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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-handel- Konkurrent eller komplement för mikroföretag? : En studie om lokala mikroföretag / E-commerce- A competitor or a complement for micro-enterprises?

Eriksson, Louise, Önnerberg, Isabelle January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle har det skett en strukturomvandling på marknaden gällande detaljhandeln.Strukturomvandlingen har inneburit utveckling av bland annat omnikanaler och e-handelvilket har förändrat företagens affärsmodellsval för att kunna överleva på marknaden. Ehandelnhar i många år setts som en konkurrent för mikroföretag, men det börjar även blimöjligt för mikroföretag att införa ett integrerat system som innebär att den fysiska butikensamverkar med e-handeln. Resultatet av de ökade möjligheterna för mikroföretag är att de kanvälja mellan tre olika affärsmodellsval gällande sin marknadsplats och tillgänglighet avföretaget och sedan utifrån omnikanaler kan företagen välja hur de vill nå ut tillkonsumenterna.I denna studie vill vi få en ökad förståelse för hur lokala mikroföretag arbetar med att behållasin marknadsplats i den ökade konkurrensen som blir i och med e-handelns tillväxt. För attkunna undersöka mikroföretagen har vi tillämpat en kvalitativ metod med djupgåendehalvstrukturerade intervjuer. För att få reda på hur lokala handlare uppfattar marknaden,konkurrensen och handelsutvecklingen, intervjuades fem stycken strategiskt valdadetaljhandelsföretag.Av undersökningen framgick det att en gemensam syn kring marknaden föreligger vilketinnebar att oavsett företagens val så har företagen sitt fokus på konsumenten. Det framgickäven att en av de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna är att tillgodose konsumenten med högservicegrad och på så sätt skapa en relation. Relationer bidrar till återkommande och lojalakonsumenter vilket i sin tur bidrar till lönsamhet för företaget. Samtliga informanter var enigaom att relationer upprättas i den fysiska butiken och har således valt att fokusera på denenskilda butiken i internets ständiga utveckling. För att attrahera konsumenter till butiken harde valt att tillhandahålla ett unikt sortiment. Sammanfattningsvis har internet och handelnsutveckling och den konkurrens det medför på lokala handlarna blivit tvungna ta ställning tilldet och anpassa en affärsmodell utefter sin egen verksamhet. / There has been a relatively recent structural change in the retail sector. This changes has ledto the development of omnichannels and e-commerce, which has changed the business modelto be able to survive in the market. E-commerce has for many years been seen a competitorfor micro-enterprises, but now it has made it possible for micro-enterprises to implement anintegrated system. Companies can choose between three different business options regardingthe marketplace and availability of the company and then select the omnichannel based onhow they want to reach out to customers. Options may be interconnected to facilitate abusiness.In this study we investigate how small local business are working to maintain theirmarketplace in the face of increased competition due to the growth of e-commerce. Toinvestigate this, we used a qualitative approach with in-depth semi-structured interviews. Tofind out how local traders perceive the market, competition and trade developments, fivestragically selected retailers were interviewed.The investigation revealed that a common view about the market exists. In addition, it wasidentified that one of the key success factors was to satisfy the customers with a high level ofservice, thus creating a relationship which contributes to the development of repeat and loyalcustomers and, which in turn contributes to the company's profitability. All the respondentsagreed that relationships are established via physical stores and therefore have chosen to focuson the individual store in the internet's continual development. To attract customers to thestore, they have chosen to provide a range tailored to their customers. In summary, theinternet and the resulting development of trade and online presence means that local businesscan create systems in line with their business.

Stayin’ alive - Fysisk butik Vs. Digitalisering : Vilka strategier utvecklar fysiska butiker för att bemöta den ökade konkurrensen i och med digitaliseringen? / Stayin’ alive - Physical store Vs. Digitalization : What strategies do physical stores develop to meet the increased competition as a result of the digitalization?

Ejdenwik, Savannah, Forsander, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Problemställning: Mellan åren 2011 och 2017 lades 5000 fysiska butiker i Sverige inom sällanköpsvaruhandeln ner, samtidigt har e-handelns omsättning ökat markant de senaste åren. I Linköping har den fysiska handeln inte minskat nämnvärt det senaste året vilket gör det intressant att studera hur de fristående butikerna i staden agerar för att hantera den ökade konkurrensen e-handeln och digitaliseringen bär med sig. Med anledning av detta undersöker studien hur fristående fysiska butiker konkurrerar och hur de står emot e- handeln. Forskningsfrågor: -        Hur arbetar fristående fysiska butiker med konkurrensstrategier? -        Hur påverkas fristående fysiska butikers strategier av de strukturella förändringar digitaliseringen medför? -        Hur ser fristående fysiska butiker på sin framtid med avseende på vilka strategier som kan stärka deras konkurrenskraft och möjlighet att långsiktigt överleva? Syfte: Studien syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur fristående fysiska butiker hanterar den ökade konkurrensen från e-handeln i och med digitaliseringen och hur de ser på sin framtid. Resultat: I studien framkommer att de fristående fysiska butikerna i regel inte arbetar efter strategier som framhävs i teorin, utan snarare baserar sina beslut på känsla. Vidare har e- handeln påverkat butikerna dels negativt på grund av bland annat priskriget den medför men även positivt då de fått möjlighet att nå fler kunder och sälja mer. Vår referensram visade sig inte vara tillräcklig för att beskriva vilka faktorer butikerna upplever som viktiga, utan behöver justeras eller kompletteras. Kunskapsbidrag: Studien bidrar med en insikt om hur fristående fysiska butiker i en svensk stad strategiskt hanterar den ökade konkurrensen som kommit i och med digitaliseringen. Studien belyser även att traditionella teorier behöver justeras och utökas för att beskriva handelssituationen för fristående fysiska butiker i ett digitaliserat samhälle. / Problem: Between 2011 and 2017, 5000 physical stores within durable goods in Sweden were closed, while e-commerce's sales have increased significantly in recent years. In Linköping, physical trade has not declined notably in the past year, which makes it interesting to study how independent stores in the city act to manage the increased competition e-commerce and digitalization entail. With this in mind, the study investigates how physical stores compete and how they resist e-commerce. Research Questions: -        How do independent physical stores work with competitive strategies? -        How are the strategies of independent physical stores affected by the structural changes caused by the digitalization? -        How do independent physical stores envisage their future when it comes to competitive strategy and long-term survival opportunities? Purpose: This study aims to create an understanding of how independent physical stores manage the increased competition from e-commerce and digitalization as well as how they envision their future. Conclusion: The study concludes that independent physical stores do not avail the competitive strategies provided by the theoretical framework, but rather base their decisions on intuition. The digitalization has brought both negative and positive consequences upon the independent physical stores. The competitiveness regarding pricing has increased which is negative, but digitalization can also be used as a tool to reach more potential customers and thus, enhance sales. The theoretical framework of this study proved to be limited in its ability to describe which factors the independent physical stores find important, and is therefore in need of adjustments or supplements. Contribution: The study contributes with knowledge of how independent physical stores in a Swedish city strategically manage the increased competition that has come with the digitalization. The study further highlights that traditional theories are in need of adjustments and expansion to better describe the trading situation of independent physical stores in a digitalized society.

Konsumenternas köpvanor inom olika försäljningskanaler : Skillnader mellan konsumenter som handlar i fysiska butiker, onlinebutiker samt inom brick and click

Shabnam, Pazhman January 2014 (has links)
In Sweden today, the consumers have the opportunity to use the different sales channels; physical store, online store and brick and click, a combination of both. For the past decade, the use of ecommerce has spread tremendously and the fashion industry is one of the top three industries in this category. This, together with the growth of technology, have created new opportunities for consumers during their online shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between consumers who use physical store, online store or both. This study aims to look into consumers' shopping habits within these sales channels and factors that are affecting them. This study uses a quantitative method with 150 respondents participating in a survey of 16 questions. The respondents consist of women in Stockholm in the age group 15-35. The survey is based on theories of sales channels and consumer buying process. The results show that respondents shop more frequently in a physical store than an electronic store. The three most important factors, for respondents that are using both channels, are the price, the fit and the quality. The latter two factors are perceived to be more easily evaluated and detailed in a physical store with physical contact. The traditional retailers, who only shop in a physical store, value service and experience the highest. This is one of the main reasons that they do not shop online because the service and experience are different in each sales channels. However, the price, the fit and the quality share the second place. Also, the brand and the width of the supply are of significance since the availability is greater in e-commerce. These two factors, can along with the price, be prime reasons for onlineshopping. Respondents who never shop online consider safety and shipping/delivery process the main reason for it. This study has therefore come to the conclusion that the ideal marketing strategy for consumers is the brick and click strategy. These two combined channels can compensate for each other's shortcomings and thereby enhance the consumer satisfaction. With a combined sales channel, consumers have also the possibility to use both channels in the buying process and adapt their approaches in the different stages according to their needs, which may differ depending on different circumstances.

Omnichannel - ett verktyg för tillitsskapande : En kvalitativ studie kring kopplingen mellan omnichannel och tillitsskapande

Zwedberg, Sabina, Ekholm, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Since internet was born digitalization has flourished and led to technological innovations that opened up new opportunities on the market. In the retail sector, the digitalization and development of mobile devices, tablets and social media have changed the traditional trade both online and in physical stores. In order to cope with the challenge of digitalization and to meet consumers' new expectations, more companies have begun offering customers a seamless customer experience between physical and digital stores, called omnichannel. Omnichannel represents a very favorable opportunity for companies to exploit synergies between channels to synchronize interactions with consumers across multiple channels. The purpose of this paper is to investigate perceptions of the link between omnichannel strategy and consumers trust. Since the purpose of the study is to increase understanding of perceptions about the connection between omnichannel strategy and consumer trust, we have chosen a qualitative research method. Our empirical evidence was collected through six interviews with experts in the field of omnichannel and people that have experience of omnichannel as a strategy. The result shows that respondents perceive that companies can use different channels to create trust, but different channels have different conditions. For example, it is harder to build trust through digital channels if they are not linked to a physical store. Omnichannel can therefore create synergies in which the company can benefit from each channel's trust-making features. However, respondents perceive that omnichannel is very difficult to organize and can create major problems for companies unable to handle this integration of the channels.

Technology and Customers’ Experiences in Fashion Physical Stores: The Case of Sweden

Abebaw, Meron Kebede, Matukuta, Willard Kingstone January 2018 (has links)
Title: Technology and Consumers’ Experiences in Fashion Physical Stores: The Case of Sweden Level: Master Thesis in Business Administration Author: Meron Kebede Abebaw; Willard Kingstone Matukuta Supervisor: Agneta Sundström, PhD Examiner: Maria Fregidou-Malama, PhD Date: May, 2018  Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze whether in-store digital technology in fashion retailers are used to change the customers’ shopping experience and behavior. Method: This study chooses qualitative research and used both primary and secondary data collection as method. Results and conclusions: This study have reached to conclude that: with the current advances in technology, physical stores can use in-store technology to give customers a new experience; physical stores perceive that using in-store digital technology will change customers shopping experience. Also, marketing mix inputs and technology affect customers’ behavior. Suggestions for future research: For future research, how smart fitting rooms may influence the customer experience in the physical store will be important to study. Researchers can also consider understanding customer responses to in-store technology. Finally, a customer’s perspective to both suggestions should improve the knowledge on whether digital solutions are preferred in in-store shopping or not. Contributions of the thesis: This thesis contributes to the current state of theories on in-store technology by showing atmosphere has effect on customers’ experiences and behavior in addition to the marketing mix. On the managerial perspective, analyzing the installation of this technology will enable to identify its effect on customers’ experiences and behavior. In addition, on the societal perspective, the behavior of customers will help in motivating younger generation to utilize this in-store technology.

How the COVID-19 pandemic affects physical store frontline employees

Andersson, Anna, Johansson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
The physical store frontline employees are the link between the organization and the customers. During 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic has had different effect on different retail sectors, some have had their worst results while ICA Maxi stores have increased their sales. This dissertation aimed to explore challenges the frontline employees and their store managers perceive they face during the COVID-19 pandemic in the retail store context. In order to explore these challenges semi structured interviews were conducted at an ICA Maxi store in the south of Sweden. The study found that the frontline employees are not involved in the decision-making process, that the leaders support is important for initiatives to be successful, and that there was no additional training for the frontline employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We draw the conclusion that while frontline employees are not included in the formal decision-making, they are still able to raise their concerns with their managers. We also draw the conclusion that managerial support is important when implementing initiatives for the frontline employees. Finally, we draw the conclusion that none of the frontline employees felt the need for any additional training. This study contributes to the scarce amount of research from the frontline employee perspective in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Practically, this study could be of value for store managers in order to enhance the customer interaction from a frontline employee point of view.

Clicks and Bricks in a Symbiosis : A qualitative study about the value of the physical store in a digital era

Axelson, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Background and Problem DiscussionA paradigm shift in retail is evident due to the increase of customers purchasing productsonline, where digitalization has created a concern regarding the existence of the physical storein today’s digitalized society. On the other hand, e-commerce has been seen as an opportunityfor retail stores to use as a strategy where physical and digital work together in a symbiosisfor creating unified messages and experiences for the consumers across channels. However,this creates a challenge for finding the right combination, where physical stores require otherdemands today because of e-commerce.Purpose and Research QuestionsThe purpose of this study is to investigate the value of the physical store in today’s digitalizedsociety from a company perspective. In order to answer the purpose, the following researchquestions have been formulated focusing on the Swedish fashion industry:• What role does the physical store have in today’s digitalized society?• How do fashion brands value the physical store?Research MethodologyIn this study, a qualitative method was conducted with a hermeneutic approach, utilizingsemi-structured interviews with key people at three traditional and three online-based fashionbrands, which are MarQet, H&M, Gina Tricot, Ellos, Jollyroom and Nelly.com.ConclusionThe physical store increases in value when working in a symbiosis with the online store. If thephysical and digital commerce are coordinated and run parallel with each other, together theycan produce greater value than individually. Traditional and online-based fashion companiesfind value in the physical store in attracting more customers, strengthening the brand,providing a holistic experience with personal service, events and added services. The storecan provide that little extra to the customer also by integrating with the online store in order tomove seamlessly across channels. The physical store is required in today’s digitalized societyin a symbiosis with the online store to create value for both customers and brands. This studycan in the long-term contribute to knowledge for fashion brands to understand and use thephysical store in the best way possible to create customer value.

Framtidens retail : Digitaliseringens effekter på den fysiska butiken / Retail of the future : The effects of digitalization on the physical store

Garcia Toivanen, Isabel January 2017 (has links)
Digitaliseringen och den tekniska utvecklingen som sker i samhället påverkar hur människor lever sina liv, och hur vi gör affärer. Genom introduceringen av digitala handelsplattformar och ny teknik i butikerna utökas utbudet av varor och tjänster, således också vilka upplevelser som konsumenterna efterfrågar. Det här får konsekvenser inte bara för handeln utan även för fastighetsbranschen. Den här uppsatsens syfte har därför varit att undersöka kopplingen mellan handeln och fastighetsbranschen, och specifikt utröna den fysiska butikens utmaningar och möjligheter i den digitala världen. Vidare undersöks betydelsen av dessa effekter för fastighetssektorn. En kvalitativ intervjumetod använts utöver litteraturstudier, för att på ett djupare plan plocka upp vilka attityder som olika aktörer inom fastighetsbranschen har gällande digitaliseringen. De medverkande har en bred spridning av erfarenheter och kunskap från olika håll av fastighetsbranschen och handeln, vilket givit arbetet många olika perspektiv. Slutsatserna är många, men den främsta är att varken forskningen eller intervjupersonerna tror att den fysiska butikens funktion som försäljningskanal är hotad på grund av digitaliseringens framfart. Däremot kommer handlarna och fastighetsbranschen få arbeta hårt på att utveckla nya affärsstrukturer och vässa sitt serviceerbjudande gentemot kund för att kunna överleva konkurrensen från nya försäljningskanaler. Butikernas funktion kommer troligen även att utvecklas till att bli mer än handelsplatser – de kommer att bli mötesplatser och arbetsplatser. I det arbetet krävs ett tätt samarbete mellan alla berörda parter. Avslutningsvis har det även visat sig att handel och fastighetsutveckling har många gemensamma beröringspunkter, och att omställningen till en digital framtid måste göras gemensamt. / The digitalization process and the technological development affects peoples’ everyday life as well as how we do business. Through the introduction of digital trading platforms and new technology in the physical stores, the supply of goods and services has increased leading to costumers demanding even more goods and new exciting shopping experiences. This does not only affect the commercial sector, but also the real estate sector. Therefore, this paper focuses on the connections between commerce and real estate. Specific focus is given to physical stores and their challenges and opportunities in the digital world. Furthermore, the importance of these effects for the real estate sector is investigated. A qualitative interview method was been used in addition to literature studies, aiming to explore attitudes in the real estate sector on a deeper level. The participants have a wide spread of experience and knowledge from both commerce and real estate, which has given the work many different perspectives and angles. The conclusions are many, but the main one is that neither the research nor the interviewees believe that the physical store is threatened due to the advance of digitalization. To be able to survive the competition from new sale channels, the retailers and the real estate sector must co-operate in building new business structures as well as sharpening their customer service offerings. The function of the physical store is likely to develop into more than a sales venue – it will evolve into being a place to meet and to work. This will require a close cooperation between all stakeholders. In conclusion, it has also been found that commerce and property development have many common points of contact, and that the transition to a digital future must be done jointly.

Möbler med mening : En kvalitativ studie om konsumentens perspektiv på CSR-kommunikation som differentieringsfaktor i fysiska möbelbutiker

Högman, Maja, Johansson, Siri January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka om CSR är en differentieringsfaktor för konsumenter inom möbelindustrin, samt öka förståelsen för hur CSR-kommunikation i fysiska möbelbutiker uppfattas av konsumenterna. Teoretisk bakgrund: I takt med att samhället digitaliseras ställs företagen inför krav att differentiera sig på marknaden. Miljömedvetna konsumenter ger företagens sociala ansvar, CSR, ett nytt liv på en differentierad marknad. En balansgång av risker och möjligheter med CSR-kommunikation möbelindustrin står inför framkommer i bakgrunden leder till frågan huruvida CSR-kommunikation kan användas som differentieringsfaktor bland möbelindustrins konsumenter.  Metod: Denna studie använder en interpretivistisk filosofi med en induktiv forskningsansats och kvalitativ metod. Genom djupgående intervjuer undersöks hur CSR-kommunikation kan fungera som differentieringsfaktior inom möbelindustrin och hur konsumenter uppfattar CSR-kommunikation i fysiska möbelbutiker. Valet av en induktiv ansats och kvalitativ metod möjliggör en djup förståelse för ämnet samt konsumenternas perspektiv och beteende. Resultat och analys: Resultaten visar att CSR-kommunikation i fysiska möbelbutiker är positivt hos konsumenter och det fastställs att CSR kan användas som en differentieringsfaktor inom möbelinudstrin. Konsumenternas begränsade kunskap kring CSR  minskar dock CSR-kommunikationens effektivitet, men ökad kunskap kan förbättra effekten. CSR-kommunikation upplevs positivt, och genom storytelling kan ökad medvetenhet och engagemang uppstå. Dock måste företag vara försiktiga för att undvika greenwashing och att uppfattas som icke genuina.


Zhang, Hongnai 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation research explores the benefit of the presence of a physical store on consumers' willingness to select a retailer in an online shopping context. As digital commerce continues to evolve, understanding the complex relationships between physical stores and online shopping behavior is becoming increasingly important. However, the role of physical store presence in shaping online purchasing decisions remains largely unexplored. This research project builds a conceptual framework based on the mere exposure effect and propinquity theory, which hypothesizes that physical store presence benefits consumers’ online purchase intentions through its effects on several intermediate constructs: retailer familiarity, retailer awareness, retailer loyalty proneness, retailer communication, retailer trust, and consumers' confidence in the retailer. Through three studies, this dissertation finds that having a physical store can significantly improve consumers' favorable attitudes toward a retailer and eventually increase the likelihood that they would select the retailer when making online purchases.The implications of the dissertation research lie in its potential to provide retailers with valuable insights into how strategically maintaining physical stores can positively influence online purchase intentions. The research also aims to contribute to the current literature in the hybrid retail field by providing a comprehensive understanding of the multiple pathways through which physical store presence could affect consumers’ online purchasing behavior. Empirical evidence from this research elucidates the vital role of physical store presence in the era of digital commerce.

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