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Genus i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskolepedagogernas arbete med genus på förskolanVegdanpak, Nasim, Glogovac, Tamara January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of what preschool educators think about gender work and how they work with gender in preschool. The aim is also to contribute to a broader understanding of the educators way of promoting gender equality in preschool. The study is based on a qualitative method were eight preschool educators were interviewed. Previous research has also highlighted gender, which has also been our central research area. The theory is based on West and Zimmerman's “Doing Gender” theory and Connell's theory "About Gender". The results of the study show different ways of working with gender and the importance of gender work in preschool. Gender work at preschool was evident through conversations with the children, language usage and preschool materials. The importance of gender work was expressed through the educators' norm-critical approach and their approach to non-gender-aware colleagues. The final discussion shows a link between previous research and our results, but also how a gender perspective in the work with the children benefits society as a whole.
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Variabilita faciálních expresí ve vztahu k věku a pohlavní příslušnosti: pilotní studie pro sledování léčby parézy tváře. / The variability of facial expressions in relation to age and sex: pilot study for monitoring the treatment of facial palsy.Danková, Simona January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of 3D morphological changes and variability in the shape and form of facial expression during five specifically defined facial expressions (raising eyebrows, close both eyes, lips pursing, inflating both cheeks, smile). Changes in facial expression were evaluated in relation to sexual dimorphism and age category of probands using the methods of geometric morphometrics (Dense Correspondence Analysis, Paired Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Shell-to-Shell Deviation) in program Morphome3cs and RapidForm. The analysis consisted of evaluating the surface of soft tissue changes that occur due to the contraction of facial muscles. Materials used for the analysis are 3D surface facial models of adult healthy people of the Czech nationality (63 women, 58 men) in the age interval 20-60 years. We considered methodology based on Paired Analysis to be more accurate, when we worked only with differences between the neutral expression and facial expression. By choosing a Paired Analysis, we prevented the morphological features of the face from being reflected into the results. Morphological features are a manifestation of sexual dimorphism or age factor as such, but they are not themselves the essence of facial expression. In this way, we analyzed the shape of the face after...
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Porovnání efektivity bruslení rozvíjené drillovou a herní formou u věkové kategorie U - 10 / The comparison of ice skating efficiency developed by drill vs. gaming form in the U - 10 categoryDvořák, Luboš January 2020 (has links)
Title: The comparison of ice skating efficiency developed by drill vs. gaming form in the U - 10 category. Objectives: The aim of this dissertation is to compare the efficiency of skating developed by drill and game forms of training using speed-skill tests for ice hockey players under the age of 10. Methods: This work used the method of quantitative analysis of test results for ice hockey players of the U10 age category. The tested group consisted of 18 players of the U10 age category from the HC Hvězda Praha team. The dissertation includes three stages of data collection. The first set of data is preliminary, the second set of data is collected after the intervention by the drill form of training and the third set of data is collected after the intervention by the game form of training. The development of skating skills in drill and game form of training always took place in the first twenty minutes of the training. The obtained sets of data were recorded and then evaluated in accord with Friedmanan and Wilcoxon tests. Results: In the 6.1 m sprint, the 35 m sprint and the S-Corner test, slalom with a puck test and the crossing with a puck test there was recorded improvement after each intervention. In the crossing without a puck test the difference was recorded only after the drill form of...
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Jazyková feminizace v současné portugalštině / The Linguistic Feminization in Contemporary PortugueseFolvarčný, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the expression of the feminine gender in contemporary Portuguese. It is mainly concentrated on the manifestations of linguistic feminization within two language variants of Portuguese (European and Brazilian). The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part focuses on general issues related to the grammatical category of gender. This means that the linguistic gender is examined from a historical, semantic and syntactic point of view. Due to different interpretations of this category, the very nature of the grammatical gender is also discussed. The second part analyses the different ways in which the feminine gender can be expressed in contemporary Portuguese. The practical part is introduced by the third chapter and is connected with the main goal of this diploma thesis. It consists in verifying whether the manifestations of linguistic feminization, in this case the use of gender inflected forms, are common linguistic phenomena in Portuguese or not. To confirm this statement, linguistic data from two language corpora were used for this verification. Furthermore, the answers to the online questionnaire aiming at this issue became an additional source of the necessary data. The resulting figures prove a certain presence of linguistic feminization in both...
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Sustainability in the Fast Fashion Industry. A quantitative Study on Consumers’ Brand Attitude towards Green Brand Extensions andits Effects on Brand Loyalty.Hinzmann, Celina, Stark-Nässlin, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Only a few industries face challenges regarding sustainability to the same extent as the fashion industry being one of the largest consumer industries and the second most polluting industry in the world. These challenges are encouraged by the fast fashion business model, which is dominant in the sector and relies on the quick responsiveness to latest fashion trends while maintaining low prices, encouraging more consumption and shorter product life cycles. On the other side, a consumer shift towards more environmental consciousness can be observed leading to most fast fashion brands integrating sustainability in various forms into their products and services. A path that many fast fashion brands take in order to become more sustainable is the strategy of green branding through green brand extensions. Green brand extensions (GBEs) involve the application of an established brand name to new and greener products due to environmental considerations of the brand and can be divided into green line extensions (GLEs) and green category extensions (GCEs). Due to identified research gaps concerning how green brand extensions change consumer attitudes as well as the relationship between brand loyalty and the green image of brands, the following research question got developed to gain in-depth in consumer behavior in the fast fashion industry related to green brand extensions: RQ: How do green brand extensions of fast fashion brands affect the consumers’ parent brand attitude and brand loyalty? This primary study that aims to answer the research question was conducted following a deductive research approach and adopting a quantitative research design through collecting data by means of a web questionnaire. Thereby, the brand attitude of fashion consumers on green line and green category extensions as well as the relationship to brand loyalty got investigated focusing on Generation Y and Z as largest consumer groups of fast fashion. The main results of the study are that the introduction of a GLE by a fast fashion brand generally leads to a more positive brand attitude and a slightly improved brand loyalty of consumers towards the parent brand. However, when introducing a GCE, the launch has rarely a positive effect on the brand attitude and brand loyalty of consumers towards the parent brand. The relationship of GLEs and brand attitude is thereby moderated by the environmental concern of consumers as well as their friends and by the initial brand attitude towards the fast fashion brand. The relationship of GLEs and brand loyalty on the other hand is only moderated by environmental concern of consumers and the initial brand attitude. Looking at GCEs and their relationship with brand attitude as well as brand loyalty, it is influenced and moderated by the age of consumers, the environmental concern of their friends as well as consumers’ initial brand loyalty towards the parent brand.
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Využití pohybových her v tréninku dětí v atletických přípravkách / The use of movement games in athletics training of children U6 - U8Klapetková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Title: The use of movement games in athletics training of children U6 - U8 Aim: The aim of this thesis was the creation of the inventory of movement games for children in athletic training. It is based on a questionnaire survey, which find out clarity of rules and how classify everyone to individual training. Methodology: Based on a literature research and established criteria were selected 15 movement games, which were included in the training of children in athletic training. The research group consisted of 20 children aged 6 to 8 years (11 girls, 9 boys). The research group also included 2 coaches. The popularity and clarity of the rules for children was determined in the form of a questionnaire survey, immediately after the games were completed. The results were converted into tables and then compared. Based on the coach's questionnaire survey, selected games were supplemented with certain rules, modifications and implementation procedures. Results: In this thesis was created the inventor of 15 movement games, which can be involved in the training of children in athletic preparations. Games are divided according to the skills (run, jump, throw), that can be acquire while playing and that's why are suitable for children of category U6 - U8. The results show that movement games are very popular...
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Raná specializace ve volejbalu dívek u kategorie mladších žákyň / Early specialization in youth female volleyballVacek, Milan January 2020 (has links)
Title: Early specialization in youth female volleyball Objectives: Describe whether the current way of volleyball training process is inclined to a long-term concept of early specialization. Methods: The distribution electronic questionnaire of the E-survey type managed to collect the necessary data from 75 coaches of youth girls volleyball teams from all regions of the Czech Republic. The questionnaire was mostly relevant to coaches in the U13 category and contained 22 questions. The answers to the questions were statistical methods of processing tables and graphs and possibilities compared with research and literature Results: We found that 39% of coaches consider specialized training to be the most suitable form of sports training in the U13 category. It turned out that none of the other forms, such as general motor skills training and minivolleyball, has such a representation. The project of minivolleyball in colors is perceived positively by 82% of respondents, on the other hand in this category only less than 20% place it in more than half of the training units. The answers show that the U13 category is already predominantly specialized training of regular volleyball. The game is dominated by a game system with two setters, while in the teams there are mainly player specializations setter,...
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Analyzing YouTube Content Demand Patternsand Cacheabilityin a Swedish Municipal NetworkWang, Hantao January 2013 (has links)
User Generated Content (UGC) has boosted a high popularity since the birth of a wide range of web services allowing the distribution of such user-produced media content, whose patterns vary from textual information, photo galleries to videos on site. The boom of Internet of Things and the newly released HTML5 accelerate the development of multimedia patterns as well as the technology of distributing it. YouTube, as one of the most popular video sharing site, enjoys the top most numbers of video views and video uploads per day in the world. With the rapid growing of multimedia patterns as well as huge bandwidth demand from subscribers, the sheer volume of the traffic is going to severely strain the network resources.</p><p>Therefore, analyzing media streaming traffic patterns and cacheability in live IP-access networks today leads a hot issue among network operators and content providers. One possible solution could be caching popular contents with a high replay rate in a proxy server on LAN border or in users' terminals.</p><p>Based on the solution, this thesis project focuses on developing a measurement framework to associate network cacheability with video category and video duration under a typical Swedish municipal network. Experiments of focused parameters are performed to investigate potential user behavior rules. From the analysis of the results, Music traffic gets a rather ideal network gain as well as a remarkable terminal gain, indicating that it is more efficient to be stored close to end user. Film&amp;Animation traffic, however, is preferable to be cached in the network due to its high net gain. Besides, it is optimal to cache the video clips with a length between 3 and 5 minutes, especially the Music and Film&amp;Animation traffic. In addition, more than half of the replays occur during 16.00-24.00 and peak hours appear on average from 18.00 to 22.00. Lastly, only around 16% of the videos are global popular and very few heavy users tend to be local popular video viewers, depicting local limits and independent user interests
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A content analysis of forensic psychological reports written for sentencing proceedings in criminal court cases in South AfricaGenis, Marina 30 March 2010 (has links)
Since the 1970s there has been a rising trend in South Africa for legal professionals to use the services of psychologists in legal proceedings. Psychologists have therefore increasingly started to appear as expert witnesses in court cases. Despite this, the field of forensic psychology in South Africa has yet to be defined and delineated. Currently there are no set guidelines or regulations regarding who is qualified to do forensic work, and no standards against which this work can be measured. Psychology in the courtroom has begun to receive a notorious reputation as a result of this. The Professional Board for Psychology (PBP) of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is investigating the creation of a new category of registration, that of Forensic Psychologist, partly in an effort to manage and address this problem. However, to date little, if any, research has been conducted on the scope of the work presented to the courts by psychologists appearing as expert witnesses. This research aimed to address this gap by analysing a sample of forensic psychological reports. The following aspects were investigated: <ul><li>Who (category or registration, length of registration, etc.) is doing sentencing reports;</li> <li>How (interviews, collateral information, psychometric tests, etc.) these reports are compiled; and</li> <li>Whether these reports measure up to professional expectations as well as adhere to the guidelines of the HPCSA.</li></ul> It is clear from the results of this research that some of the psychologists doing forensic assessments and writing reports do so in an idiosyncratic way. Besides the fact that no uniformity exists, forensic work is sometimes done by psychologists who are not qualified to do so in terms of their registration category and thus their scope of practice. The reports analysed did not always measure up to guidelines or professional standards from abroad (in lieu of local standards or guidelines for reports) and/or transgressions were made in terms of HPCSA policies and guidelines. This situation is understandable in the light of two shortfalls in this field, namely training and regulation. The following recommendations can be made on the basis of this study: <ul><li>That psychologists who are adequately trained and have the proven experience in forensic work, be accredited by the PBP;</li> <li>That guidelines and standards for forensic work be drawn up by the PBP; in addition, that more complete ethical guidelines than those contained in chapter 7 of the PBP’s Rules of Conduct Pertaining Specifically to Psychology also be drawn up;</li> <li>That adequate training at MA level in basic forensic issues be made compulsory, with the option of advanced training for those wishing to specialise in the field; and</li> <li>That lawyers be trained in basic concepts of psychology so as to allow for better selection of an appropriate psychologist to assist them and also to assure effective cross-examination regarding psychological issues in court.</li></ul> If these recommendations were implemented, they could aid in regulating the field, thus producing forensic work of a consistently high quality. This will hopefully help to narrow the gap between the expected and actual interaction between law and psychology. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Representations of Spatial Frequency, Depth, and Higher-level Image Content in Human Visual CortexBerman, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
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