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Hur beskrivs sensoriska egenskaper inom deskriptiv analys? : En kvantitativ tvärsnittstudie av artiklar publicerade 1974-2019 / Sensory attribute description in descriptive analysis : A quantative cross sectional study of articles published 1974-2019Apelman, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Deskriptiv sensorisk analys (DSA) syftar till att beskriva sensoriska egenskaper (attribut) hos livsmedelslprodukter. En bedömarpanel analyserar ett produktprov genom att identifiera, namnge och mäta intensiteten hos ett antal attribut. Syfte Syftet med undersökningen var att studera hur attribut identifieras, beskrivs och presenteras inom vetenskaplig tillämpning av DSA. Metod Sjuttiofyra artiklar, publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter mellan 1974 och 2019, analyserades kvantitativt med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik. Sjutton variabler användes för datainsamling. Samband mellan variablerna analyserades med hjälp av statistiska tester. Resultat Av artiklarna var 96 % publicerade i tidskrifter utan specifik inriktning mot sensorisk analys. I två tredjedelar av artiklarna tillämpades generisk deskriptiv analys (GDA). I fler än hälften av artiklarna avvek panelen från vad som rekommenderas kring bedömarantal eller tid för träning. I snitt användes 1,4 ord för namngivning av attributen. I hälften av artiklarna definierades inte attributen. I två tredjedelar av artiklarna presenterades inte några referensprodukter för att illustrera skalstegen. I tre fjärdedelar av artiklarna presenterades attributen i metodbeskrivningen. Meddelandelen substantiv var 68,2 % och 31 % adjektiv. En måttlig negativ korrelation mellan andelen substantiv och tiden för träning av bedömarpanelen var statistiskt signifikant. Slutsats I många vetenskapliga studier utförs DSA utan att gällande rekommendationer kring bedömarpanelen följs. I artiklar publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter presenteras attributen inprecist nog att ifrågasätta användbarheten hos resultaten. Att ge den kvalitativa delen av undersökningen, identifiering och namngivning av attributen, status resultat skulle kunna öka intresset för att definiera attributen och illustrera skalstegen, vilket är en förutsättning för att tolka det kvantitativa resultatet (intensitetsmätningen) på ett meningsfullt sätt. / Background Descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) aims to describe the sensory attributes of food products. A panel of assessors analyze a sample of the product to identify and name a set of attributes and estimate their intensity. Objective The aim of the study was to research how attributes are identified, described and presented in the scientific use of DSA. Method By using descriptive statistics, 74 articles published in scientific journals between 1974 and 2019 were analyzed quantitatively. Data collection was conducted using 17 variables. Correlations between variables and differences between groups were analyzed using statistical tests. Results Of the articles 96 % were published in non-sensory-specific journals. Generic descriptive analysis (GDA) was used in two thirds of the articles. In more than half of the articles the number of assessors, or the time spent on assessor training, differed from what is recommended. An avarage of 1.4 descriptive words were used to name each attribute. In half of the articles no definitions of the attributes were given. In two thirds of the articles no reference products were presented to illustrate the attributes or different points of the scale. In three quarters of the articles the attributes were presentet in the section of method description, and not the results. The avarage share of nouns was 68.2 % and 31 % adjectives. A moderate negative correlation between the share of nouns and the time spent on panel training was significant. Conclusion Sometimes DSA is used without panel recommendations being followed. There are scientific articles where the sensory attributes are presented vaguely enough to question the usability of the results. To interperet naming of the sensory attributes as a qualitative results could motivate a more defined presentation, which would benefit the quantitative result (intensity assesment) by explaining what is meassured.
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Jag har alltid trott på UFO : Att arkivera det okända och behovet av de enskilda arkivens källmaterial för ökad mångfald i historieskrivningen / I have always believed in UFOs : Archiving the unknown and the need for the material of the community archives for increased diversity in history writingLindman, Petra, Forsgård, Linn January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is the result of two years of study in archival science at the Department of ABM (archive, library, museum) at Uppsala University, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight community archives, specifically how the community archive "Archive for the Unexplained" in Norrköping operates as a community archive and handles received documents and records of ufo-reports from UFO-Sweden. Our focus has been to study record- keeping and how the documents are made available to promote the possibility of transparency, research, and ar- chival retrieval. The analysis is divided into two parts: the archive and its internal archival structure, as well as the records. The analysis of the archival structure is focused on how the archive operates as a community archive based on the theory of Terry Cook's four paradigms, which aims to show how archives have gone from closed archives to open places for knowledge. The results of this thesis show how the Archive for the Unexplained as a community archive in contrasts to archives that operate in the official authority and fulfill a vital role in the paranormal field and how its material is primarily used for investigating Unexplained phenomena while it is providing a creative space for a narrative of a fictional and folkloristic nature. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.
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Sortimentsreducering för ökad lönsamhet : En fallstudie hos företaget EdsbynInostroza Galvez, Stephanie, Feizi, Suleiman January 2021 (has links)
Sortiment är hos många företag väldigt stort vilket leder till att företag inte kan hantera sina produkter rätt. Problematiken är att kunderna får för mycket valmöjligheter när det erbjuds ett helt produktsortiment. Varje företag behöver ifrågasätta sig hur de ska hantera sitt sortiment när kunderna har för mycket att välja mellan. I denna situation hjälper sortimentsreducering att öka effektiviteten och lönsamheten i förtaget. Ett välplanerat sortiment är en viktig faktor för kundens köpbeslut eftersom för många produktval i sortimentet kan leda till överbelastning. Studien är en fallstudie med syfte att ta fram faktorer och processer som bör beaktas vid en sortimentsreducering hos ett producerande företag. Studien kommer att avgränsas mot att studera sortimentsreducering hos ett svenskt företag som tillverkar kontorsmöbler. För att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna utfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och ett studiebesök med anställda som hade relevant kunskap inom området. I metoden har abduktion antagits som vetenskapligt angreppsätt. Den teoretiska referensram togs fram genom litteratursökningar via databaser och böcker som sedan diskuterades i en jämförelse mot den sammanställda empirin som analyserades och diskuterades. Studiens slutsats visade vilka faktorer och processer som företag bör beakta vid en sortimentsreducering. De framtagna faktorerna var sortimentets djup och bredd, företagsimage, flexibilitet, kategoristyrning samt implementering av modulära och standardiserade produkter. Genom att integrera dessa faktorer kan företag göra en reducering effektivt. Studien visade tre processer med hjälp av modeller vid hänsyn till sortimentsreducering som skulle kunna implementeras på företag. Dessa modeller är ABC-analysen, Porters femkraftsmodell och sortimentsplaneringsmodellen. Genom att integrera de olika faktorer och processer för sortimentsreducering kan företaget göra en lönsam reducering i sortimentet. / Many companies have a large assortment, where most are incapable of correctly handling their products. Result of such assortment usually is overload of customers with an abundance of options. Every company needs to question themselves how to handle their assortment when customers has to many choices to pick. In this situation assortment reduction helps to increase efficiency and profitability of organizations. A well-planned assortment is an important factor for the customers purchase decision as too many choices in the assortment can lead to overload. This study is a thesis written with the purpose of developing factors and processes to take into account for a products assortment reduction at a producing company. This study is limited to studying product assortment reduction at a Swedish company that manufactures office furniture. The purpose and questions are answered through four semi-structured interviews and a study visit accompanied by employees with relevant knowledge to thesis. In the method, abduction has been adopted as a scientific approach. A theoretical frame of reference was developed through literature searches through databases and books, which were the discussed in a comparison with the compiled empirical data that were analyzed and discussed. The study´s conclusion showed which factors and processes companies should take into account in an assortment reduction. The factors developed were assortment depth and breadth, corporate image, flexibility, category management, implementing modular and standard products. By integrating these factors, companies can make a reduction effective. The study showed three processes using models with regard to product assortment reduction that could be implemented in companies. These models are the ABC-analysis, Porters five forces and the assortment planning model. By integrating the various factors and processes for product assortment reduction, the company can make a profitable reduction in the assortment.
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Kennzeichnung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Klassifizierung als tierische Nebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 und zur Verbesserung ihrer Verfolgbarkeit im Warenstrom: Kennzeichnung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Klassifizierung als tierische Nebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 und zur Verbesserung ihrerVerfolgbarkeit im WarenstromSchmidt, Bianca 28 June 2011 (has links)
Die seit 2004 in Deutschland bekannt gewordenen Fälle der illegalen Rückführung und irrtümlichen Fehlverbringung von gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1774/2002 nicht für den Genuss durch den Menschen bestimmten tierischen Nebenprodukten (TNP) der Kategorie 3 in die Lebensmittelkette haben zu der politischen Diskussion beigetragen, ob die Pflicht der Materialidentifizierbarkeit durch das Getrennthalten TNP am Ort des Anfalls sowie die ausschließliche Kennzeichnung ihrer Transportbehälter bei der Beförderung einen ausreichenden Schutz der Verbraucher garantieren können. Um eine ordnungsgemäße Verwendung TNP der Kategorie 3 sicherzustellen, hat der Bundesrat ihre unmittelbare und eindeutige Kennzeichnung, z.B. durch Farbstoffe, gefordert.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen geeigneten, futtermittelrechtlich zugelassenen Marker für Schlachtnebenprodukte der Kategorie 3 zu erörtern, der eine technisch praktikable, vom Ort des Anfalls bis zum Verarbeitungsbetrieb optisch eindeutige, dauerhafte und nach der Verarbeitung nachweisbare sowie umwelt- und wirtschaftsverträgliche Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten zur sicheren Verfolgbarkeit ihrer bestimmungsgemäßen Verwendung als TNP der Kategorie 3 ermöglicht, um ihren Eintrag in die Lebensmittelkette zu unterbinden, ohne die Neutralität der Endprodukte bei der Verwendung markierter TNP als Rohstoffe für Futtermittel zu beeinträchtigen.
Für die Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten mittels Sprühsystemen wurden für Futtermittel zugelassene, färbende Zusatzstoffe (Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1831/2003) sowie in der medizinischen Diagnostik etablierte Fluoreszenz-Farbstoffe ausgewählt und hinsichtlich der Eindeutigkeit ihrer Markierung, ihrer Farbhaltung nach Bearbeitung sowie ihrer optischen Neutralität in Lebens- und Futtermitteln, die aus markierten TNP hergestellt worden sind, von fünf ungeschulten Prüfpersonen im Rahmen einer einfach beschreibenden, sensorischen und unabhängigen Prüfung gemäß §35 LMBG (L 00.90-6, ASU) beurteilt. Die Ergebnisse der sensorischen Prüfung wurden mit den RGB-Farbprofilen der markierten und nicht markierten TNP vergleichend analysiert. Zum Nachweis des irrtümlichen oder vorsätzlichen Eintrags von mit den ausgewählten Markerfarbstoffen markierten TNP in Lebensmitteln konnten die Analyseverfahren Dünnschichtchromatographie (DC), optische Emissionsspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Hochfrequenzplasma (ICP-OES), Photometrie sowie die Fluoreszenzspektrometrie hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit untersucht werden.
Die Untersuchung der sensorischen Neutralität der Markerfarbstoffe im Endprodukt Futtermittel erfolgte unter anderem durch einen Futtermittelpräferenzversuch an neun Hunden der Rasse Beagle.
Brillantsäuregrün E142 (1,3 mg E142/kg TNP) konnte auf Grund der Eindeutigkeit der Markierung von Schlachtnebenprodukten durch die gegenüber den nativen TNP signifikant unterschiedlichen Rot-Farbintensitäten bei gleichzeitiger Neutralität in den Endprodukten (Lebens- oder Futtermittel) und einer guten bis sehr guten Farbhaltung nach dem Waschen der Nebenprodukte, der Kühl- (8°C über zwei Tage) sowie Gefrierlagerung (-25°C über 14 Tage) und dem Verwenden einer 14, 90 als auch 150 Tage gelagerten Farbstofflösung in Kombination mit dem chemisch nachweisbaren Titandioxid (90 mg E171/ kg TNP) als Markerfarbstofflösung zur eindeutigen Markierung von Nebenprodukten der Schlachtung am Ort ihres Anfalls selektiert werden. Die für die Markierung bestimmten Dosierungen der Markerfarbstoffe gelten für Tiere und Menschen als unbedenklich.
Die mit den färbenden Zusatzstoffen E142 und E171 markierten Nebenprodukte der Schlachtung können mittels DC (Nachweisgrenze: ≥7,5 µg E142/kg Probe) beziehungsweise ICP-OES und Photometrie (Nachweisgrenze ICP-OES: 8,3 mg E171/kg Probe) ab einem eingebrachten Anteil von 0,55% (DC: E142) beziehungsweise 9% (ICP-OES: E171) in diversen Produkten (Lebens- oder Futtermittel) nachgewiesen werden. In den chemisch und thermisch extrahierten Fetten aus markierten, fettreichen TNP waren die Farbstoffe E142 und E171 jedoch nicht nachweisbar.
Eine Fluoreszenzmarkierung TNP kann hingegen nicht präferiert werden, da nicht markierte Nebenprodukte der Schlachtung eine sichtbare und fluoreszenzspektrometrisch nachweisbare Autofluoreszenz aufweisen und in den thermisch verarbeiteten Produkten keine für die Fluoreszenz-farbstoffe charakteristischen Absorptions- und Emissionsspektren nachweisbar waren.
Die Markierung mittels Sprühtechnik erscheint unter den Aspekten Substanzverlust und adaptierter Markerfarbstoff pro Kilogramm TNP praktikabel. Die im Labor bestimmte Markierungszeit für TNP (5 sec./kg) ist unter Einbeziehung der Durchsatzraten am Schlachthof als zu lang zu bewerten.
Durch die rückstandsfreie Entfernung der Farbstoffe von Edelstahl- und glatten Kunststoffflächen sowie glasierten Fliesen ergeben sich keine Nachteile der Markierung TNP für die Produktion von Futtermitteln und technischen Erzeugnissen. Die in dem Präferenzversuch untersuchten Futtermittel für Hunde aus markierten TNP zeigten keine Abweichungen von der handelsüblichen sensorischen Produktqualität und hinsichtlich ihrer Haltbarkeit durch Sterilisation (F0-Wert). Mit E142 und E171 markierte TNP (Kat. 3) eignen sich somit als Rohstoffe zur Herstellung von Heimtierfuttermitteln.
Bei Anwendung einer Kombinationsfarbstofflösung (E142 und E171) würden die für die Marker anfallenden Kosten pro Tonne TNP bis zu 33 Euro betragen. Bei der ausschließlichen Verwendung von E142, welches der optisch eindeutig markierende Farbstoff ist und das eine hohe Sensitivität im dünnschichtchromatographischen Nachweis zeigt, würden die Kosten 1,70 bis 3,40 Euro/t betragen.
Bisher konnte kein EU-einheitlicher Rechtsrahmen zur Markierung TNP der Kategorie 3 gestaltet werden. Die politische Diskussion wird aber vor allem national fortgesetzt. / Since 2004 several illegal or aberrant transfers of animal by-products (ABP) from category 3 (according to Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002: not intended for food production) back into food chain, have led to the political discussion, whether duty of material identifiability by separate storing of ABP on site and sole labeling of containers during transport are sufficient to protect consumers from ABP not intended for human consumption.
To guarantee adequate utilisation of ABP from category 3, the German Federal Council claimed for an immediate and conclusive marking of ABP by dyeing or similar solutions.
This study was implemented to define a convenient, registered feed additive for dyeing of slaughter by-products from category 3, which realize a feasible, from extraction to processing visually conclusive, long-lasting, traceable as well as sustainable and cost-effective marking on site to ensure traceability of intended utilisation as ABP from category 3 and to prevent their influx into food chain, without an impairment of the neutrality of products (e.g. pet food) made from marked ABP.
For marking of slaughter by-products by air spraying device, registered colouring feed additives (Regulation (EC) No. 1831/2003) as well as diagnostically established fluorescence pigments were selected and investigated regarding their marking unambiguousness, colour retention after processing and visual neutrality in food and feed made from marked ABP by evaluation of five untrained judging persons in the course of a simply delineative, sensorial and impartial test (official list of analysis methods, ASU §35 LMBG, L 00.90-6), and by comparative RGB-colour measurement of images scanned from stained ABP samples. Detection of aberrant or deliberate discharge of marked ABP into food production was evaluated by investigation of thin layer chromatography (TLC), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), photometry and fluorescence spectrometry.
Neutrality of marking feed additives in feedstuff was determined by a feeding preference test with nine dogs of the Beagle breed using pet food made from unmarked und marked ABP.
Lissamine Green E142 (1,3 mg E142 per kg ABP) was selected as marker dye for slaughter by-products on site based on its unambiguousness of marking due to the significant different red-colour intensity compared to the non-marked ABP as well as the simultaneous neutrality of the colouring additive E142 in the final products feed and food. Colour retention of E142 marking was conclusive with regard to handling by washing, cold (8°C for two days) respectively fridge storage (-25°C for 14 days) and utilisation of a 14-, 90- and 150-days-stored marker solution. For marking, Lissamine Green was combined with the chemical detectable and registered food colour titanium dioxide (E171: 90 mg/kg ABP). The marker additives are classified as safe for humans and animals within the preferred concentrations for colouring ABP.
With E142 und E171 marked ABP were traceable in food and feed using detection methods TLC (limit of detection: ≥7,5 µg E142 per kg sample), photometry and ICP-OES (limit of detection: ≥8,3 mg E171 per kg sample) at a proportion of 0,55% (TLC: E142) respectively 9% (ICP-OES: E171), whereas the named markers were not detectable in chemical and thermal extracted fats produced from marked high-fat ABP.
Based on the visible and fluorescence spectrometric detectable autofluorescence of animal tissues as well as the uncharacteristic emission and absorption spectra of fluorescence pigments in processed ABP, fluorescence markers are not preferential for marking of slaughter by-products from category 3.
Marking of slaughter by-products by air spraying device appeared practicable in due consideration of marker depletion and tissue-adapted marker per kg ABP. Current time of marking under laboratory conditions (5 sec. per kg ABP) must be graded as too long, regarding high transfer rates in slaughterhouses. Concerning the residue-free cleaning of stainless steel and even plastic surfaces from the marker solution, the utilisation of marked ABP for manufacturing of feed and technical products is unproblematic.
Investigated pet food samples produced from marked ABP were from comparable commercial sensory product quality and showed no deviation of normal storability due to sterilisation. In conclusion, with E142 and E171 visible marked ABP from category 3 are suitable as crude materials for pet food production.
The application of the combined marker solution (E142 and E171) have to be evaluated as comparative expensive (33 Euro per ton ABP), while the exclusive application of E142 as the optic conclusive and sensitive detectable marker for ABP is associated with sustainable costs from 1,70 to 3,40 Euro per ton ABP.
To date, an EU-common regulatory framework for marking of ABP from category 3 could not be specified. Nevertheless the political discussion is still continued, especially in Germany.
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Klasifikace webových stránek / Web Page ClassificationKolář, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This paper presents problem of automatic webpages classification using association rules based classifier. Classification problem is presented, as a one of datamining technique, in context of mining knowledges from text data. There are many text document classification methods presented with highlighting benefits of classification methods using association rules. The main goal of work is adjusting selected classification method for relation data and design draft of webpages classifier, which classifies pages with the aid of visual properties - independent section layout on the web page, not (only) by textual data. There is also ARC-BC classification method presented as a selected method and as one of intriguing classificators, that derives accuracy and understandableness benefits of all other methods.
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Hodnocení přírodních a recyklovaných surovin a materiálů v budovách / Assessment of natural and recycled materials in buildingsStránská, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analytic method for evaluation of environmental impacts of products, services and technologies. It is associated with all the stages of a product's life. The environmental impacts are evaluated on the basis of material and energetic flows, which are in influence with the environment. These impacts are always determined in the relation with the function of the product or the service and so it is possible to compare them with the other alternatives. One of the most important reasons why I have chosen this dissertation thesis subject was the growing public interest in impacts of the building constructions on the environment and human organism. Only a few experts and scientific research centres deal with the problem of environmental impacts of the buildings in the Czech Republic so the main goal of this thesis is to help with a spreading a knowledge about it. There are four main problems to solve in the thesis: determination of environmental impacts of selected materials which are missing in available databases, creation of life cycle models of evaluated buildings, determining the most appropriate functional unit and determining the contents of the recommended LCA protocol for building analysis. In the first phase of the thesis there was built a detailed life cycle model of the reference building on the basis of available documents and databases. This "cradle to cradle" LCA model was then optimized for a large number of life cycle scenarios to determine the significance of the impact of individual variables on the overall environmental impact of the building. The knowledge gained from this analysis was applied to the lifecycle models of other buildings and then there was assembled the recommended form of the LCA protocol. In the final stage, the results of the environmental impacts were quantified on the different functional units which were used for determining the appropriate form.
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SAMBAND MELLAN AVVIKELSER I OLIKA BYGGPROJEKTEn analys av projekt där det ekonomiska resultatet har blivit sämre än förvänta : CONNECTING DEVIATIONS IN DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTSAn analysis of projects where the economic results failed to meet expectationsStrömberg Bellow, Runa, Valfridsson, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Projektekonomi och kostnadsstyrning är centrala delar i byggentreprenaders verksamheter. Trots att ett projekt bedöms vara estetiskt tilltalande och innehåller alla kvaliteter som har lovats till beställare, kan utfallet ändå betraktas som olyckligt för entreprenaden om kostnadenblir högre än förväntat. För att identifiera orsaken till varför budgeten har överskridits behöver projekt följas upp. Byggentreprenören NCC har identifierat att deras verksamhet saknar ett bra system för projektuppföljning. Eftersom varje projekt utförs under olika förutsättningar så upplevs det som svårt och resurskrävande att följa upp projekt på ett bra och effektivt sätt.Syftet med denna rapport är att jämföra och analysera projekt som gått sämre för att identifiera samband, samt att utifrån dessa samband finna ett sätt att effektivisera uppföljning och lättare ta lärdom av tidigare projekt och erfarenheter. Rapporten utgår ifrån tre utvalda projekt från byggentreprenören NCC där budgeten har överskridits.Jämförelsen av projekten består av en kvantitativ och en kompletterande kvalitativ del. Den kvantitativa metoden omfattas av en procentuell redovisning av skillnaden mellan aktuell budget och prognos för 10 utvalda kostnadskategorier. Den kvalitativa metoden omfattas av samtal med medarbetare.Projekt 1 innefattade en nybyggnation av tre delar: vård och omsorgsboende, ett gruppboende samt lokaler och kontor för hemvården. Projekt 2 bestod av ett förtätningsprojekt som omfattade nybyggnation av ett flerbostadshus samt fasad- och takrenovering av befintligt hus. Projekt 3 bestod av byggnation av tre punkthus i trä, samt förskola i betong på bottenplan.Flera samband kunde identifierades mellan projekten som möjliga anledningar till det olyckliga ekonomiska utfallet. Coronapandemin, kriget i Ukraina och ogynnsamma avtal identifierades som samband mellan endast Projekt 1 och Projekt 2. De tydligaste sambanden som kunde ses mellan alla tre projekt var relationen mellan kostnadskategorin Löner till yrkesarbetare och fördröjd tidplan, samt brister i projektering och organisation.Resultatet från denna studie diskuteras med en kritisk ton med avseende på metoden där det fanns brister och förbättringsområden. En sådan förbättring omfattade en mer strukturerad metod för samtalen.Slutsatsen är att det finns samband i dessa tre projekt som går att ta lärdom av. / This study's aim is to compare projects where costs have exceeded budget projections in order to identify correlating factors to streamline follow-up auditing and facilitate improvementsfrom project data collection and employee experience. The study is based on three selected projects from construction company NCC where costs exceeded the projected budget.The project comparison consist of a quantitative method and a complementary qualitative method. The quantitative method consists of budget and cost data, presenting the differences between the current budget and the forecasts' costs across 10 selected categories in percentage form. The qualitative method consists of documented conversations with employees relating to these projects' budget categories and the eventual effects on the increased costs.Project 1 examines a new construction project divided into three parts: a nursing home, a group home, and offices for home-care. Project 2 examines of an urban densification project that includes a newly constructed apartment extension attached to an existing building, along with facade and roof renovations of preexisting building. Project 3 examines the construction of three multi-floored, wooden, residential blocks with a concrete preschool on the ground floor.Several factors were identified connecting Project 1 and Project 2 as possible reasons for exceeding budget projections: the Covid 19-pandemic, the strife in Ukraine and the purchasers contracts' unique requirements resulting in unexpected costs. The clearest connections that could be seen in all three projects was the connection between the cost category Wages to skilled workers and delayed schedule as well as deficient project planningand a lack of organization. The results obtained in this study emphasize a methodology for ascertaining areas ofimprovement. A suggested improvement includes a structured approach to employee feedbackinterviews.The conclusion only included the relationships that were common denominators to all three studied projects. The common denominators that were identified covered the connection between the cost by category Wages to skilled workers and delayed schedule, deficient project planning and organization. The organization was interpretated as individual-based and a need for improved experience feedback was identified.
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Quantification of emissions in the ICT sector – a comparative analysis of the Product Life Cycle Assessment and Spend-based methods. : Optimal value chain accounting (Scope 3, category 1)Rajesh Jha, Abhishek kumar January 2022 (has links)
Considering the rapid increase in the ICT (Information & Communication Technology) products in use, there is a risk of an increase in GHG emissions and electronic waste accumulation in the ICT sector. Therefore, it becomes important to account for the emissions in the ICT sector in order to take steps to mitigate them. There are several methods put forward under ETSI, ITU-T, GHG protocol, etc., which can be used to measure the emissions in the ICT sector. Two such methods are Product Life Cycle Assessment (PLCA) and Spend-based, which are used in this study to account for scope 3, category 1 emissions in the ICT sector. Scope 3, category 1 emissions are released during the raw material acquisition and part production phase of the ICT product’s life cycle and account for a major portion of the overall emissions. As the ICT sector is a very huge field of study in itself, two ICT products, namely smartphones and laptops, are considered in this study to calculate their overall scope 3, category 1 emissions. A list of influential components in smartphones and laptops is defined to be included in the Excel Management Life Cycle Assessment (EMLCA) tool to calculate the scope 3, category 1 emissions. A comprehensive comparison between PLCA and Spend-based methods is also studied during the process of calculating their emissions. These observations are then used to make critical analyses and compare the two methods under results and discussions based on various parameters described under them. Both the methods were found to be suitable for calculating the emissions, with some uncertainty, although the Spend-based method was a quicker approach to do so. The PLCA method, although more complex, was found to be more suitable for ICT product eco-design. Both methods required a different set of primary data and were sensitive to various components in smartphones and laptops. This study illustrates the parameters that affect PLCA and Spend-based methods and discusses the pros and cons of them depending on the situations they are used in.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa tem a obra de Chantal Akerman (1950 - 2015) como o seu ponto central. A proposta foi a de descrever um filme específico de Akerman – Les Rendez-vous d Anna (1978) –, em constelação com outros de seus trabalhos. Junto ao ato de descrever Les Rendez-vous d Anna, ocorre uma reflexão acerca do próprio ato de descrever enquanto um operador, um disparador teórico e artístico. Para isso, a cineasta é colocada em interlocução constante com a poeta Anne Carson (1950) e com o filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 - 1951). Este é um estudo que traduz em sua própria composição, cujo tecido traz elementos audiovisuais e poéticos, uma crença drástica nas forças pensantes da arte. Movendo-se pela noção mais geral de descrição, debruça-se sobre os temas da experimentação artística, do possível como categoria estética, da representação, da experiência, da música, do tempo, da autobiografia e da morte. / [en] This is a research which has the oeuvre of Chantal Akerman (1950 - 2015) as its main focus. The proposal was to describe one of Akerman s specific film - Les Rendez-vous d Anna -, in constellation with other of her works. While describing Les Rendez-vous d Anna, a reflection on the act of describing as an operator, an artistic and theoretical trigger, occurs. For that, the filmmaker is put alongside with the poet Anne Carson (1950) and the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 - 1951). This is a study that translates in its own composition, which has in its fabric audiovisual and poetic elements, a drastic belief in the thinking forces of art. Moving through the overview notion of description, we speak of themes such as artistic experimentation, the possible as aesthetic category, representation, experience, music, time, autobiography and death.
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The Effect of Disinfectants, Cleaning, and Drying Practices on Oriental Rugs Flooded with Contaminated River Water: Public Health and Policy ImplicationsBernazzani, Daniel 17 July 2012 (has links)
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