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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencer eller insta(nt) dealbreaker? : En kvalitativ studie om hur företag väljer influencers för att stärka sin kundrelation och sitt varumärke

Erlandsson, Lina, Hedqvist, Josephine January 2020 (has links)
Social media channels are today an important marketing platform where companies effectively can reach their target groups online through paid advertisements, sponsored posts and electronic word of mouth. Electronic word of mouth can be used by companies to spread their brand through individuals sharing experiences and information with others within their social network in a process called influencer marketing. The challenge is identifying and selecting influencers who have a significant impact on the brand’s target audience. The purpose of this descriptive essay is therefore to gain a better understanding of how companies choose influencers to strengthen their brand and customer relationship.  The theories used to examine the purpose above are the Bandwagon-effect, the Source Credibility-model, Keen’s competence-theory, Competence-based view, Bacharach and Lawler’s power-theory, the Social Media Power-model and the Social Media Influencer Value-model. These theories presented in the theoretical framework is the foundation of the study used to investigate factors that affect companies’ choice of influencers. To verify or falsify these theories a qualitative case study consisting seven interviews with companies using influencer marketing have been executed. This was followed by observations of posts on social media from influencers whom the interviewed companies collaborate with, for the purpose of increasing the validity of the interviews.  Based on the results from the collected empirical data an interaction model, including significant factors when choosing an influencer, was formed. The model presents the factors in different levels of significance where the first level includes the most important factors to consider. The results also show a variance of each factor’s significance depending on company circumstances such as industry or target audience.  The contribution of the study is, above all, increased opportunities for companies in identifying influential people to benefit from in their influencer marketing. If companies are aware of these significant factors they will have a greater chance of success in choosing the right influencer for strengthening the company brand and customer relationship.

Influencers användning av sociala plattformar : En netnografisk studie om hur influencers använder Instagram för att påverka sina följare. / Influencers usage of social media platforms : A netnographic study about influencers usage of Instagram in order to influence their followers.

Andegras, Ronja, Amelie, Näslund January 2020 (has links)
The study examines influencers usage of the social media platform Instagram and how their usage can affect the receiver of their content. The purpose of this study is therefore to observe how influencers are using the platform in order to influence their followers. This study is based on the question: how are the influencers using the social media platform Instagram in order to influence their followers? With the help of the Source Credibility Model, we have been able to value influencers credibility and usage during the netnographic method approach. The original Source Credibility Model consists of three factors: expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness which helps to evaluate a source credibility. By doing this, we have been able to adapt and adjust this model to a new research area. Our analysis therefore reveals a fourth factor of this model - networking. This factor consists of two under categories: technical and social interaction. The study discovered that an influencer reaches attractivity with adjusting his or her visual content and by using functions on the social platform. The influencers collaborations and advertisement on the social platform shows on which level of expertise they achieve. Furthermore, the followers experience of the influencers content is evaluating the influencers credibility. To be able to evaluate these three factors, the influencer needs to interact with technical aspects such as social platforms and functions, but also to interact socially by giving personality and create engagement for the followers. The study also discovered a difference between male and female influencer usage of the platform, which gives their influence different impacts. This study therefore contributes the field of interest with a new model that can be used in order to examine influencer usage on different social platforms.

Influencer marketing and its effectiveness on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention / Influencer marknadsföring och dess effektivitet på konsumenters attityder och köpintentioner

Wärme, Erica, Olsson, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Social media is nowadays one of the best ways to reach new potential customers. Social media platforms allow influencers to promote brands and reach even more customers. These new platforms are relatively untested as regards its effectiveness. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if influencers affected customers´ attitudes and purchase intentions more than online adverts, regarding energy drinks. The thesis used an experiment in order to investigate this further. Combined with previous research in this area and the data from the study’s questionnaire, a result for this thesis could be formulated. The study showed that there was no statistical significant difference of effectiveness between using an influencer or an online advert when it comes to what affects consumers attitudes and purchase intentions, regarding energy drinks.

Content Marketing i musikbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om hur majorbolag använder sociala medier i marknadsföringen av musik

Jansson, Frida, Nilsson, Max, Oudin, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
Digitalization in the music industry and the emergence of social media, has created opportunities to reach more potential music consumers. Companies are increasingly integrating through visual media such as photos and videos into their social media marketing content. The study aims to provide an understanding of the major record labels use of Content Marketing and its role on social media in the marketing of music. To understand how the major record labels work with Content Marketing and marketing music on social media the empirical data and study is based on a qualitative research method with 8 interviews with people working in the Swedish music industry.  Based on the empirical material the study found adaptation, interaction, authenticity and relevance were key attributes when publishing content on social media. Segmentation, Influencer Marketing and Electronic Word of Mouth were the most relevant and important strategies used when marketing and launching new music through social media. Finally, we propose that future research should be conducted using a quantitative research method to study music consumer behaviour and attitudes surrounding  Content Marketing on social media.

Nekalá soutěž a nekalé obchodní praktiky v online prostředí sociálních sítí / Unfair competition and unfair business practices in online environment of social networks

Jiraský, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Unfair Competition and Unfair Commercial Practices in the Online Environment of Social Networks Abstract (ENG) The aim of this master's thesis is to analyse applicable law relating to the phenomenon of surreptitious advertising occurring in the posts published by influencers on social networks, examined in the scope of Czech law against unfair competition and unfair commercial practices. The author also aims to describe the particulars of the proper indication of advertising nature of such posts. The introductory part of this thesis covers general legal provisions on unfair competition and unfair commercial practices (with regard to the European law influence) and legal regulation of social networks. Analysed in detail are the general clause of unfair competition, denominate (special) and innominate (judicial) merits of the cases of unfair competition and the means of protections against unfair competition. Unfair commercial practices are characterised by examination of the general clause, small general clauses and the blacklist of unfair commercial practices. Social networks are introduced generally as information society services and audiovisual media services, and then afterwards three selected social networks - Facebook, Instagram and YouTube - are broadly characterised; the relationship between the...

Followers’ Perception of Transparency in Persuasive Intent : The Role of Parasocial Relationship and Persuasion Knowledge in Sponsored Content

Frölander, Rebecca, Gullbrandsson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Background: Social media marketing has grown rapidly in recent years and has become a standard tool for marketers. As a result, companies use social media influencers (SMIs) to reach their target audiences. One important aspect of influencer marketing is the relational aspect. Followers who exert parasocial relationship (PSR) with SMIs are more prone to respond positively to influencer marketing and the persuasion tactics put forward by companies and SMIs. It has therefore become crucial to understand how PSR and followers' persuasion knowledge affect followers' perception of transparency in sponsored posts.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore parasocial relationships and persuasion knowledge impact on followers’ perceived transparency of social media influencers. Methodology: This abductive thesis used a qualitative strategy for the collection of empirical data. A combination of four focus groups and semi-structured interviews were used, leading to a total of 17 participants. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis, resulting in three major themes and nine sub-themes. Findings: We found that followers’ perceived transparency has direct relationships with PSR and persuasion knowledge, respectively. However, there was no direct link between PSR and persuasion knowledge. Instead, this relationship was indirect through perceived transparency. Furthermore, how these concepts affect each other determines how followers perceive and respond to sponsored content.  Value: This thesis demonstrates the effectiveness perceived transparency has in SMIs sponsored content. Furthermore, we also extend the view and the meaning of PSR and persuasion knowledge, in response to perceived transparency. Lastly, this thesis illustrates PSR and persuasion knowledge’s effect on perceived transparency and how this ends in followers' perception of sponsored content.

Tillit till influencers – av betydelse eller nonsens? : En kvalitativ studie om påverkande faktorer och marknadsföringsresultat

Pettersson, Marie, Nilsson, Minette January 2022 (has links)
Today, thanks to the internet, marketers reach a wider audience than with traditional advertising. Social platforms enable people to interact and share content in various kinds. Influencer marketing is a marketing technique that is increasing and has a high growth rate. The procedure is based on companies paying individuals to market and recommend the company's brand in their private media channels. These individuals have been shown to inspire and influence their followers. Social platforms have become an essential channel to spread information and this form of advertising has proven to be more authentic compared to conventional advertising. Consumers can therefore use social media to find inspiration and be influenced to buy products. This information results in the purpose of the study, where a qualitative research method has been used to gain a deeper understanding of the consumer's attitude to influencers and influencer marketing from the consumer's perspective. Where the overall goal is to gain insight into which factors are perceived as important when it comes to trust, and what trust can lead to. The purpose of the study has been fulfilled by studying consumers' attitudes to influencer marketing where factors concerning the source's credibility, attractiveness, and marketing results in more detail. Furthermore, the study is based on social exchange theory that guides the study. The theory describes the course of events when influencer practices influence over the followers. The results of the study are partly consistent with the theory, where the investigated factors, except physical attractiveness, have been shown to be important when it comes to trust in influencers and what it can lead to. Sponsored posts that were perceived as too frequent and too obvious tended rather to increase advertising resistance, and price is important when making purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the study showed that in addition to expertise, the area of interest was also a significant factor. This means that the study found that homophily, expertise, and authenticity are factors of importance for trust in influencers to be experienced. If there is trust in influencers, the results suggest that the follower becomes more loyal, the brand attitude is affected to varying degrees and that it can have an impact on the purchase intention.

Influencers, barnarbete och en likeandepublik : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om uppfattningen och inställningen bland svenskar gällandebetalda samarbeten på sociala medier där barn medverkar / Influencers, child labor and a liking audience : A quantitative survey in the perception and attitude among Swedes regarding paidcollaborations on social media where children participate

Axelsson, Alice, Eriksson, Karin, Jahnson, Amadeus January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att få en uppfattning om hur svenskar ser på att barnmedverkar i betalda samarbeten på sociala medier, där influencers får betalt av företag för attmarknadsföra produkter tillsammans med sina barn. Det är en kvantitativ undersökning somgenomfördes med enkäter som skickades ut till grupper utifrån generation, kön ochfamiljesituation. Frågorna berörde ämnena influencer marketing, sociala medier vanor,inställning till produkter och samarbeten. Enkäten hade 102 respondenter. ABC modellenär ett exempel på en teori som ligger till grund för vår undersökning.Respondenternas inställning till att barn deltar i betalda samarbeten var övervägande negativ. Desom var födda 1995-2003 var mer splittrade i sina åsikter än vad de två äldre åldersgrupperna var,de som var födda 1965 - 1979 eller 1980 - 1994. Inställningen till betalda samarbeten med barnskiljde sig inte åt mellan könen. Av de respondenter som inte hade barn var fler negativt inställdaän av de som hade barn. Inställningen till att barn medverkade i reklam förändras beroende på vilkenprodukt det var som marknadsfördes. Betalda samarbeten med produkter relaterade till barn, såsomblöjor och barnböcker, var respondenterna mer positivt inställda till, medan de var mer negativtinställda till “vuxen” produkter som smink och alkohol. Många av de som inte följde någrainfluencers var negativt inställda. Få respondenter hade deltagit i någon debatt online kring ämnetoch de flesta svarade att de inte ville delta i framtiden heller. / The purpose of this essay is to get an idea of how Swedes view the way children are used in paidcollaborations on social media, where influencers get paid by companies to market productstogether with their children. This is a quantitative study where a survey was sent out to groupsbased on their generation, age and family situation. The questions touched on the topics ofinfluencer marketing, social media habits, approach to products and collaborations.The survey had 102 respondents. The ABC model is an example of a theory that our researchgrounds itself in.The general attitude of the respondents regarding the subject of children participating in paidcollaborations were predominantly negative. Amongst those born 1995-2003 the general opinionswere more divided than the two older age groups were, those who were born 1965 - 1979 or 1980 -1994. The attitude to paid collaborations with children did not differ between the sexes. Of therespondents who did not have children, several more were negative than those who had children.Changes in the attitude was discovered when the participants were asked to take a stand in attitudetowards different product categories. The attitude towards children participating in advertisingchanged depending on what product was marketed. The respondents were more positive to thepaid collaborations when the products were related to children, such as diapers and children'sbooks, unlike “adult” products marketed such as makeup or alcoholic beverages where therespondents were negative. Many of those who did not follow any influencers were negativetowards the paid collaborations. Few of the respondents had been involved in online debateregarding the subject, and most respondents did not want to participate in the future either

The Social Media Influencer Effect on Consumers' Behavior : A qualitative study on macro social media influencers within the cosmetic industry

Raita, Anca-Alexandra, Gavrielatou, Aikaterini January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is aiming at investigating how macro social media influencers are affecting the consumer’s behavior of an individual within the cosmetic industry, with the outlined question: How do macro social media influencers affect consumers' behavior in the cosmetics industry? This thesis considers notions within community, social media influencers and consumers’ behavior field. An abductive qualitative research approach has been selected for this research, where data was gathered through individual semi-structured interviews, semi-structured focus groups, and semi-structured observations. Moreover, collected data from the individual and focus groups was analyzed based on the thematic coding approach, as well as in accordance with the presented analytical framework. The thesis concludes that macro social media influencers affect consumers’ behavior through their content and formed communities, to consume more and repeatedly, desire to reach a certain experience through consumption or behave in a certain manner individually or collectively.

Digitální komunikace Českého olympijského týmu na Zimních olympijských hrách 2018 / Digital communication of the Czech olympic team at The 2018 Winter Olympics

Moravcová, Gabriela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis named Digital Communication of the Czech Olympic Team at the 2018 Winter Olympics deals with the communication of the Czech Olympic Committee, focusing on social media profiles - the Czech Olympic Team, which the Czech Olympic Committee manages and communicates through them to the target audience. The diploma thesis analyzes communication specifically during the XXIII. Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea and focuses on communication on Instagram and YouTube. The theoretical part outlines the history of the Olympic Games, explains the basic concepts of marketing and PR and the connection of these disciplines to sports and social networks. The analytical part explains the functioning of the Czech Olympic Committee and analyzes the communication on Instagram and YouTube during the Olympics. The analysis was partly based on data from the Czech Olympic production and partly my own research and analysis of posts from the period under review. To the analysis are added findings from a structured interview with the head of digital communication and is followed up with recommendations for future communication of this association.

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