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Farming with horses in the East Riding of Yorkshire : some aspects of recent agricultural historyCaunce, Stephen Andrew January 1989 (has links)
No description available.
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En folkrörelses förändring : Kontinuitet och förändring i Svensk Idrott 1929-1979 / The changes of a People’s movement : Continuity and change in the official organ of the Swedish Sports Movement ‘Svensk sport’ 1929-1979Strid, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
In this essay I will show the changes and continuity expressed in the official journal for the Swedish sports movement, Svensk Idrott. More precisely, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how the ideals of the Swedish sports movement changed or remained the same during the period 1929-1979. To further enable me to answer this my questions are as follows: What goals does the journal wish to achieve? Which groups and persons do they want to reach? How do they wish to work to achieve this? My material is the official journal for the Swedish sports movement Svensk Sport. It was a journal founded in 1929 with the expressed purpose of showing the work, goals and other aspects of Riksidrottsförbundet as well as to promote the sports movement. It eventually ended in 2013, but I have chosen to end my investigation of it in 1979 due to economic changes that caused the sports world as a whole to drastically change. My results are that due to economical and ideological changes related to commercialisation, amateuristic ideals and a democratic and feministic push within the larger people's movement changed Svensk Sport from a journal propagating amaturistic ideals with the man in focus to a journal propagating a sports for all people with less hostility to sports as a career choice.
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Sousa’s Descriptive Works and Suites as Class-Cultural MediationsWilcer, Steven Scott 11 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Arvika förening mot tuberkulos : Ideella aktörer i folkhälsans tjänst 1907 - 1912 / Arvika organization against tuberculosis : Idealistic agents in public health service 1907 - 1912Room, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Tuberkulosens härjningar i världen har drabbat miljontals människor genom åren. Bland denna statistikkan även Sverige kring 1800- och 1900-talet ses ha drabbats hårt. samhällsförändringar utifrånindustrialisering och urbanisering skapade nya förutsättningar för spridning av sjukdomen, detta blevmärkbart ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Krafttag mot tuberkulosens framfart i Sverige inleddes i början av1900-talet och flertalet av de krafter som stod bakom detta arbete var ideella organisationer. I Värmlandslän sammanträdde Arvika förening mot tuberkulos officiellt första gången 1907. Då med målet attbekämpa tuberkulosen i Arvika både ur ett direkt och ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Det direkta perspektivetvar en preventiv implementering där dispensärverksamhet var den främsta insatsen. Det långsiktigaperspektivet som fanns inom föreningen var byggandet av någon typ av tuberkuloshem – vilket islutändan resulterar i uppförandet av ett sanatorium i Arvika 1912, då i samarbete med officiellamyndigheter och organ. Uppsatsen avser att belysa föreningens framväxt och hur ett ökandefolkhälsoperspektiv påverkade hur vård och omsorg diskuterades och sågs på under tidsperioden. Undersökningen ämnar lyfta fram Arvika förening mot tuberkulos ideella arbete kring sjukdomenmellan åren 1907 – 1912. Hur har Arvika förening mot tuberkulos agerat som en aktör i kampen mottuberkulos i Arvika? / Tuberculosis ravages in the world have affected millions of people over the years. Among thesestatistics, Sweden can also be seen to have been hit hard during the 1800s and 1900s. Societal changesbased on industrialization and urbanization created new conditions for the spread of the disease, thisbecame noticeable from a public health perspective. Force action against the profess of tuberculosis inSweden began en masse during the early 1900s and a big part of the work was conducted by non-profitorganizations. In the county of Värmland, Arvika förening mot tuberkulos [Arvika organization againsttuberculosis] officially met for the first time in 1907. Then with the aim of combating the tuberculosisdisease in Arvika both from a direct and a long-term perspective. The direct perspective was apreventive implementation, where dispensary activities were the foremost effort. The long-termperspective that existed within the organization was the construction of some type of tuberculosis home– which ultimately resulted in the construction of a sanatorium in Arvika in 1912, then in cooperationwith official authorities. This essay aims to highlight the organizations growth and how an increasingpublic health perspective affected how care and treatment were discussed and looked at during theperiod. The study aims to highlight Arvika förening mot tuberkulos non-profit work concerning the diseasebetween the years 1907 – 1912. How did Arvika förening mot tuberkulos act as an agent in the fightagainst tuberculosis in Arvika?
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Swedish Income Distribution and Wealth Concentration 1900-1985 : The interconnection between data and contemporary news outletsAndersson, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This paper holds a study of Swedish inequality from 1900-1985 with specific focus on the half-decades of 1900-1905 and 1980-1985. Subsequently constructed data and contemporary news outlets are presented to develop further understanding upon how inequality was depicted in comparison to data. Through a comparison of the time-periods, the developed understanding and changed stance of the public on the issue of inequality is examined. This method of examination gives new insight upon how the widening knowledge of inequality during the 1900s, through the development of micro-economic measurements, as well as more complete tax returns, has affected the depiction of the issue. The results of the study suggest that news articles of the latter period (1980-1985), tend to be more data-based than during the former time-period, where general assumptions were more frequent. It additionally suggests that the decreased inequality over the 20th century did not lessen the discussion of inequality, but rather the opposite. The news articles furthermore do not discuss inequality in relation to the presented data - the long-term changes are not clearly stated in the news outlets - but are in conclusion unconsciously considered, through the general knowledge of current inequality, through tax levels etc.
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Det var en lyckad semester! : Semesterfirande svenskars preferenser år 1938-1959 / It was a Great Vacation! : Preferences Among Swedish Holidaymakers 1938-1959Lewén, Aurora January 2011 (has links)
This licentiate thesis analyzes preferences among Swedish vacationers during the period of 1938-1959. The aim of the thesis is to closely examine these preferences in order to contribute to a more fully developed understanding of holiday-related consumption during the period. The thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the contents of the preferences and also analyzes the kind of consumption related to those preferences. The material on which this thesis is based consists of written recollections gathered from informants who, in response to a list of questions, described their own, past holiday experiences. An important overall result is that holidaymakers desired change. Informants sought contrast to their everyday lives. The strong desire for change had an impact on all areas of holidaymaking. Informants believed that the best way to relax was through a complete break from their ordinary lives. They appreciated meeting new people, being in new places and seeing different natural surroundings than what they encountered on a daily basis. All this meant that they needed to go away. Consequently, travelling was highly appreciated by the informants. The strong desire for change and the different expressions this took has not been fully understood before, nor has it been known that travelling was of such importance already at this time. That change and travel were such important aspects of holiday life provided strong incentives for consumption. A journey often required several modes of consumption, not only those that were directly travel-related. Travelling promoted consumption in a dynamic manner. / Licentiatuppsatsen gäller semesterfirande svenskars preferenser år 1938-1959. Uppsatsens syfte är att närmare undersöka preferenserna för att på så sätt bidra till en mer ingående förståelse av periodens semesterrelaterade konsumtion. En fördjupad analys görs av preferensernas innehåll. Dessutom analyseras vilken typ av konsumtion som kan knytas till preferenserna. Som material används nedskrivet minnesmaterial där informanter, även kallade meddelare, som svar på en frågelista redogör för egna, tidigare semestrar. Ett viktigt övergripande resultat är att semesterfirarna önskade omväxling. Det starka önskemålet om omväxling slog igenom på semesterns alla områden. Meddelarna ville ha kontrast till sina vardagliga liv. De menade vidare att de bäst fick vila genom att helt koppla av från sin vanliga vardag. De uppskattade att göra nya bekantskaper, att vistas på nya platser och i annan natur än den de såg till vardags. Allt detta innebar att de behövde åka iväg under semestern. Att resa var också mycket uppskattat bland informanterna. Det starka önskemålet om omväxling och de uttryck detta tog sig har inte varit känt tidigare, inte heller att uppskattningen av att resa var så stark redan vid den här tiden. Att omväxling och resa uppfattades som så viktiga i semesterlivet gav dessutom starka incitament till konsumtion. En resa krävde oftast flera slag av konsumtion. Resandet uppmuntrade dessutom till andra former av konsumtion än de direkt reserelaterade. Det är tydligt att det fanns en konsumtionsfrämjande dynamik i resandet. / Konsumtion och livsstilar i Sverige 1900-1965
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Kulturpolitik : Formeringen av en modern kategori / Cultural Policy : Establishing a Modern CategoryKlockar Linder, My January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the formation of Swedish cultural policy in the twentieth century and the emergence of a modern concept of cultural policy. The aim is to historicise this concept by opening up the process through which it was established. The dissertation explores different aspects of this process: the use of the word cultural policy (kulturpolitik), the ambitions in the 1960s to establish a form of knowledge production relevant in cultural policy making and the attempts made by various official authorities in the 1960s and early 1970s to identify and manage the field of concerns defined as belonging to cultural policy, thus demarcating culture as a formal area of policy making. I view these as examples of practices where the category of cultural policy was elaborated and established in a form widely recognized today. Accompanying my attempts to historicise the modern concept of cultural policy is an interest in how the history of cultural policy has generally been conceived. In previous research devoted to the history of cultural policy an analytical sense of cultural policy has tended to overrule the understanding(s) of cultural policy found in the historical sources. As a consequence, the histories of cultural policy have left out what historically was identified as cultural policy, thus leaving the historical grounds for the modern concept of cultural policy partly hidden. In the first empirical chapter I examine the uses of the word cultural policy when it was introduced in the Swedish language in the late nineteenth century until the 1950s. From a multitude of usages, I suggest that it was in the mid-twentieth century that a more consistent vocabulary developed, with “cultural policy” referring to political endeavors aiming at a nation’s domestic cultural life. In the second empirical chapter I investigate how scientific conceptualisations and operationalisations rendered culture available for scientific, political and administrative undertakings, and in the third chapter I study how culture was demarcated as a formal area of policy making. The chapters reveal different aspects of the historical process through which the category of cultural policy was established in its present shape.
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Contribution à l’histoire de la presse cinématographique française. Étude comparée de la genèse et de l’évolution de douze revues de cinéma entre 1908 et 1940 / A contribution to the history of the French film press. A comparative study of the genesis and evolution of twelve film magazines between 1908 and 1940Champomier, Emmanuelle 01 February 2018 (has links)
Source majeure de l’histoire du cinéma, la presse cinématographique française des premiers temps reste pourtant encore un vaste continent à explorer. À partir d’un corpus composé de douze revues couvrant la période de 1908 à 1940, cette recherche entreprend d’étudier les facteurs à la fois techniques, économiques et sociaux de la naissance et de l’évolution de la presse cinématographique française sur trois décennies. Envisagée en tant qu’entreprise de presse, dans sa dimension collective, chaque revue fait l’objet d’une étude méthodique de son identité, de ses spécificités, ainsi que des différentes mutations, administratives, techniques, économiques, formelles et éditoriales, subies. L’ambition première de cette thèse est de proposer une histoire autant de la presse que des journalistes. Elle aspire ainsi à définir la profession de journaliste et de critique de cinéma, telle qu’elle est perçue à l’époque par la corporation du cinéma ainsi que les journalistes et critiques eux-mêmes. La définition de cette fonction se fait également à travers la création de groupements professionnels, dont cette recherche espère avoir éclairé l’histoire et les péripéties qui la jalonnent. Le dessein poursuivi par ailleurs est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des hommes, journalistes et critiques, encore méconnus pour la plupart mais qui ont pourtant été des figures marquantes de leur époque, qui ont participé à la création de la presse spécialisée et à l’élaboration d’une pensée et d’une critique cinématographiques dans les années 1900-1930. / A major source for history of cinema, the early French film press however still remains a vast, unexplored continent. With a body of research composed of twelve film magazines spanning over the 1908-1940 period, this thesis aims to study the technical, economical and social factors involved in the birth and evolution of the French film press over three decades. Contemplated as a press organization, in its collective dimension, each film magazine is subject to a methodical study of its identity, specifications and various mutations – administrative, technical, economical, formal and editorial – incurred. The main ambition of this thesis is to propose a history of press as well as of journalists. The study thus aims to define the profession of journalist and film critic, as it is perceived in this period by the film corporation and the journalists and critics themselves. This fonction also defines itself through the creation of professional associations, the history and adventures of which this research hopes it has illuminated. The pursued purpose is also to contribute in a better knowledge of the men, journalists and critics, remaining mainly unrecognized to this day despite being major figures of their time, who participated in the creation of the specialized press and the formulation of a critical thought about cinema, in the 1900s-1930s.
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Infrastrukturens roll för förorters utveckling : En studie av bostadsområden byggda 1890 till 1980 i Storstockholm och StorgöteborgSkoglund, Petronella January 2023 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks huruvida planering och resultat angående infrastruktur och expansion av bebyggelse kan ha en påverkan på dagens socioekonomiska förhållanden. Arbetet ska genom dokumentstudier av äldre general-, trafik-, översikts- och detaljplaner från 1920- till 1990-talet samt litteraturstudier angående stadsbyggnadsprinciper besvara detta. Dessutom granskas resvaneundersökningar för respektive stad samt dagens utbud, tidtabeller och restider. De valda förorterna är Saltsjöbaden, Vällingby, Skärholmen och Rinkeby i Storstockholm samt Långedrag, Kortedala, Länsmansgården och Rannebergen i Storgöteborg. Alla förorter är etablerade under 1900-talet och ligger geografiskt sett ungefär lika långt från deras respektive stadskärna. Arbetets frågeställning är vilka stadsbyggnadsprinciper som påverkar infrastrukturen i förorter, i vilken utsträckning planeringen av infrastrukturen skiljer sig jämfört med dagens läge och om det finns ett samband mellan socioekonomiska skillnader och ej genomförda planer. Tidigare forskning visar på många faktorer till varför olika förorter blivit socioekonomiskt utsatta, exempelvis bidrar den monotona och storskaliga arkitekturen till sämre attraktivitet. Resultatet för detta arbete tyder på att även planer som inte fullständigt genomförts skulle kunna ha en negativ effekt på det socioekonomiska indexet och därmed varför vissa förorter blivit utsatta och mindre attraktiva. Detta eftersom det finns skillnad i planeringen av ABC- och sovstäder då det finns ett större behov av fungerande infrastruktur där det inte finns möjlighet att arbeta där man bor. I Rannebergen fullföljdes aldrig planerna om varken en spårväg, centrum eller arbetsmöjligheter i närområdet och detta område har även ett av de lägre socioekonomiska indexen idag. I både Rannebergen och Rinkeby färdigställdes kollektivtrafiken först flera år efter att de första invånarna flyttade till platserna och liksom Rannebergen har Rinkeby ett lägre socioekonomiskt index idag. Däremot finns inga tydliga mönster vad gäller frekvenser och restider mellan stadsdelarna och deras socioekonomiska situationer. Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att planer angående exempelvis centrum, arbetsplatser och infrastruktur bör fullföljas enligt planerna och färdigställas så snabbt som möjligt för stadsdelar som inte är självförsörjande gällande exempelvis centrum och arbetsplatser. / In this paper it is investigated whether planning and the results regarding infrastructure and expansion of settlements of some suburbs have an impact on today’s socioeconomic situation. This paper will answer this by doing document studies of the older plans, general plans, traffic plans, overview plans, detail plans, between the 1920s and the 1990s, as well as making literature studies regarding principles in urban planning. In addition to this, habit surveys for traveling for each city as well as today’s situation, timetables and travel times are analyzed. The chosen suburbs are Saltsjöbaden, Vällingby, Skärholmen and Rinkeby in Stockholm and Långedrag, Kortedala, Länsmansgården and Rannebergen in Gothenburg. All of the chosen suburbs were established during the 19th century and are located at the same distance from the city center. The question in this paper is which principle in the urban planning affects the infrastructure in the suburb and to what extent the planning of the infrastructure differs in comparison to today’s situation and lastly if there is a pattern between socioeconomic index and unimplemented plans. Previous research points towards different factors to why various suburbs are socioeconomic vulnerable, for example the monotonous and large-scale architecture contribute to poorer attractiveness. The result of this paper points towards that plans which not fully are implemented also could have a negative impact on the socioeconomic situation and could be a reason why different suburbs are vulnerable and not as attractive as others. This is because there are differences in the planning of ABC-cities and dormitory suburbs as there is a greater need for functioning infrastructure where it is not possible to work where you live. In Rannebergen the plans were not completed concerning neither the tramway, the city center or work opportunities in the immediate area and this area also has a lower socioeconomic situation today. In both Rannebergen and Rinkeby the public transport were completed several years after the first inhabitants moved to the areas and like Rannebergen, Rinkeby also has a lower socioeconomic situation today. However, there are no clear patterns in terms of frequencies and journey times between the areas and their socioeconomic situations. The conclusion of this paper is that the plans concerning for example city centers, working opportunities and infrastructure should be completed as quickly as possible for districts that are not self-sustaining concerning for example city centers and working opportunities.
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