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Plan de negocio para la implementación de un Hotel Ecoturístico Flotante en la ciudad de IquitosAlvarado Anampa, Max Henrry, Jara Vela, Jorge Danilo, Manrique Véliz, Mitchell Bruce 20 August 2019 (has links)
El presente plan de negocios tiene por objetivo establecer la viabilidad técnica y financiera para desarrollar un proyecto hotelero de categoría tres estrellas en la amazonia de Iquitos. La investigación iniciada con un diagnóstico de la situación del mercado externo general, a través del análisis PESTE; identificó un macroentorno favorable para el desarrollo del presente proyecto; por otro lado; mediante un análisis del entorno competitivo (análisis de las cinco fuerzas de Porter) se logró identificar la intensidad de la competencia local y sus eslabonamientos estrechos existentes con los principales proveedores u operadores turístico-locales. Por tanto; ello ha permitido visualizar un panorama competitivo favorable para incursionar en el sector hotelero de la ciudad de Iquitos con una propuesta de valor ecológica diferenciada.
Los resultados obtenidos mediante una investigación de mercado (encuestas de campo) ha conducido a determinar que la principal preferencia de consumo en los servicios hoteleros en la ciudad de Iquitos se basa en hospedajes de categoría tres estrellas; cuyo principal demandante son los trabajadores profesionales tanto dependientes como independientes. Así mismo; mediante un estudio de mercado (investigación del tipo cuantitativa); efectuado al mercado hotelero de Iquitos; se ha logrado identificar y cuantificar la demanda pernoctaciones insatisfecha en la categoría tres estrellas en la ciudad de Iquitos; corroborando las oportunidades de negocio en este sector.
El estudio económico-financiero efectuado a la presente propuesta ecológica de negocio concluyó la viabilidad técnica y financiera del proyecto. Los resultados de este estudio determinaron que los flujos; tanto económico como financiero descontados al costo ponderado de capital y a la tasa mínima requerida por el accionista respectivamente; son positivos. Lo que implica que los beneficios futuros privados derivados de las operaciones comerciales del hotel ecológico son superiores a los costos o egresos incurridos. Por lo que resulta rentable para el inversionista desarrollar este tipo de iniciativa privada.
En ese contexto, la originalidad del presente proyecto radica en la construcción de un hotel ecológico flotante; cuya oferta de servicios plantea una propuesta de valor que armoniza el diseño físico y las operaciones comerciales del hotel con la biodiversidad natural y cultural de la amazonia de Iquitos. Por ello la ubicación del hotel situada a 16 Km al Noreste de la ciudad de Iquitos; entre las intersecciones del rio Nanay y el lago Mapacocha; contribuye a desarrollar una propuesta ecológica de negocio no solo basándose en servicios únicos de hospedaje sino en la prestación de múltiples servicios complementarios de entretenimiento. / The purpose of this business plan is to establish the technical and financial viability to develop a three-star hotel project in the Amazonia of Iquitos. The research started with a diagnosis of the situation of the general external market, through the PESTE analysis, identified a favourable macro environment for the development of the present project, on the other hand, by means of an analysis of the competitive environment (analysis of the five forces of Porter ) it was possible to identify the intensity of local competition and its existing close links with the main providers or touristic-local operators. Therefore, this has allowed us to visualize a favourable competitive landscape to enter the hotel sector of the city of Iquitos with a proposal of differentiated ecological value.
The results obtained through market research (field surveys) has led to determine that the main preference of consumption in hotel services in the city of Iquitos is based on three-star category accommodations, whose main claimant is professional workers, both dependent and independent. Likewise, through a market study (research of quantitative type), carried out in the hotel market of Iquitos, it has been possible to identify and quantify the demand for unsatisfied overnight stays in the category three stars in the city of Iquitos, corroborating the business opportunities in this sector.
The economic-financial study carried out on the present ecological business proposal concluded the technical and financial feasibility of the project. The results of this study determined that the flows, both economic and financial discounted at the weighted cost of capital and at the minimum rate required by the shareholder respectively, are positive. This implies that the private future benefits derived from the commercial operations of the ecological hotel are higher than the costs or expenses incurred. So, it is profitable for the investor to develop this type of private initiative.
In this context, the originality of this project lies in the construction of a floating eco-friendly hotel; whose offer of services proposes a value proposition that harmonizes the physical design and its commercial operations of the hotel with the natural and cultural biodiversity of the Amazon of Iquitos. Therefore the location of the hotel located 16 Km northeast of the city of Iquitos; between the intersections of the Nanay River and Lake Mapacocha; it helps to develop an ecological business proposal not only based on unique hosting services but on the provision of multiple complementary entertainment services. / Trabajo de investigación
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Classes moyennes éthiopiennes : étude empirique d'une assignation catégorielle incertaine. / Ethiopian Middle Classes : an Empirical Study of an Uncertain and Projected CategoryNallet, Clélie 26 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2010, les « classes moyennes africaines » sont progressivement devenues une référence catégorielle des sphères économiques et politiques internationales. La catégorie, associée systématiquement à des corrélations positives non validées de développement économique et politique, fait l'objet de divers travaux d'identification et de typification de la part d'acteurs extérieurs (organisations internationales de développement, cabinets de conseil en investissement, etc.). Si ces derniers n'hésitent pas à affirmer l'émergence de « classes moyennes africaines », nous ne pouvons que souligner le caractère incantatoire de telles affirmations, qui relèvent plus d'un « jeu de fabricants » visant à dessiner un monde en « émergence » que de validations empiriques probantes.Ce travail de thèse se base sur un pari : user d’une affectation catégorielle particulièrement incertaine « classes moyennes africaines » afin d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant d’identifier des mutations sociales structurelles sous-jacentes en Éthiopie. Par une étude empirique de l'espace social intermédiaire d'Addis-Abeba, il s'agit de soumettre ces mutations à analyse pour en comprendre les fondements, les formes et processus de constitution et les impacts potentiels sur la société et le politique du pays / Since the year 2010, the term “African Middle Classes” has increasingly become a categorical reference in the international economic and political arena. This category, which has systematically been associated with a positive but unverified correlation of economic and political development, represents the object of diverse identification and typification projects by external actors (such as international development organizations, investment consultancy firms etc.). While the latter do not hesitate to affirm the emergence of the phenomenon of “African Middle Classes”, we cannot but underline the incantatory character of these affirmations. The emergence is more linked to a “producers’ game”, inclined to sketch out an « emerging world », than to empirical evidence.This doctoral research is based on the challenging task of using the particularly elusive and projected category of the « African Middle Classes » to develop a methodology that helps to identify the structural social changes that are shaping Ethiopia nowadays. Grounded in an empirical case study of the intermediate social space in Addis Ababa, this work aims to analyse the foundations, forms and construction processes, as well as the potential impact that these changes have on the Ethiopian society and the political system
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Marknanden för professionell golf : en institutionell analys av Europatouren för herrar / The Market for Professional Golf : an Institutional Analysis of the European Tour for MenHjälm, Mattias January 2003 (has links)
<p>Studiens första syfte är att med institutionell teori kartlägga det kontraktsnät som konstituerar den europeiska marknaden för professionella herrgolfare. Det andra syftet är att analysera och diskutera vissa utvalda aspekter av detta kontraktsnät som utmärker Europatouren från traditionella vinstmaximerande företag. </p><p>Den europeiska marknaden för proffsgolfare har organiserats i ett företag för att det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt. Med Europatouren som en sammanhållande länk begränsas transaktionskostnaderna bl.a. genom att antalet kontraktsvägar reduceras och genom att utrymme för långsiktiga relationer med viktiga parter skapas. </p><p>Europatourens prissummemaximerande huvudmål förenar och tjänar de flesta, om inte samtliga,intressenters delmål i kontraktsnätet. I ambitionen att tillfredsställa alla intressenter har en gigantisk institutionsapparat formats på Europatouren. Institutionernas uppgift är att hålla tillbaka transaktionskostnaderna, motverka ett opportunistiskt beteende hos spelarna och bevara sportens konformitet och gentlemannaapproach. </p><p>Stjärnspelarna är de som gör Europatouren attraktiv och för att lyckas behålla dem i den konkurrens man möter från USA-touren har ett favoriseringssystem skapats som innebär att de erhåller appearance money och bättre service. Förekomsten av appearance money berättigas av deras viktiga funktioner i kontraktsnätet. </p><p>Flera faktorer pekar på att ett icke traditionellt riskförhållande råder på en proffstour för golf, d.v.s. att spelaren (agenten) är riskbenägen och att Europatouren (principalen) är riskneutral. Med föreliggande riskförhållande skapas drivkrafter hos spelarna att alltid göra sitt yttersta på träning och tävling, och begränsas utrymmet för opportunistiskt beteende. Dessa faktorer ger en högkvalitativ tour, vilket är nödvändigt för att alla involverade intressenters mål ska bli uppfyllda.</p> / <p>The first object of this study is to, with institutional theory, map out the nexus of contracts which constitutes the European market for professional male golfers. The second object is to analyze and discuss some chosen aspects of this nexus of contracts which characterize the European Tour in comparison with traditional profit-maximizing firms. </p><p>The European market for professional golfers has been organized as a firm because of more economically favourable reasons. With the European Tour as a connecting link the transaction costs are lowered among other things, by the fact that the number of contract ways is reduced and that room for long-term relationships with important parties is created. </p><p>The price money maximizing purpose of the European Tour unite and serve most, if not all, intermediate aims of the parties included in the nexus of contracts. In the ambition to satisfy all parties a huge formal and informal apparatus of institutions has been formedon the European Tour. The task of the institutions is to reduce transaction costs, to counteract opportunistic behaviour from the players and to preserve the conformity and the gentlemanlike approach of the sport. </p><p>The star players are what makes the European Tour attractive and to be able to keep them in the competition with the USA Tour a favouring system has been created, which implies that they receive appearance money and better service. The occurrence of appearance money is justified by the players’ importance in the nexus of contracts. </p><p>Many factors indicate that there is no traditional risk relationship on a professional tour for golf. That is, the player (the agent) is risk loving while the European Tour (the principal) is risk neutral. With the existing risk relationship driving forces are created in the players to always perform their utmost during training and competition, and opportunistic behaviour is thereby restricted. These factors give a high-quality tour, which is necessary for the goals of all involved parties will be reached.</p>
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English Colour Terms in ContextSteinvall, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines usage of English colour terms in context, based on an extensive computerised text corpus, the Bank of English. It describes the ways in which English colour terms may be used to refer to nuances outside their normal area of designation and to attributes outside the colour domain. Usage patterns are analysed on three different levels: with regard to the overall frequency of occurrences, nominal domains and individual tokens, respectively. </p><p>Cognitive linguistics supplies the theoretical framework employed in the analyses of the observed patterns. The study identifies three types of usage where colour terms refer to peripheral colour nuances or to concepts outside the colour domain: classifying, figurative and marked usage. </p><p>When a colour term has a classifying function, it can be used outside the normal area of designation. This usage is analysed as a type of reference-point construction where a term referring to a salient point in the colour domain is used to subcategorise an entity whose actual colour may be only a peripheral member of the category named by the colour term. An analysis of the OED and the Bank of English shows that this type of usage is primarily restricted to a few of the most salient basic terms. </p><p>This study points to the close affinities between classifying and figurative usage. Figurative expressions of colour terms frequently have a classifying function. I argue that figurative meanings are derived through two types of metonymy: +SALIENT ATTRIBUTE FOR OBJECT+ and +SALIENT CONCRETE ATTRIBUTE FOR SALIENT ABSTRACT ATTRIBUTE+. </p><p>Marked usage arises when specific colour terms are used in nominal domains where the specificity is not expected. This phenomenon is consequently confined to non-basic colour terms. </p><p>On the basis of the established patterns of usage and the frequency of occurrences, this thesis suggests that the colour category may be analysed as a radial category, with the basic colour terms forming the centre. </p>
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Colorectal Cancer : Audit and Health Economy in Colorectal Cancer Surgery in a Defined Swedish PopulationJestin, Pia January 2005 (has links)
<p>Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in Sweden, with more than 5000 new cases annually. Median age at time of diagnosis is approximately 75 years. Owing to the ageing population, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing. The improvement in surgical technique and the introduction of adjuvant radio- and chemotherapy increased the 5-year survival rate from approximately 30-40% in the early 1960s to almost 60% in the late 1990s. The cost of public health care has risen considerably, and case-costing systems are increasingly demanded. Linked to clinical guidelines and quality registers, such control systems form a proper basis for quality assurance projects and improvement. The aim of this thesis is to describe the efficiency and cost effectiveness of colorectal cancer treatment in a defined Swedish population. Emergency surgery for colon cancer, constituting 25% of the cases, increased both mortality and cost. Among emergency cases there was not only an increase in postoperative mortality but also a stage specific decrease in long-term survival rate. Correct staging is decisive for further treatment of patients after colon cancer surgery and influences long-term survival. The number of lymph nodes examined varied between different pathology departments and could be used as a quality measurement. The proportion of tumour stage III increased the more nodes examined. A prognostic estimation of stage III cases that is less sensitive to the number of nodes examined is proposed. A case-control study aimed at identifying risk factors for anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer surgery confirmed previously known risk factors but failed to identify further steps during the perioperative course that were amenable to improvement. This research has confirmed that population-based quality and case-costing registers, linked to clinical guidelines, constitute a proper source for projects of quality improvement and decisions about distribution of resources in health care.</p>
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English Colour Terms in ContextSteinvall, Anders January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines usage of English colour terms in context, based on an extensive computerised text corpus, the Bank of English. It describes the ways in which English colour terms may be used to refer to nuances outside their normal area of designation and to attributes outside the colour domain. Usage patterns are analysed on three different levels: with regard to the overall frequency of occurrences, nominal domains and individual tokens, respectively. Cognitive linguistics supplies the theoretical framework employed in the analyses of the observed patterns. The study identifies three types of usage where colour terms refer to peripheral colour nuances or to concepts outside the colour domain: classifying, figurative and marked usage. When a colour term has a classifying function, it can be used outside the normal area of designation. This usage is analysed as a type of reference-point construction where a term referring to a salient point in the colour domain is used to subcategorise an entity whose actual colour may be only a peripheral member of the category named by the colour term. An analysis of the OED and the Bank of English shows that this type of usage is primarily restricted to a few of the most salient basic terms. This study points to the close affinities between classifying and figurative usage. Figurative expressions of colour terms frequently have a classifying function. I argue that figurative meanings are derived through two types of metonymy: +SALIENT ATTRIBUTE FOR OBJECT+ and +SALIENT CONCRETE ATTRIBUTE FOR SALIENT ABSTRACT ATTRIBUTE+. Marked usage arises when specific colour terms are used in nominal domains where the specificity is not expected. This phenomenon is consequently confined to non-basic colour terms. On the basis of the established patterns of usage and the frequency of occurrences, this thesis suggests that the colour category may be analysed as a radial category, with the basic colour terms forming the centre.
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Marknanden för professionell golf : en institutionell analys av Europatouren för herrar / The Market for Professional Golf : an Institutional Analysis of the European Tour for MenHjälm, Mattias January 2003 (has links)
Studiens första syfte är att med institutionell teori kartlägga det kontraktsnät som konstituerar den europeiska marknaden för professionella herrgolfare. Det andra syftet är att analysera och diskutera vissa utvalda aspekter av detta kontraktsnät som utmärker Europatouren från traditionella vinstmaximerande företag. Den europeiska marknaden för proffsgolfare har organiserats i ett företag för att det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt. Med Europatouren som en sammanhållande länk begränsas transaktionskostnaderna bl.a. genom att antalet kontraktsvägar reduceras och genom att utrymme för långsiktiga relationer med viktiga parter skapas. Europatourens prissummemaximerande huvudmål förenar och tjänar de flesta, om inte samtliga,intressenters delmål i kontraktsnätet. I ambitionen att tillfredsställa alla intressenter har en gigantisk institutionsapparat formats på Europatouren. Institutionernas uppgift är att hålla tillbaka transaktionskostnaderna, motverka ett opportunistiskt beteende hos spelarna och bevara sportens konformitet och gentlemannaapproach. Stjärnspelarna är de som gör Europatouren attraktiv och för att lyckas behålla dem i den konkurrens man möter från USA-touren har ett favoriseringssystem skapats som innebär att de erhåller appearance money och bättre service. Förekomsten av appearance money berättigas av deras viktiga funktioner i kontraktsnätet. Flera faktorer pekar på att ett icke traditionellt riskförhållande råder på en proffstour för golf, d.v.s. att spelaren (agenten) är riskbenägen och att Europatouren (principalen) är riskneutral. Med föreliggande riskförhållande skapas drivkrafter hos spelarna att alltid göra sitt yttersta på träning och tävling, och begränsas utrymmet för opportunistiskt beteende. Dessa faktorer ger en högkvalitativ tour, vilket är nödvändigt för att alla involverade intressenters mål ska bli uppfyllda. / The first object of this study is to, with institutional theory, map out the nexus of contracts which constitutes the European market for professional male golfers. The second object is to analyze and discuss some chosen aspects of this nexus of contracts which characterize the European Tour in comparison with traditional profit-maximizing firms. The European market for professional golfers has been organized as a firm because of more economically favourable reasons. With the European Tour as a connecting link the transaction costs are lowered among other things, by the fact that the number of contract ways is reduced and that room for long-term relationships with important parties is created. The price money maximizing purpose of the European Tour unite and serve most, if not all, intermediate aims of the parties included in the nexus of contracts. In the ambition to satisfy all parties a huge formal and informal apparatus of institutions has been formedon the European Tour. The task of the institutions is to reduce transaction costs, to counteract opportunistic behaviour from the players and to preserve the conformity and the gentlemanlike approach of the sport. The star players are what makes the European Tour attractive and to be able to keep them in the competition with the USA Tour a favouring system has been created, which implies that they receive appearance money and better service. The occurrence of appearance money is justified by the players’ importance in the nexus of contracts. Many factors indicate that there is no traditional risk relationship on a professional tour for golf. That is, the player (the agent) is risk loving while the European Tour (the principal) is risk neutral. With the existing risk relationship driving forces are created in the players to always perform their utmost during training and competition, and opportunistic behaviour is thereby restricted. These factors give a high-quality tour, which is necessary for the goals of all involved parties will be reached.
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Colorectal Cancer : Audit and Health Economy in Colorectal Cancer Surgery in a Defined Swedish PopulationJestin, Pia January 2005 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in Sweden, with more than 5000 new cases annually. Median age at time of diagnosis is approximately 75 years. Owing to the ageing population, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing. The improvement in surgical technique and the introduction of adjuvant radio- and chemotherapy increased the 5-year survival rate from approximately 30-40% in the early 1960s to almost 60% in the late 1990s. The cost of public health care has risen considerably, and case-costing systems are increasingly demanded. Linked to clinical guidelines and quality registers, such control systems form a proper basis for quality assurance projects and improvement. The aim of this thesis is to describe the efficiency and cost effectiveness of colorectal cancer treatment in a defined Swedish population. Emergency surgery for colon cancer, constituting 25% of the cases, increased both mortality and cost. Among emergency cases there was not only an increase in postoperative mortality but also a stage specific decrease in long-term survival rate. Correct staging is decisive for further treatment of patients after colon cancer surgery and influences long-term survival. The number of lymph nodes examined varied between different pathology departments and could be used as a quality measurement. The proportion of tumour stage III increased the more nodes examined. A prognostic estimation of stage III cases that is less sensitive to the number of nodes examined is proposed. A case-control study aimed at identifying risk factors for anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer surgery confirmed previously known risk factors but failed to identify further steps during the perioperative course that were amenable to improvement. This research has confirmed that population-based quality and case-costing registers, linked to clinical guidelines, constitute a proper source for projects of quality improvement and decisions about distribution of resources in health care.
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Indicators and predictors of sleepinessvan den Berg, Johannes January 2006 (has links)
Sleep is a basic need as important as physical fitness and good nutrition. Without enough sleep, we will create a sleep debt and experience sleepiness. Sleepiness can be defined as the inability to stay awake, a condition that has become a health problem in our 24-hour-7-day-a-week society. Estimates suggest that up to one-third of the population suffers from excessive sleepiness. Among other interactions, sleepiness affects our performance, increasing the risk of being involved in accidents. A considerable portion of work related accidents and injuries are related to sleepiness resulting in large costs for the individuals and society. Professional drivers are one example of workers who are at risk of sleepiness related accidents. Up to 40% of heavy truck accidents could be related to sleepiness. A better knowledge about reliable indicators and predictors of sleepiness is important in preventing sleepiness related accidents. This thesis investigates both objective and subjective indicators of sleepiness, how these relate to each other, and how their pattern changes over time. The indicators investigated were electroencephalography, heart rate variability, simple reaction time, head movement, and subjective ratings of sleepiness (Study I-IV). In Study V, a questionnaire study was conducted with professional drivers in northern Sweden. This study mainly deals with predictors of sleepiness. When subjects were sleep deprived both objective and subjective ratings indicated a rapid increase in sleepiness during the first hour of the test followed by a levelling off. This change in pattern was evident for all the indicators except heart rate and heart rate variability. On the other hand, HRV was correlated with the increase of EEG parameters during the post-test sleep period. The changes in pattern of the indicators included in the thesis are analysed in the perspective of temporal patterns and relationships. Of the tested indicators, a subjective rating of sleepiness with CR-10 was considered to be the most reliable indicator of sleepiness. Of the investigated predictors of sleepiness, prior sleep habits were found to be strongly associated to sleepiness and the sleepiness related symptoms while driving. The influences of driving conditions and individual characteristics on sleepiness while driving were lower. A multidisciplinary approach when investigating and implementing indicators and predictors of sleepiness is important. In addition to their actual relations to the development of sleepiness, factors such as technical and practical limitations, work, and individual and situational needs must be taken into account.
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Categorical quantum computationPaquette, Éric Oliver January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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