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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

positions of place: converging viewpoints in visual communication

Schmidt, Gregory J 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis includes a body of work that explores our visual relationship to the physical spaces and places we inhabit in our everyday lives. Today we live in a complex world where we are bombarded with fragments of information and inundated with distractions. As designers, we are equipped with tools and methods that allow us to experience and interpret our environment through multi-faceted perspectives and from different viewpoints. My approach to graphic design adopts techniques and practices from a mix of different disciplines. The work focuses on a design process that alternates between the parallel depiction of first-person and third-person vantage points mediated through contemporary technologies.

An Exaggerated Perspective Arcade

Webber, Emily May 17 June 2009 (has links)
This thesis is an exaggerated perspective arcade. The exaggerated perspective has a vantage point that is placed across the street from the site and is differentiated from the sidewalk. Therefore, the position at which the arcade is optimally viewed is demarcated. Over its 100 feet in length, the arcade converges and all the elements within the false perspective diminish in size to support the optical illusion. Constructed perspective techniques and anamorphic perspective techniques are utilized to construct this ideal view of the arcade between the two buildings. / Master of Architecture

Activation Rates of the ADD-Vantage Medication Delivery System in a Community Teaching Hospital

McLain, Michelle, Palese, Ian, Bergstrom, Eric, Wolk, Robert January 2013 (has links)
Class of 2013 Abstract / Specific Aims: The objective of this study was to describe the failure rate of activation of medications that employ the ADD-Vantage medication delivery system in one community hospital, Tucson Medical Center (TMC). Methods: A daily, hospital-wide summary was generated identifying all patients currently receiving ADD-Vantage medications using the TMC electronic medical record system, Epic. Data collection occurred on arbitrary days and times from July 2012 to March 2013. Direct observation of a failure or a success in activation occurred by entering a patient’s room after the ADD-Vantage medication was administered by the nurse. Important data collected included: medication, frequency of administration, nursing unit, time of administration, administering nurse, the shift during which the nurse was working and whether or not the medication was or was not properly activated. Main Results: All medications utilizing the ADD-Vantage medication delivery system at TMC were analyzed. The rate of failure across 347 total samples collected on various days and times was 6.92%. Night shift had a higher rate of failure at 11.43% versus 6.41% for day shift (χ2 = 1.23). The General Surgery and Cardiac units of the hospital had the highest rates of failure with 18.18% and 15.38% respectively. Zosyn was improperly activated with greatest frequency with 12 total failures. Conclusion: No statistically significant difference was found between the rates of activation failure for those samples collected during nursing day shift versus night shift. The overall rates of activation failure suggest a significant opportunity for nursing education to improve outcomes.

Vantage Point and Visual Imagery: Effects on Recall in Younger and Older Adults

Midden, Allison J. 12 May 2012 (has links)
The current study explored the influence of priming vantage point at retrieval on the recall of younger and older adults, in addition to the effects of visualization ability on recall. Based on McIsaac and Eich’s (2002) findings of the effects on younger adults’ recall, it was hypothesized that recollections would be more likely to include certain features when retrieved through the field vantage point (FVP) than through the observer vantage point (OVP) and vice-versa. Additionally, it was expected that older adults would recall more detailed memories from the OVP than from the FVP. Finally, it was hypothesized that visualization ability would influence memory vividness and that it would be more influential in older adults than in younger adults. The experiment was conducted across two sessions. In Session 1, participants completed a visual imagery assessment, and memories were created in the laboratory with younger (n = 20; 18-21 years old) and older (n = 18; 63-88 years old) adults through the completion of two activities. In Session 2, participants recalled the activities from either the FVP or the OVP. Participants’ recollections were coded for various memory characteristics, which acted as dependent variables in analyses. A significant interaction effect (p = .003) between age and vantage point was found on the characteristic of psychological state, such that older adults referred to their psychological state in FVP memories more than in OVP memories (p = .002), while younger adults demonstrated no significant difference. Imagery ability significantly predicted several aspects of participants’ subjective recall experience. Overall, the results indicate that retrieval vantage point does not change the content of one’s recollections on most measures for either younger or older adults and that visual mental imagery ability predicts several aspects of one’s recall experience.

Sömnregistrering med hjälp av ActiGraph GT9X Link och Polar Vantage V2 - en jämförande studie / Sleep tracking with ActiGraph GT9X Link and Polar Vantage V2– a comparative study

Korpi, Joel, Torkamani, Sam January 2023 (has links)
Background:  In recent years the interest in self-care has expanded, with sleep playing a big part. Concurrently, the development of self-monitoring wristwatches has enabled individuals to track their sleep. Commonly these are called sleep trackers. Since many sleep trackers are not developed for clinical use, their credibility is questionable, and it is unclear how they compare to clinical sleep trackers.  Aim: This study aims to obtain a clear understanding of which of the sleep trackers ActiGraph GT9X Link and Polar Vantage V2 is most reliable when measuring sleep. ActiGraph GT9X Link is developed for clinical purposes, and Polar Vantage V2 is developed for commercial use. To quantify the comparison, the differences in measuring multiple sleep parameters will be observed.  Method:  An empirical study was conducted with 16 participants included. Each participant wore both watches for one night’s sleep and journaled their sleep in a sleep diary. The data was then collected and analyzed with a Wilcoxon signed-rank test.  Results:  The result highlighted that ActiGraph GT9X Link had a wider distribution of the sleep parameters in comparison to Polar Vantage V2, with three out of five sleep parameters showing a significant difference. Polar Vantage V2 also conformed better to the sleep diary for almost all 16 participants.  Conclusion:  Polar Vantage V2 has a significantly higher accuracy in tracking many sleep parameters than ActiGraph GT9X Link. What the future holds for ActiGraph GT9X Link is unclear since it was outperformed by a commercially used wristwatch which does not meet the EU requirements of a medical device by MDR (regulations for medical devices, EU 2017/745). / Under senare år har intresset för allmänhälsan ökat, och i ett mer tekniskt samhälle är information mer lättillgängligt än någonsin. Ett av de främsta bidragen till förbättrad hälsa är att individen får högkvalitativ sömn. Detta görs enklast genom att man sover tillräckligt länge, men det handlar även om att spendera tillräcklig med tid oavbrutet i de olika sömnstadierna som sker under sömnen. Dessa sömnstadier heter REM (Rapid eye movement) och NREM (Non rapid eye movement) sömn. REM är det stadiet då individen drömmer. I denna fas återhämtas kroppens kognitiva förmåga. NREM är en gruppering av alla övriga sömnstadier, vanligen kallat för lättsömn och djupsömn. Att få tillräckligt med tid inom dessa sömnstadier är väsentligt för kroppens fysiska återhämtning. Polysomnografi (PSG) är en metod som används inom klinisk neurofysiologi för att undersöka individens sömn och dess relaterade parametrar. Generellt anses det som den gyllene standarden för sömnmätning, då den mäter alla relevanta parametrar som har koppling till sömnen. Metoden är dessvärre dyr samt omständlig för patienten då den kräver elektrodkopplingar över hela kroppen, och måste göras i en kontrollerad miljö. Kliniken har därför infört aktivitetsmätare med sömnmätningsfunktioner, även kallat sömnmätare. Beroende på dess utformning och inställningar så kan sömnmätare bäras på bland annat handleden, höften eller fotleden. Sömnmätare utgår huvudsakligen ifrån rörelser för att bedöma sömn. För detta används en inbyggd accelerometer, vilket är en sensor som mäter rörelser och omvandlar det till en signal. Signalen tolkas med inbyggda sömnalgoritmer, för att bedöma minutvis om individen sover eller ej. I moderna sömnmätare finns det vanligtvis även flera inbyggda sensorer. Dessa bevakar vissa fysiologiska parametrar och användarens omgivning för att assistera vid sömnbedömningen. Ofta förekommer en fotopletysmograf i moderna sömnmätare, vilket är en sensor som mäter bland annat pulsen. I dessa sömnmätare så används specialiserade sömnalgoritmer, där både användarens rörelser och puls tas hänsyn till för sömnbedömning.  En välstuderad sömnmätare är ActiGraph GT9X Link, som används på det Energimetaboliska Laboratoriet (EML) på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala, denna är endast utrustad med en accelerometer. ActiGraph GT9X Link är utvecklad för kliniska bedömningar, och har validerats av mycket forskning. Samtidigt har många kommersiella sömnmätare börjat utvecklas. En av dessa är Polar Vantage V2, som är utrustad med både accelerometer och fotopletysmograf. Dock har det inte gjorts någon tidigare jämförande forskning kring Polar Vantage V2:s sömnmätning.  I detta projekt utfördes en jämförande studie mellan ActiGraph GT9X Link och Polar Vantage V2. Den empiriska studien innehöll 16 deltagare, där varje deltagare fick under en natt bära båda sömnmätarna samtidigt och sova hemma. Syftet av studien var att jämföra sömnmätarna för att se vilken som har pålitligast sömnregistrering. Eftersom studien inte innefattade PSG fanns det inget referensvärde att förhålla sig till, istället användes en kompletterande sömndagbok som deltagarna själva fyllde i. Där fick deltagarna ange när de la sig till sängs, när de vaknade samt tider för eventuella avbrott under natten.  För att bedöma vilken sömnmätare som ansågs pålitligast så observerades skillnader mellan båda sömnmätarna och med sömndagboken. Ifall en sömnmätare skulle skilja sig avsevärt iv mycket i sin sömnmätning skulle det tyda på att den var mindre pålitlig. Frågeställningen som användes var: “hur skiljer sig de två sömnmätarna ActiGraph GT9X Link och Polar Vantage V2 vid insamling av sömnlängd, sömneffektivitet och avbrott med hänsyn till en sömndagbok?”. Datainsamling skedde med respektive sömnmätares mjukvara och sömndagbok, och sammanställdes sedan i Excel. All data visualiserades i Excel med punktoch låddiagram, samt analyserades skillnaderna mellan sömnmätarna i Rstudio med hypotestester.  Utifrån syftet av studien tyder resultaten på att ActiGraph GT9X Link är mindre pålitlig än Polar Vantage V2 vid sömnregistrering. I resultaten hade GT9X Link en större spridning av samtliga sömnparametrar i jämförelse med Polar Vantage V2. Dessutom avvek GT9X Link mer från sömndagboken för nästan alla testpersoner. Från hypotestesterna kunde Vantage V2 bevisa en signifikant högre precision i att mäta flera sömnparametrar än GT9X Link.  Hur framtiden ser ut för GT9X Link är oklart, då en kommersiell sömnmätare tydligt överträffar dess kapabilitet gällande sömnregistrering. Samtidigt saknar den kommersiella sömnmätaren från Polar klassificering som en medicinteknisk produkt. Den strider därmed mot EU-förordningen av medicintekniska produkter (MDR) för klinisk användning. På grund av detta går det endast att rekommendera Vantage V2 över GT9X Link i sammanhang som ej berör patienter, exempelvis vidare forskningsarbete kring sömn.

passage, utkiksplats, förhall, ljusrum, nisch, återvändsgränd / passage, vantage point, vestibule, light room, niche, dead-end

Kindahl, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för projektet är en undersökning av mina egna minnen av grundskolan. Genom att rita upp skolan ur minnet och analysera utvalda rumsligheter har jag undersökt vad jag minns av skolbyggnaden och varför. Upplevelsen av många av rumsligheterna jag minns som spännande handlade om ett upptäckande. En organisering av rumsligheterna i relation till riktning ledde till en idé om en spatial struktur och orienterbarhet utifrån två korsande axlar. Inre riktningar i relation till två korsande axlar har analyserats genom Palladios Villa Rotonda och Palazzo Della Torre.  Riktningarna från undersökningen har satts i relation till platsens riktningar. Undersökningen resulterade i två volymer med en passage mellan. Genom passagen spänner den yttre primära axeln mellan en mur framför skolan mot vägen och skogen som utgör den bortre gränsen för skolgården.  I skärningspunkten av axlarna finns en innegård, ett förrum till byggnaderna och den inre tvärgående axeln. Den inre axeln ger en spatial struktur kring vilka rum är organiserade. Ett pelarsystem bidrar till att framhäva riktningarna i byggnaden. En lång förhall omgiven av pelare leder från entréerna vid innergården fram till slutpunkten för den inre axeln, ett ljusrum som sträcker sig genom våningsplanen. Den norra delen för de yngre barnen har en trappa framför ljusrummet, trappan återkommer för de äldre barnen i den södra delen bakom ljusrummet. I anslutning till korridorer och allmän yta finns rum med kvalitéer från undersökningen att upptäcka. / The starting point of the project is an analysis of my own memories of elementary school. By drawing up the school from memory and analyzing selected spaces, I have investigated what I remember about the school building and why. The experience of many of the spaces I remember as exciting was about a discovery. An organization of spatial relationships in relation to direction led to an idea of a spatial structure and orientation based on two intersecting axes. Internal directions in relation to two intersecting axes have been analyzed by Palladios Villa Rotonda and Palazzo Della Torre.   The directions from the analysis have been put in relation to the directions of the site. The the analysis resulted in two volumes with a passage between. Through the passage, the outer primary axis spans a wall in front of the school towards the road and the forest which constitutes the far border of the schoolyard.   At the intersection of the axes is an inner courtyard, an vestibule for the buildings and the inner transverse axis. The inner axes provides a spatial structure around which rooms are organized. A pillar system helps to emphasize the directions in the building. A long vestibule surrounded by pillars leads from the entrances by the inner courtyard to the end point of the inner vestibule, a light room that extends through the floors. The northern part for the younger children has a staircase in front of the light room, the staircase recur for the older children in the southern part behind the light room. In connection with corridors and public areas, there are rooms with qualities from the analysis to be discovered.

Managing Information System Integration Technologies--A Study of Text Mined Industry White Papers

Ravindran, Balaji 16 May 2003 (has links)
Industry white papers are increasingly being used to explain the philosophy and operation of a product in marketplace or technology context. This explanation is used by senior managers for strategic planning in an organization. This research explores the effectiveness of white papers and strategies for managers to learn about technologies using white papers. The research is conducted by collecting industry white papers in the area of Information System Integration and gleaned relevant information through text-mining tool, Vantage Point. The text mined information is analyzed to provide solutions for practical problems in systems integration market. The indirect findings of the research are New System Integration Business Models, Methods for Calculating ROI of System Integration Project, and Managing Implementation Failures.

English Colour Terms in Context

Steinvall, Anders January 2002 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines usage of English colour terms in context, based on an extensive computerised text corpus, the Bank of English. It describes the ways in which English colour terms may be used to refer to nuances outside their normal area of designation and to attributes outside the colour domain. Usage patterns are analysed on three different levels: with regard to the overall frequency of occurrences, nominal domains and individual tokens, respectively. </p><p>Cognitive linguistics supplies the theoretical framework employed in the analyses of the observed patterns. The study identifies three types of usage where colour terms refer to peripheral colour nuances or to concepts outside the colour domain: classifying, figurative and marked usage. </p><p>When a colour term has a classifying function, it can be used outside the normal area of designation. This usage is analysed as a type of reference-point construction where a term referring to a salient point in the colour domain is used to subcategorise an entity whose actual colour may be only a peripheral member of the category named by the colour term. An analysis of the OED and the Bank of English shows that this type of usage is primarily restricted to a few of the most salient basic terms. </p><p>This study points to the close affinities between classifying and figurative usage. Figurative expressions of colour terms frequently have a classifying function. I argue that figurative meanings are derived through two types of metonymy: +SALIENT ATTRIBUTE FOR OBJECT+ and +SALIENT CONCRETE ATTRIBUTE FOR SALIENT ABSTRACT ATTRIBUTE+. </p><p>Marked usage arises when specific colour terms are used in nominal domains where the specificity is not expected. This phenomenon is consequently confined to non-basic colour terms. </p><p>On the basis of the established patterns of usage and the frequency of occurrences, this thesis suggests that the colour category may be analysed as a radial category, with the basic colour terms forming the centre. </p>

English Colour Terms in Context

Steinvall, Anders January 2002 (has links)
This thesis examines usage of English colour terms in context, based on an extensive computerised text corpus, the Bank of English. It describes the ways in which English colour terms may be used to refer to nuances outside their normal area of designation and to attributes outside the colour domain. Usage patterns are analysed on three different levels: with regard to the overall frequency of occurrences, nominal domains and individual tokens, respectively. Cognitive linguistics supplies the theoretical framework employed in the analyses of the observed patterns. The study identifies three types of usage where colour terms refer to peripheral colour nuances or to concepts outside the colour domain: classifying, figurative and marked usage. When a colour term has a classifying function, it can be used outside the normal area of designation. This usage is analysed as a type of reference-point construction where a term referring to a salient point in the colour domain is used to subcategorise an entity whose actual colour may be only a peripheral member of the category named by the colour term. An analysis of the OED and the Bank of English shows that this type of usage is primarily restricted to a few of the most salient basic terms. This study points to the close affinities between classifying and figurative usage. Figurative expressions of colour terms frequently have a classifying function. I argue that figurative meanings are derived through two types of metonymy: +SALIENT ATTRIBUTE FOR OBJECT+ and +SALIENT CONCRETE ATTRIBUTE FOR SALIENT ABSTRACT ATTRIBUTE+. Marked usage arises when specific colour terms are used in nominal domains where the specificity is not expected. This phenomenon is consequently confined to non-basic colour terms. On the basis of the established patterns of usage and the frequency of occurrences, this thesis suggests that the colour category may be analysed as a radial category, with the basic colour terms forming the centre.

In Real Life (Or Elsewhere) : om kreativa processer och parallella verkligheter i dokumentärfilm

Nevanti, Kirsi January 2017 (has links)
Reality isn’t what it appears to be. Contexts are not always clear and visible. People don’t always say what they really mean. And they don’t always mean what they say. When life is your stage manager, anything can happen. I often say, life is hard, my head is harder. Making documentaries is not for the faint-hearted.This PhD project explores creative processes and parallel realities in documentary film, and discusses and conceptualizes the artistic practice of documentary filmmaking. The project consists in part of artistic works and essays that are critical reflections on the creative process and how that process can be conceptualized. The cinematic centerpiece of the thesis is entitled Images and the Worlds of Being (2011–2016). Previous subprojects are A Shift Between Worlds (2013–2015) and an essay book entitled In Real Life (or Elsewhere) (2013). Between 2013 and 2017, more essays were written, some of them translated to English. All the Swedish essays are available in PDF format. All of the works in the PhD project explore creative processes and parallel realities in two different ways: A Shift Between Worlds (2013–2015) explores identity and parallel realities in the gendered world. These works are based on two workshops led by Diane Torr, “Man for a Day” and “Woman for a Day.” They resulted in several component works, including two video essays, two audio works and two large-format photographic works, the latter in collaboration with photographer Johan Bergmark, as well as a short commentary film entitled Diane Speaks Out (2016). Images and the Worlds of Being (2011–2016) – a VR Classic Style film – explores what happens when documentary images are shown on four screens forming the walls of a room. This work also focuses on the view through the camera lens through which the filmmaker meets the world, in a hypnotic tapestry of parallel realities in a tenderly portrayed, runaway present. A sort of logical reasoning about the illogic of our era, in search of elusive reality (to paraphrase Jean Baudrillard) – the presence in the act of seeing. An experiment in the forms of visual knowledge, outside the traditional display windows. Shooting location: The World.

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