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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Älmhults köping 1901 - 1970 : Från räls till IKEA

Wessfeldt, Christer January 2006 (has links)
In the beginning of the 1860s, an important railway was built between Malmö and Stockholm. The railway became one of the most important projects that would influence the entire southern Sweden. The railway line was located to areas outside the ordinary routes and a number of communities were built up along its way. Älmhult was one of the communities that was built up due to the railway. In the beginning there were only a few farms and a station, but a community developed and the village grew. In 1901 the village became a small market town, which was an important event. In 1901 there were only four market towns along the Southern trunk line – Eslöv, Hässleholm, Älmhult and Nässjö. This essay describes the formation of the market town and its development between 1901-1970. In 1971 there was a town district reform which meant that a new district, which included the market town, was created. Previous research about communities and the railway is not extensive. A number of theses have been written about the railway and its development. There are also theses about industrial communities. A project at Växjö University has studied villages around railway stations in Kronoberg County. The essays have described different parts of the communities. The aim of this study is to describe the development of a community. The essay points out the structure of the community and its changes over time. Since it extends over a period of 70 years, this study will not be very deep-going. The material includes publications from the National Statistics Office of Sweden, but also material from the municipal archives. The essay presents the development of the market town in four different domains. Population development, demographic structure, trade and industry structure as well as the constitution of the local government council will be presented. Through all the time periods, the market town has shown a great interest in school issues. As early as the 1920s a local junior secondary school opened and in the mid 1950s the market town had its own grammar school/upper secondary school. The interest in education for the young people is something specific for the history of the market town. More than 20 people have been interviewed about their memories and their views of the market town. The interviews show a small community with social classes, but also a place where people felt at home.

Älmhults köping 1901 - 1970 : Från räls till IKEA

Wessfeldt, Christer January 2006 (has links)
<p>In the beginning of the 1860s, an important railway was built between Malmö and Stockholm. The railway became one of the most important projects that would influence the entire southern Sweden. The railway line was located to areas outside the ordinary routes and a number of communities were built up along its way.</p><p>Älmhult was one of the communities that was built up due to the railway. In the beginning there were only a few farms and a station, but a community developed and the village grew. In 1901 the village became a small market town, which was an important event. In 1901 there were only four market towns along the Southern trunk line – Eslöv, Hässleholm, Älmhult and Nässjö.</p><p>This essay describes the formation of the market town and its development between 1901-1970. In 1971 there was a town district reform which meant that a new district, which included the market town, was created. Previous research about communities and the railway is not extensive. A number of theses have been written about the railway and its development. There are also theses about industrial communities. A project at Växjö University has studied villages around railway stations in Kronoberg County. The essays have described different parts of the communities.</p><p>The aim of this study is to describe the development of a community. The essay points out the structure of the community and its changes over time. Since it extends over a period of 70 years, this study will not be very deep-going. The material includes publications from the National Statistics Office of Sweden, but also material from the municipal archives.</p><p>The essay presents the development of the market town in four different domains. Population development, demographic structure, trade and industry structure as well as the constitution of the local government council will be presented.</p><p>Through all the time periods, the market town has shown a great interest in school issues. As early as the 1920s a local junior secondary school opened and in the mid 1950s the market town had its own grammar school/upper secondary school. The interest in education for the young people is something specific for the history of the market town.</p><p>More than 20 people have been interviewed about their memories and their views of the market town. The interviews show a small community with social classes, but also a place where people felt at home.</p>

Kvinnans plats på fabriken – underordnad mannen? : En studie av arbetsdelningen på Gotthards AB i Älmhult mellan åren 1917-1959 / A woman´s place in the factory - dominated by the man?

Kyhlberg, Adam, Isaksson, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Creating Continuous Flow and Internal Transport Optimization at IKEA Distribution Center, Älmhult

Miao, Wenfeng, Li, Linwang January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this project is to improve productivity and efficiency for the inbound material handling operations in the warehouse of DC Älmhult. After three weeks pre-study in place of the distribution center, the authors have observed several problems existing in the current production, among which three types of wastes are found and analyzed by using VSM that are pick and drop, operator waiting time and inefficient transport. Two typical cases chosen from the inbound production are analyzed to reflect the current process and address problems. Fish-bone tool is used to identify wastes and roots. To eliminate or reduce the wastes, recommendations and solutions are developed by creating continuous flow combining with internal transport optimization. Future-state VSMs are drawn based on the suggested changes in line with continuous flow. Different productions models are simulated by elaborately developed excel sheets. A „distance table‟ is developed by using Microsoft Excel to help the loading or unloading leaders with the gate steering function so as to minimize internal transport distance. A new layout of the conveyor system is also suggested to lower the idle transport rate.

Varför växer inte Älmhult? / Why doesn´t Älmhult expand?

Håkansson, Annie, Nilsson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar varför Älmhult inte växer. De senast tio åren har det rått bostadsbrist i Älmhult, framför allt på hyreslägenheter. Det finns undersökningar som visar att det finns ett hundratal potentiella inflyttare, men ett problem är att det inte finns någonstans att bo. För att ta reda på vad det är som hindrar företag från att bygga nya bostäder har vi intervjuat aktörer och politiker som är aktiva i Älmhults kommun. Intervjuerna har sammanställts och bearbetats i resultatet. Här framkommer bland annat åsikter om problematiken i att det inte är ekonomiskt lönsamt att nyproducera hyreslägenheter.   Studien syftar till att ge en samlad bild över varför det inte byggs mer bostäder i Älmhult och vad man bör arbeta vidare med för att lösa detta problem. Arbetet har framför allt behandlat Älmhult som tätort och inte som kommun.

Localisation and Education : A tool for building futures

Lindner, Annelotte January 2018 (has links)
Teachers, locals, a designer, communities, students, materials and co-design are the resources of this written report. These elements have tried to find a balance between each other during the process to stimulate the core of the project: a sustainable future in the local community of Älmhult. Starting of through of changing the global perspective of education to a more local sharing-learning experiences, the project made a turn to focus more on a problematic community namely that of Älmhult, Sweden. This local community has in the recent years changed dramatically because of growth in population and cultures. The community in which international and local do not mingle enough, has split. Instead of using these possibilities of learning from each other’s cultures and languages they have decided to live in mostly separate communities. Through the course of this project a network was built of people from both these communities to start building a stronger community in Älmhult. Education has been used as tool to stimulate this change, bringing the local community to the students. Teaching the students about strong communities they are the tool to develop this into the future. Thereby the student is the seed of change. The project has worked with co-design, using the tools to connect teachers and local initiators to create these meetings between student and local community. The research can be a learning tool to build communities, by using the knowledge of its inhabitants.

Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på?

Jakesevic, Ana, Dahlström, Rebecka January 2013 (has links)
Hur kan ett område utvecklas till att bli en attraktiv plats att bo på? I examensarbetet besvaras denna fråga bland annat utifrån intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt har varit inblandade i de olika projekt och projekteringsplaner som diskuteras/berörs i arbetet och utifrån enkäter genomförda bland anställda på IKEA. Enkätstudien genomfördes ursprungligen med syfte att utreda anställdas inställning till IKEA och Älmhult. Bland dem som fyllt i den finns både sådana som redan bor i Älmhult och sådana som i dagsläget pendlar in till Älmhult. En förutsättning för arbetet var att ett nytt område för exploatering skulle kunna utvecklas i form av en bomässa och därför har även en kartläggning av och jämförelse mellan ett antal tidigare bomässor genomförts. Frågor som behandlas är vad som har varit utmärkande för dessa bomässor och vad som har gett dem genomslagskraft. Idéer och förslag presenteras i form av översiktliga planer och beskrivningar som kopplar till intervjuer, enkätsvar och analyser

Korruption &amp; korruptionsförebyggande åtgärder på kommunal nivå : -En studie över förtroendevaldas åsikter

D'Arro`, Evelina January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to map the opinions and attitudes of lokal elected officials regarding corruption and corruption preventing measures. The study also attempt to determine weather opinions differ based on the interviewed party political affiliations. The study material of the thesis is therefore largely based on interviews with elected representatives from the municipalities; Älmhult, Lessebo and Tingsryd.

Förslag till utformning av stadsdelen Nya Haganäs &amp; IKEA:s planerade Life@Home-mässa i Älmhult / Proposal for the design of the district New Haganäs &amp; IKEA:s planned Life@Home exhibition in Älmhult

Jeppsson, Magnus, Björkman, Gustaf January 2013 (has links)
Hur bör en Life@Home-mässa i Nya Haganäs utformas för att attrahera, skapa publicitet och få folk att bosätta sig på orten? Svaret på den frågan undersöks i denna rapport. Bostadsbrist leder till ett behov att expandera och en mässa kan ge orten mer publicitet och intresse som genererar underlag för nybyggnationer och immigration. Metoden utgörs av litteraturstudier kring stadsplanering, intervjuer med ämneskvalificerade personer, studiebesök och undersökningar av relevanta bomässor. En deltagaraktiv stadsplaneringsmetod används och ligger till grund för en 3D-modell som har tagits fram. Detta utförs med hjälp av dator och resultatet presenteras i form av renderingar. Diskussionen kretsar kring hur kvalitéer varierar vid olika utformningar av planen, planens utseende och hur väl den uppfyller målen. Slutsatser dras, vilka står som grund för ett kvalitetsprogram för vad Life@Home-mässan kan innehålla. Dessutom dras övergripande slutsatser för hela Nya Haganäs.

Att sätta en agenda : En studie av lokal implementering av Agenda 2030 i Älmhults kommun / To set an agenda : A study of local implementation of Agenda 2030 in Älmhult municipality

Bengtsson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Resolutionen Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, eller Agenda 2030 som den kallas, antogs av FN i september 2015. Då skrev samtliga 193 medlemsstater under deklarationen och de tillhörande 17 Globala målen. Med sin ambition att täcka in samtliga aspekter av hållbar utveckling på global nivå är agendan omfattande, och aktörer står inför utmaningen att genomföra den och nå de Globala målen. Kommuner har pekats ut som särskilt viktiga i genomförande, på grund av sin närhet till medborgarna. Dessutom är kommuner ansvariga för flera samhällsfunktioner som är kritiska punkter för att nå Globala målen. Deklarationen och de Globala målen ger dock få instruktioner om hur agendan ska implementeras på lokal nivå, och många kämpar med att hitta strategier för arbetet. Älmhults kommun är en av de kommuner som är i startgroparna för att implementera Agenda 2030 i sitt styrsystem. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga nuläget i kommunens hållbarhetsarbete med koppling till Globala målen, samt ge förslag på hur implementeringen av Agenda 2030 kan förbättras. Genom en analys av kommunens styrdokument, mål, vision och aktiviteter har kopplingar mellan dessa och Globala målen kunnat göras. Tillsammans med den intervjustudie som genomfördes kunde en överblick av nuläget, samt förslag på förbättring av implementeringen ges. Resultatet visar att Älmhult till viss del har påbörjat implementeringen, men att det systematiska arbetet saknas. Det finns goda förutsättningar för framgångsrik implementering i och med processtyrt arbetssätt, men också utmaningar som behöver lösas i form av till exempel intressentinvolvering, prioriteringar, målsättning och kunskap. / The resolution Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or Agenda 2030 as it is called, was adopted by the UN in September 2015. At that time, all 193 Member States signed the Declaration and the associated 17 Global Goals. With its ambition to cover all aspects of sustainable development at the global level, the agenda is comprehensive, and actors face the challenge of implementing it and achieving the Global Goals. Municipalities have been singled out as particularly important in implementation, due to their proximity to citizens. In addition, municipalities are responsible for several societal functions that are critical points for achieving the Global Goals. However, the Declaration and the Global Goals provide few instructions on how to implement the agenda at the local level, and many are struggling to find strategies that works. Älmhult municipality is one of the municipalities that is in the starting pits to implement Agenda 2030 in its control system. The purpose of this thesis is to map the current situation in the municipality's sustainability work in connection to the Global Goals, and to provide suggestions on how the implementation of Agenda 2030 can be improved. Through an analysis of the municipality's governing documents, goals, vision and activities, connections between these and Global goals have been made. Together with the interview study that was conducted, an overview of the current situation, as well as suggestions for improving the implementation, could be given. The results show that Älmhult has to some extent begun the implementation, but that the systematic work is lacking. There are good conditions for successful implementation through process-controlled working methods, but also challenges that need to be solved in the form of, for example, stakeholder involvement, priorities, objectives and knowledge.

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