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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personers erfarenheter av att leva med hiv : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av självbiografier / Persons’ experiences living with hiv : A qualitative content analysis of autobiographies

Gustafsson, Emilia, Engholm, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hiv är en utbredd infektion och flera miljoner blir smittade varje år. Stigmatisering kring infektionen finns fortfarande kvar. Hälsa definieras som mer än frånvaro av sjukdom och lidande behöver inte vara fysisk. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att leva med hiv. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på sex självbiografier. Resultat: Fyra huvudteman framkom då analysprocessen genomfördes: svårt att förlika sig, behov av stöd, fördomarna tog stor plats i livet och behov av kontroll. Diskussion: Det är viktigt att sprida korrekt kunskap om hiv för att stigmatisering och fördomar av infektionen ska minska. Det är stigmatiseringen som skapar känslor av skam och isolering hos hivpositiva. Slutsats: Stigmatiseringen kring infektionen och rädslan att utveckla aids skapar mest ångest hos personer som lever med hiv. Dessa personer känner även en rädsla för att bli lämnade ensamma på grund av sin infektion. De upplever ett starkt behov av att få stöd.

Understanding the needs and life experiences of adult students : A qualitative study of adult students in Preliminary Studies at Keilir

Egill, Jóhannsson January 2016 (has links)
Adult learners bring different experiences and perspectives to their education. It is important they get opportunities to learn at their own speed, through different situations and activities. Consequently, the teaching methods and learning environment are very important to the learner. Therefore the school and it´s teachers play a big role in making the learner feel comfortable and gain new experiences which could help them develop themselves as adult learners and find the right learning path. This thesis explores how the individuals needs and life experience is utilised through the learning process in the learning environment of the Preliminary studies program at Keilir. The focus is on student’s experiences of the learning environment at Keilir in order to see if they meet the needs of adult students. That being said, interviews with former and current participants in the program will show what the students experienced during their time in the program and how they felt their needs were met. Furthermore Lave and Wenger´s (1991) concept of a community of practice will be used to explore the education at Keilir and how learning in collaboration with other students and others that impact the learner’s journey can affect the learner’s education and their learning experience.

Att leva med bröstcancer : Kvinnors upplevelse av att bli diagnostiserad med bröstcancer / To live with breast cancer : women`s experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer

Karlsson, Malin, Larsson, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor. Kvinnor som drabbas av sjukdomen påverkas både psykiskt och fysiskt. Bröstcancerdiagnosen kan ge upphov till olika negativa känslor bland annat rädsla och oro. Femårsöverlevnaden hos kvinnor med bröstcancer har ökat under senare tid. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser efter att fått diagnosen bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes och genom sökningar i databaser framkom tio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats, som granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Fyra teman, emotionella problem, förändrad självbild, oro inför eventuell död och framtid och hantering av sjukdom framkom. Upplevelsen av bröstcancer är individuell och framkallar olika känslor. För att undvika påfrestning på anhöriga upplevdes det professionella stödet som viktigt. Slutsatser: Kunskap om kvinnors upplevelser i samband med bröstcancer är viktigt för att vårdpersonal ska få en bättre förståelse av de drabbade kvinnornas situation. Aktuella studier påvisar endast negativa aspekter av sjukdomen och utesluter hälsofrämjande aspekter vilket ger utrymme för ytterligare forskning. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer which women are diagnosed with. Women suffering from the disease are affected both mentally and physically. A breast cancer diagnose may cause various negative emotions including fear and anxiety. The number of women surviving a breast cancer diagnose has increased in relation to a five-year-survival. Objective: To describe women's experiences of being diagnosed with breast cancer. Method: A literature study was made and through searches in databases, ten scientific articles were collected and a qualitative approach was used. The articles were reviewed and analyzed. Results: Four themes, emotional problems, altered self-image, anxiety about death and the future and management of the disease emerged. The experience of breast cancer is individual and evokes different feelings. In order to avoid stress on relatives the professional support was considered to be important. Conclusion: Knowledge about women's experiences when diagnosed with breast cancer is important in order for health personnel to have a better understanding of the women affected and their situation. Continued research on women's experiences of breast cancer, for example, health promotion aspects may be needed, as recent studies only indicate the negative aspects.

Att vara man fast i en kvinnas sjukdom : Att vara man fast i en kvinnas sjukdom / A man in a woman's disease

Holmén, Linnea, Sara, Kjellson January 2016 (has links)
Bröstcancer är en sjukdom som främst drabbar kvinnor, därför kan många män uppleva att det finns begränsat med information som riktar sig till dem. Under en 10 - års period, 2005-2014, var det i Halland endast sju män som diagnostiserades med bröstcancer och år 2014 insjuknade totalt 61 män i Sverige. Att män sällan insjuknar i bröstcancer kan vara en av orsakerna till att många män inte är medvetna om att de kan drabbas. Att vara man och drabbas av bröstcancer kan innebära att inte bara den fysiska bilden av en individ förändras utan även den psykiska världen, det är därför viktigt att få rätt stöd och information. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka mannens upplevelser och känslor efter att ha drabbats av bröstcancer. Data samlades in från tre olika databaser med stort utbud av omvårdnadsforskning. Totalt valdes åtta resultatartiklar ut som genomgick en kvalitetsgranskning. Resultatet visade hur män upplever det att drabbas av bröstcancer genom fyra teman: Upplevelsen av bristande information, Upplevelsen av en förlorad maskulinitet, Upplevelsen av att finna stöd och Upplevelsen av ett omoraliskt bemötande från sjukvården. Eftersom bröstcancer hos män är ovanligt så behövs en större medvetenhet om sjukdomen, även vidare forskning inom ämnet behövs för att bröstcancer ska bli accepterad som en sjukdom som kan drabba både män och kvinnor. / Breast cancer is primarily a female disease. Therefore, many men may feel that there is limited information specifically directed towards them. During a ten-year period, 2005-2014, only seven men were diagnosed with breast cancer in Halland, and during 2014 a total of 61 men were diagnosed in all of Sweden. Because male breast cancer is rare, men may not be aware that they are suffering from the disease. To be a man diagnosed with breast cancer does not only affect the physical picture of the individual, but it also changes him psychologically. It is therefore important to receive support and information. The purpose of the literature study was to explore a man’s experience and feelings following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Data was collected from three different databases encompassing a wide range of nursing research. After conducting a thorough study focused on high scientific quality, eight articles were chosen. The result illustrated how men experience being diagnosed with breast cancer through four themes: The experience of lack in information, The experience of a lost masculinity, The experience of finding support and The experience of immoral treatment by health care professionals. Because male breast cancer is rare, a greater awareness about the disease is needed, including further research, so that breast cancer will be accepted as a disease that affects both men and women.

Patienters erfarenheter av att drabbas av stroke : En litteraturstudie / Patient's experiences of suffering a stroke : A literature-based study

Julihn, Charlotta, Eliassi, Shilan January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är ett sjukdomstillstånd som skadar hjärnvävnaden. Tillståndet innebär stora konsekvenser för de drabbade. De patienter som drabbats av stroke känner oftast skam och förtvivlan med en förlorad livsglädje som resultat. Idag upptar sjukdomsgruppen flest antal vårdplatser på sjukhusen runtom i Sverige. Med ökad kunskap i omhändertagande i kombination med stöttning för patienten efter insjuknandet, kan känslan av förlorad livskvalitet minskas markant. Syftet: Syfte med denna studie var att belysa patienters erfarenheter av att drabbas av stroke. Metod: En litteraturbaserad studie där 12 kvalitativa artiklar har analyserats. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde tre kategorier: Tappat kontrollen över sin kropp, Hamnar i beroendeställning och Återfå ett liv som självständig med åtta underkategorier. Slutsats: Studien bidrar med kunskap om patienters erfarenheter efter att ha drabbats av en stroke. Det kan vara omtumlande känslor att bearbeta för dessa patienter. Behovet av stöd är nödvändigt för att patienterna ska finna livskvalité. Motivation, hopp och uppmuntran stärker patientens självförtroende och leder till ett ökat välbefinnande. Genom en ökad förståelse för patientens upplevelser efter insjuknandet kan sjuksköterskan främja patientens hälsa och välbefinnande.

Homosexuella personers upplevelser av bemötanden i hälso- och sjukvården

Berglöv, Maria, Eriksson, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Homosexuella personer omfattas, enligt Statens Folkhälsoinstitut, av ett större vårdbehov än heterosexuella. Historien visar åtskilliga hinder homosexuella utsatts för, samtidigt som en positiv utveckling påvisas. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har olika förhållningssätt som är influerade av individuella faktorer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur homosexuella personer upplever hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens bemötande, samt beskriva de inkluderade artiklarnas undersökningsgrupp. Metod: Föreliggande studie var en beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Materialet inhämtades genom databassökningar i MEDLINE. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade ett återkommande mönster av att homosexuella personer upplevde ett dåligt bemötande från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal, något som ansågs påverkas av bristande medkänsla, heteronormativa antaganden och att inte vara sedd för den man är. Till skillnad upplevdes ett gott bemötande vid god kommunikation, acceptans samt vänliga ord och handlingar. Samtliga studier redovisade deltagarantal och majoriteten av artiklarna presenterade inklusionskriterier samt ålder. Hälften av studierna genomfördes i Norden och 95.4 % av deltagarna var kvinnor. Slutsats: Genom beskrivningar från homosexuella personer fångades upplevelser in angående bemötanden från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Upplevelserna visade otillfredsställande och oprofessionella bemötanden, som vidare var influerade av heteronormativitet. Upplevelser visade även mottagen öppenhet och givmildhet. Genom kunskap om vilka bemötanden homosexuella erfar, kan sjuksköterskan i sin profession arbeta för att främja homosexuella personers hälsa och välbefinnande. / Background: Homosexual individuals are, according to National Institute of Public Health, in a greater need of care than heterosexuals. The historical overview of homosexuals show several difficulties they’re subjected to within healthcare, however a positive development is shown. Healthcare professionals have different encounters that are influenced by individual factors. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe how homosexual individuals experience encounters given by health care professionals, and to describe the included articles study sample. Method: The present study was a descriptive literature riview based on 12 scientific articles with a qualitative approach. The material was gathered through searches of the MEDLINE database. Main Results: The result showed a repetitive pattern that homosexual individuals experienced a poor encounter from healthcare professionals, which was considered to be affected by lack of compassion, heteronormative assumptions, and not to be seen for who they are. In contrast, good treatment was experienced when good communication, acceptance and kind words and deeds were present. All of the studies reported the number of participants and the majority of the articles presented inclusion criterias and age. Half of the studies were conducted in the Nordic countries and 95.4% of the participants were women. Conclusions: With the descriptions made by homosexual individuals, the experiences was revealed regarding the encounters from healthcare professionals. These experiences showed unsatisfactory and unprofessional encounters, further influenced by heteronormative assumptions. These experiences also showed openness and generosity which had been received. Through knowledge of the encounters that homosexual individuals experiences, nurses can in their professional work towards the improvement of homosexual peoples’s health and wellbeing.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer : - En narrativ studie / Young women´s experiences of living with breast cancer : - A narrative study

Guldbrand, Anna, Dagobert, Annelie January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet kvinnor som diagnostiseras med bröstcancer uppgår till cirka 9000 per år. Av dessa är endast 4 % under 40 år. Flertalet tidigare studier fokuserar på kvinnor äldre än 40 år. Livet förändras på flera plan för kvinnorna i och med en bröstcancerdiagnos. Behovet av stöd upplevs som stort. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva unga kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer. Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ ansats med ett patientperspektiv. Analys av narrativer, i form av bloggar, har använts som analysmetod. Data består av sju bloggar publicerade på internet. Resultat: De huvudteman som framkom var; Ett liv i förändring, en kropp i förändring samt möten med sjukvården. Vidare har dessa uppdelats i underteman. Slutsats: Upplevelsen av att leva med bröstcancer är högst individuell. Dock kan vissa huvudområden urskiljas som är gemensamma för kvinnorna. Studien ger en inblick i vad unga kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever i det vardagliga livet. Genom fördjupad förståelse för individens upplevelse kan sjukvården utarbeta strategier för att möta och stödja de individuella behov som patienten ger uttryck för. / Background: 9000 women is diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Only 4 % are 40 years and younger. Previous research is focused on women older than 40 years. Lifechanges can be seen in many levels when women is diagnosed with breast cancer. The need for support is experienced as great. Purpose: The aim of this study is to describe young women’s experiences of living with breast cancer. Method: This study has a qualitative approach and a patient’s perspective. Analysis of narratives, in form of blogs, is used as analytic method. Data consists of seven blogs published online. Result: The main themes that emerged was; A life in change, a body in change and meetings with the health care. Further, these were divided into sub-topics. Conclusion: The experience of living with breast cancer is highly individual. However, some main areas can be identified as common to the women. The study provides insight into what young women with breast cancer experience in everyday life. Through in-depht understandning of the individual’s experience, healthcare can develop strategies to meet and support the individual needs expressed by the patient.

Dear Esther : En studie av vad som påverkar upplevelser av interaktiva narrativ

Asplund, Ingeborg, Eriksson, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
Today in 2015 the game industry grows and games become more advanced. This leads to that the ways interactive media such as games portray their narrative are also improving. Therefore we chose to examine what factors affected how five experienced gamers viewed the narrative in the game Dear Esther (The Chinese Room, 2012) the first time they played it. The investigation used stimulated recall in order to collect data and the data were analysed with the help of the EPP methodology. Our study showed there was a diversity in how the game’s narrative was perceived and that a number of factors affected the interpretations of the narrative. These factors were organised in four categories: exploration, feeling and atmosphere, player experience, and identification with the player character and theories around the narrative. A fifth category evaluation of the storytelling, described the player’s thoughts about the way the narrative was told. Our main conclusion was that the factors affecting the way players perceived the narrative of the game varied much depending on who played the game and what their regular experience of games were. For example some were more affected by environment and monologue while others was more affected by earlier experiences of how games used to work. The respondent’s perception of the game narrative were also affected by their own thoughts and theories around the narrative and what might have happened. We could also see there were several different thoughts and opinions on how the narrative style of the game worked and three participants thought it worked well. / Idag 2015 publiceras fler och mer avancerade spel än någonsin tidigare. Hand i hand med denna utveckling borde också utvecklingen av de narrativ som spel kan berätta gå. Därför undersöker vi i denna uppsats vilka faktorer som påverkade uppfattningen av narrativet i Dear Esther hos fem spelvana personer som tidigare inte spelat spelet. Undersökningen gjordes med hjälp av stimulated recall och data analyserades med hjälp av EPP-metoden. Vår studie visade på en stor spridning av upplevelserna och en mängd faktorer som påverkade upplevelsen av narrativet. Dessa faktorer delade vi in i olika kategorier. Dessa var Utforskning, Känslor och stämning, Spelarvana samt Identifikation med berättarkaraktären och teorier kring narrativ. En femte kategori kallad Värdering av berättartekniken beskrev hur spelarna uppfattat spelets berättarteknik. Den främsta slutsatsen vi kan dra är att de faktorer som påverkade hur respondenterna uppfattade Dear Esther och dess narrativ varierade mycket beroende på vem som spelade. Vissa av respondenterna påverkades mer av omgivningar och monologer, medan andra påverkades mer av sin egen vana och insikt i hur spel bör fungera. Alla påverkads dock mycket av sina egna tankar känslor och teorier kring vad som en gång hänt. Vi kunde också se att det fanns olika tankar och åsikter angående hur berättartekniken i spelet ansågs fungera och tre av respondenterna ansåg att det fungerade bra.

The user experience of crowds

Kendrick, Victoria L. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the user experience of crowds, incorporating issues of comfort, satisfaction, safety and performance within a given crowd situation. Factors that influence the organisation and monitoring of crowd events will be considered. A comprehensive review of the literature revealed that crowd safety, pedestrian flow modeling, public order policing and hooliganism prevention, has received the greatest attention with previous research on crowds. Whereas crowd performance, comfort and satisfaction has received less attention, particularly within spectator events (sporting and music for example). Original research undertaken for this doctoral thesis involved a series of studies: user focus groups, stakeholder interviews, and observational research within event security and organisation. Following on from these investigations, the findings have been integrated with a tool to assist crowd organisers and deliverers during the planning of crowd events, and accompanying user feedback interviews following use of the tool. The overarching aim of the research within this thesis was to explore the complex issues that contribute to the user experience of being in a crowd, and how this might be improved. The crowd user focus groups revealed differences in factors affecting crowd satisfaction, varying according to age and user expectations. Greater differences existed between crowd users, than across crowd situations, highlighting the importance of identifying expected crowd members when planning individual events. Additionally, venue design, organisation, safety and security concerns were found to highly affect crowd satisfaction, irrespective of group differences or crowd situations, showing the importance of these issues when considering crowd satisfaction for all crowd events, for any crowd members. Stakeholder interviews examining crowds from another perspective suggested that overall safety was a high priority due to legal obligations, in order to protect venue reputation. Whereas, comfort and satisfaction received less attention within the organisation of crowd events due to budget considerations, and a lack of concern as to the importance of such issues. Moreover, communication and management systems were sometimes inadequate to ensure compliance with internal procedures. In addition a lack of usable guidance was seen to be available to those responsible for organising crowd situations. Eleven themes were summarised from the data, placed in order of frequency of references to the issues: health and safety, public order, communication, physical environment, public relations, crowd movement, event capacity, facilities, satisfaction, comfort, and crowd characteristics. Results were in line with the weighting of the issues within the literature, with health and safety receiving the most attention, and comfort and satisfaction less attention. These results were used to form the basis of observational checklists for event observations across various crowd situations. Event observations took two forms: observing the role of public and private security, and observing crowd events from the user perspective. Observations within public and private security identified seven general themes: communication, anticipating crowd reaction, information, storage, training, role confusion, financial considerations and professionalism. Findings questioned the clarity of the differing roles of public and private security, and understanding of these differences. Also the increasing use of private over public security within crowd event security, and the differing levels of training and experience within public and private security were identified. Event observations identified fifteen common themes drawn from the data analysis: communication, public order, comfort, facilities, queuing systems, transportation, crowd movement, design, satisfaction, health and safety, public relations, event capacity, time constraints, encumbrances, and cultural differences. Key issues included the layout of the event venue together with the movement and monitoring of crowd users, as well as the availability of facilities in order to reduce competition between crowd users, together with possible links to maintaining public order and reducing anti-social behaviour during crowd events. Findings from the focus groups, interviews, and observations were then combined (to enhance the robustness of the findings), and developed into the Crowd Satisfaction Assessment Tool (CSAT) prototype, a practical tool for event organisers to use during the planning of crowd events. In order to assess proof of concept of the CSAT, potential users (event organisers) were recruited to use the CSAT during the planning of an event they were involved in organising. Semi-structured feedback interviews were then undertaken, to gain insight into the content, usefulness, and usability of the CSAT. Separately human factors researchers were recruited to review the CSAT, providing feedback on the layout and usability of the tool. Feedback interviews suggested the CSAT was a useful concept, aiding communication, and providing organisers with a systematic and methodical structure for planning ahead, prioritising ideas, and highlighting areas of concern. The CSAT was described as being clear and easy to follow, with clear aims, and clear instructions for completion, and was felt to aid communication between the various stakeholders involved in the organisation and management of an event, allowing information to be recorded, stored and shared between stakeholders, with the aim of preventing the loss of crucial information. The thesis concludes with a summary model of the factors that influence crowd satisfaction within crowd events of various descriptions. Key elements of this are the anticipation, facilities, and planning considered before an event, influences and monitoring during an event and reflection after an event. The relevance and impact of this research is to assist the planning of crowd events, with the overall aim of improving participant satisfaction during crowd events. From a business perspective the issue is important with competition between events, the desire to encourage return to events, and to increase profit for organisers. From an ergonomics perspective, there is the imperative of improving the performance of crowd organisers and the experience of crowd users.

Airlines experiential marketing: gaining and retaining customers : Case studies of British Airways, SAS, Air France, Easy jet and KLM

COUASME, Mathilde, GURGEY, Julie January 2016 (has links)
Title: Airlines experiential marketing: gaining and retaining customers Research Question: How do airlines use the experiential marketing to gain and retain consumers? Supervisor: Venilton Reinert Course: Strategic Marketing with Independent Project Keywords: Airlines, experiential marketing, experience, loyalty, sense, emotions, feelings Purpose: The aim of this research is to understand how airlines’ users can be acquired and kept thanks to experiential marketing. This study allows analysing the news consumers’ expectations and how companies adapt their strategies to meet customers’ needs thanks to experiential marketing. All airlines mentioned in this study are European. Methodology: A qualitative research has been used for this paper. The authors of the thesis proceed choosing five European airlines: British Airways, Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Easy Jet and Scandinavian Airlines System. The case studies have been used to describe, thanks to a number of Internet tools, how companies use the experience and feelings in marketing to urge consumers to purchase and be loyal. Then, authors used Schmitt theory to collect data. Finally, a number of frameworks have been used to analyse data. Conclusion: Airlines want to carry the customer to think and act through the experience. A successful experiential marketing occurs when the customer behaves thanks to his emotions. So, airlines’ marketers create competition, challenge, and game to remind customers. The interaction with public and internet users is necessary used in each experiential marketing event by airlines to promote the event and permeated to the customer share its experience, meet people and identify him in a group. If customers experience unique and perfectly experiential event, they will remember the service, and consequently the brand in the long-term as remarkable. In this way, the brand gain or retain customers.

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