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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

數值航攝資料控制之研究-以政治大學校區為例 / A Study on Control Surveying of Digital Aerial Photographic Data -- An Example of Cheng-Chi University Campus

黃琬瑜, Huang, Wan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區地小人稠,土地使用情況複雜,因此,土地管理為一重要課題。航攝資料具高空間解析力及幾何真實性之特性,若能快速取得,則有助於長期環境監測與土地永續利用。有鑑於此,本研究以機動性高之直昇機為載具,配合9cm焦距之攝影機,採用11.5cm ×11.5cm像幅之彩色正片,航空拍攝實驗區,並於拍攝前佈設空照標,且利用全球定位系統測定地面控制點。 本研究目的在探討小像幅數值影像於重建方位過程中,攝影條件之特性及地面控制之成果,此外,利用解析測圖儀與影像工作站不同量測方法對於空中三角精度影響,結果顯示小像幅亦可完成數值空中三角測量。數位法X、Y、Z方向之RMSE為0.097 m、0.090 m、0.161 m,解析法之RMSE為0.132 m、0.120 m、0.144 m。 / The objective of this thesis has been to investigate the feasibility of digital aerotriangulation using small format photos. A focal length of 9mm camera mounted on a helicopter with format of 11.5cm by 11.5cm color positives have been used for taking pictures of the research area. The premarked ground control points were surveyed by GPS. Photo control was executed using a Leica BC3 analytical plotter and an Intergraph ImageStation respectively. The coordinates measurements of photo points using the two instruments have been evaluated. Both of interior and exterior parameters computed from digital triangulation and digitized photos have been used to produce the orthoimage. The resultant orthoimage was then superimposed and compared with the existing 1/1000 digital map. The results have indicated that: 1. The RMSE of digital method were X = 0.097m, Y = 0.090m, Z = 0.161m; the RMSE of analytical method were X = 0.132m, Y = 0.120m, Z = 0.144m; 2. Digital aerotriangulation could be performed using small format photos.

歌唱選秀節目關鍵因素之產製取向研究—以「超級星光大道」為例 / Sings the competition program key aspect to produce the system orientation research

薛聖棻 Unknown Date (has links)
2007年臺灣的電視圈在國內大環境欠佳、廣告市場大減,中視以高規格、高預算,製播【超級星光大道】,沒想到引發種種話題,節目爆紅。同年【超級星光大道】的受歡迎程度超過各類電視節目。使中視得以一整年靠一個節目的營收來維生。 【超級星光大道】亦甚至被媒體標示,「星光現象」成為一種異軍突起的社會文化現象。【超級星光大道】擁有什麼樣的關鍵元素,導致其瞬間爆紅。由於節目品質研究(叫好)與觀眾需求分析(叫座)向來是電視節目產製者最關注的兩大課題。故,本研究首開分析單一類型的節目是如何吸引觀眾的收視之學術性研究。 由節目產製構面的理論概念引伸,從閱聽人角度出發,在加上電視節目產製核心人物之剖析,從多種角度來觀察並分析【超級星光大道】的文本,利用學術研究方法,來回應業界所關切的問題。 本研究借用McQuail(1992)提出三類媒介表現的檢視途徑為設計概念,以Patton(1990)提出的方法(Method)三角測量法,借用多元方法取向蒐集資料,以檢驗研究發現的一致性,為尋求值得信賴的解釋。 對超級星光大道的分析上,利用文本分析,將每集節目內容、流程等進行解構,特別是收視率特別高的內容,找出其爭議點。在經由使用與滿足理論架構,描繪出閱聽眾接收與關切的節目元素。進而與焦點團體或是產製者訪談的資料進行mapping,找出其成功吸引觀眾的元素。 因此,研究結果依其對收視率表現之影響程度,分成三個層次:對收視率提升有顯著效果者有感動、多元、話題、娛樂;對樹立節目品質和口碑者有真實、專業;可能影響收視的負面元素則為操作與公平性。 本研究貢獻為學術面解決收視率無法真實解構文本的疑問,為產製面提供媒體未來複製同類型節目之觀眾輪廓或節目定位及修正節目策略的參考。 關鍵詞:歌唱選秀節目、關鍵元素、三角測量、收視率 / Due the domestic overall economy was poor in Taiwan during 2007, the advertisement market was shrunk largely for TV industry, while China Television Company (CTV) took an contrary way on the production of “One Million Star” with high standard and big budget, and to no one’s guess, the program was red hot to trigger all kinds of topics. In the same year, the degree of popularity from “One Million Star” surpassed all kinds of TV programs, allowing CTV to keep its operation for the whole year solely on this program. “One Million Star” is even tagged by the media, and “Superstar Phenomenon” has become a cultural phenomenon in the society all of a sudden. What the key elements are for “One Million Star” to become extremely popular all of a sudden. Due both program quality research (great quality) and audience demand analysis (great rating) have always been the two major issues concerned the most by the producers of TV programs, the paper will be the first ever to make analysis for academic research on how a single type of programs attract the audiences to watch them. By starting up from the angle of audiences, to develop from the theoretical concepts on the construct of program productions, plus to make analysis on the core people for TV program productions, and from various angles, to observe as well as to make analysis on the scripts of “One Million Star”, using academic research methods, to make response on the questions concerned by people in the industry. The paper borrows the examination route offered by McQuail(1992) on the presentation of three types of media as the design concept, and using Triangulation method offered by Patton (1990), to collect data with diverse methods for examining the consistency in the research findings, in order to seek for reliable explanations. For the analysis on “One Million Star”, by using scripts for analysis, to take down on matters such as program contents and process flows from each running show, and to find out any disputable points, especially on those contents with extremely high rating. Through the construct of uses and gratification theory, to illustrate the program elements that are received and concerned by the audiences. Next, to work on mapping with the data made from focus groups or interviews of program producers, in order to find out what are the successful elements to attract audiences. Accordingly, on the basis of effects to rating performances, the study results are divided into three categories: for those with significant effects on the increase of rating, they are to include sensation, diversity, topics, and entertainment; for those able to establish program quality and word-of-mouth, they are to include authenticity, and professionalism; for those possibly with negative effects on rating, they are to include operating and fairness. The contribution of the paper is to solve the question from academic aspect that rating is not able to truly break down scripts, and as reference of audience outline or program positioning and program strategy revisions for duplicating similar programs by the providing media from production aspect in the future. Keyword: Singing Contest Program, Key Elements, Triangulation, Rating

熱影像建製數值地表溫度模型之研究 / Study on Using Thermal Image to Establish Digital Surface Temperature Model

廖家翎, Liao, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
熱影像可獲取不同於可見光與近紅外光的溫度資訊,可運用於監測地表火山及斷層帶的溫度或災害防治上。以往於空載或衛載上的熱感測器解析度皆較低,判釋熱影像受到限制;如今,低成本、高機動性的無人飛行載具發展趨於成熟,可搭載熱感測器,並近空垂直拍攝近景熱影像,得到較高空間解析度之熱影像。 然而,熱影像上之地物內容與邊緣較一般可見光影像模糊,若要將熱影像應用於地理空間資訊系統上時,為使熱影像可與其他地面坐標資料結合,勢必需先幾何改正熱影像,並以相同區域之數值地表模型,正射化熱影像,同時三維展示熱影像與地表模型,提供研究者地形與熱分佈資訊;此外,對於火山地帶來說,高程資料也常是研究者判釋分析的重點資訊,此做法可看出區域之溫度分佈。 為正射糾正熱影像,利用共線式執行空中三角測量平差,本研究不僅率定熱像儀,求其內方外元素,更以空中三角測量平差,計算熱影像之外方位元素。此外,因熱影像紀錄地表輻射資訊,與可見光資訊大不相同,故熱影像經共線式空中三角測量平差後,建製之數值地表模型 (Digital Surface Model, DSM),並非該拍攝地區之真實地表起伏模型,因此本研究利用一既有的DSM,正射糾正空中三角測量後之熱影像,並以誤差向量圖表示正射糾正之成果。 / Usually, thermal images contain abundant temperature information which can often be used to monitor the surface temperature or volcanic disaster prevention. Previously, thermal images acquired by satellite platform have low resolution. Today, low-cost, highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can carry thermal sensors and obtain close-range thermal images with high spatial resolution. Due to the distortion of thermal sensor, geometric correction should be applied to the thermal images. In this study, a UAV-borne thermal sensor has been calibrated, and used for taking thermal images. The exterior orientation elements of the thermal images have been determined by using aerial triangulation. A digital surface model generated by LiDAR was then used to ortho-rectify the thermal images. Gray values of the rectified thermal images were also normalized for generating a thermal mosaic. The resultant rectified thermal mosaic has excellent appearance for showing the temperature distribution and elevation simultaneously.


謝佩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者在這篇論文中所要說明的是:慈善原則(Principle of Charity)在戴維森(Donald Davidson)詮釋理論中的必要性。 在本篇論文中,筆者並不刻意的採取支持或是反對的立場。筆者所要做的是,以戴維森的角度著眼,並進而探討為什麼對於戴維森而言,慈善原則是其詮釋理論中一個極為重要的主張,並且,是一個無法避免的一個預設。在此,我們將說明此原則所涉及的實質內容與作用是什麼,以及戴維森是如何證成此原則的。 嚴格的來說,慈善原則並不是一個單一的主張,而我們是無法以一個簡單的主張或內容界定之。雖然這個原則無法以一個簡單的主張或內容來含括說明,但是,它的內容至少必須是「假定言說者的信念大體上是真的,並且是與詮釋者的(基本)信念是相一致的。」 慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中不僅僅對我們的經驗做出某些要求,而且此原則還是一個先驗的原則。它所涉及的範圍包括了我們的信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。 從詮釋理論的角度來看,慈善原則所允許的是,在不同的語言之間者,我們依然能夠進行了解以及溝通的工作。這個原則所要求的是,我們必須將我們的詮釋對象視為大體上與我們的理性是相一致的。換而言之,詮釋者必須假設與被詮釋者之間,擁有基本的理性模式。在這個先驗原則的要求與限制下,包含了一個對詮釋理論的限制,而其所依據的亦即是慈善原則。 在本篇論文的鋪陳上,將分為三個章節來說明其所主張的觀點。筆者希望能夠透過上述各個章節的鋪陳,而展示出慈善原則在戴維森的詮釋理論中為什麼是不可避免的預設,以及這個主張的實質作用為什麼涉及了信念、欲望、意義以及行動的部分。最後,我們將以「三角測量隱喻」(triangulation metaphor)初步的證成此原則。首先,要知道的是,我們可以把戴維森的詮釋理論視為是真理理論,意義理論以及行動理論相互連結的理論,此三個要素在戴維森的詮釋理論是相互依存但卻不同的詮釋要素。我們將在第一章的討論內容中說明真理理論與意義理論的部分。在此,將可以看到戴維森的詮釋理論是由語意的形式結構把握語言的意義,並採取外延(extension)的進路表明公共且客觀的世界是個人信念和語言的主題所在; 而在第二章以及第三章的內容說明中,其所關連到的是意義理論以及信念理論的部分。同時,這亦即是是本篇論文所要處理的重點-----徹底詮釋的討論。在這部分的討論上,戴維森訴諸意義的經驗證據,他認為信念內容和語言意義得根據共同生活的人的思想內容、意向性行動等等。

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