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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den nya butiksupplevelsen online : Hur kundupplevelsen i liveshopping kan designas för att leda till högre köpintentioner / The new in-store experience online : How the customer experience in live shopping can be designed to enhance purchase intentions

Pettersson, Sofia, Jenny, Stridsman January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Att skapa en stark kundupplevelse har inom de senaste åren blivit en fokuspunkt inom marknadsföring bland både ledande företag och forskning. De flesta studier inom kundupplevelse har behandlat kundupplevelsen i fysisk handel och inom e-handeln. Nu har ytterligare en handelsvariant, liveshopping, skapats som ser ut att slå igenom världen över. Precis som kundupplevelsen designas effektivast på ett visst vis när den sker i fysiska handeln och på ett annat vis när den sker i e-handeln, anser vi att det borde finnas en optimal design för kundupplevelsen inom liveshopping. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur kundupplevelsen i e-handelsformatet liveshopping kan designas för att påverka konsumenters köpintention positivt. Frågeställningar: Hur påverkar konsumenternas kundupplevelse dess köpintentioner vid liveshopping? Vilken roll spelar typ av värd för konsumenters köpintentioner i liveshopping? Vilken roll spelar graden av personlig interaktion för konsumenters köpintentioner i liveshopping? Metod: Denna magisteruppsats använder sig av kvantitativ strategi, deduktiv ansats, tvärsnittsdesign och enkätmetod. Studiens insamlade data analyseras med variansanalyser i SPSS. Resultat: Studien kommer fram till att den underhållande och sensoriska, den informativa samt den sociala dimensionen av kundupplevelsen påverkar köpintentionerna i liveshopping positivt. Studien visar även att desto mer personlig interaktion i liveshopping, desto högre köpintentioner har konsumenterna samt att en produktexpert leder till högre köpintentioner än en influencer. Kunskapsbidrag: Studien bidrar med kunskap om kundupplevelsen i ett nytt ehandelsformat, liveshopping. / Background: Creating a strong customer experience has in recent years become a focal point in marketing among both leading companies and academic research. Most studies within customer experience have studied the customer experience in physical stores and e-commerce. However, a new shopping format, live shopping, has hit the market around the world. Just as the customer experience is designed more efficiently in a certain way when it takes place in physical store and in another way when it takes place in e-commerce, we believe that there should be an optimal design for the customer experience in live shopping.  Purpose: This study aims to investigate how the customer experience in the ecommerce format live shopping can be designed to positively influence consumers' purchase intention.  Research questions: How does perceived customer experience affect purchase intentions in live shopping? What role does the choice of host play in consumers' purchase intentions in live shopping? What impact does the degree of personal interaction have on consumers' purchase intentions in live shopping?  Methodology: This master's thesis uses quantitative strategy, deductive approach, crosssectional design, and questionnaire method. The collected data is analyzed with variance analysis in SPSS. Conclusion: The study concludes that the entertaining and sensory, the informative and the social dimension of the customer experience positively affect the shopping intentions in live shopping. The study also indicates that more personal interaction in live shopping leads to higher purchase intentions. It also indicates that product experts lead to higher purchase intentions than influencers.  Contribution: The study contributes with knowledge about the customer experience in the new e-commerce format, live shopping

Sféry vlivu? reklama na YouTube a fenomén hipster / The Channel of Influence? YouTube Advertising and the Hipster Phenomenon

Horáková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This research seeks to address the topic of the influence of the YouTube advertising on society as seen by the members of hipster subculture. This work aims to explore the attitude of hipsters towards the YouTube thanks to an analysis of the interviews and also with the help of a theoretical framework of core concepts such as subculture, hipster, lifestyle or advertising practices. The reason I address hipster attitudes is the fact, that hipster phenomenon has become widespread nowadays. Moreover, those individuals are associated with skeptical stance towards the mainstream trends. Therefore, I have decided to confront the ostensibly distrustful view of hipsters towards YouTube as a representative of modern mainstream and then analyze self-proclaimed attitudes of hipsters as such.

Influencia del marco regulatorio en la narrativa publicitaria de los influencers en Instagram (año 2019 – 2020). Caso Mateo Garrido Lecca. / Influence of the regulatory framework on the advertising narrative of influencers on Instagram (year 2019 - 2020). Mateo Garrido Lecca case.

Giraldo Salas, Juan Carlos 07 October 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en la influencia que tiene el marco regulatorio en la narrativa publicitaria de los influencers o creadores de contenido, en la categoría denominada entretenimiento. Asimismo, identificar si utilizan la red social Instagram para promocionar los productos o servicios de la marca o anunciante, teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos y el cumplimiento de leyes implementados por el Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Indecopi), en el Perú. Por otro lado, los conceptos que se van a tratar en el estudio son: marco de regulación (Guía de Indecopi y principios de regulación), influencer, tipos de influencers, publicidad del influencer e Instagram; y la metodología que se va a utilizar es cualitativa. La pregunta de investigación es ¿Cuál es la influencia del marco regulatorio en la narrativa publicitaria de los influencers en Instagram enfocados en la categoría entretenimiento de los años 2019 – 2020? Y el caso en particular que se va a enfocar es del influencer Mateo Garrido Lecca. / This research focuses on the influence that the regulatory framework has on the advertising narrative of influencers or content creators make, in the category called entertainment. Also, identify if they use the social network Instagram to promote the products or services of the brand or advertiser, taking into account the guidelines and compliance with laws implemented by the National Institute for Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi), in Peru. On the other hand, the concepts to be covered in the study are: regulatory framework (Indecopi Guideline and regulatory principles), types of influencers, influencer advertising, Instagram and qualitative methodology. The research question is: ¿What is the influence of the regulatory framework on the advertising narrative of influencers on Instagram focused on the entertainment category of the years 2019 - 2020? And the particular case that is going to be focused on is the influencer Mateo Garrido Lecca / Trabajo de investigación

Influencia de la confianza directiva y el compromiso de los empleados como determinantes de la lealtad y fidelización del cliente a través de las redes sociales en las relaciones contractuales prepago en operadoras de Telefonía Móvil.

Gil Conesa, Ignacio 16 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación se ha centrado en la identificación de qué servicios pueden ser considerados como determinantes como competitivas, en las relaciones prepago con sus clientes, por parte de las principales operadoras de telefonía móvil en España, y si la existencia de mayores niveles de confianza, compromiso y lealtad por parte de los empleados de las operadoras, con cada vez mayor presencia en redes sociales, pueden alterar su posición. A través de varios estudios, siguiendo la metodología de Concept Mapping con análisis clúster, al objeto de obtener la información necesaria fundamentalmente de tipo cualitativo, se puede obtener e identificar aquellos niveles de afectación en las relaciones empleados-subordinado con repercusiones en la competitividad de las operadoras de telefonía móvil en España. En un primer estudio analizo los motivos de lealtad de los clientes con la operadora, identificando las principales dimensiones y a continuación, en un segundo estudio identifico las principales razones de desconexión de anteriores operadoras, identificando sus dimensiones con las variables anteriormente descritas. / [CA] Aquesta investigació s'ha centrat en la identificació de quins serveis poden ser considerats com a determinants com a competitives, en les relacions prepagament amb els seus clients, per part de les principals operadores de telefonia mòbil a Espanya, i si l'existència de majors nivells de confiança, compromís i lleialtat per part dels empleats de les operadores, amb cada vegada major presència en xarxes socials, poden alterar la seua posició. A través de diversos estudis, seguint la metodologia de Concept Mapping amb anàlisi clúster, a fi d'obtindre la informació necessària fonamentalment de tipus qualitatiu, es pot obtindre i identificar aquells nivells d'afectació en les relacions emprats-subordinat amb repercussions en la competitivitat de les operadores de telefonia mòbil a Espanya. En un primer estudi analitze els motius de lleialtat dels clients amb l'operadora, identificant les principals dimensions i a continuació, en un segon estudi identifique les principals raons de desconnexió d'anteriors operadores, identificant les seues dimensions amb les variables anteriorment descrites. / [EN] This research has focused on the identification of which services can be considered as competitive determinants on prepaid contracts with customers, by the main mobile phone companies in Spain, and whether the existence of higher levels of trust, commitment and loyalty on the part of the employees, with increasing presence in social networks, can alter their position. Through several studies, following the Concept Mapping methodology with cluster analysis in order to obtain the necessary information, primarily of a qualitative type, the levels of affectation in employee-subordinate relationships with repercussions on the competitiveness of the mobile phone companies in Spain can be identified. In a first study, I analyze the reasons for customer¿s loyalty with the company, identifying the main dimensions and then in a second study I identify the main reasons of why customers leave their previous mobile operators, identifying dimensions with the variables described above. / Gil Conesa, I. (2022). Influencia de la confianza directiva y el compromiso de los empleados como determinantes de la lealtad y fidelización del cliente a través de las redes sociales en las relaciones contractuales prepago en operadoras de Telefonía Móvil [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182949 / TESIS

The impact of social media influencers on the purchase intention of Tech gadgets among Gen Z and Y : Sweden

Meglaj, Valentina, Zafar, Naqash January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The role of Instagram Influencers in Last Chance Tourism : Through applying users perception and interaction of Instagram Influencers’ photos of Last Chance Destinations

Jensen, Maria Louise January 2021 (has links)
While theory argues that Instagram influencers are beneficial for rural and sustainable tourism in gaining attention and awareness, they also can generate an increased tourist flow. A newly published article by Palazzo, et al., 2021, mentions that while they have focused on the bright sides of Instagram Influencers within tourism, they have excluded matters of adverse effects. Something that could likely create a situation of overtourism, as increased tourism flows can be hard to manage. Due to little research of Last Chance Destinations (LCDs), a similar theory will be applied, as these destinations are already considered damaged. Due to the study gap and the tiny amount of empery within this field, people between 18-25 with interest in travel content on Instagram have been interviewed to get more in-depth answers. It has been discovered that Instagram Influencers play little to no role in increased tourism flows to LCDs. People are only inclined to visit LCD after engaging with a destination post if they already have existing motivations to visit it. Instead, influencers serve the purpose and potential ofeducating Instagram users about sustainable tourism principles and climate change.

Personal branding en el storytelling publicitario: Caso Alessandra Mazzini y Camote Soup / Personal branding in advertising storytelling: Case of Alessandra Mazzini and Camote Soup

Ajen Soto, Josselin Hatsumy 22 November 2021 (has links)
La industria de la moda presenta un mercado altamente competitivo. Por ello, las marcas se esfuerzan en destacar en redes sociales como Instagram, donde colaboran con influencers para obtener mayor reconocimiento de su público objetivo. Actualmente, estos usuarios influyentes no solo trabajan con marcas comerciales, sino que crean sus propias marcas personales. Una técnica que emplean para promocionar estas marcas de forma atractiva es el storytelling publicitario, pues con esto involucran las emociones de su audiencia. Si bien se han realizado estudios sobre el personal branding en celebridades de Perú, y sobre la colaboración entre marcas e influencers peruanos, hace falta indagar en profundidad en el personal branding de estos influencers y las estrategias de storytelling publicitario que emplean al promocionar productos. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el personal branding de una influencer de moda peruana y el storytelling publicitario de su empresa, tomando como caso de investigación a la marca “Camote Soup” y su creadora, la diseñadora Alessandra Mazzini. Bajo el enfoque cualitativo, se realizaron quince entrevistas semiestructuradas por videollamada a mujeres de 18 a 25 años seguidoras de la influencer y su marca. Se halló que los elementos que destacan en el personal branding de Alessandra Mazzini son misticismo, vulnerabilidad y rol sociopolítico. Estos están presentes en el storytelling publicitario de “Camote Soup” tanto en sus prendas como en sus campañas. Se concluyó que existe una relación de dependencia-subordinación en el caso estudiado. / The fashion industry presents a highly competitive market. For this reason, brands strive to stand out on social networks such as Instagram, where they collaborate with influencers to obtain greater recognition from their target audience. Currently, these influential users not only work with trademarks, but create their own personal brands. One technique they use to promote these brands in an attractive way is advertising storytelling, since this involves the emotions of their audience. Although studies have been carried out on the personal branding of celebrities in Peru, and on the collaboration between Peruvian brands and influencers, it is necessary to investigate in depth the personal branding of these influencers and the advertising storytelling strategies they use when promoting products. The objective of this research is to analyze the personal branding of a Peruvian fashion influencer and the advertising storytelling of her company, taking as a research case the brand “Camote Soup” and its creator, the designer Alessandra Mazzini. Under the qualitative approach, fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted by video call with women between 18 and 25 years old, followers of the influencer and her brand. It was found that the elements that stand out in Alessandra Mazzini's personal branding are mysticism, vulnerability, and socio-political role. These are present in the advertising storytelling of "Camote Soup" both in their garments and in their campaigns. It was concluded that there is a dependency-subordination relationship in the case studied. / Tesis

Marknadsföringens roll i sociala medier och dess effekt på kvinnliga millennials köp av hudvårdsprodukter / The role of marketing in social media and its effect on millennial womens' purchase of skincare products

Parominskiy, Andrey, Younes, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
Aim: In connection with digitalization, companies have increased their use of social media marketing and influencer marketing. Thanks to this, the skincare industry has had a magnificent effect on its sales, where millennial women are a strong target group for its digital marketing. These marketing channels contribute to direct interaction on social media and research has shown that there are seven different behaviors on social media: co-creation, positive contribution, consumption, dormancy, detachment, negative contribution, and co-destruction. The purpose of the study is to understand whether there is a connection between millennial women's behavior on social media in relation to the marketing of skincare and their frequency of purchase of skincare products. The research question that is answered is which behaviors on social media towards marketing of the skincare industry have an effect on millennial women in Sweden's purchase frequency of skincare products. Method: The study is based on a quantitative method with a deductive approach. Hypothesis development and a survey were conducted with a total of 200 respondents who are millennial women living in Sweden. The data were analyzed through multiple regression analysis and is reported through a hypothesis test. Result and Conclusions: The study shows that there is a connection between millennial women's buying frequency and its behavior on social media towards the marketing of skincare products that are co-creative, positive contribution, consumption, detachment, and co-destruction. However, there is a lack of this connection when it comes to the behaviors of dormancy and negative contribution. Contribution of the thesis: The contribution of the study is theoretical knowledge for the skincare industry regarding the effect on the purchase frequency of skincare products that millennial women have, based on their behaviors on social media towards its marketing. The study also contributes with practical knowledge that there are reasons for marketers to pay attention to this in order to achieve increased sales. Suggestions for future research: Further research into the subject could be to apply these behaviors to other industries and populations than those to which this study relates. This is because these behaviors that have been investigated are not limited to a specific industry or population. Another suggestion is to study the effects on specific brands and influencers, as all of them are different and consumers can thus perceive these in different ways. / Syfte: I samband med digitaliseringen har företag fått ökad användning av marknadsföring i sociala medier samt influencermarknadsföring. Tack vare detta har hudvårdsbranschen fått en storslagen effekt i sin omsättning, där kvinnliga millennials utgör en stark målgrupp för dess digitala marknadsföring. Dessa marknadsföringskanaler bidrar till direkt interaktion på sociala medier och forskning har visat att det finns sju olika beteenden på sociala medier: samskapande, positivt bidrag, konsumtion, viloläge, avskildhet, negativt bidrag och medförstörelse. Studiens syfte är att förstå om det finns samband mellan kvinnliga millennials beteenden på sociala medier i relation till marknadsföring av hudvård och deras köpfrekvens av hudvårdsprodukter. Forskningsfrågan som besvaras är vilka beteenden på sociala medier gentemot marknadsföring av hudvårdsbranschen som har en effekt på kvinnliga millennials i Sveriges köpfrekvens av hudvårdsprodukter. Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ utgångspunkt med en deduktiv ansats. En hypotesutveckling samt en enkätundersökning har genomförts där svar från totalt 200 respondenter som är kvinnliga millennials bosatta i Sverige erhölls. Datan har analyserats genom multipel regressionsanalys och redovisas genom en hypotesprövning.  Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar att det finns ett samband mellan kvinnliga millennials köpfrekvens och dess beteenden på sociala medier mot marknadsföring av hudvårdsprodukter som är samskapande, positivt bidrag, konsumtion, avskildhet och medförstörelse. Däremot finns en avsaknad av detta samband när det gäller beteenden viloläge och negativt bidrag. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till teoretisk kunskap för hudvårdsbranschen angående vilken effekt på köpfrekvensen av hudvårdsprodukter som kvinnliga millennials har baserat på deras beteenden på sociala medier gentemot dess marknadsföring. Studien bidrar även med praktisk kunskap om att det finns anledningar för marknadsförare att uppmärksamma detta för att uppnå ökad försäljning.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Fortsatt forskning som kan genomföras är att applicera dessa beteenden på andra branscher och populationer än för de som denna studie avser. Detta då dessa beteenden som har undersökts inte är bundna för enbart en specifik bransch eller population. Övrigt förslag är att studera effekten för specifika varumärken och influencers eftersom alla dessa är olika och konsumenter kan därmed uppfatta dessa på olika sätt.

Examining the impact of social media influencer’s credibility dimensions on consumer behavior

HUSSAIN, ANA, ALI, ZAHID January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The study aims to explore the effects of social media influencers' credibilitydimensions (attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise) on consumer behavior (purchase intention and attitude towards the brand) while considering the followers' loyalty as the mediating variable in the fashion industry.Theoretical approach: The proposed conceptual model of the study is based on assumptions of source credibility theory and theoretical reasonings provided in the previous literature related to social media influencer marketing.Design/methodology: Quantitative research design is used and data is collected through selfreported questionnaires. The population of the study consists of social media users who follow social media influencers on different social media platforms. Findings – Based on data collection from 225 Pakistani respondents, the analysis of the study indicates a positive impact of the three social media influencer credibility dimensions on the purchase intention, and followers’ attitude towards the endorsed brands. Moreover, influencers’ credibility positively impacts followers’ loyalty to the influencers. In addition to the direct effects, followers’ loyalty towards the influencers partially mediated (1) the relationship between influencers’ credibility and purchase intention, as well as (2) the relationship betweeninfluencers’ credibility and followers’ attitude towards the brand. Practical implications – The findings of the thesis provide implications for businesses and marketers to understand the role of credible social media influencers in shaping consumer behavior and it also answers the question of how they influence it.Originality/value – This study adds to the influencer marketing literature by investigating the mediating role of followers’ loyalty in between the relationship of influencer’s credibility and purchase intention of followers as well as their attitude towards the brand.

Manipulerade streams och dess roll i musikbranschen : - En kvalitativ studie om hur manipulerade streams färgar dagens musikbransch (ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv). / Stream manipulations and its role in the music industry : - A qualitative study of how manipulated streams color today's music industry (from a marketing perspective).

Berggren, Alva, Danielsson, Samuel, Ogvall, Bernadina January 2021 (has links)
The digitalization and emergence of the Internet have given rise to new platforms providing marketing, distribution and revenues to happen in the same place, a significant difference from the past. New platforms have become new places for artists to compete for, for instance, positions on toplists. This is the fundamental background to the occurrence of manipulated streams in the music industry. The purpose of this study has been to examine and create a deeper understanding of manipulated streams and its role in the music industry, from a marketing perspective. Thus, the study aims to provide knowledge on the meaning of having high streaming numbers, why streams are being manipulated and how they are used in marketing.  The empirical data is based on six interviews with people from different parts of the music business. The results indicate that manipulated streams affect expectations of the artist and provide an opportunity for the artist to stand out in today's information overload. The artists have gained more power and influence as they are now being compared with influencers, and can influence the way the audience listens to music. Moreover, the findings also indicate that actors and platforms of the music industry need adjustments to encounter the phenomenon of manipulated streams.  Lastly, we suggest that future research should focus on how to prevent the occurrence of manipulated streams, in addition to social media's effect on cognitive behaviours of the users in relation to high streaming numbers.

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