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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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普欽時期俄羅斯對中國經濟戰略之研究 / A Study of Russia's Economic Strategy toward China during Putin Era

王奕超, Wang, Yi Chao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討的「對外經濟戰略」是政府在國家發展層次、以國家發展作為全盤考量的對外政策準則,是從對外交涉層面的經濟取向,對其政策形成之分析與研究。對外經濟戰略作為國家對外事務交涉的準則,影響國家的外交與對外經貿發展,因此從對外經濟戰略的研究,將有助於理解國家外交的思維,並可成為預測國家對外經貿合作方向的參考。俄羅斯在普欽總統強勢作為的領導之下,使得其國家從經濟蕭條、政局不穩定與外交發展受侷限等問題中,得以蛻變成為重新崛起的大國。而中國是俄羅斯重要的鄰國之一,從經濟面向的分析觀察,中國更是國際上重要的新興市場,從政治面向觀察,中國亦是國際上逐漸擴展影響力的大國;因此筆者研究俄羅斯的對外經濟戰略,是以普欽總統時期作為分析的時間範疇,而以中國作為分析的目標國。 俄羅斯對於與中國進行的政經合作,是以其國家利益為考量,而其國家利益是以國內經濟發展為原則,並擴展國家在亞太地區的勢力,以實現普欽的東西方平衡外交策略;而俄羅斯對中國的經貿發展事務上,是有著多重因素考量,筆者從俄羅斯亞太政策、全球化影響、俄羅斯能源優勢與俄羅斯遠東地區發展等戰略思維,歸納成系統性政策思維的整理與論述,並將以上綜合陳述,作為解讀俄羅斯對中國的經濟戰略。 / In this thesis, the author discuses the “foreign economic strategy”, which tells the principles of foreign strategy that a government takes into consideration in state development. It focuses on the aspect of economy in diplomatic level, analyzing how the policy is formed. Being the principle of international affairs, foreign economic strategy effects the development of diplomacy and international business. Thus, this study helps to comprehend the context of state diplomacy and anticipates the way of international trade. Under the strong leadership of President Putin, Russia, originally a hybrid of economic depression, political unrest and diplomatic plight, turns into a great power. China, an important neighbor of Russia, is not only a rising market in international business, but a great power in international politics; thus this thesis researches Russia’s economic strategy, and focus on China’s aspect during Putin’s era. Russia, takes its national interests into consideration, cooperate with China in economic and political affairs. Its national interests mainly focus on economic development and enlargement of its influence in Asia-Pacific region, realizing Putin’s diplomatic strategy to balance the east and west. Therefore, there are multiple factors in Russo-China international trade. The author analyzes the Russia’s Asia-Pacific strategy, the effect of globalization, Russia’s energy superiority and Russia’s Far-eastern development strategy, summarizing Russia’s economic strategy. Therefore, this study shows Russia’s strategic thought toward China in international economic and political affairs.

現實主義下中共對非洲政策:以「中非合作論壇」為例 / A realism perspective -- China's foreign policy toward Africa: a case study regarding China-Africa on “Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, (FOCAC)”

邱佩涓, Chiu, Pei Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
1990年冷戰結束,蘇聯解體,以美蘇為首的兩極體系崩解,代之而起的是以美國為首的一超多強格局。面對世界秩序正在進行重組,中共提倡世界多極化,欲尋求一個和平穩定的國際環境,以合作方式取代傳統利用衝突解決爭端的手段。 中共在十一屆三中全會提出改革開放,強調將重心轉為國內經濟發展,提出發展是硬道理,以經濟建設為首要任務,為了供應國內基礎建設、經濟發展所需的龐大資源,迫使中共開始向外尋求能源。為取得穩定的石油供應,中共在1997年中國共產黨第十五次全國代表大會上提出「走出去」戰略,透過對外直接投資的方式獲取其所需之利益。在石油能源部分,非洲則為中共戰略重點,積極與非洲建立友好關係則為中共首要之務。 從1989年天安門事件後開始中共對非洲關係轉為積極,隨後每年一月份中共高層官員必定將非洲作為訪問的首站、1998年與南非簽署戰略夥伴關係直到2000年與非洲共同成立「中非合作論壇」,而非洲國家熱烈參與更引起西方關注。 近年來,西方國家開始批評中共對非洲國家的友好作為,其實是正在對非洲進行「新殖民主義」(neo-colonialism),為何中共在與非洲合作的過程中會引發「新殖民主義」之論調?對中共來說與非洲共同成立「中非合作論壇」之目的為何?是單純為了經濟因素,成為獲取資源的平台又或是有其他政治因素?在中非合作論壇甫過十年之際,筆者有意重新檢視中共對非洲政策及中非合作論壇之成效;另外,隨著全球化思潮逐漸影響非洲,中非之間的貿易或多或少也存在著不平等,這是否將成為未來阻撓中非友好關係之因素,更是本文所欲探討之重點。

中國區際犯罪被害人研究 / Research of the victim in cross border crime

商聰聰 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

論著作權侵權精神損害賠償歸責問題 / Study of responsibility in mental compensation for copyright infringement

張巍 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


胡劍敏 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law / 以我國現行《合同法》為視角;"Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law";"論贈與合同的任意撤銷權以我國現行合同法為視角"

王婉萍 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

論動結式與使動用法的關系 : 從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹 = The relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction / Relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction;"從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹"

傅京 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

合成詞的內部構造和詞的語法屬性的相關性 = The correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese / Correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese

陳麗萍 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

澳門吉祥語研究 / Research of lucky words of Macao

周菲凡 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

仙居吳語親屬稱謂研究 = A study on the kinship system of the Xianju Wu dialect / Study on the kinship system of the Xianju Wu dialect

婁敏燕 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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