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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is social media the new drug that generates impulse buying? : A quantitative study on social media´s effect on impulse buying regarding fashion products and if it differs between men and women in Sweden

Lennartsson, Lina, Zeka, Adelina January 2021 (has links)
Social media is a phenomenon that is successively developing, and the usage is rising each day, which in turn has an impact on consumer behaviour. Hence, the new attributes that social media provides, both for businesses and individuals, are affecting the way people are acting when making a purchase. Due to these circumstances the purpose of this thesis was to investigate and understand how social media are affecting consumers impulse buying behaviour when purchasing fashion products, and to establish if there were any gender differences.  From previous research about impulse buying and the online environment, seven hypotheses were created. The empirical findings were conducted using a quantitative method through an online survey with standardized and mainly closed-ended questions. The data were collected from 375 respondents, whereby there were at least 100 of each gender. Following, all the hypotheses were tested through the statical software SPSS.  In the conclusion of the thesis, it is established that two triggers, market stimuli and individual traits, had a moderate effect on consumers impulse buying tendency while the other categories did not at all. However, it was confirmed that all triggers had a correlation to impulse buying on social media. Additionally, it was determined that there were a gender differences in all the tested hypotheses, proving that there is a difference between men and women regarding impulse buying on social media. Although, the research is providing space and opportunity to include other aspects and develop the research field further in future research.

"Estetiskt tillfredställande" : En kvalitativ studie av kvinnliga micro-influencers estetiska strategier för deras Instagram-flöde / "Aesthetically Pleasing" : A qualitative study of female Micro-influencers Aesthetic Strategy for their Instagram feed

Salahiya, Sema, Latifaj, Blerina, Freudenberg, Natalia January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – This study aims to explore the relationships between aesthetics and micro- influencers’ Instagram feed along with its effects on follower engagement. Based on the assumption that there is a common practice for micro-influencers who are familiar with aesthetics. Although micro-influencer content has attracted increased interest on Instagram, relatively little is known about influencers’ aesthetic strategy. Method – The present study addresses this gap by examining how feed aesthetics are associated with micro-influencers aesthetic strategy and what elements contribute to feed aesthetics. The study leverages a dataset of Instagram micro-influencers compiled by scraping an online survey and online interview to test its hypotheses with a qualitative approach. Findings – It has been indicated that feed aesthetics were positively associated with color, more specifically color harmony as well as a boost in follow engagement. However, these factors are modified by influencers’ domains of interest when creating content. The findings contribute to the literature by illuminating how principles related to aesthetics in micro- influencers’ images contribute to their aesthetic strategy and follower’s engagement on Instagram. Implications – The result of this study contributes with significant data that an Instagram client would carry out to make a feed that reflects feed style and grabs the eye of different groups. The significance of executing a thoroughly considered technique to an Instagram feed to make a tastefully satisfying look is demonstrated. In addition to that, getting a deep understanding of influencers feelings and emotions about their feeds and feed aesthetics, introducing the idea of color harmony when it comes to planning feed aesthetics. By the end of this paper a further research has been suggested which relates to the relation of aesthetics in different group genders and ages, with a different platform for instance.

Hur Social är Social Handel?

Österling Andersson, Rebecca, Cindy, Svensson January 2019 (has links)
The purchasing process has in many ways been affected by the digitalization. As the digital commerce is growing in market shares the physical stores are struggling. The mobile phone has become a central point of purchasing as digital technologies has become an important factor in creating customer value. In addition, social platforms have made an entrance in e-commerce, creating social commerce. First by being a platform for information and inspiration. But with recent launches the social platforms are releasing functions to in a wider sense boost selling activities and creating application design for a more seamless shopping experience. At the same time Influencer marketing is a rapidly growing industry that businesses invest more in every year.  The purpose of this thesis is to create a better understanding for social commerce as business model and how the functionality supports and limits the interaction between commercial actors and the private users in activities of the purchasing process. The question was investigated based on the perspective of the relationship between commercial actors and their followers. Where design is studied based on factors of functionality, usability and sociability in relation to purchases- and sales activities. The study will also focus on how the framework is set for the activity and interaction that takes place on the social platform in social commerce.To answer the research question, a netnography was performed and though observations of businesses and influencers Instagram accounts, to conduct a mainly qualitative data acquisition. Where the purpose is to observe the behavior and activities that occurs on the platform and set them i relation to the technical aspects of the platform.The results of this thesis show that the commercial actors; businesses and influencers have different strategies supporting their commercial interests on the social platform: The Seamless strategy (businesses) and the Social strategy (influencers). Both supported by the platforms functionalities, the businesses, business model tend to be more vulnerable to the potential changed conditions that the platform's framework entails.

Vilken faktor har följarantal på marknadsföring över sociala medier? : En studie av korrelationen mellan influencers följarantal och influencermarknadsföring via sociala / Which factor does the number of followers have on social media marketing? : A study of the correlation between influencer follower numbers and influencer marketing via social media.

Blom, Elsa January 2020 (has links)
Idag finns det en bred variation av influencers, där följarantalet varierar från några tusen till flera miljoner. Storleken på en influencers följarskara är ett väsentligt kriterium för ett företag när man ska välja influencer att samarbeta med. Dock kan det för ett företag vara en fördel att samarbeta med influencers som har ett mindre följarantal, men där denna istället har en närmare relation till sina följare. Det skulle alltså kunna vara så att en influencer med färre följare har större inverkan och att denna procentmässigt skulle kunna bidra till mer försäljning än en influencer med fler följare. Studien syftar till att undersöka om antalet följare en influencer har är en faktor som kan sättas i samband med hur många köp som genomförs vid en influencer-marknadsföring på Instagram. För att besvara detta har en kartläggning och en litteraturstudie genomförts. Studien har analyserat och jämfört 20 stycken unika samarbeten mellan ett utvalt företag i modebranschen och ett antal influencers med fler än 10 000 följare samt ett antal influencers med färre än 10 000 följare. Studiens resultat visade att influencers med färre antal följare hade större räckvidd och att deras inlägg ledde till fler köp i proportion till deras följarantal. Detta har betydelse för framtida samarbeten eftersom en influencer med färre följare många gånger har ett lägre arvode. Detta innebär i längden att företaget kan lägga mindre resurser på denna marknadsföring, men ändå få positiva resultat. Detta behöver dock inte utesluta användandet av influencers med ett större antal följare. Utan som företag bör man innan en kampanj startar, sätta upp mål och utgå ifrån vilken storlek på influencers som bäst passar deras mål.

Vilken roll spelar Instagram för unga vuxnas självbild, beteende och psykiska mående? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Saleh Hajo, Poshin January 2020 (has links)
Syfte | Att undersöka hur unga vuxnas självbild, psykiska mående och beteenden påverkas av det sociala forumet Instagram. Metod | Datat i denna intervjustudie består av totalt fyra intervjuer med olika personer inom ålderskategorin 20-30 år. Studien har använt sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer, som sedan transkriberas och kodas enligt tematisk analys process. Huvudsakliga resultat | Studiens slutsats är att studiens resultat har visat och stärkt det som tidigare forskning pekat mot, att socialt jämförande över Instagram kan leda till en negativ självbild och självsyn. Respondenternas svar indikerar framförallt att Instagramanvändande verkar vara riktad åt negativ riktning för unga vuxnas mående såväl som beteenden som utmynnar i ohälsosamma konsekvenser.

An exploratory study: The role of trust and perception through influencer marketing and artificial intelligence on millennials and generation Z’s purchase intent in the online retail context

Ishak, Safaa, Jimale, Hamdi, Jinow-Afrah, Hani January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Date: 02.06.2021  Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Märlardalen University  Title: An exploratory study: The role of trust and perception through influencer marketing and artificial intelligence on millennials and generation Z’s purchase intent in the online retail context.  Tutor: Leanne Johnstone  Keywords: Online consumer behavior, Influencer marketing, Artificial intelligence, Trust in the online context, Perception in the online context, Millennials and Generation Z  List of abbreviations: SNS, SMI, AI, Gen Z, Gen Y, TRA, TPB, TAM  Research questions: How does Influencer’s marketing and AI affect trust and perception (i.e. aspects of consumer buying behavior) for millennials and generation z’s purchase intent in the online retail context?  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop an understanding on how trust and perception, through social media influencers and AI (algorithms) influences the purchase intention of millennials and generation Z’s in the online retail context.  Method: This thesis used an inductive approach towards theory development. In order to accomplish this qualitative research focus group interviews were conducted. The data collected through these focus group interviews were then thematically analyzed to identify common patterns, themes and topics.  Conclusion: The conclusion for this study finds that influencer marketing and artificial intelligence influences trust and perception in the online retail context, which in return impacts the purchase intentions of Millennials and Gen Z. Furthermore, this study also finds that Millennials and Gen Z, based on the experiences of their respective generations, have different behavioral attitudes in the online context.

TikTok Made Me Buy It : Influencer Marketing on TikTok: What Affects Swedish Consumers' Purchase Intentions?

Nilsson, Johanna, Nilsson, Filippa, Johansson, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of trustworthiness, perceived expertise, and parasocial relationships on Swedish consumers' purchase intentions on TikTok, focusing on influencer marketing. The problem addressed in this study is the lack of understanding of consumer behavior on TikTok in the context of influencer marketing. While TikTok has become a popular platform for influencer marketing due to its high engagement rates and entertaining marketing concept, limited research exists on the factors that influence consumer purchase intentions on the platform. The study aims to understand the factors that influence consumer behavior on TikTok and its impact on purchase intentions, using the theory of persuasion. The method used in this research is a quantitative study where the authors used a survey method to collect primary data from 138 Swedish consumers. STATA was used to analyze the data, and the findings reveal that the trustworthiness and parasocial relationships of influencers significantly impact purchase intentions, while perceived expertise has no significant impact on the platform TikTok. This study's results can guide marketing professionals and influencers to develop effective influencer marketing strategies on TikTok, which offers immense marketing opportunities for brands seeking to reach younger audiences with high engagement rates.

Influencer Endorsements of E-Cigarette Brands on Instagram : A study of Gen Z perception of influencers endorsing e- cigarette brands on Instagram

Grover, Isha, Jauregui, Ander January 2023 (has links)
The widespread use of social media platforms and the emergence of influencer marketing have revolutionized brand-consumer interactions, particularly among the younger demographic. In line with this trend, the influence of e-cigarette influencers on Generation Z (Gen Z) has become a prominent area of research. As influencer marketing continues to thrive and the e-cigarette industry experiences significant growth, it is imperative to comprehend how these influencers shape Gen Z's perception of influencers endorsing e-cigarette brands. Therefore, this study aims to examine the perception of Gen Z towards Instagram influencers in the United States who endorse e-cigarette brands. By exploring the perspectives of Gen Z, this research seeks to gain insights into the potential impact of these influencers on Gen Z's attitudes and behaviours regarding e-cigarettes. The study was based on the theory of source credibility and celebrity endorsement. The study adopted a qualitative research approach and employed in-depth interviews and netnography as methodology. A total of eleven in-depth interviews were conducted with participants from Gen Z who possessed knowledge and familiarity with e- cigarettes. Additionally, through netnography, comments from publicly available Instagram posts of the selected e-cigarette influencers were collected and examined over a period of three years. The findings highlight that Gen Z generally holds a positive perception of e-cigarette influencers on Instagram, perceiving them as credible sources of information and inspiration, thereby influencing their attitudes and behaviours concerning e-cigarettes. These insights have practical implications for e-cigarette brands aiming to engage Gen Z through influencer marketing, emphasizing the importance of trust and expertise in influencer-generated content. However, the study also highlights potential societal implications, including the potential for i increased e-cigarette consumption and ethical concerns surrounding the influence of trustworthy influencers on underage users. In conclusion, the study proposes avenues for future research, such as conducting surveys with larger sample sizes and exploring perceptions of e- cigarette influencers on alternative social media platforms like TikTok.

Effekten av influencer-marketing : En kvantiativ studie som undersöker influencer-marketings roll kring Generation Z konsumentbeteende

Larsson, Filippa, Parsmo, Eric, Forssander, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Datum: 2023-05-30  Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi  Institution: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Universitet  Författare: Eric Parsmo, Filippa Larsson & Wilma Forssander  Titel: Effekten av influencer-marketing   Handledare: Rana Mostaghel   Nyckelord: Influencers, Influencer-marketing, Sociala medier, Generation Z, Förtroende, Klädbranschen, Impulsköp  Frågeställningar: - Vilka faktorer inom influencer-marketing spelar roll när det kommer till Generation Z konsumentbeteende inom klädbranschen i Sverige? - Vilka faktorer spelar en roll för Generation Z tillit gentemot influencer-marketing?  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka sambanden mellan utvalda variabler för att se vilka faktorer inom influencer-marketing som spelar roll när det kommer till Generation Z konsumentbeteendet inom klädbranschen i Sverige. Studien undersöker även tilliten mellan Generation Z och influencer-marketing. Arbetet kan vara till stor nytta för företag som snabbt vill kunna anpassa sina strategier efter behov, efterfrågan och pågående trender.  Metod: Kvantitativ metod, enkätundersökning, 197 respondenter  Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns flera faktorer som spelar roll inom influencer-marketing för Generation Z konsumentbeteende inom klädbranschen i Sverige. Faktorer med en betydande roll för Generation Z konsumentbeteende var sociala medier, rabattkoder och erbjudanden, transparens och ärlighet, samt tillit. Det påvisades även att faktorer som trovärdighet och genuinitet har en stor roll när det handlar om Generation Z tillit gentemot influencer-marketing. / Date: 2023-05-30  Level: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration   Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalens University  Authors: Eric Parsmo, Filippa Larsson, Wilma Forssander  Title:The Effect of influencer-marketing   Tutor: Rana Mostaghel  Keywords: Influencers, influencer-marketing, social media, Generation Z, trust, clothing industry, impulsive buying  Research questions: -Which factors in influencer marketing matter when it comes to Generation Z consumer behavior in the clothing industry in Sweden? -What factors play a role in Generation Z’s trust in influencer-marketing?  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between selected variables to see which factors in influencer marketing play a role in Generation Z consumer behavior in the clothing industry in Sweden. The study also examines the trust between Generation Z and influencer marketing. The work can be of great benefit to companies that want to quickly adapt their strategies to needs, demand and ongoing trends.  Method:Quantitative method, survey, 197 respondents  Conclusion: The study shows that there are several factors that matter in influencer- marketing for Generation Z consumer behavior within the fashion industry in Sweden. Factors significant for Generation Z consumer behavior were social media, discount codes, offers, transparency, honesty, and trust. It was also shown that factors such as credibility and genuineness have a big role when it comes to Generation Z’s trust in influencer-marketing.

Min vän i fårakläder : En studie om parasociala interaktioners påverkan på podcastmarknadsföring

Malmström, Samuel, Lindfors, Theodor January 2022 (has links)
Podcasts är ett relativt nytt fenomen i medievärlden och har skapat ett utrymme som bryggar gapet mellan konsument och varumärke. Medieformen skapar en nära relation mellan lyssnare och programledare till den utsträckningen att lyssnare kan se programledare som vänner eller bekanta. Genom teorier inom bland annat word of mouth, influencer marketing och parasociala interaktioner har tre hypoteser utformats för att undersöka om parasociala interaktioner och engagemang påverkar podcastmarknadsföring. Hypoteserna undersöktes genom korrelationsanalys, t-test och regressionsanalys med data från en enkätundersökning med 127 respondenter. Resultatet visar att parasociala interaktioner samt engagemang genom sociala medier och diskussioner positivt påverkar mottagande av marknadsföring inom podcasts. Engagemang genom sociala medier och diskussioner uppvisar ett positivt dubbelriktat samband till de sociala faktorerna av parasociala interaktioner. Däremot uppvisar inte lyssningsfrekvens och engagemang samband till mottagande av marknadsföring. Podcastmarknadsföring bör således framföras av en kompetent och socialt relaterbar programledare på ett personligt och konversationsliknande sätt.

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