our corpus of different points of view: a psychocultural and psycho-cognitive angle on representations and mental images of cities, a linguistic angle (semantic and syntactical) on displacement verbs in Arabic and French, a discursive angle on itinerary descriptions and we completed our analysis with our experience in Khartoum.The results of the corpus analysis shed light on the diversity of the expressions of displacement and showed some phenomena that are attached to them. In fact, this study confirms, for example, that people belonging to the same group have an identical collective image of urban space, that in itinerary communications, sequential itineraries dominate over general indications. Regarding the representations of the capital Khartoum they are rather positive among the Sudanese we interviewed and most of them have strong feelings of belonging to their village or city of origin. By describing their displacements, the speakers favor medial polarity verbs and enunciative erasure

Caminhar, fotografar, desenhar: experiências com crianças na Praça da República (SP) / Walking, photographing, drawing: experiences with children in Praça da República (SP)

Neiman, Lilith 22 March 2019 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca compreender os usos e apropriações do espaço urbano pelas crianças de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil (EMEI) da cidade de São Paulo, localizada na Praça da República, região central. O referencial teórico que aporta as reflexões apresentadas compõem-se das ideias de Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau e Francesco Careri. Tais autores apontam para a presença, nas práticas espaciais cotidianas dos sujeitos, de experiências de apropriação a partir do uso que se contrapõem a lógica dominante de produção espaço. São propostas aos meninas e meninos participantes da investigação, situações de caminhadas, fotografia e desenho nas Praça da República e arredores, que subsidiarão as reflexão sobre essas experiências de apropriações quando vividas por meninas e meninos. A partir dessas situações, são analisadas as relações estabelecidas entre adultos, crianças e espaço, buscando articula-las a fenômenos sociais em contextos urbanos mais amplos. Como metodologia, utiliza-se a observação participante presente na perspectiva etnográfica, além da proposição para as crianças de situações de fotografar e desenhar. A conclusão aponta para a existência de apropriações infantis do espaço a partir do uso, destacando a contribuição de investigações com a infância em contextos urbanos para inclusão de sujeitos historicamente invisibilizados nas análises sobre as formas de produção do espaço da cidade. / This research aims at understanding the uses and the appropriation of the urban space by children at a Municipal Kindergarten School in São Paulo, located at República Square, downtown. The theoretical references encompass the ideas of Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau and Francesco Careri. These authors point to the presence, in daily spatial practices of subjects, of appropriation experiences focused on the use rather than the dominant rationale of space production. Strolls, drawing and photographing of the República Square and its surroundings have been proposed to the girls and boys who have taken part in this research, as situations that subsidize the reflection of the experiences of appropriation. These situations are the basis for the analysis of relations established among adults, children and the surrounding space, with an aim at articulating them to social phenomena in wider urban contexts. As a methodology, we use the participant observation, present in the ethnographic perspective, besides the proposition for children to draw and photograph. The conclusion points to the existence of children appropriation of the space from a use standpoint, highlighting the contribution of researches with early childhood in urban contexts for the inclusion of subjects who have been historically made invisible in analyses of the forms of space production in cities.

Creative alternatives: experimental art and cultural politics in Berlin, 1971-1999

Smith, Briana Jennifer 01 January 2017 (has links)
Creative Alternatives examines the intersections between cultural politics, experimental art, and the public sphere in late twentieth century Berlin. The work identifies how artists used interactive visual displays to engage with West Berlin publics, develop democratic subjectivities under state socialism in East Berlin, and reject the city’s neoliberal turn after German unification. The work also traces the role of the arts as an economic motor in late twentieth century Berlin, as city leaders responded to the pressures of globalization and interurban competition. This study of divided and unified Berlin transcends the political ruptures and geographical divisions that structure our understanding of modern Germany and hinder integrated histories of the two German states, even as it addresses issues common to major cities worldwide.

An ethico-aesthetics of injecting drug use: body, space, memory, capital

Malins, Peta Husper January 2009 (has links)
Harm minimisation approaches to illicit drug use have proven extremely successful in reducing drug-related harm and improving health outcomes for those using drugs, their families and the broader community. Despite these successes, however, many harm minimisation programmes face strong community opposition, and many others are limited in their effectiveness by their reluctance to acknowledge the complex ways in which drug using contexts, social relationships, desire, pleasure and aesthetics are involved in the production and reduction of drug-related harm.[NP] Deleuze and Guattari’s ethico-aesthetic philosophy offers a conceptual framework through which to begin to grapple with the sensory and affective elements of illicit drug use and their implications for an embodied ethics. Following an introduction to their key concepts, this thesis explores the implications of their ontology for understandings of injecting drug use across four inter-related dimensions: the drug using body; urban spaces of injecting; public overdose memorials; and drug referenced, ‘heroin chic’ advertising imagery. It argues that aesthetics and ethics are complexly intertwined, and that ethically positive responses to drug use require an active appreciation of the ways in which aesthetics affect bodies and their capacities to form relations with others

Forging urban culture: modernity and corporeal experiences in Montreal and Brussels, 1880-1914/Forger la culture urbaine: modernité et expériences corporelles à Montréal et Bruxelles, 1880-1914

Kenny, Nicolas 20 June 2008 (has links)
Anglais: Through a comparative examination of Montreal and Brussels, this thesis considers the way city dwellers shaped the social and cultural significance of urban space in terms of sensorial experiences and bodily practices. The analysis is based primarily on qualitative sources relating to urban life and to the relationship with the city environment during the period 1880-1914, a time when cities underwent intense transformations associated with modernity and industrialisation. The discourses and representations examined in this study were produced by a wide range of urban actors, including elected officials and municipal bureaucrats, industrialists, urban reformers, factory and housing inspectors, workers, doctors, hygienists, writers, artists and ordinary citizens. This was a period in which the city was increasingly conceptualised as a total, organic object. Consequently, the thesis first examines representations, both critical and celebratory, of these cities in their entirety, showing how the discourse about urban space was constructed through experiences with, and perceptions of, its materiality. The subsequent chapters examine, in turn, spaces of industrial production, homes and the streets. In each of these spaces, representations of these changing environments were produced in marked reference to the body and the senses. In a time marked by the rise of scientific and rational thought, the sources consulted demonstrate the centrality of personal and subjective experiences in the construction of understandings of the city. Analysing these specific milieus also affords the opportunity to consider the cultural significance of the body, as well as its place in the social tensions that characterised the period. The comparative approach through which these cities are analysed illuminates the development of similar processes in analogous, yet discrete, contexts. In this way, certain specificities of Brussels and Montreal, as well the commonalities they shared, are brought to light. The principal objective of this bipartite perspective, however, is to demonstrate, in reference to two local examples, how urban dwellers interiorised vast processes of global transformation by means of their bodies, the spaces through which they moved on a daily basis, as well as their immediate socio-cultural context. ********* Français: Se penchant sur les cas de Montréal et de Bruxelles en comparaison, cette thèse examine la façon dont, à travers la perception sensorielle et les pratiques corporelles des citadins, la signification sociale et culturelle de l’espace urbain se construit. L’analyse se base principalement sur des sources discursives témoignant de la vie urbaine et du rapport à l’espace d’une multitude d’acteurs durant la période 1880-1914, traversée par d’intenses transformations liées à la modernité et à l’industrialisation. Les discours émanant des élus et des fonctionnaires municipaux, des industriels, des réformateurs urbains, des inspecteurs d’usines et de logements, des ouvriers, des médecins, des hygiénistes, des écrivains, des artistes et de simples citoyens ont été consultés. S’agissant d’une époque où la ville est de plus en plus conceptualisée dans sa totalité, la thèse aborde, dans un premier temps, les discours, à la fois critiques et élogieux, concernant la ville industrielle dans son ensemble, en montrant comment ceux-ci sont construits par rapport à l’expérience et aux perceptions de la matérialité urbaine. Puis, dans les chapitres subséquents, les lieux de production industrielle, le logement et les rues sont examinés successivement. Dans chacun de ces types d’espace, les discours faisant état de l’intensification des transformations à l’environnement se déclinent, de façon prononcée, en référence au corps et aux sens. Ils témoignent de la place prépondérante des expériences personnelles et subjectives dans la construction du rapport à l’espace urbain, et ce à une époque marquée par la montée de la pensée scientifique et rationnelle. L’analyse de ces milieux permet aussi de mettre en relief la façon dont se construit la signification culturelle du corps, ainsi que la place de celui-ci dans l’évolution des tensions sociales caractéristiques de l’époque. À travers une approche comparative, l’étude de ces deux villes permet d’examiner l’évolution de processus similaires dans deux contextes analogues, mais distincts. Ainsi est-il possible de déceler certaines spécificités de Bruxelles et de Montréal, de même que des traits communs aux deux villes. Cependant, l’apport principal de cette perspective croisée est de montrer, à la lumière de deux exemples locaux, la manière dont les citadins intériorisent de vastes processus globaux de transformation par le biais de leur corps, des espaces qu’ils fréquentent quotidiennement, et de leur contexte socioculturel immédiat.

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