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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maskinsäker tillämpning : En likhetsgranskning mellan två säkerhetslösningar

Landell, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Företag med en produktportfölj inriktad mot maskinsäkerhet har ett stort behov av att kunna visa upp produkterna i en integrerad helhetslösning. Men det ställer då också krav på att kunna vägleda och utbilda kunderna inom området maskinsäkerhet. Målet med denna uppsats har varit att ge-nomföra en riskanalys och ta fram två säkerhetslösningar på ett något av-skalat valsverk. Resultatet ska sedan användas i ett säljverktyg i form av en portabel DEMO för framtida mässor och utbildningar. Under arbetets gång så har ett flertal studiebesök och intervjuer genomförts med personer som har en lång erfarenhet av maskinsäkerhet och valsverk. Som stöd under ris-kanalysen så har bland annat den harmoniska standarden SS EN ISO 13849-1:2016 används. Först bestämdes maskinens omfattning följt av en riskbe-dömning där tänkta riskkällor identifierats och där sedan en lämplig åtgärd vidtagits för att vid behov reducera risken. En validering har slutligen ge-nomförts som ett sista steg i analysen för att säkerställa att med aktuellt framtagna skyddsfunktioner nå upp till den erforderliga prestandanivå som krävs. Bearbetning av material har uteslutande genomförts via Micro-soft Excel. Beräkningar och validering av samtliga skyddsfunktioner har genomförts analogt enligt standarden EN ISO 13849-1&2. Det har under ar-betets gång visat sig att det finns utrymme för tolkning och tveksamheter rörande arbetsmetod enligt ISO 13849-1 och maskindirektivet 2006/42/EC. Resultatet i undersökningen har påvisat att den först framtagna säkerhets-lösningen är den mest ultimata gällande kostnad. Medan den andra säker-hetslösningen från undersökningen är den mest optimala med avseende på flexibilitet och säkerhet. När det gäller olika tillvägagångssätt vid beräkning av skyddsfunktioner så är ett förgrenat synsätt fördelaktigt vid säkerhets-lösningar som kräver något högre prestandanivå. Det förgrenade synsättet medför dock i regel mer arbetet eftersom att antalet skyddsfunktioner beror på antalet maskiner för respektive ingångsblock. Det seriella tillvägagångs-sättet medför i regel mindre arbete vid beräkningar eftersom att antalet skyddsfunktioner då är lika med antalet ingångsblock för skyddsfunkt-ionen. Undersökningen har dessutom påvisat en tydlig korrelation mellan antalet maskiner och sannolikheten för farligt fel per timme. Det innebär att det seriella tillvägagångssättet kan leda till att aktuellt krav rörande pre-standanivå inte går att uppnå. / Companies with a portfolio that are focused at machine safety have a great need to display their products in an integrated comprehensive solution. But it’s also important for the companies to be able to guide and support cus-tomers in the field of machine safety. The aim of this report was to conduct a risk assignment and to develop two safety solutions for a cold rolling mill. The result of this report will then be used in a sales tool as a portable demon-stration platform for future fairs and customer education. During the inves-tigation, a number of study visits and interviews have been conducted with people who have a long experience of machine safety and cold rolling mills. As a guidance of the risk assignment, the harmonic standard SS EN ISO 13849-1: 2016 has been used. First, the extent of the machine was deter-mined, followed by a risk estimation where imaginary hazards were iden-tified. In case of an identified hazard an appropriate action was taken to reduce the risk. Finally, a validation was carried out as a final step in the analysis to ensure that the currently developed safety functions has reached the required performance level from the risk estimation. Processing of ma-terials has been performed exclusively through Microsoft Excel. Calcula-tions and validation of all protection features have been performed accord-ing to ISO 13849-1. During the study, it has been found that there is scope for interpretation and doubts regarding to the working methods in ISO 13849-1. The investigation was been shown that the first developed safety solution is the best regarding to the total cost. The second developed solu-tion was most optimal in terms of flexibility and security. The work has also shown that different approaches due to the calculations of the safety func-tions are important for the result. The branched method is advantageous for safety solutions that requires higher performance level but the method also in general entails additional work do to the calculations in comparison with the serial method. On the other hand, the survey showed a clear correlation between the numbers of integrated machines and the probability of danger-ous failure per hour do to the serial method. This means that the serial method can lead to the fact that the current Performance level can’t be achieved.

"Ofta är jag icke-existerande" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av äldre feministiska kvinnors upplevelser av att vara äldre

Berg, Lise-Lotte January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores elderly women´s subjective experiences of being women of age in our  capitalistic Swedish society of today. The aim of the research is to illuminate the importance of age-analysis in our contemporary society and within academia, by highlighting age as a social position which intersects with other identity categories such as gender and class. The data collection consists of seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with women within the age of 73-86, who were active feminists during the second wave of feminism. The analysis is primarily based on a theoretical framework consisting of Simone de Beauvoir´s “the Other”, Pierre Bourdieus´s different forms of capitals and “heteronormative lifescript”. The result shows in several different ways how old women are reduced to “the Other”. The findings further show that a narrow framework of norms about elderly women limits the space within which they can cultivate autonomous subjectivities. The result also indicates that the long-lasting experience of feminist awareness and activism have a great impact on the experience of aging. Drawing on Bourdieu, the concept of “feminist habitus” is introduced. The analysis clearly shows how access to social, cultural and symbolic capital is essential to the experience of aging. One of the main conclusions is that capitalist forces form the terms of elderly women´s life space.

Jakten på anarkister : En undersökning utifrån Stockholmspolisens förbrytarporträtt under sekelskiftet 1900

Lundström, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay is called ”<em>The hunt for anarchists- a study</em> <em>about the police in Stockholm's collection of bandit portrait during the turn of the century 1900</em>”<em> </em>and it is about the criminal category ”Anarchists” who the police in Stockholm used at the turn of the century 1900.  In the archive from the police in Stockholm during the essays time perspective, 1899-1909,  there are about one hundred photographs in the category ”Anarchists”, about half of these pictures have no information besides the names of the people, but the other half, 48 persons, have some information about age, work title and where the person come from. The information showed that the people in the pictures where not from Sweden, and after controlling them in all different kinds of archives I found only ten of them have left any traces in Stockholm. What I realized then was that the people on the pictures are anarchists from different countries in Europe, mostly from Italy, and that the police in Stockholm had these pictures because different police stations around Europe had sent them to the police in Stockholm. The police in Stockholm where on the lookout for fugitive anarchists.</p><p>The literature about the anarchist movement in Italy during this time describe the hard situation for Italian anarchists. The police had persecuted, arrested and executed manyof them so many anarchists had fled abroad. The same was for Russian anarchists after the unsuccessful revolution in 1905. Eight of the ten anarchists of the police photographs who had been in Stockholm where Russians. They were a group who was accused of trying to kill the Russian czar visiting Stockholm in 1909.</p><p>None of the anarchists on the pictures have ever in Stockholm committed a political crime so to find out what a anarchist crime is have not been possible. But the general picture of the anarchists in the photographs is of a man in his 30’s with a working class job, in short: an everyday man.</p>

Jakten på anarkister : En undersökning utifrån Stockholmspolisens förbrytarporträtt under sekelskiftet 1900

Lundström, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
This essay is called ”The hunt for anarchists- a study about the police in Stockholm's collection of bandit portrait during the turn of the century 1900” and it is about the criminal category ”Anarchists” who the police in Stockholm used at the turn of the century 1900.  In the archive from the police in Stockholm during the essays time perspective, 1899-1909,  there are about one hundred photographs in the category ”Anarchists”, about half of these pictures have no information besides the names of the people, but the other half, 48 persons, have some information about age, work title and where the person come from. The information showed that the people in the pictures where not from Sweden, and after controlling them in all different kinds of archives I found only ten of them have left any traces in Stockholm. What I realized then was that the people on the pictures are anarchists from different countries in Europe, mostly from Italy, and that the police in Stockholm had these pictures because different police stations around Europe had sent them to the police in Stockholm. The police in Stockholm where on the lookout for fugitive anarchists. The literature about the anarchist movement in Italy during this time describe the hard situation for Italian anarchists. The police had persecuted, arrested and executed manyof them so many anarchists had fled abroad. The same was for Russian anarchists after the unsuccessful revolution in 1905. Eight of the ten anarchists of the police photographs who had been in Stockholm where Russians. They were a group who was accused of trying to kill the Russian czar visiting Stockholm in 1909. None of the anarchists on the pictures have ever in Stockholm committed a political crime so to find out what a anarchist crime is have not been possible. But the general picture of the anarchists in the photographs is of a man in his 30’s with a working class job, in short: an everyday man.

Incitament bakom rapportering av intellektuellt kapital : En kategoribaserad analys av årsredovisningar från åtta IT-företag / Incentives behind Intellectual Capital disclosure : A category based analysis of annual reports from eight IT companies

Eklund, Johan, Larsson, Elinor January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är uppdelat i två aspekter. För det första avser vi bidra till kunskapsutveckling genom att observera och presentera vilka incitament som kan finnas bakom kommunicerande av intellektuellt kapital (IK) utifrån IT-företags rapportering av IK genom årsredovisningen. För det andra avser vi att genom vår studie ge ett metodbidrag till forskningen på IK-området genom att visa hur kategorisering med hjälp av ett flerdimensionellt analysverktyg kan användas, tillsammans med olika teoretiska perspektiv, för att analysera hur incitament för rapportering av IK reflekteras i IT-företags årsredovisningar.Studien har utförts genom att empiriskt material från årsredovisningar har kategoriserats utifrån en nyskapad modell bestående av fyra huvudkategorier med vardera fyra underkategorier. Modellen är starkt influerad av Sveiby (1997) och Meritum Project (2002) men utgörs totalt sett av en syntes av ett antal olika modeller och teorier från forskare inom IK-området, med vissa externa influenser. Det kategoriserade empiriska materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån fyra teoretiska analysperspektiv. Dessa fyra perspektiv är intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, signalteorin och IC disclosure motivations. Studien är utformad som en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och empirisk data i studien utgörs av årsredovisningar från åtta bolag i IT-branschen listade på marknadsplatsen Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm (Stockholmsbörsen).Resultatet av studien visar att det kan finnas olika incitament för företag att kommunicera sitt IK genom årsredovisningen beroende på vilken teori som används som analysperspektiv. När det gäller intressentteorin kan företagens incitament i stor utsträckning ta sin utgångspunkt i intresset att kunna bedöma företagets risknivå. Utifrån legitimitetsteorin skulle ett incitament bakom rapportering kunna vara att visa att företaget använder sina resurser på ett effektivt och ansvarsfullt sätt. Signalteorin kan erbjuda en möjlighet för företagen att skicka positiva signaler till marknaden även om önskan att inte lämna för mycket information till konkurrenter kan sätta vissa begränsningar. Utifrån modellen för IC disclosure motivations förefaller företagen ha incitament att använda kommunikationen av IK genom årsredovisningen som ett medel för att bland annat stärka sina varumärkens position bland sina intressenter. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Kulturpolitik : Formeringen av en modern kategori / Cultural Policy : Establishing a Modern Category

Klockar Linder, My January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the formation of Swedish cultural policy in the twentieth century and the emergence of a modern concept of cultural policy. The aim is to historicise this concept by opening up the process through which it was established. The dissertation explores different aspects of this process: the use of the word cultural policy (kulturpolitik), the ambitions in the 1960s to establish a form of knowledge production relevant in cultural policy making and the attempts made by various official authorities in the 1960s and early 1970s to identify and manage the field of concerns defined as belonging to cultural policy, thus demarcating culture as a formal area of policy making. I view these as examples of practices where the category of cultural policy was elaborated and established in a form widely recognized today. Accompanying my attempts to historicise the modern concept of cultural policy is an interest in how the history of cultural policy has generally been conceived. In previous research devoted to the history of cultural policy an analytical sense of cultural policy has tended to overrule the understanding(s) of cultural policy found in the historical sources. As a consequence, the histories of cultural policy have left out what historically was identified as cultural policy, thus leaving the historical grounds for the modern concept of cultural policy partly hidden. In the first empirical chapter I examine the uses of the word cultural policy when it was introduced in the Swedish language in the late nineteenth century until the 1950s. From a multitude of usages, I suggest that it was in the mid-twentieth century that a more consistent vocabulary developed, with “cultural policy” referring to political endeavors aiming at a nation’s domestic cultural life. In the second empirical chapter I investigate how scientific conceptualisations and operationalisations rendered culture available for scientific, political and administrative undertakings, and in the third chapter I study how culture was demarcated as a formal area of policy making. The chapters reveal different aspects of the historical process through which the category of cultural policy was established in its present shape.

Jag har alltid trott på UFO : Att arkivera det okända och behovet av de enskilda arkivens källmaterial för ökad mångfald i historieskrivningen / I have always believed in UFOs : Archiving the unknown and the need for the material of the community archives for increased diversity in history writing

Lindman, Petra, Forsgård, Linn January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is the result of two years of study in archival science at the Department of ABM (archive, library, museum) at Uppsala University, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight community archives, specifically how the community archive "Archive for the Unexplained" in Norrköping operates as a community archive and handles received documents and records of ufo-reports from UFO-Sweden. Our focus has been to study record- keeping and how the documents are made available to promote the possibility of transparency, research, and ar- chival retrieval. The analysis is divided into two parts: the archive and its internal archival structure, as well as the records. The analysis of the archival structure is focused on how the archive operates as a community archive based on the theory of Terry Cook's four paradigms, which aims to show how archives have gone from closed archives to open places for knowledge. The results of this thesis show how the Archive for the Unexplained as a community archive in contrasts to archives that operate in the official authority and fulfill a vital role in the paranormal field and how its material is primarily used for investigating Unexplained phenomena while it is providing a creative space for a narrative of a fictional and folkloristic nature. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.

The Emergence of the Dominant Design in Socio-Technical Transitions : A Case Study of Electric Aviation in Sweden / Framväxten av den dominanta designen i sociotekniska övergångar : En fallstudie av elektrisk luftfart i Sverige

Askari, Pavell, Norström, Matthew January 2021 (has links)
There is currently an ongoing transition into more sustainable aviation. One of the sustainable alternatives to the conventional fossil-fueled aircraft is electric aviation. The research aim of the study could be divided into two parts. The first part was to identify the barriers to the development of electric aviation in Sweden. The second part was to ascertain if and, in that case, how the process to reach dominant design can be affected by the actors. Empirical data was mainly gathered through semi-structured interviews. In order to address the research aim, a theoretical framework built upon theories from both multi-level perspective and dominant design theory was used. There were barriers arising from Financial, Regulatory &amp; Political, Business Model &amp; Legitimacy, and Technical conditions. The theoretical analysis implied the existence of two socio-technical gates. These gates consist of collaboration and legitimacy aspects. Metaphorically passing through these gates would make overcoming the relevant barriers much easier. This would also align all elements of the transition, which makes it possible for the actors to affect the process of achieving dominant design. / Det pågår en övergång till mer hållbart flyg. Ett exempel på dessa hållbara flyg är elektriska flygplan. Målet med studien kan delas upp i två delar. Den första delen är att identifiera barriärerna som hindrar utvecklingen av dessa elektriska flygplan. Den andra delen är att ta reda på om och i så fall hur processen för att nå en dominant design på marknaden kan påverkas av aktörerna. Insamlingen av data gjordes huvudsakligen med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teorier från “multi-levelperspective” och dominant design-teori har använts. Resultaten visar på att det finns möjliga barriärer för utvecklingen inom områden av ekonomi, regelverk, affärsmodeller och legitimitet samt teknik. Analysen implicerar existensen av två “socio-tekniska portar”. Dessa består av legitimitet och samarbete mellan aktörer. Genom att bildligt passera genom dessa portar blir det mycket enklare att överbrygga alla relaterade barriärer. Detta riktar också alla element i övergången mot sammahåll. Det i sin tur möjliggör att aktörerna kan påverka processen för att nå den dominanta designen.

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