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En folkrörelses förändring : Kontinuitet och förändring i Svensk Idrott 1929-1979 / The changes of a People’s movement : Continuity and change in the official organ of the Swedish Sports Movement ‘Svensk sport’ 1929-1979Strid, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
In this essay I will show the changes and continuity expressed in the official journal for the Swedish sports movement, Svensk Idrott. More precisely, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how the ideals of the Swedish sports movement changed or remained the same during the period 1929-1979. To further enable me to answer this my questions are as follows: What goals does the journal wish to achieve? Which groups and persons do they want to reach? How do they wish to work to achieve this? My material is the official journal for the Swedish sports movement Svensk Sport. It was a journal founded in 1929 with the expressed purpose of showing the work, goals and other aspects of Riksidrottsförbundet as well as to promote the sports movement. It eventually ended in 2013, but I have chosen to end my investigation of it in 1979 due to economic changes that caused the sports world as a whole to drastically change. My results are that due to economical and ideological changes related to commercialisation, amateuristic ideals and a democratic and feministic push within the larger people's movement changed Svensk Sport from a journal propagating amaturistic ideals with the man in focus to a journal propagating a sports for all people with less hostility to sports as a career choice.
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Har kvinnorna en sportslig chans? : den svenska idrottsrörelsen och kvinnorna under 1900-talet / Do women have a sporting chance? : organized sport and women in Sweden in the 20th centuryOlofsson, Eva January 1989 (has links)
This study examines the conditions of womens´s participation in organized sport. The Swedish Sport Confederation and the two associations with the largest number of female members, the Swedish Gymnastics Federation and the Swedish Football Association, have been studied. Gymnastics is a traditional sport for women and is mainly a fitness sport. Soccer is a competitive sport and a new sport for women. The discussions and decisions of the sports associations regarding women and sport have been analyzed through studies of official documents, minutes and debates. An interview study with female leaders in gymnastics and soccer completes the analysis of the documents. Women represent just over a third of the members of the sports movement. Women participate in fewer sports than men. They only dominate in non-competitive and in aesthetic sports. According to this study there is no female sport or womens´sport - apart from gymnastics - only male sport with female participants. The attitude of the sports movement is that women and men are different but the form and rules of competitive sport are based on equality. The social gender system and thus mens´control over womens´ participation in sport is obvious in the sport movement. Three female counterstrategies have been identified: in the beginning of the 20th century female gymnastics coaches developed a form of gymnastics for women based on the ideology of peculiarity; in the 1970s women claimed equality with men for their breakthrough into soccer; in the 1980s women try to combine the ideologies of equality and peculiarity through male sport behaviour and the accentuation of traditional femininity. Womens´subordinate position in the sports movement is reflected in the lower valuation of womens´sport performances. Sport is an essential part of male character building. The motives of health have always been emphasized for women. The official ideology has in recent years passed on to a general accentuation of the aspects of health, which has facilitated womens´participation in sport. This is contradicted by the development of top-level sport and its manifestations in the form of for example drug-taking. / digitalisering@umu
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Etnicitet ur sportjournalistikens perspektiv : En kritisk diskursanalys av skildringen av idrottsmän i svensk media.Zainal, Mohammad January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore how sports journalism can include and/or exclude athletics from a national community. This study put emphasis on finding patterns from articles by Swedish sport media on non-ethnic Swedish athletics. The theories central to this study are ethnicity and nationalism, as these concepts contain reflections on why certain groups of people are excluded and/or included. Norman Faircloghs critical discourse analytical model has been selected for the study method that analyzes texts in three levels: the text level, discursive practice and social practice. Four non-ethnic Swedish athletes have been chosen to explore how they were portrayed in the media. Data were collected from Swedish newspapers, sport websites and blogs that portrayed the selected athletes. Discourses of media, nationalism and ethnicity emerged through a critical analysis of the data collection. The results of the study show that the selected athletes are included in to the Swedish national community through their achievements in their respective sport.
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Med idrotten in i kunskapssamhälletEnehag, Peter January 2006 (has links)
Abstract.In Sweden today, a collaboration was formed between the Swedish Sport Confederation andthe Swedish upper secondary school education. While this process was taking place, theSwedish Sport Confederation also tried to collaborate with the Swedish Academy. However,at the time the Academy did not have any involvement with the former.The purpose of the study was to research when and how the Swedish Sport Confederationcreated a collaboration with the Swedish Education Systems both on a National and Locallevel. I have also done a research on both the Knowledge Society and Elite sport talents tofind out if Elite sport will be affected in any way because of the existence of Knowledge Society,and also the reactions of the sports talents if any. My final pursuit was also to find out ifthe Knowledge Society can bring about a quick change to this silent conflict between theSwedish Sport Confederation and the Swedish Academy.For my study, I have used two different theories. One of the first sociological theories, whichwere applied with sports, was the reflection theory, and I wonder whether this theory is stillapplicable in todays society. The other theory was the reproduction theory. This theoryoriginated from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieus key concepts. I have decided to useBourdieus key concepts in my study for understanding the battles between the Swedish SportConfederation and the Swedish Academy.The result of my study shows that sport talents on the local level in Malmoe are in agreement,that it is important to pursue further studies to the academic level, which means that the reflectiontheory can be used in todays society. Malmoe is one of the fastest growing cities,concerning the Knowledge Society, and therefore its a perfect example to this theory.With regards to the sports battle in the academic field, one can see a similar pattern, which isprevalent in the Swedish Academy, is now being followed by the upper secondary schooleducation. Through projects and agreements, elite sport has managed to position themselvesin the academic field, however they are in the periphery of the field. Prestigious universities inSweden still do not want to be involved with elite sport.
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Medierna, idrotten & föräldraskapet : En jämställdhetsstudie om medias diskursiva framställning av föräldraskapets innebörd för elitidrottare / Media, sports and parenthood : A gender equality study of the media's discursive presentation of the meaning of parenthood for elite athletesCederholm von Schmalensee, Linn, Persson, Robert January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Konkurrens om tid i rörelse : Har idrottsföreningarna tappat bollen till de privata aktörerna? / Competition for the time in motion : Have the sports clubs lost the game to the private players?Forsberg Meinhart, Walter, Matteoni, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Svensk idrottsrörelse är en marknad i förändring, idrottande utanför idrottsföreningar har ökat under de senaste åren och privata aktörer har tagit stora steg framåt. Runt om i världen sprids en ekonomisk nyliberalism där privata aktörer blivit vanligare genom avregleringar och fått tillgång till marknaders principer för att tillgodose behov på bästa sätt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ideella idrottsföreningar upplever konkurrensen från privata aktörer på idrottsmarknaden. Vidare syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur ideella idrottsföreningar hanterar denna konkurrens samt hur ideella idrottsföreningar kan komma att påverkas av den konkurrens som idag finns från privata aktörer på idrottsmarknaden. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och empiri har samlats in genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts genom digitala möten eller över telefon med anledning av rådande Covid-19 pandemi och dess begränsningar i fysiska möten. Respondenterna representerade varsin idrottsförening i Stockholmsområdet inom fyra olika idrotter: fotboll, ishockey, simning och friidrott. Empirin har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen bestående av konkurrens, nyinstitutionell teori, organisationsformer och sektorböjning. Samtliga föreningar i studien upplever konkurrens från privata aktörer på något sätt. Det är tydligt att de som upplever den största konkurrensen är lagidrotterna ishockey och fotboll, vilka också kommit längst i sin hantering av den uppstådda konkurrensen. De upplever i dagsläget den största konkurrensen från privata aktörer inom lov- och campverksamheter. Inom friidrott och simning upplevs en annan typ av konkurrens primärt gällande anläggningar och med kommunen som konkurrent. En effekt som de privata aktörerna medför är att föreningarna förlorar deltagare i sin camp- och lägerverksamhet och att pengar går från idrottens föreningsliv till de privata aktörerna. För att hantera detta arbetar föreningarna med att utveckla kvaliteten i hela sin verksamhet för att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga. Den större delen av den löpande verksamheten påverkas i dagsläget dock inte av de privata aktörerna, men detta kan komma att förändras. / The Swedish sports movement is a market in transition, people engaging in sports outside of the typical sports clubs have raised in popularity over the last years and private players have taken big steps forward. Economic new liberalism, where private players are more common have gained access to previous regulated markets due to deregulation. The purpose of this study is to examine non-profit sports clubs ́ experience of competition from private players in the sports market. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how non-profit sports clubs are affected by the competition and how their organization handles it. This study has a qualitative approach and data has been collected through eight semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted through digital meetings or via telephone, due to the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic and the limitations it caused in physical meetings. Every respondent represented a sports club in the Stockholm area in different sports: soccer, ice hockey, swimming, and athletics. The collected data were analyzed with takeoff from previous research regarding competition, new institutional theory, organization forms, and sector-bending. All clubs in the study are exposed to competition with private players. The sports experiencing the most competition are the soccer and ice hockey clubs who are once facing this issue much more compared to the athletics and swimming clubs. The competition that ice hockey and soccer face is primarily through holiday camps. In the athletics and swimming clubs, the competition is primarily regarding facilities and the fact that the municipality is an actor in the market as well. The effects caused by the private players ́ existence is that the clubs lose participants in their camps and that money outflows from the sports clubs to the private sector. To manage this the clubs work with quality development to become more competitive. The clubs’ day-to-day operations are not affected by the private players in this current situation, but that might change.
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En kvalitativ studie om hur socialt entreprenörskap utformar sig i en Svensk idrottsförening / A qualitative study of how social entrepreneurship takes shape in a Swedish athletic clubOmer, Fawaz January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Hammarby Fotboll utövar socialt entreprenörskap genom Spontanfotboll. Detta bidrar med viktig kunskap om hur socialt entreprenörskap praktiseras. Studien visar ett exempel på hur Riksidrottsförbundets policyer påverkar idrottsföreningars arbete med inkludering och att nå vissa grupper i samhället. Metod: Studien grundar sig i kvalitativ induktiv metod, vilket innebär att materialet samlas in först och analyserar för att sedan skapa teori, modell eller förklaring. Materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, en fallstudie samt dokumentanalys. Teori: Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är Pierre Bourdieus fält och kapitalbegrepp samt CSR och socialt entreprenörskap. Resultat och slutsatser: Att arbeta med socialt entreprenörskap handlar om att kunna tillfredsställa sociala behov som samhället står inför. Genom Samhällsmatchens (Hammarby Fotbolls avdelning för social entreprenörskap) initiativ Spontanfotboll erbjuder de ungdomar en kostnadsfri aktivitet där de kan spela fotboll under helgkvällar istället för att vara ute under vintermörkret. Detta skapar en meningsfull fritid för ungdomarna där de inte är ute sena kvällar i riskfyllda miljöer, vilket leder till att det upplevs lugnare i området under de tider Spontanfotboll bedrivs. Att använda sig av lokala ledare som leder aktiviteten har visat sig funka bra för Samhällsmatchen. De använder de lokala ledarna för att marknadsföra aktiviteten och når de lokala invånarna mer effektivt samtidigt som de ger ett första jobb för ungdomarna. Detta skapar en trygghet och legitimitet för Spontanfotboll. Resultaten visar hur socialt entreprenörskap kan praktiseras i en av Sveriges största idrottsföreningar, samt tillvägagångssätt för att påverka ungdomars idrottsdeltagande positivt. Studiens slutsats är att Samhällsmatchen och Hammarby Fotboll initiativ Spontanfotboll är framgångsrikt för att de är medvetna om sin roll i lokalsamhället, värnar om de lokala invånarna, samarbetar med lokala aktörer och tillfredställer sociala behov. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how Hammarby Football practices social entrepreneurship through Spontanfotboll. This contributes important knowledge about how social entrepreneurship is practiced. The study shows an example of how the Swedish Sports Confederation's policies affect athletic clubs' work with inclusion and reaching certain groups in society. Methodology: The study is based on a qualitative inductive method. The material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews, a case study and document analysis. Theory: The study's theoretical perspective is Pierre Bourdieu's concept of field and capital. as well as CSR and social entrepreneurship. Results and Conclusions: Working with social entrepreneurship is about being able to satisfy social needs that society faces. Through Samhällsmatchen's (Hammarby Football's department for social entrepreneurship) initiative Spontanfotboll, young people are offered a free activity where they can play football during weekend evenings instead of being out in the winter darkness. This creates a meaningful free time for the young people where they are not out late at night in risky environments, which leads to a safer feeling in the area during the times Spontanfootball is played. Using local leaders who lead the activity has proven to work well for Samhällsmatchen. They use the local leaders to promote the activity and reach the local residents more effectively while providing a first job for young people. This creates a feeling of security and legitimacy for Spontanfotboll. The results show how social entrepreneurship can be practiced in one of Sweden's largest athletic clubs, as well as approaches to positively influence young people's sports participation. The study's conclusion is that Samhällsmatchen and Hammarby Football ́s initiative Spontanfotboll are successful because they are aware of their role in the local community, they care for the local residents, cooperate with local actors and satisfy social needs.
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