Spelling suggestions: "subject:"“1experience”"" "subject:"“3dexperience”""
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Engagement Across the Customer Experience Landscape: The Drivers of Brand PerformanceJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Understanding the customer experience, which requires a thorough knowledge of all touchpoints that can result from the way that a product is marketed, sold, and used has recently been identified as a research priority by the Marketing Science Institute. Although recent research has examined some aspects of the customer experience, research has yet to examine the way in which the full spectrum of touchpoint experiences may drive particular marketing performance metrics. Significant challenges to this line of research are the complex network of relationships that competing firms have forged with channel partners, the relationships that focal customers have with other customers in social networks and user communities, and the relationships that customers have with the brand and with channel partners. To address these challenges, this paper examined the customer experience and its effects on loyalty and commitment through three research projects conducted in the consumer aviation market. The first and second studies examined these touchpoint experiences using archival data supplied by an avionics manufacturer. Results from these studies showed the importance of the customer experience in accounting for customer loyalty. The final study examined the role of identity in shaping the customer experience among aircraft owners through a series of depth interviews. Results from these interviews illustrated the importance of identity in shaping the customer experience, and provided insights into how individuals attempt to use their consumption experiences to reinforce a sense of identity / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Business Administration 2011
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Deriva parada : experiência e errâncias urbanasBechler, Janaína January 2014 (has links)
Essa tese de doutorado discute em ato o conceito de experiência através de um processo de trabalho inventivo denominado « Deriva Parada ». Com metodologia inspirada em elementos dos movimentos artísticos Surrealismo e o Situacionismo, buscou tensionar a palavra cidade, operando nela uma crise de sentido. A deriva e a deambulação foram dois procedimentos artísticos que agiram na suspensão dos usuais sentidos atribuídos ao termo e dotaram-lhe de potência criativa-criadora de novos sentidos, ou até mesmo, da possibilidade transmitir o vazio de sentido. Seguindo a leitura de autores como W. Benjamin, G. Agamben, G. Didi-Hubeman, G. Bataille em torno da questão da produção da experiência após a modernidade histórica, buscou-se um percurso em trabalhos de artistas, pensadores, além da experência-tema dessa tese: fagulhas da destruição da experiência e outras formas de existir, contar e produzir memória na cidade contemporânea. / This thesis discusses in act the concept of experience trough a process of inventive work denominated « Deriva Parada ». It sought for tensioning the word city, operating over it a crisis of meaning with a methodology inspired in elements of the artistic movements Surrealism and Situationism. The drift and the strolling were two artistic procedures that acted on the suspension of the usual meanings related to this concept and gave it a creativecreator power of new meanings, or even, possibilities of transmitting the absence of meaning. Following the readings of authors as W. Benjamin, G. Agamben, G. Didi-Hubeman, G. Bataille around the issue of the experience production after historic modernity, we sought a trajectory in works of artists, thinkers and the theme-experience of this thesis: destruction sparks of the experience and others forms of existing, telling and producing memory in the contemporary city.
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Mulher na roda : experiências femininas na Capoeira Angola de Porto AlegreBarbosa, Viviane Malheiro January 2017 (has links)
A dissertação objetiva registrar e analisar as experiências e singularidades vividas por seis mulheres capoeiristas, com foco analítico no potencial educativo da Capoeira Angola na vida das mesmas. Coloca-se no contexto do tempo presente, tendo como recorte temporal a iniciação dessas mulheres na Capoeira, entre 1986 e 2016, destacando suas passagens em práticas da arte na espacialidade da cidade de Porto Alegre. Trata da Capoeira Angola enquanto campo formativo e educacional, interseccionando aspectos dessa prática cultural com questões de gênero e de pertencimento étnico racial. A pesquisa está inserida no campo da História da Educação e traz uma abordagem qualitativa amparada pela metodologia da História Oral, através do uso da entrevista compreensiva. A escrita destaca como as seis mulheres pensam e vivem a presença feminina no espaço da Capoeira Angola, evidenciando a experiência de cada uma e a compreensão da diferença que se produz no tornar-se mulher praticando e ensinando a arte da Capoeira. Compreende a Capoeira Angola como espaço de múltiplas aprendizagens, tensões e resistências, destacando temas como: tornar-se mulher, reconhecer ancestralidades, ética, equidade nas relações étnico-raciais e de gênero, vínculos com a religiosidade e solidariedade. Utiliza autoras (es) como ARAÚJO (2016) LOURO (1997), PERROT (1998), CHAUI (2011) CERTEAU (2012), SCOTT (1992; 2015) ERRANTE (2000) OLIVEIRA (2012), LAROSSA (2002; 2016). Analisa-se as mudanças ocorridas na vida das capoeiristas, com base em suas experiências vividas na Capoeira, utilizando-se a metáfora - da “pequena” para a “grande roda” (ARAÚJO, 2015) – a roda da vida. / The dissertation aims to record and analyze the experiences and singularities experienced by six women capoeiristas, with an analytical focus on the educational potential of Capoeira Angola in their lives. It is placed in the context of the present time, taking as a temporal cut the initiation of these women in Capoeira, between 1986 and 2016, highlighting their passages in art practices in the city of Porto Alegre. It treats Capoeira Angola as a formative and educational field, intersecting aspects of this cultural practice with issues of gender and ethnicity. The research is inserted in the field of History of Education and brings a qualitative approach supported by Oral History methodology through the use of comprehensive interview. The writing emphasizes how the six women think and live the feminine presence in the space of Capoeira Angola, evidencing the experience of each one and the understanding of the difference that occurs in becoming a woman practicing and teaching the art of Capoeira. Understanding Capoeira Angola as a space of multiple learning, tensions and resistance, highlighting themes such as: becoming a woman, recognizing ancestry, ethics, equity in ethnic-racial relations and gender, ties to religiosity and solidarity. It uses authors such as ARAÚJO (2016) LOURO (1997), PERROT (1998), CHAUI (2011) CERTEAU (2012), SCOTT (1992; 2015) ERRANTE (2000) OLIVEIRA (2012), LAROSSA (2002; 2016) . We analyze the changes in the life of capoeiristas, based on their experiences in Capoeira, using the metaphor - from "small" to "big wheel" (ARAÚJO, 2015) - the wheel of life.
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Experience, Time, and the Subject: Deleuze's Transformation of Kant's Critical PhilosophyBatra, Anupa 01 December 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show that Deleuze develops a new conception of experience. I do so by showing the roots of this new conception in a transformation of Kant's transcendental philosophy. Kant is central to Deleuze's project because Deleuze finds in Kant the idea that the justification for truth is internal to the relation of subject and object. Since the internal relation is vital to Deleuze's notion of experience, his project is formed as the problem of transcendental conditioning, as was Kant's. However, Deleuze argues that Kant did not take the critique far enough since he was able to examine claims to truth but not the idea of truth itself. Deleuze's notion of experience is developed in and through his attempt to overcome this problem. I show that Deleuze transforms Kant by rethinking four key notions. First, Deleuze reconceives the notion of the system of experience. He argues that Kant's notion of the system of experience closes off experience so that nothing genuinely new could occur. For Deleuze, experience does not form a single system but, instead, there are multiple systems of experience and they arise from within experience. In addition, new systems of experience can occur for Deleuze. Second, he rethinks the notion of the transcendental conditions of experience such that they condition experience but arise from within experience. Experience can always be opened up in a new way. Moreover, since experience can occur in a genuinely new way, the subject must be able to be transformed as well. Third, then, he also rethinks the notion of the subject. For Deleuze, we cannot begin with a subject that is self-identical. He provides an account for the production of the subject. The transcendental conditions of experience belong to experience itself, not the subject. The subject and the object of knowledge are produced together when a system of experience opens up. As a result, the subject and object are necessarily in relation and, for this reason, the object can always in principle be known by the subject. Fourth, although Deleuze relies on Kant's conception of time to explain the subject's relation to itself, he transforms both the subject's self-relation and the conception of time. In Kant the subject simply cannot know itself as it is, but only as it is given to itself. Deleuze's subject, which also cannot know itself, can nonetheless genuinely be transformed and become different from itself. The transformation of the subject occurs at the moment that a new field of experience is opened up. In conclusion, Deleuze shows that new experience can always occur.
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Experience, scepticism, and knowledgeUnger, Peter K. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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The experience and perception of duration in three contemporary performancesLayton, James R. January 2016 (has links)
I argue in this thesis that qualitative duration (viewed in opposition to the construct of quantitative clock-time) can be experienced through performance encounters that challenge smooth consumption. In a socially accelerated culture, where to do more in less time is the measure of a productive life, one’s connection with the ‘real’ time of duration is diminished. To challenge this premise, I have used an autoethnographic approach to explore an experience of duration conceived via the work of French philosopher Henri Bergson, who posits that “pure duration [is that which] excludes all idea of juxtaposition, reciprocal externality, and extension” (Bergson, 1903/1999, p. 26). In other words, Bergson asserts that duration defies quantitative measurement. I argue that the Bergsonian experience of duration offers a pause from social acceleration and effects a transformation for the spectator in the form of peak-experience, flow, and communitas.
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"I want to have a path" : an exploratory study of parent experience of early autism diagnosis in Massachusetts and Central ScotlandGlynne-Owen, Ruth Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
Parents of children with autism have been identified across research as having unique experiences in comparison to parents of children with other disabilities. The focus to date has been on identifying factors impacting on parental well-being post-diagnosis, with some more recent studies looking more specifically at parent experience of the diagnostic process. However, there is less literature that explores the impact that this diagnosis may have on parental perspectives of, and aspirations for, their child. In addition, within this current research, little is known about how parents of toddlers make meaning of their situation pre and post-diagnosis, with limited literature so far that looks at the influence that geographical location may have on this. As an exploratory, qualitative study of parent experience of early autism diagnosis in Massachusetts and central Scotland, this thesis aimed to bridge this gap by investigating parents’ experience in these early years, in two similar, yet contrasting settings with significant differences in policy and practice. Utilising Blumer’s (1969) principles of symbolic interactionism, this thesis examined the factors that had an effect on participants’ meaning making, drawing on extended premises of SI (Snow, 2001; Stryker, 2008) to explore the extent to which structural and social influences in each country may have impacted on this. It looked at the similarities and differences between parents’ experiences of: the autism diagnostic process; access to, and engagement with, post-diagnosis services; changes in perceptions of autism over time; and whether perspectives of, and aspirations for, their child altered since diagnosis. All 18 participants (14 mothers and 4 fathers) had a child (13 boys and 5 girls) under 5 years old with a diagnosis of autism. Data were generated through semi-structured interviews, using open coding to group initial categories, before moving into interpretive, inductive analysis to identify wider themes. Findings highlighted key differences between policy and practice, which influenced parent experience in a number of ways. In particular, the differences between the services and support available to young children with autism and their families in each location appeared to have a significant impact on participants. However, this study also concluded that, in spite of differences in policy and practice, there were also a number of similarities in the ways in which parents made meaning and sense of their child’s diagnosis. Interaction with other parents (both face to face and online) had a strong influence on this, alongside parents’ exposure to media portrayals of autism, which were similar in both locations. Conversely, in spite of their experiences with a wide range of professionals, these interactions had a more limited effect overall on the perspectives that parents developed of their child. In addition, in spite of recognising previously held beliefs regarding stigma and stereotype in autism, all parents in this study actively rejected these perceptions after receiving a diagnosis for their child. Overall, data reflected a shared understanding of autism that crossed geographical and structural boundaries, with parents from both countries experiencing the same hopes, aspirations and fears for their child’s future. These findings may have implications for policy considerations and for services in both locations delivering pre and post-diagnostic support, with potential for more positive outcomes overall for those receiving an early diagnosis for their child.
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[pt] O presente trabalho é uma reflexão acerca da experiência
homossexual masculina contemporânea, estudada a partir da
proposição de dezenove imagens de sociabilidades
construídas no texto da cidade por homens que se
relacionam sexualmente com homens. Apoiando-se,
essencialmente, nos estudos de Walter Benjamin sobre a
modernidade européia entre os séculos XIX e XX e, também,
nos originais trabalhos de Michel Foucault sobre a
emergência de uma ciência da sexualidade moderna, o
trabalho busca dialogar com a textualidade da cidade
contemporânea, colhida através da deambulação do
pesquisador por espaços sociais ocupados por homens que se
relacionam com homens. O trabalho sustenta-se numa dupla
enunciação, de um lado voltada para o reconhecimento das
imagens suscitadas pela temporalidade frenética do Rio de
Janeiro contemporâneo, representado por espaços
considerados centrais e, também, por espaços periféricos
e, de outro, voltada para a composição do texto que ora se
apresenta. O objetivo central do trabalho é recolher e
interpretar alguns dos signos emitidos pela experiência
homossexual masculina no Rio de Janeiro, a partir da
elaboração metodológica de um espaço para o pesquisador
que não o anule como sujeito do seu próprio tempo, mas que
não o mantenha na função de uma elaboração solipsista.
Neste sentido, o trabalho incorpora a ambição da ciência
histórica benjaminiana, que busca apresentar a história,
abrigando objetos que se degradam no tecido da construção
teórica. A principal ambição é considerar que a percepção
sobre a experiência homossexual masculina pode se dar a
partir da exigência de uma transformação do ato banal de
ver em um vetor de problematização teórica da intensidade
das relações entre homens em alguns fragmentos do Rio de
Janeiro. A partir das imagens construídas sobre a relação
entre homens na cidade, o trabalho também problematiza a
escrita e a experiência, noções essenciais para a
articulação de uma percepção sensível sobre a história das
práticas sexuais entre homens, principalmente aquela que
se desenrola na atualidade, apreendida nos interstícios da
cidade, marcada por hierarquias econômicas, valores
contrastantes e, também, pela criminalização dos espaços
públicos. O trabalho visa a reconsiderar o caráter
político e coletivo da experiência homossexual, numa
contraposição aos modelos teóricos puramente extensivos -
do ponto de vista histórico - que têm se apropriado das
práticas sexuais entre homens. / [en] This study is a reflection about the contemporaneous male
homosexual experience, based on a study of nineteen images
of sociability of men that maintain sexual relationship
with other men. The images were selected by the researcher
which viewed the city as a text. The sources consulted are
mostly texts of Walter Benjamim about the European
modernity between XIX and XX centuries. Others sources are
mainly the original works of Michel Foucault about the
emergency of the modern science of sexuality. This study
establishes a dialog with the text of the contemporaneous
city which was written on the basis of the incursions of
the researcher on social places where men have
relationship with men. This study have two different
focus: one of them is the portrait of the frenetic
temporality of the contemporaneous Rio de Janeiro
represented not only by the spaces considered as central
but also as the peripherals. The other vertent is centered
on the subject of the present text. The central objective
of this study is to gather some of the signs emitted by
male homosexual experience in Rio de Janeiro, using a
methodology that do not neutralizes the researcher as
subject of his own time but at the same time do not keep
him in a function of a solipsist elaborater. In this sense
the study has the ambition to incorporate the Benjaminian
historical science, which search to present the history
maintaining objects which degraded themselves in the
tissue of the theoretical construction. The intention is
also to consider that the perception about male homosexual
experience can be transformed from the banal act of seeing
in a way theoretically founded. From the images built on
the basis of men´s relationship at the city. The study
also problematizes the written way and the experience,
essential notions to construct a sensible perception about
the history of sexual practices between men, mainly that
one which is devellop on the present time apprehended in
the intertisce of the city, marked by economical
hierarchies, contrasting values and also by the
criminalization of public espaces. The study intent to
reconsider the political and collective character of the
homosexual experience in a contraposition of the
theoretical models simply extensives - from the historical
point of view - which are taken appropriation of the
sexual practices between men. / [fr] D´abord, ce travail est une réflexion au sujet de
l´expérience homosexuelle masculine contemporaine étudiée
à partir de la proposition de dix-neuf images des
sociabilités que sont contruites dans le texte de la ville
par des hommes qui se mettent em relation sexuelle avec
des hommes. S´appuayant essentiellement sur les études de
Walter Benjamin sur la modernité europénne entre les
siècles XIX et XX et aussi dans les travaux originaux de
Michel Foucault sur le surgissement d´une science de la
sexualité moderne, ces observations cherchent um dialogue
entre le textuel de la vielle contemporaine cueille par le
moyen de la déambulation du chercheur dans les espaces
sociaux occupés par des hommes que se mettent em relation
avec des hommes. Ce recueil se soutient sur une doublé
enonciation, l´une retournée vers la reconnaissance des
imagens suscitées par la temporalité frenétique de Rio de
Janeiro contemporain represente par des espaces consideres
centraux et, aussi, par des espaces perifériques et
del´autre vers la composition du texte qui,or, se
presente. L´objetif le plus important de cette étude est
de recueillir et d´interpréter quelques signes émis par
l´experiénce homosexuelle masculine à Rio de Janeiro à
partir de l´elaboration méthodologique d´um chercheur qui
ne doit pas s´annuler comme um sujet de son propre temps
ni se maintienne dans la function d´une élaboration fermée
en elle-même. Dans ce sens, le travail incorpore
l´ambition d´une science historique benjaminienne qui
cherche à, présenter l´histoire des objets qui se
dregadent das le temps, mais qui se protègent dans le
tissu d´une construction historique; la principal ambition
est de considérer que la perception de l´expérience
homosexuelle masculine peut se donner à partir d´une
exigence de transformation de l´acte banal de voir, en un
vecteur de problèmes théoriques de l´intensité des
relations entre les hommes dans quelques fragments à Rio
de Janeiro. A partir des images construités des relations
entre les hommes dans les villes, le travail pose des
problèmes sur l´écriture et sur l´expérience, notions
essentielles pour l´articulation d´une perception sensible
de l´histoire des pratiques sexuelles entre hommes;
principalement celles qui se déroulent dans l´adversité
apprise dans les interstices de la ville marquée par les
hiérarchies économiques; par des valeurs contrastées et
aussi par la criminalisation des espaces publiques. Ce
travail a l´intention de reconsiderér le caractere
politique et collectif de l´expérience homosexuelle par
opposition aux modeles téoriques purement extensifs - du
point de viue historique - qui s´est approprié des
pratiques sexuelles entre hommes.
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Ciência e experiência: para uma interpretação da fenomenologia do espírito de HegelBarbosa, Alexandre de Moura January 2007 (has links)
BARBOSA, Alexandre de Moura. Ciência e experiência: para uma interpretação da fenomenologia do espírito de Hegel. 2007. 154f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Filosofia, Fortaleza (CE), 2007. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-27T16:13:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2007 / This research has as purpose the clarification of a classic controversy in the Hegel’s interpretation concerning the position and of the direction of the Phenomenology of the Spirit in the system. For this, to analyze the relation between the Experience and Science, since the Phenomenology is a science of the experience. Of one it has left if it has the interpretation of Haering on this question: the Phenomenology would be or an introduction or part of the system? This interpretation was developed by Hyppolite in “Gênese and structure of the Phenomenology of spirit of Hegel”. For Hyppolite, the Phenomenology would be a paidéia in its direction of learning; a learning of the soul to the spirit, the conscience to the absolute one. This position is critical later for Labarrière and Otto Poeggeler, for these the genetic interpretation of Haering and Hyppolite is arbitrary. One third interpretations that would bring light to this quarrel is of Bourgeois in “Felt and intention of the Phenomenology of the spirit”, it places in question the interpretation of Hyppolite concerning the purpose and of the conscience of it carries through the movement, placing on suspicion the interpretation of the Phenomenology of the spirit as a paidéia. To decide this series of difficulties and interpretation problems, I opted to approaching the Hegel’s solution of the platonic solution in the Mênon. The central relation between Science and Experience would be the category of the remembrance (Er-innerung). / Esta pesquisa tem como finalidade o esclarecimento de uma clássica controvérsia na interpretação hegeliana acerca da posição e do sentido da Fenomenologia do Espírito no sistema. Para isto, analisar a relação entre a Experiência e a Ciência, já que a Fenomenologia é uma ciência da experiência. De uma parte se tem a interpretação de Haering sobre esta questão: a Fenomenologia seria ou uma introdução ou parte do sistema? Esta interpretação foi desenvolvida por Hyppolite em “Gênese e estrutura da Fenomenologia de espírito de Hegel”. Para Hyppolite, a Fenomenologia seria uma paidéia em seu sentido de aprendizagem; uma aprendizagem da alma ao espírito, da consciência ao absoluto. Esta posição é criticada posteriormente por Labarrière e Otto Poeggeler, para estes a interpretação genética de Haering e Hyppolite é uma arbitrariedade. Uma terceira interpretação que traria luz esta discussão é a de Bourgeois em “Sentido e intenção da Fenomenologia do espírito”, ele coloca em questão a interpretação de Hyppolite acerca da finalidade e da consciência de realiza o movimento, colocando sobre suspeita a interpretação da Fenomenologia do espírito como uma paidéia. Para resolver esta série de dificuldades e problemas interpretativos, optei por aproximar a solução hegeliana da solução platônica no Mênon. A relação central entre Ciência e Experiência seria a categoria da rememoração.
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Deriva parada : experiência e errâncias urbanasBechler, Janaína January 2014 (has links)
Essa tese de doutorado discute em ato o conceito de experiência através de um processo de trabalho inventivo denominado « Deriva Parada ». Com metodologia inspirada em elementos dos movimentos artísticos Surrealismo e o Situacionismo, buscou tensionar a palavra cidade, operando nela uma crise de sentido. A deriva e a deambulação foram dois procedimentos artísticos que agiram na suspensão dos usuais sentidos atribuídos ao termo e dotaram-lhe de potência criativa-criadora de novos sentidos, ou até mesmo, da possibilidade transmitir o vazio de sentido. Seguindo a leitura de autores como W. Benjamin, G. Agamben, G. Didi-Hubeman, G. Bataille em torno da questão da produção da experiência após a modernidade histórica, buscou-se um percurso em trabalhos de artistas, pensadores, além da experência-tema dessa tese: fagulhas da destruição da experiência e outras formas de existir, contar e produzir memória na cidade contemporânea. / This thesis discusses in act the concept of experience trough a process of inventive work denominated « Deriva Parada ». It sought for tensioning the word city, operating over it a crisis of meaning with a methodology inspired in elements of the artistic movements Surrealism and Situationism. The drift and the strolling were two artistic procedures that acted on the suspension of the usual meanings related to this concept and gave it a creativecreator power of new meanings, or even, possibilities of transmitting the absence of meaning. Following the readings of authors as W. Benjamin, G. Agamben, G. Didi-Hubeman, G. Bataille around the issue of the experience production after historic modernity, we sought a trajectory in works of artists, thinkers and the theme-experience of this thesis: destruction sparks of the experience and others forms of existing, telling and producing memory in the contemporary city.
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