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Технико-экономическое сравнение способов усиления железобетонных колонн : магистерская диссертация / Technical and economic comparison of ways to strengthen reinforced concrete columnsДавыдов, М. Ю., Davydov, M. Yu. January 2022 (has links)
Проведено сравнение технико-экономических показателей известных методов усиления железобетонных колонн для различной категории
технического состояния. / The comparison of technical and economic indicators of known methods of strengthening reinforced concrete columns for various categories of technical condition is carried out.
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Local coherence of hearts in the derived category of a commutative ringMartini, Lorenzo 13 October 2022 (has links)
Approximation theory is a fundamental tool in order to study the representation theory of a ring R. Roughly speaking, it consists in determining suitable additive or abelian subcategories of the whole module category Mod-R with nice enough functorial properties. For example, torsion theory is a well suited incarnation of approximation theory. Of course, such an idea has been generalised to the additive setting itself, so that both Mod-R and other interesting categories related with R may be linked functorially. By the seminal work of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne (1982), the derived category of the ring turns out to admit useful torsion theories, called t-structures: they are pairs of full subcategories of D(R) whose intersection, called the heart, is always an abelian category. The so-called standard t-structure of D(R) has as its heart the module category Mod-R itself. Since then a lot of results devoted to the module theoretic characterisation of the hearts have been achieved, providing evidence of the usefulness of the t-structures in the representation theory of R. In 2020, following a research line promoted by many other authors, Saorin and Stovicek proved that the heart of any compactly generated t-structure is always a locally finitely presented Grothendieck categories (actually, this is true for any t-structure in a triangulated category with coproducts). Essentially, this means that the hearts of D(R) come equipped with a finiteness condition miming that one valid in Mod-R. In the present thesis we tackle the problem of characterising when the hearts of certain compactly generated t-structures of a commutative ring are even locally coherent. In this commutative context, after the works of Neeman and Alonso, Jeremias and Saorin, compactly generated t-structures turned out to be very interesting over a noetherian ring, for they are in bijection with the Thomason filtrations of the prime spectrum. In other words, they are classified by geometric objects, moreover their constituent subcategories have a precise cohomological description. However, if the ascending chain condition lacks, such classification is somehow partial, though provided by Hrbek. The crucial point is that the constituents of the t-structures have a different description w.r.t. that available in the noetherian setting, yet if one copies the latter for an arbitrary ring still obtains a t-structure, but it is not clear whether it must be compactly generated. Consequently, pursuing the study of the local coherence of the hearts given by a Thomason filtration, we ended by considering two t-structures. Our technique in order to face the lack of the ascending chain condition relies on a further approximation of the hearts by means of suitable torsion theories. The main results of the thesis are the following: we prove that for the so-called weakly bounded below Thomason filtrations the two t-structures have the same heart (therefore it is always locally finitely presented), and we show that they coincide if and only they are both compactly generated. Moreover, we achieve a complete characterisation of the local coherence for the hearts of the Thomason filtrations of finite length.
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Using Semantics for Query Derivability in Data Warehouse ApplicationsAlbrecht, J., Hümmer, W., Lehner, Wolfgang, Schlesinger, L. 12 January 2023 (has links)
Materialized summary tables and cached query results are frequently used for the optimization of aggregate queries in a data warehouse. Query rewriting techniques are incorporated into database systems to use those materialized views and thus avoid accessing the possibly huge raw data. A rewriting is only possible if the query is derivable from these views. Several approaches can be found in the literature to check the derivability and find query rewritings. However, most algorithms either find rewritings only in very restricted cases or in complex cases which rarely occur in data warehouse environments. The specific application scenario of a data warehouse with its multidimensional perspective allows the consideration of much more semantic information, e.g. structural dependencies within the dimension hierarchies and different characteristics of measures. The motivation of this article is to use this information to present simple conditions for derivability in a large number of relevant cases which go beyond previous approaches.
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Evaluating Competition between Verbal and Implicit Systems with Functional Near-Infrared SpectroscopySchiebel, Troy A 01 January 2016 (has links)
In category learning, explicit processes function through the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and implicit processes function through the basal ganglia. Research suggested that these two systems compete with each other. The goal of this study was to shed light on this theory. 15 undergraduate subjects took part in an event-related experiment that required them to categorize computer-generated line-stimuli, which varied in length and/or angle depending on condition. Subjects participated in an explicit "rule-based" (RB) condition and an implicit "information-integration" (II) condition while connected to a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) apparatus, which measured the hemodynamic response (HR) in their PFC. Each condition contained 2 blocks. We hypothesized that the competition between explicit and implicit systems (COVIS) would be demonstrated if, by block 2, task-accuracy was approximately equal across conditions with PFC activity being comparatively higher in the II condition. This would indicate that subjects could learn the categorization task in both conditions but were only able to decipher an explicit rule in the RB condition; their PFC would struggle to do so in the II condition, resulting in perpetually high activation. In accordance with predictions, results revealed no difference in accuracy across conditions with significant difference in channel activation. There were channel trends (p < .1) which showed PFC activation decrease in the RB condition and increase in the II condition by block 2. While these results support our predictions, they are largely nonsignificant, which could be attributed to the event-related design. Future research should utilize a larger samples size for improved statistical power.
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Connecting Unsupervised and Supervised Categorization Behavior from a Parainformative PerspectiveDoan, Charles A. 12 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Predicting the Predominant Winter Flight Category in Central Ohio Using ENSO IndicesFrederick, Meredith A. 18 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Four essays on modeling brand choice and brand loyaltySilberhorn, Nadja 11 March 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus vier Aufsätzen, die sich mit der Modellierung von Markenwahlverhalten und Markentreue beschäftigen. Der erste Aufsatz gibt eine Einführung in das Nested Logit Modell und weist auf die Existenz von zwei unterschiedlichen Spezifikationen hin. Das utility maximization nested logit (UMNL) und das non-normalized nested logit (NNNL) Modell besitzen unterschiedliche Eigenschaften, die die Schätzergebnisse beeinflussen. Mit einer Simulationsstudie werden die Konsequenzen der Verwendung verschiedener Softwarepakete demonstriert. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass nur die UMNL Spezifikation bei Auferlegung einer Parameterrestriktion mit der Zufallsnutzentheorie konform ist. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht anhand von realen Haushaltspaneldaten den Erfolg einer Familienmarkenstrategie. Die Signaling Theorie liefert einen Rahmen für die dem Markenwahlverhalten zugrunde liegenden psychologischen Prozesse zur Entstehung und Erklärung von produktkategorieübergreifender Markentreue. In einer empirischen Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit in einer Kategorie markentreue Kunden dieser Marke auch in anderen Produktkategorien treu sind. Es wird ein Markentreue-Hebel-Index entwickelt. Im dritten Aufsatz stehen die psychologischen Determinanten von kategorieübergreifenden Zusammenhängen im Markenwahlverhalten im Mittelpunkt. In einer empirischen Studie wird die Risikoaversion als entscheidender Bestimmungsfaktor von kategorieübergreifender Markentreue untersucht. Die konsumentenspezifische Risikoaversion wird dabei über Innovativeness und Status Quo Bias erfasst. Im vierten Aufsatz wird das Hybride Wahlmodell einem breiten Marketingpublikum vorgestellt. Klassische Wahlmodelle gehen davon aus, dass das beobachtbare Verhalten das Resultat eines nicht spezifizierten Evaluationsprozesses des Individuums ist. Der kausalanalytische Ansatz hingegen erlaubt die Spezifikation nicht direkt messbarer Faktoren als latente Variablen und kann somit Wahlmodelle sinnvoll ergänzen. / This thesis is composed of four essays that pick up topics in brand choice and brand loyalty modeling. The first essay gives an introduction to the nested logit model and points attention to the existence of two different specifications. The utility maximization nested logit (UMNL) model and the non-normalized nested logit (NNNL) model have different properties which impact the estimation results. In a simulation study, the consequences of the usage of different software packages for model estimation on the estimation results is demonstrated. It is also shown that only the UMNL specification with an imposed parameter restriction is consistent with the underlying random utility theory. The second essay investigates the success of an umbrella branding strategy using household panel data. Signaling theory provides a framework for the underlying psychological processes in consumers'' brand choice behavior and can contribute in the formation and explanation of loyalty to the brand in multiple categories. An empirical study determines whether there is a tendency for loyal consumers from one product category to be loyal to the same brand in other product categories as well. Therefore, a cross-category brand loyalty leverage index is developed. In the third essay, consumer-specific psychological determinants of cross-category relations between brand loyal choice decisions are discussed. In an empirical study, the concept of risk aversion is considered as the key determinant of cross-category brand loyalty. Consumers'' risk aversion is derived from their innovativeness and status quo bias. In the fourth essay, the hybrid choice model is introduced to the broad marketing audience. Traditional choice models assume that observable behavior results from an unspecified evaluation process of the observed individual. The causal-analytic approach offers the possibility to specify not directly measurable factors as latent variables, and can thus reasonably supplement choice models.
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A classification of localizing subcategories by relative homological algebraNadareishvili, George 16 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse de la structure logique des inférences légales et modélisation du discours juridiquePeterson, Clayton 05 1900 (has links)
Thèse par articles. / La présente thèse fait état des avancées en logique déontique et propose des outils formels pertinents à l'analyse de la validité des inférences légales. D'emblée, la logique vise l'abstraction de différentes structures. Lorsqu'appliquée en argumentation, la logique permet de déterminer les conditions de validité des inférences, fournissant ainsi un critère afin de distinguer entre les bons et les mauvais raisonnements. Comme le montre la multitude de paradoxes en logique déontique, la modélisation des inférences normatives fait cependant face à divers problèmes. D'un point de vue historique, ces difficultés ont donné lieu à différents courants au sein de la littérature, dont les plus importants à ce jour sont ceux qui traitent de l'action et ceux qui visent la modélisation des obligations conditionnelles. La présente thèse de doctorat, qui a été rédigée par articles, vise le développement d'outils formels pertinents à l'analyse du discours juridique. En première partie, nous proposons une revue de la littérature complémentaire à ce qui a été entamé dans Peterson (2011). La seconde partie comprend la contribution théorique proposée. Dans un premier temps, il s'agit d'introduire une logique déontique alternative au système standard. Sans prétendre aller au-delà de ses limites, le système standard de logique déontique possède plusieurs lacunes. La première contribution de cette thèse est d'offrir un système comparable répondant au différentes objections pouvant être formulées contre ce dernier. Cela fait l'objet de deux articles, dont le premier introduit le formalisme nécessaire et le second vulgarise les résultats et les adapte aux fins de l'étude des raisonnements normatifs. En second lieu, les différents problèmes auxquels la logique déontique fait face sont abordés selon la perspective de la théorie des catégories. En analysant la syntaxe des différents systèmes à l'aide des catégories monoïdales, il est possible de lier certains de ces problèmes avec des propriétés structurelles spécifiques des logiques utilisées. Ainsi, une lecture catégorique de la logique déontique permet de motiver l'introduction d'une nouvelle approche syntaxique, définie dans le cadre des catégories monoïdales, de façon à pallier les problèmes relatifs à la modélisation des inférences normatives. En plus de proposer une analyse des différentes logiques de l'action selon la théorie des catégories, la présente thèse étudie les problèmes relatifs aux inférences normatives conditionnelles et propose un système déductif typé. / The present thesis develops formal tools relevant to the analysis of legal discourse. When applied to legal reasoning, logic can be used to model the structure of legal inferences and, as such, it provides a criterion to discriminate between good and bad reasonings. But using logic to model normative reasoning comes with some problems, as shown by the various paradoxes one finds within the literature. From a historical point of view, these paradoxes lead to the introduction of different approaches, such as the ones that emphasize the notion of action and those that try to model conditional normative reasoning. In the first part of this thesis, we provide a review of the literature, which is complementary to the one we did in Peterson (2011). The second part of the thesis concerns our theoretical contribution. First, we propose a monadic deontic logic as an alternative to the standard system, answering many objections that can be made against it. This system is then adapted to model unconditional normative inferences and test their validity. Second, we propose to look at deontic logic from the proof-theoretical perspective of category theory. We begin by proposing a categorical analysis of action logics and then we show that many problems that arise when trying to model conditional normative reasoning come from the structural properties of the logic we use. As such, we show that modeling normative reasoning within the framework of monoidal categories enables us to answer many objections in favour of dyadic and non-monotonic foundations for deontic logic. Finally, we propose a proper typed deontic system to model legal inferences.
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Movimento do verbo e categorias vazias em I e V em um fragmento de gramática computacional do português / Moviment of verb and slash categories in I or V in a fragment of computacional grammar of portugueseSantos, Andrea Feitosa dos January 2009 (has links)
SANTOS, Andrea Feitosa. Movimento do verbo e categorias vazias em I e V em um fragmento de gramática computacional do português. 2009.96f.Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguistica) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernaculas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by nazareno mesquita (nazagon36@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-06-21T16:00:03Z
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Previous issue date: 2009 / This work has a theoretical and methodological framework that is divided into two complementary areas: the Language and Computational/Implementacional. For its computational stamp, the first scope of this work is directly linked to the processing of natural language (PNL). Thus, it implements an automatic syntactic analysis (parsing) of expressions of Portuguese in a computational program from the Python library of NLTK, whose tests are represented in tree configurations that show slash categories of finite sentences of Portuguese. Although the stamp computing, this research elaborates a grammar fragment, modeled to capture specific features of linguistic structure of Portuguese, based on the formal model of description linguistic known as Context Free Grammar (CFG) Based on Features, with the purpose of demonstrate how the library of NLTK programs supports the implementation of parsers for analyzing the feature structure. For its stamp of language, it analyzes, according to X-bar Theory and the Minimalist Program, sentences in European and Brazilian variants of Portuguese, obtained from surveys in electronic corpora available on the web. And this work describes and discusses the category IP (inflectional phrase) within the hierarchical structure of constituents, according to the hypothesis of syntactic operation of visible and invisible movement of elements of language, specifically the movement of the verb / Esse trabalho possui um recorte teórico-metodológico que se decompõe em dois domínios complementares: o Linguístico e o Computacional/Implementacional. Pelo seu cunho computacional, o escopo primeiro desse trabalho está diretamente ligado ao processamento de língua natural (PLN). Desse modo, implementa-se uma análise sintática automática (parsing) de expressões de língua portuguesa em programas da biblioteca em Python do NLTK, cujas análises são representadas em forma de configurações arbóreas que demonstram categorias vazias de sentenças finitas do português. Ainda pelo cunho computacional, esse trabalho elabora um fragmento de gramática, modelado para capturar traços específicos da estrutura linguística do português, com base no modelo formal de descrição linguística conhecido como Gramática Livre de Contexto (CFG) Baseada em Traços, com a finalidade de demonstrar como a biblioteca de programas do NLTK dá suporte à realização dos analisadores sintáticos na análise da estrutura de traços. Pelo seu cunho lingüístico, analisa-se, de acordo com a Teoria X-barra e o Programa Minimalista, frases nas variantes europeia e brasileira da língua portuguesa, obtidas de pesquisas em corpora eletrônicos disponíveis na web. E ainda nesse trabalho, descreve-se e discute-se a categoria IP (sintagma flexional) dentro da sua estrutura hierárquica de constituintes, de acordo com a hipótese da operação sintática de movimento visível e não visível dos elementos linguísticos, especificamente o movimento do verbo
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