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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


邱子益 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步的加速、消費模式的改變,現今環境變動如此快速,企業必須因應產業環境變化,培養與時俱進的能力,不斷的調整組織內外部的資源結構,以避免因環境變化使得自身能力陷入核心僵固性之危機。動態能力為企業引導其資源基礎配置的流程,在這動盪的環境中益顯重要。企業如何藉由動態能力調整其資源基礎,以因應複雜度高且不確定性大的外部環境為其能否獲取競爭優勢的關鍵。 從半導體、DRAM到手機的研發與製造,雖政府政策及財閥體制與中小企業有所差異,台灣與韓國在科技產業與製造產業的發展歷程上仍有需許多相似之處,過去韓國各大企業不論在服務或產品素質上都比台灣低劣,但何以在這短短20幾年間快速崛起值得探討。 故本研究想探討下列二個問題,其一為三星如何透過新經營運動的革新,藉由感應機會、掌握機會與重新分配資源的動態能力成功提升其研發、行銷與市場資訊蒐集的能力,進而提升其各方面產品品質?其二為隨著科技的進步加速,三星電子未能因應低價手機的崛起導致企業營收規模與獲利能力連年衰退,其動態能力在哪些方面未能適配或更新? 本研究探討的結果,認為三星電子成功的關鍵因素在於其市場導向型研發與重視新興市場以獲取最大市場份額。而三星電子近年來衰退的因素本研究將其歸因於策略與組織不適配、制度與創新的不適配、組織文化與創新的不適配。此三項不適配皆為隨著產業生命週期漸趨成熟、市場需求成長趨緩、競爭者日益增加、科技創新等環境因子的改變,加之以其策略由過往的Follower轉往Innovator,造成其原有的組織架構與流程漸趨不適用。

新力與三星經營模式之比較 – 個案研究 / Business model comparison between Sony and Samsung - Case Study

許涵婷, Hsu, Kiki Unknown Date (has links)
In this decade, we can obviously see the decline of Sony and the growth of Samsung in the electronics industry. What background brings this kind of condition to these giant companies change so dramatically? I would like to explore the divergent fortunes of these two electronics giants in the last decade and identifies the true reasons behind Sony's decline and Samsung's rise. I will show the comparison of SWOT analysis, financial report between these two companies to look into their current strength and weakness. At the end, I will also list some suggestions to these to giant companies for growing ahead.

三星電子、宏達電和台積電的外匯曝險分析 / The foreign exchange rate exposure of Samsung Electronics、HTC and TSMC

周奕志, Chou, Yi Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的為探討三星電子、宏達電和台積電,除了可能因產品面、營運面的操作影響公司價值外,在面臨外匯波動的競爭環境時,是否有做好足夠的避險措施來抵銷外匯風險,採取的實證方法為,曝險彈性模型、現金流量迴歸模型和股價迴歸模型等,資料時間由2003年至2012年。 從實證結果來看,三星電子在營運避險和財務避險的操作都相當合適,都能有效的降低外匯風險。而台灣的主要企業-宏達電和台積電均有相似的避險問題,融資現金流量過度的曝險,推測為外幣負債操作的不足,造成財務避險不足,無法有效降低外匯風險,這部分相較於主要競爭對手-三星電子而言是比較可惜的地方,必須盡快改善財務避險策略,以防止公司在外匯波動上承受匯兌損失。 而在台幣是否該貶值以刺激出口的論點裡,可以發現不同時間點,公司對於台幣貶值的反應不同,時間點若是近十年來,則台幣貶值對於公司的幫助並不大,故不應該支持台幣貶值以刺激出口。但若把時間點分成金融海嘯前後,兩間公司對於台幣貶值的反應則有反轉的現象,在金融海嘯後,台幣貶值對於這兩間公司均是有利的結果,故由此應該支持台幣該大幅貶值以刺激出口。


張瓊文 Unknown Date (has links)
有機農業不僅可產出自然安全的農產品,同時亦得創造優質的農業環境,提供環境公共財與社會公共財,然而這樣的公共財,難以由單一農民提供,而是必須透過同一地區的農民以及利益相關者的共同參與,展開集體行動,才得以有效供給。 宜蘭縣三星鄉行健村是個特殊的案例,有部分農民為推行有機農業,乃成立全台灣第一個由農友組成的有機生產合作社,展開揚棄慣行農法的集體行動,藉由社員互信互助,實踐不施農藥、化肥的栽培,成效初具。然而,行健有機村的知名度雖逐漸提升,但實際上,有機村的名號與實際發展似乎不相襯,目前村內有機耕作面積只佔全村耕作面積的五分之一。因此,本研究以集體行動之理論分析框架,檢視行健村以集體行動促進有機農業發展之可能性。並以文獻分析法、深度訪談法、斷面步行法探究行健村有機農業發展之困境,分析檢討目前的集體行動社會網絡互動模式有何不足之處,期能提供改善建議,以促進該村有機農業發展的可能性。 研究結果顯示該村有機農業發展確實需要集體行動,始能獲致生產及非生產性的共同利益,然而村內網絡間的社會資本不足,以致欠缺發展有機村的共同目標,推展有機農業的集體行動難以擴大,再加上網絡間整合不佳,導致外部資源的投入未有相對應的成效,復又,行健合作社的制度安排不佳,導致營運困境,影響有機村的推展。而中央與地方政府合作不佳,以及現行政府的有機政策導向都關鍵地影響慣性農民轉型有機農業之意願。 本研究認為應增加村內社會網絡間彼此溝通交流之頻度,且行健合作社應重新檢討內部的制度安排,以利促進眾人一心發展有機村之集體行動;而政府方面,應設法改善有機農民之通路、建立有機專區的誘因機制,並且思考補貼政策的轉型,輔以加強消費者食農教育,使有機農業的供需市場擴大並產生互利的良性循環,如此方能讓更多農民願意投入有機耕作,或能真正發展成為兼具生產、生活、生態的「有機村」。 / Organic agriculture not only produces healthy and natural food, but also co-produces environmental public goods and social public goods. However, this kind of goods need to be provided efficiently only by farmers cooperatively, rather than individual. This case study is located in Xingjian village, Sansing Township, Yilan County, where some farmers set up “Xingjian Organic Production Cooperative” to stimulate organic farming development in the village. In this Cooperative, they trust and help each other, trying to persuade other farmers out of using chemical fertilizers and pesticide in farming, and further more, expanding the collective action. To date, some people have been participating in this collective action, as a result, have tackled local agri-environmental issues and provided agri-environmental public goods to some degree. However, as the growing reputation of “Xingjian Organic Village”, the organic farming area only accounts for 20 percent of the total arable land. Therefore, this research using collective action theoretical framework to view the possibility of the Xingjian in promoting organic farming development. This research adopts three ways- literature, in-depth interviews, transect walks, to explore the obstacle of Xingjian village in promoting organic farming development, and to analysis the problem of social network interaction. The result shows that organic agriculture development in the village do need collective action to attain production and non-production of common interests. However, the collective action of organic farming is difficult to expand due to lack of social capital in the village between the networks, and the lack of the common goal in this village. Thus, the input of external resources do not correspond to its performance. Further, institutional arrangements in Xingjian cooperatives functions poor, leading to its operational difficulties. Besides, poor Cooperation between central and local government, as well as the current policy orientation of government, both play a crucial role in affecting farmers' willingness to change conventional farming to organic farming. This study suggests that social networks between the village should connect closely by communicate with each other frequently, and Xingjian cooperatives should review its institutional arrangements, in order to facilitate the collective action of “Xingjian Organic Village”; and the government should try to improve organic produce’s access to market, establish incentives about organic agriculture zone, transfer subsidies policy to organic agriculture, and strengthen consumer’s organic education, so can make more farmers willing to invest in organic farming, or can really develop a production, life and ecology combined "organic village".

法國情境下的危機傳播 : 三星GALAXY NOTE7事件案例研究 / Crisis communication in France:a case study of the samsung galaxy Note 7 issue

李芳瑜, Prunet, Elodie Unknown Date (has links)
This research adds further knowledge to the crisis communication field by studying the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 issue that occurred in 2016. It focuses on social media and specifically on Facebook. This research uses Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) from Coombs in order to determine which strategies Samsung used to solve the crisis in France and in the United-States. The results showed that Samsung used Corrective Action and Ingratiation in France and added Full Apology in the United-States. This research also analyses the different comments from Samsung’s customers posted on Facebook: Samsung France and Samsung Mobile USA. Comments have been classified according to a set of emotions that help us understand the customer’s reactions to Samsung strategies. Findings showed that customers mainly experienced anger, outrage, disappointment, anxiety, neutral emotion and/or sympathy at different stage of the crisis and according to the country analyzed. Finally, this study explains why Samsung used different strategies in France and in the United States through Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory guidance. Results show that Power Distance, Individualism vs Collectivism, and Uncertainty Avoidance can be reasons why Samsung adapted their strategies. Marketers should keep in mind that a crisis can strike a company at any time and that strategies and messages should be fully adapted to countries’ culture. This study gives extensive explanation of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 crisis and help to marketers to better understand the stakes and strategies for a company’s crisis communication.

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