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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃慧敏, Huang, Hui-min Unknown Date (has links)

The uncertain opportunity to internationalize : - A study of Inward-Oriented Internationalization

Sölveborn, Hanna-Christine, Sandberg, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The internationalization process is usually viewed from an outward- perspective ininternational business literature. In this thesis the focus is put on an outward-inwardinterrelationship perspective. An extensive literature review from literature in internationalbusiness literature, entrepreneurial literature as well as international marketing literature wasconducted in order to extract key variables that affect the process of internationalization of thefirm. The key variables that were examined were: Business Contacts, InternationalExperience, Perceived International Opportunity and Perceived International Uncertainty.A qualitative interview with semi-structured questions was conducted in order to construct amodel that should be used as the basis for a quantitative study of an inward-driveninternationalization process, in order to generalize. The results were in line with thepropositions based on the relationships between the variables. In other words, the constructedmodel and the developed questionnaire were of use when examining the relationship betweenthe variables and seem to be of value when applied to an inward oriented context. Thevariable International Experience received the highest score and seemed to reflect animportant contribution for the internationalization process. Nevertheless, further quantitativeresearch is asked for, in order to support the results and be able to generalize.</p>

What's your story? : Stories' effect on corporate image

Bergstedt, Anna, Nilsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
<p>To stand out in today’s fierce competition companies need to evolve their competitive skills. Many organizations have come to realize that it is not enough to only include individual products in the offering but one has to sell the whole company. It is then required to work with the corporate identity and express ones story when promoting oneself. For the corporate identity to be successful it is critical that it is based on knowledge about the target group’s identity and an understanding of what the target group values. This thesis focuses on the part of communication of the story that is done via visual expressions and employee behavior. To connect our different areas of research we have developed a model which is presented at the end of the theoretical chapter. The model points out the importance of that corporate identity is based on both customer identity and internal elements such as the employees. It also shows that corporate image is influenced by external influences such as customer involvement and customer-to-customer interaction.</p><p>To develop the understanding of how companies in the experience industry can use storytelling and how the customer perceives it, we have made two case studies, one at Såstaholm Hotell & Konferens and the other one at Stenungsbadens Yacht Club. Interviews were made with the employees to learn about the intended corporate identity and customer questionnaires were collected to learn about the image.</p><p>The results have lead us to the following conclusions; storytelling is a useful way to express corporate identity, required that there is emotional engagement and that it permeates all parts of the organization. Visual expressions are mainly a way to communicate a theme, while employees are needed to communicate a full story. Finally we have came to the conclusion that a more suitable term for this kind of communication is story enacting.</p><p>Key words: Storytelling, corporate identity, image and experience industry.</p>

Unfulfilled expectations : a narrative study of individuals' experiences of being a patient on an acute psychiatric inpatient ward in Scotland

Stenhouse, Rosemary Clare January 2009 (has links)
This study examines people’s experiences of being a patient on an acute psychiatric inpatient ward in Scotland. Within the existing research base few studies focus on the patient’s experience of acute psychiatric inpatient care, and none of these is set in Scotland. Those that do, indicate that the patient experience of acute psychiatric inpatient care is often negative. The theoretical perspective of this study conceptualises experience as represented in narrative form, thus the data take the form of narratives. Thirteen participants were recruited through the acute ward. Each participant participated in two unstructured interviews focussed on gathering narratives of their experience. Data analysis was holistic, guided by Gee’s (1991) socio-linguistic theories. This holistic analysis culminated in the presentation of each participant’s narrative in poetic form. From the holistic analysis I identified three themes - help, safety and power - that were evident in the analyses of all participants’ interviews. The theme of help represents participants’ expectations that they will receive help on the ward, and their experiences of trying to get this help. Safety represents participants’ expectations pertaining to the ward’s function in keeping them safe, their experience of threat and strategies to keep safe. The theme of power represents participants’ experiences of power relations within the acute ward. I conclude that participants’ experiences of being a patient on the ward are characterised by feelings of frustration, concerns about safety, and the perceived need to focus on self-presentation as they attempt to reach their desired goal of discharge.

The development of resilience - a model

Maginness, Alison January 2007 (has links)
The impetus for this study grew from observations in clinical practice that many individuals survived all sorts of hardships with minimal distress, or with the ability to tolerate their distress, and move on with their lives in a positive manner. A review of the literature led to the conclusions that the research investigating resilience was making minimal inroads into understanding what made these people different, and that the richness of who they were was being lost in the scientific process. This dissatisfaction led to the decision to explore the construct from a phenomenological framework, and to try and discover the essential elements of resilience through analysis of the subjective experience of resilience. A qualitative study involving thirteen participants identified by their peers as resilient was undertaken and the underlying themes of their stories were analysed. This led to the development of a model of resilience that attempted to balance the need for parsimony with that of explanatory breadth, and which had the potential to tolerate the complexity and instability of the construct itself. The model developed identified three core elements that embraced the construct of resilience. These included the physiological capacity to be resilient, and from this basis the ability to be adaptive and the ability to maintain well-being emerge. Factors identified with these elements include individual reactivity to and recovery from adverse events, the ability to be effective and efficient in the management of adverse events, and the beliefs about the world and the self that promote well-being when exposed to adverse events. The model has a basis within neurobiology and is framed within the context of Dynamic Systems Theory. The theory itself is a culmination of clinical observations with what is known from within the current literature and the results of this study.

Experiences of graded sick leave and return to work process in Norway

Holmbom, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Norway has a high prevalence of sick leave compared to other Nordic countries and has been criticized for offering generous sick leave benefits. This qualitative study aims to explore experiences of graded sick leave and return to work in Norway. Six employees from the private sector were interviewed regarding their experiences of the Norwegian model for earlier follow-up of employees on sick leave. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results indicated several important aspects of the return to work process which were perceived as both obstacles and opportunities. The possibility of having time to recover as well as finding a balance of a manageable work load with stimulating assignments were seen as essential and communication was crucial to attain the latter.

Hospitality Technology : Konsten att anamma dagens självklara, idag

Beskow, Christofer, Björklund, Karolina, Schenkel, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
I hospitalitybranschen arbetas det intensivt med att erbjuda sina gäster så bra upplevelser som möjligt. Nya teknologiska lösningar som påverkar gästers interaktion med branschen utvecklas ständigt, samtidigt som människors levnadsvanor blir allt mer integrerade med det teknologiska. Flera undersökningar visar att just teknologi inkorporerad i hospitalitybranschen är en bidragande faktor för en förhöjd gästupplevelse, men trots det är det få inom branschen som väljer att anamma den. Tron om att den typen av investeringar är allt för kostsamma, okunskap om att teknologin finns och en allt för konservativ syn är tänkbara förklaringar till att stora delar av branschen halkar efter. I uppsatsen redogörs för några i världen pågående trender och en litteraturstudie genomförs för att undersöka hur teknologi kan användas för att förhöja gästupplevelsen inom hospitalitybranschen med hänsyn till dessa trender. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur branschen är på väg att förändras och föreslår ett par exempel för hur ditt varumärke kan hänga med i utvecklingen redan idag. / B-uppsatser

Upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva : ett sjuksköterskeperspekiv

Pettersson, Jennie, Rossby, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
Självskadebeteendet har ökat i Sverige och därför är det viktigt att öka kunskapen om detta. Självskadebeteende är ett sätt att hantera existerande problem för stunden eller på sikt. Att skära eller bränna sig är de vanligaste tillvägagångssätten när en person skadar sig själv. Det är angeläget att sjuksköterskor uppmärksammar personer med självskadebeteende och förstår det viktiga i att de blir bekräftade. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva. Metod: Vald metod var en litteraturstudie där tio kvalitativa artiklar granskades, analyserades och sammanställdes. Resultat: De sex teman som framkom representerar sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva; Frustration i vårdarbetet, Rädsla i patientmötet, Otillräcklig som sjuksköterska, Brist på kunskap, Svårigheter i vårdandet och Brist på stöd i arbetet med patienter som skadar sig själva. Patienter med självskadebeteende är en svår patientgrupp att vårda, de är ofta ångestfyllda och emellanåt vill de inte ta emot den vård som erbjuds. Mötet med dessa patienter upplevdes på olika sätt av sjuksköterskan och frustration var en av de mest förekommande upplevelserna. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av mötet med patienter som skadar sig själva grundar sig oftast i brist på träning och kunskap. / In Sweden the self-harming behaviour has increased and that is why it is important that we increase the knowledge about it as well. Self-harming behaviour is a way to deal with existing problems at the moment or problems that are coming. When a person is harming oneself it is often by cuts or burns themselves. It is important that nurses notice people who self-harm and understand why it is important to be acknowledged. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the nurse’s experiences of the meeting with patients that do harm themselves. Method: A literature review was chosen to this study, where ten qualitative articles have been examined, analysed and put together. Result: The six topics that appeared is representing the trained nurse’s experiences from the meeting with patients that are harming themselves; Frustration in the nursing, Fear when meeting the patient, Insufficient as a nurse, Lack of knowledge, Difficulty to nurse and Lack of support when working with patients self-harming. Patients with a self-harming behaviour is a difficult group to nurse and give treatment. They are often filled with anguish, and sometimes they don’t wish to receive the treatment that they are offered. The meeting with these patients is experienced in many different ways by the nurse and frustration is the most common feeling. Conclusion: The nurse’s experiences of the meeting with self-harming patients can be based of a lack of practice and knowledge.

Vårdpersonalens upplevelser av att vårda personer med Beteendemässiga och Psykiska Symtom vid Demens (BPSD)

Östgård, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Allt fler personer drabbas av demenssjukdom och en stor del av dessa drabbas någon gång av ett eller flera beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens (BPSD). BPSD skapar stort lidande för den drabbade men kan även vara svårt att hantera för människorna omkring dem, närstående och vårdpersonal, och är en stor anledning till att personen flyttar till särskilt boende. Syftet med studien var att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevelser av att vårda personer med beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid demens. Studien hade en beskrivande design med kvalitativ ansats. Data samlades in via sex individuella semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Genom bekvämlighetsurval rekryterades undersköterskor på ett demensboende i Sverige. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Ett övergripande tema framträdde i resultatet, ”Svårigheter att finna balans mellan behov och resurser”. Informanterna upplevde arbetet med personer med BPSD som en stor utmaning men att det var mycket givande. Känslan av att inte räcka till, att sakna kunskap eller förmåga att hantera vissa situationer eller symtom samt bristen på resurser upplevdes som påfrestande av informanterna. Aggressivitet, oro och ångest hos personer med BPSD var de symtom som upplevdes som svårast att hantera. Resultatet visar även att informanterna upplevde arbetet med personer med BPSD som spännande, intressant och roligt och att de kände tillfredsställelse i att finnas där för personen med BPSD och att kunna bidra till deras välmående. Studiens slutsats visar att informanterna upplevde stora utmaningar i sitt arbete med att skapa välbefinnande för personer med BPSD. Stöd och utbildning skulle kunna öka arbetstillfredsställelsen för vårdpersonalen men även livskvaliteten för personer med BPSD. / More and more people suffer from dementia and a large part of these is affected by some point of one or several behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). BPSD creates great suffering for the affected but can also be difficult for the people around them to manage, relatives and health professionals, and is a big reason that a person moves in to a nursing facility. The aim of this study was to describe health professional’s experience of caring for persons with behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia, BPSD. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach. Data were collected through six individual semi-structured interviews. By convenience sampling, nursing assistant working at a nursing facility for people with dementia in Sweden were recruited. Data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. A theme emerged, “Difficulties to find a balance between need and resource”. The informants experienced their work in caring for people with BPSD as a great challenge but also as very awarding. The feeling of being inadequate, lacking knowledge or ability to handle certain situations or symptoms and lack of resources perceived as stressful by the informants. Aggressiveness and anxiety in individuals with BPSD were experienced as the most difficult to handle. The results also showed that the informants experienced working with persons with BPSD as exiting, interesting and fun and that they felt satisfaction in being there for the person with BPSD and to be able to contribute to their well-being. The conclusion in this study shows that informants experienced great challenges in their work to create wellbeing for people with BPSD. Support and education could increase the job satisfaction for the health personnel but also increase the quality of life for people with BPSD.

Experiencing a sense of calling : the influence of meaningful work on teachers' work attitude / Marietjie Willemse

Willemse, Marietjie January 2013 (has links)
In the current South African context, negative work attitude of teachers has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with as it has a detrimental effect on the education system. Although research on this phenomenon is still scarce, a growing interest in work attitude and its different underlying constructs is obvious from the increase of work attitude research. It is now time to investigate ways to improve work attitude, one of which could be to invest in meaningful work. The aim of this study is to expand on the understanding of the relationship between experiencing a sense of calling and work attitude as well as to determine the influence of meaningful work on this relationship. Through this study the researcher proposed an adapted model of Steger, Pickering, Shin and Dik (2011) which will serve as an academic tool for future research. This model will also be applicable as a management tool to understand and deal with teachers’ negative work attitude. A quantitative, cross-sectional survey design was used. The analysis was based on data from a representative sample of teachers recruited from primary and secondary schools in the Fezile Dabi district (n = 270) formerly known as the Northern Free State School district. The following measuring instruments were administered: The Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ), The Work and Meaning Inventory (WAMI), The Work Preference Inventory (WPI) and The Career Decision Profile (CDP). The researcher used the analytic approach of structural equation modelling by means of the statistical program Mplus. The results revealed that a statistically significant relationship existed between the experience of a sense of calling and work attitude. Results also supported the hypothesis that meaningful work has an indirect effect on the relationship between the experience of a calling and work attitude. The findings of this study indicated that positive work attitude tends to be enhanced by the addition of meaningful work. The Department of Education will have to take ognisance of ways to create meaningful work if they wish to succeed in educational transformation, as meaningful work has an indirect effect on the relationship between the experience of a calling and work attitude of teachers. Future studies should include longitudinal studies to validate the proposed adapted model and to identify more predictors of positive work attitude. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

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