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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-handel i förändring : Hur etableringen av fysisk butik förändrat ekonomistyrningen i clicks to bricks-företag / E-commerce in change : how establishment of physical stores affects the MCS in clicks to bricks companies

Albinsson, Malin, Torstensson, Uljanna, Wessberg, My January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: På senare tid har mer uppmärksamhet dragits till fördelarna med fysiska butiker, speciellt nu med en ökad konkurrens på nätet. Det har lett till att företag har gått från att enbart bedriva e-handel till att även komplettera med att etablera fysisk butik; clicks to bricks. När företag förändrar sin strategi måste de också anpassa sin ekonomistyrning.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap genom att hitta mönster i hur ekonomistyrningen förändrats i samband med etableringen av fysiska butiker hos företag som startat som e-handelsföretag.   Metod: Två företag som genomfört förändringen clicks to bricks har legat till grund för denna studie. För att bringa klarhet i vår frågeställning har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med respektive företag.   Slutsats: Företag som har genomgått clicks to bricks har upplevt både interna och externa förändringar som resulterat i ett ökat behov av formella styrmedel, där budget och kortsiktig planering har varit extra framträdande. MCS har blivit mer öppet för att snabbt kunna hantera förändringar som sker. Somliga verktyg i ekonomistyrningen, såsom företagskultur, har inte av vad som framkommit i denna studie förändrats efter etableringen av fysisk butik. I andra verktyg har det tillkommit moment; bland annat kräver fysisk butik andra mätsystem samt används verktyg i ekonomistyrningen i andra syften än tidigare.   Nyckelord: clicks to bricks, ekonomistyrning, situationsanpassning, MCS-paket / Introduction: Lately, more attention has been drawn to the benefits of physical stores, particularly now with an increased competition on the web. This has led companies to go from only selling online to also complement the e-commerce by establishing physical stores; clicks to bricks. When companies change their strategy, they also have to adapt their MCS. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge by finding patterns in how the MCS has changed companies going from clicks to bricks. Methodology: Two companies that’ve gone from clicks to bricks have been the basis for this study. To clarify our issue, semi-structured interviews were conducted with each company. Conclusion: Companies that’ve gone from clicks to bricks have experienced both internal and external changes that resulted in an increased need for formal controls, where budget and short-term planning have been particularly prominent. The MCS has been more open to be able to quickly handle sudden changes as they occur. Some controls in the MCS, such as the business culture, hasn’t from this study's findings been affected. In other controls elements have been added; physical stores' requires other measurements, among others. Also some MCS controls are now used for other purposes than before clicks to bricks.   Key words: clicks to bricks, management control systems, contingency, MCS as a package

The Transitional Environment of E-tail vs. Retail : An exploratory study of the factors that trigger channel purchasing decisions within the area of Umeå

May, Spencer, Sundberg, Lars Andreas January 2013 (has links)
In the field of consumer goods the ecommerce industry has been growing rapidly. This rapid growth has created significant pressure on traditional retailers forcing them to institute change or risk being removed from the market. The primary objective of this study was to examine the shopping behavior of Umeå inhabitants in the Retail vs. Online Channels of the clothing sector. The goal was to identify key decision factors that cause consumers to choose a specific purchasing channel and use this information to create and test a conceptual model. The model focused on five decision factors including: (1) Loyalty (online, retail), (2) Physical Product, (3) Price, (4) Promotion, and (5) Convenience. We were also were interested in whether IT affinity (level of Internet browsing experience) had a direct relationship to the decision factors. To satisfy our research objective a deductive quantitative method was chosen. Information was tested in the form of a self-completion survey using a sample taken from 113 Umeå, Sweden residents between the ages of 18-29. This age group was specifically chosen, as almost 90% made purchases within a 4-month period (HUI, 2012 p.6). In the final analysis we concluded that all five decision factors in the Online Channel correlated whether positively or negatively, i.e., in some manner affected the final purchasing decision. The decision factors Loyalty Online, Promotion, and Physical Product were the strongest factors influencing the decision to purchase online. Price and IT Affinity correlated with Convenience, which in turn, correlated with Promotion, a decision factor contributing to online purchasing. Physical Product negatively correlated. Regarding the Retail Channel, the Physical Product was the strongest and only significant decision factor correlating positively to retail purchasing. With this understanding we conclude to a certain extent that consumers with a strong desire to try a physical product need other motivational factors to change channels toward online purchasing. Research on a larger scale would provide additional insight in this rapidly growing and interesting market.

Från e-handel till butik : Hur renodlade e-handelsföretag som adderar fysiska butiker arbetar för att förmedla en enhetlig bild av varumärket / From e-tailer to retailer : How pure e-tailers that adds physical stores as a sales channel work to convey aconsistent brand image

Niemi, Denise, Östh, Jennie January 2015 (has links)
På senare tid har en ny trend inom multikanalförsäljning uppmärksammats, där renodlade e-handlare inser vikten av att finnas tillgängliga för kunden i flera försäljningskanaler och därför adderar en fysisk butik som försäljningskanal. Den nya trenden benämns i studien för Clicks to Bricks. När flera försäljningskanaler opererar under samma varumärke kan svårigheter uppstå i att förmedla en enhetlig bild av varumärket, vilket lyfts fram i befintlig litteratur kring multikanalförsäljning. Det finns dock inga tidigare studier som undersöker utmaningar i att förmedla en enhetlig bild av varumärket specifikt för företag som går från Clicks to Bricks. Baserat på att Clicks to Bricks är ett relativt nytt fenomen som växt fram är forskningen inom området bristfällig och ytterligare studier krävs därför för att ge en ökad förståelse för fenomenet. / Background: Recently, a new trend in multichannel retailing has been growing where pure eretailersare realizing the importance of being available to the customer in several sales channelsand therefore adds a physical store to its existing e-commerce. The new trend is further referredto as Clicks to Bricks. When multiple sales channels operate under the same brand difficultiesmay arise in conveying a consistent image of the brand, which is highlighted in the existingliterature on multi-channel retailing. However, there are no previous studies that examinechallenges in conveying a consistent image of the brand specifically for companies going fromClicks to Bricks. Based on the fact that Clicks to Bricks is a relatively new phenomenon thearea is fairly unexplored in the academic world, which means that further studies are needed toprovide a greater understanding of the phenomenon. Purpose: The study aims to provide a greater understanding of the phenomenon Clicks toBricks, by examining the reasons for pure e-tailers to add a physical store as a sales channel andhow they work to convey a consistent brand image. Completion: The study has the design of a multiple case study and has been conducted with aqualitative approach. The study's empirical data is collected from interviews with people onnine different companies that have gone from Clicks to Bricks. Conclusion: This study observes the fact that companies going from Clicks to Bricks haverecognized the importance of communicating a consistent brand across their sales channels.Companies have, however, started its work towards communicating a consistent image of thebrand at a late stage in the establishment process. The study identifies opportunities forimprovement in terms of conveying a consistent brand when it comes to companies going fromClicks to Bricks.

Från "Bricks" till "Bricksand Clicks" : En studie om vilka förändringar som upplevsav företag inom detaljhandeln vid enimplementering av e-handel / From “Bricks” to “Bricks and Clicks” : A study on what changes retail-companiesexperience when implementing e-commerce

Jangälv, Josefin, Melin, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan internet uppfanns 1990 har samhället digitaliserats. I modern tid innebär det att människor kan göra nästan allt med hjälp av en smartphone eller dator, bland annat handla konsumentprodukter via en e-handel. De senaste åren har e-handeln i Sverige ökat och allt fler företag har implementerat e-handel som komplement till sina fysiska butiker. Vid en implementering av e-handel är det många faktorer som påverkas och förändras i företag. Studien kommer därför undersöka hur företag upplever förändringarna som sker på ett marknadsmässigt, organisatoriskt och ett logistiskt plan. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka och förklara vilka förändringar företag upplever vid skiftet att gå från “Bricks” till “Bricks and Clicks” på olika plan; marknadsmässigt, organisatoriskt och logistiskt. Studien syftar även till att studera vad förändringarna kan leda till i form av möjligheter och utmaningar för företag och om förändringarna är gynnsamma i förhållande till hur de upplever att framtiden för e-handeln och fysiska butiker ser ut. Genomförande: Studien är en tentativ flerfallsstudie med kvalitativ karaktär. Empiri har samlats in från sju detaljhandelsbolag som upplevt övergången från “Bricks” till “Bricks and Clicks” och som valts ut genom en målinriktad urvalsprocess. Slutsats: Studien resulterar i att företag inom detaljhandeln som går från “Bricks” till “Bricks and Clicks” upplever flertalet förändringar på ett marknadsmässigt, organisatoriskt respektive logistiskt plan. Förändringarna har i sin tur gett upphov till möjligheter och utmaningar beroende på företagets förutsättningar där faktorer som storlek och resurser har en inverkan. En majoritet av förändringarna skulle gynna företaget inför framtiden om de scenarion som presenteras i den teoretiska referensramen och empirikapitlet blir verklighet. / Background: Ever since the internet was invented in 1990, society has been digitized. In modern days, people can do almost anything using a smartphone or a computer, including shopping for consumer products via e-commerce. In recent years, e-commerce in Sweden has increased and many retail companies have implemented e-commerce as a complement to their physical stores. When implementing e-commerce, there are many factors that are affected and changed in companies. This study will therefore provide an understanding on how companies experience the changes that occur on a market, organizational and logistic basis. Purpose: The study aims to explain what changes retail companies experience when transitioning from “Bricks” to “Bricks and Clicks” within different areas; market, organization and logistics. The purpose is also to understand what opportunities and challenges these changes might result in. Further, the aim is to study if the perceived changes will benefit the companies in the future. Completion: The study is a tentative, multiple case study characterized by a qualitative approach. The empirical data has been collected from seven retail companies that have experienced the transition from “Bricks” to “Bricks and Clicks” and have been selected through a target-oriented selection process. Conclusion: The study results in several perceived changes within the areas market, organization and logistics for retail companies that transfer from “Bricks” to “Bricks and Clicks”. The changes has led to opportunities and challenges depending on the preconditions of the companies where factors such as size and resources can affect the outcome. A majority of the changes would benefit the company in the presented future scenarios.

The establishment of baseline artisan productivities as a means to monitoring employment-intensive construction: comparison to a South African case study

Doku, Ivan T.A. 13 February 2009 (has links)
The need to establish baseline artisan productivities in the South African employmentintensive construction sector stems from the fact that these productivity norms have not been reviewed on a frequent basis. To others, these productivity norms hardly exist. With both scenarios, it is difficult to compare artisan productivity trends in the last fifty years to the trend of international standards. Constructive efforts have been made in this document to highlight the productivity norms that have existed within the building industry since the 1950’s. A similar exercise has been done for the USA and other European countries, notably the UK. A comparison of these trends of productivity norms has revealed that the current artisan productivity figures in South Africa are the lowest since the 1950’s. Again, they are the lowest amongst these countries. In the 1950’s, the artisan productivity norms in South Africa were quite close and thus comparable to the European countries but the gap has widened thereafter. The USA has generally experienced a continuous improvement in their productivity norms on an annual basis and this has been due partly to the improvement in the working tools of artisans. Another important factor is the poor quality of artisanship. The constructive effort being made by the South African government towards ensuring the sustainability of small and emerging contractors in employment-intensive construction is not in balance; the Contractor learnership programme of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) must go hand-in- hand with an artisan learnership programme. Key words: baseline artisan productivity, task-group, work-study, construction, face & stock-bricks, plastering, painting and tiling.

As Maisons Jaoul de Le Corbusier

Tumelero, Adriana Coradini de Freitas January 2018 (has links)
Em 1951, o arquiteto Le Corbusier foi convidado por seu amigo, o industrialista André Jaoul para projetar duas casas uma para ele e sua esposa e outra para a família de seu filho, no subúrbio de Paris. Devido ao orçamento reduzido, Le Corbusier adotou o uso de paredes portantes de tijolos, coberturas em abóbadas catalãs e vigas de concreto aparente. Estas escolhas definiram a estética brutalista do projeto e fizeram com que as Maisons Jaoul se tornassem conhecidas mundialmente. As Maisons Jaoul de certa forma parecem destoantes ao trabalho do arquiteto que ficou muito conhecido por ser austero, frio e racionalista, principalmente por suas obras nos anos 20. No entanto, um panorama na história da arquitetura corbusiana faz com que se tenha um entendimento desta solução brutalista. É possível perceber a evolução da arquitetura moderna de Le Corbusier desde o início de sua carreira, passando por diferentes fases onde o arquiteto acaba por ter um aumento de seu repertório e consequentemente uma evolução em sua arquitetura, que vai de encontro as mudanças sociais e econômicas da sociedade. As Maisons Jaoul assumiram um papel importante na carreira do arquiteto e serviram de exemplo e inspiração para diversos projetos ao redor do mundo. / In 1951 the architect Le Corbusier was invited by his friend, the industrialist André Jaoul to design two houses, one for him and his wife and another for the family of his son, in the a Paris suburb. Due to the reduced budget, Le Corbusier adopted the use of brick walls and roofs in Catalan vaults and exposed concrete. These choices defined the brutalist aesthetics of the project and made the Maisons Jaoul worldwide known. The Maisons Jaoul seem however disoriented to the work of the architect who was well known for being austere, cold and rationalist, mainly for his works in the 1920s. However, a panorama in the history of Corbusian architecture cause an understanding of this brutalist solution. It is possible to perceive the evolution of modern architecture of Le Corbusier from the beginning of his career, passing through different phases where the architect ends up having an increase of its repertoire and consequently an evolution that goes into the social and economic changes of society. Maisons Jaoul took an important role in the architect's career and served as an example and inspiration for several projects all around the world.

Fabricação de tijolos modulares de solo-cimento por prensagem manual com e sem adição de sílica ativa / Production of soil-cement modular bricks by manual pressing with and without silica fume addition

Grande, Fernando Mazzeo 10 February 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, por meio de uma metodologia experimental foram analisados vários aspectos de tijolos modulares compostos por misturas binárias e ternárias de solo-cimento e solo cimento-sílica produzidos em prensa manual modelo SAHARA, com a finalidade de se obter parâmetros e diretrizes que visam um melhor desempenho do material. Realizaram-se ensaios em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de maneira acessória no decorrer do trabalho, o que resultou no suporte para fundamentação de diversas avaliações sobre as composições de traços utilizados na fabricação dos tijolos. Foram executados painéis de parede com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento da alvenaria em relação à resistência à compressão e à deformabilidade das paredes, possibilitando correlações com os resultados dos ensaios de prismas, tijolos e argamassa de assentamento. As contribuições da pesquisa permitem relacionar a tecnologia da fabricação de tijolos de solo-cimento com o contexto de construção sustentável e o aproveitamento de resíduos industriais, além de sistematizar informações para a elaboração de um projeto tecnológico com os tijolos modulares / In this work, several aspects of modular bricks composed by binary and ternary mixtures of soil-cement and soil-cement-silica, produced by manual press model SAHARA, were analyzed by means of an experimental methodology, with the purpose of obtaining parameters and guidelines to aim a better performance of the material. During the work, tests in cylindrical samples were executed in an accessory way, what resulted in the support for theoretical basement of several evaluations about the compositions of proportions used in brick's production. Wall panels were constructed with the objective of verifying the masonry’s behavior in relation to the compressive strength and wall’s strain, promoting correlation with the test’s results in prisms, bricks and mortar. The research’s contributions allow to relate the technology of the production of soil-cement bricks with the context of sustainable construction and the use of industrial residues in the production of construction materials, besides systematizing information for the elaboration of a technological project with the modular bricks

Technological Properties And Conservation Problems Of Some Medieval Bricks And Tiles

Dincer, Senay Ayse 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to examine the technology of the relatively deteriorated historic tile, brick and mortar samples of Sivas G&ouml / k Medrese and Tokat G&ouml / k Medrese. Their main deterioration factors were analyzed mainly as salt weathering. It was examined in detail, and the possible desalination methods were discussed. For this purpose, the studies were carried out with a field survey and laboratory experiments on the two sites. Documentation of visual decay forms of Tokat G&ouml / k Medrese were done with AutoCAD. The density and porosities of tile body and mortar samples were determined by using RILEM standards. The pore size distributions of tile and mortar samples were examined by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry. Modulus of elasticity of tile body and mortar samples was determined and compared with the other Seljuk building materials. Mineralogical compositions of the tile body and glaze, adhesive tile mortars of Sivas G&ouml / kmedrese and Tokat G&ouml / kmedrese were analyzed with X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD). Their microstructure and chemical compositions were determined by using Scanning Electron Microscope coupled with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). The salts were determined for various methods such as spot tests and XRD analyses. The possible treatment methods of salt crystallization were discussed according to the properties of the examined samples. One of the most essential causes of decay factor was salt crystallization for the two buildings which causes detachment and loss of tiles. The deteriorations were distributed over the upper and lower sides of the wall which were close to the dampness zones from the roof and above ground. The experiments proved different kinds of salts such as thenardite, sylvite, halite, natrite, nitratine and niter coming from the ground and the restoration materials such as cement based mortars. The relative humidity of the environments was compared with that of salt characteristics. It was proved that the tiles were adversely affected from salt crystallization. The best desalination method was discussed. Advection method by using poultices was based on the transformation of ions through the flowing moisture. The most prominent characteristic of the poultices must have smaller pore size distribution than original salty materials. The pore size distributions of the tiles and gypsum mortars were determined to compare and chosen the best poultice from the literature. It was concluded that kaolin-sand-based poultices having known properties was the best one as considering the pore size distribution of the tiles and mortars. The study on material properties and desalination process was expected to help different monuments having salt problem.

As Maisons Jaoul de Le Corbusier

Tumelero, Adriana Coradini de Freitas January 2018 (has links)
Em 1951, o arquiteto Le Corbusier foi convidado por seu amigo, o industrialista André Jaoul para projetar duas casas uma para ele e sua esposa e outra para a família de seu filho, no subúrbio de Paris. Devido ao orçamento reduzido, Le Corbusier adotou o uso de paredes portantes de tijolos, coberturas em abóbadas catalãs e vigas de concreto aparente. Estas escolhas definiram a estética brutalista do projeto e fizeram com que as Maisons Jaoul se tornassem conhecidas mundialmente. As Maisons Jaoul de certa forma parecem destoantes ao trabalho do arquiteto que ficou muito conhecido por ser austero, frio e racionalista, principalmente por suas obras nos anos 20. No entanto, um panorama na história da arquitetura corbusiana faz com que se tenha um entendimento desta solução brutalista. É possível perceber a evolução da arquitetura moderna de Le Corbusier desde o início de sua carreira, passando por diferentes fases onde o arquiteto acaba por ter um aumento de seu repertório e consequentemente uma evolução em sua arquitetura, que vai de encontro as mudanças sociais e econômicas da sociedade. As Maisons Jaoul assumiram um papel importante na carreira do arquiteto e serviram de exemplo e inspiração para diversos projetos ao redor do mundo. / In 1951 the architect Le Corbusier was invited by his friend, the industrialist André Jaoul to design two houses, one for him and his wife and another for the family of his son, in the a Paris suburb. Due to the reduced budget, Le Corbusier adopted the use of brick walls and roofs in Catalan vaults and exposed concrete. These choices defined the brutalist aesthetics of the project and made the Maisons Jaoul worldwide known. The Maisons Jaoul seem however disoriented to the work of the architect who was well known for being austere, cold and rationalist, mainly for his works in the 1920s. However, a panorama in the history of Corbusian architecture cause an understanding of this brutalist solution. It is possible to perceive the evolution of modern architecture of Le Corbusier from the beginning of his career, passing through different phases where the architect ends up having an increase of its repertoire and consequently an evolution that goes into the social and economic changes of society. Maisons Jaoul took an important role in the architect's career and served as an example and inspiration for several projects all around the world.

Studies on Flexural Behaviour of Fly Ash-Lime-Gypsum Brick Masonry

Gourav, K January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Varieties of masonry units such as burnt clay bricks, stones and concrete products are used for masonry construction. Even though these materials are durable, they are considered as unsustainable options because of the issues concerning energy, environment and conservation of natural resources. The walling materials are consumed in bulk quantities and hence large quantities of natural resources are depleted. There is a need for energy efficient and environment friendly alternative materials for masonry. Fly ash is an industrial by-product from the coal based thermal power plants which can be exploited for manufacturing of masonry units such as fly ash blocks/bricks, which are an alternative for conventional masonry units. Fly ash-Lime-Gypsum (FaL-G) bricks can be manufactured by compaction of a mixture of fly ash-lime-gypsum and water. The behaviour of FaL-G brick masonry is inadequately explored area and hence the thesis is focused on understanding the flexural behaviour of FaL-G brick masonry and bond development phenomenon at FaL-G brick-mortar interface. A brief introduction to the fly ash-based masonry units and literature review with respect to utilizing fly ash in manufacturing masonry units are presented. Characteristics of raw materials used and the procedure followed in casting of masonry units/compacts, mortar and their assemblages including testing methods have been discussed. Characteristics of FaL-G brick, mortars, FaL-G brick masonry are presented. Apart from determining the stress-strain relationships for these materials shear strength parameters of FaL-G compact, mortar and brick-mortar joint were determined. Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes for FaL-G compact and mortar are presented. The mechanism of bond development in masonry is discussed. FaL-G brick masonry shows considerably higher bond strength when compared with the bond strength of conventional brick masonry. Results of micro-structure analysis (SEM, XRD and TGA) of the FaL-G brick-mortar interfaces confirm the formation of chemical bond in addition to mechanical interlocking of cement hydration products into brick pores. Flexural behaviour of FaL-G brick masonry wallettes in the two orthogonal directions was studied. The flexural strength, displacement profiles and load-displacement curves were determined, and moment-curvature relationships were established. Linear elastic analysis performed closely predicted the cracking flexural stress in FaL-G brick masonry. A brief introduction to the computational modelling of masonry using different approaches has been presented. Literature review with respect to simplified micro-modelling approach has been discussed. The flexural behaviour of FaL-G brick masonry panels under lateral loads was predicted using a non-linear 3D finite element analysis. The finite element model reasonably predicted the flexural behaviour of FaL-G brick masonry panels. The thesis ends with summary of research work with a note on scope for further research.

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