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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從計畫到市場:中國電影產業的發展與未來 / From Plan to Market, The Development and Future of Chinese Film Industry

鄭閔聲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著近年來《臥虎藏龍》、《英雄》等作品在全球掀起的武俠熱潮,使中國電影廣受注目,而中國廣大的電影市場更讓好萊塢為首的外國片商垂涎。本研究試圖從內、外部因素釐清改革開放三十年以來,中國電影產業的發展,與相應而來電影形式內容的變化。 1949年以來,中國電影工業相關環節皆為政府所掌握,對內實行統購統銷的計畫經濟式生產,對外則禁絕美國電影輸入。然而自1979年以後,中國電影產業配合社會主義市場經濟政策,加上國內電影觀眾銳減、製片單位長期虧損等因素,開始建立符合市場運作機制的電影體系,到了90年代由於市場狀況未見起色,中國毅然決定引進好萊塢大片。2000年的WTO談判,中國政府更進一步開放進口電影配額,以及外商投資電影事業,中國電影產業就在內部體制更迭,以及外商外片衝擊之下近行持續性的變革。 研究指出,中國電影產業市場化在今日已初具成果,電影產量產值皆逐年提升,且仍在持續當中,本地電影所佔市場份額也以超越外國電影,部份大片更在海外市場大有斬獲。值得注意的是,中國政府在推動產業改革的過程中著力甚深,因此政府目前仍是中國電影市場上最大的投資者與作用力。整體產業興盛背後,中國電影目前仍面臨資源分配不均,雖然也出現了能夠脫離資金、政治控制的新型態獨立電影,然而大部份電影仍難以回收成本,甚至無法在院線上映,如何提供大片之外的中低成本電影更多機會與空間,使產業更加多元健全,將是未來中國電影發展的重點。


賴欣儀 Unknown Date (has links)

中國電影發展軟實力的調查 / Chinese Film’s Soft Power Development: A Survey

王勁健, Wong, Jason Glen Unknown Date (has links)
根據Joseph Nye的定義:軟實力是透過吸引和説服,而非以強迫或收買,使你得到想要的東西的能力。最近,為了推動他們的「和平崛起」,中國政府致力於軟實力的發展。其焦點是採用非威脅的、基於文化的方法以迎合世界其他國家,進而達到展現中國是新興超級強國的目的。 已知電影為強而有力的文化工具,而在二十一世紀美國好萊塢的電影產業一向穩占世界主導地位。但在世紀之交,中國把本土的電影業市場化,將此媒介從純粹的宣傳工具變成一個文化產業。根據胡錦濤二零零七年的敦促,中國需要進一步發展文化上的軟實力以因應國家快速的崛起。發展至今,固然中國電影業的軟實力尚未能與美國電影業相比擬,但它在過去十年的進步仍然令人難以置信。 若中國確實將電影業視為國家重要的軟實力資源之一,則仍然有許多障礙需要克服。 但所謂的障礙究竟是什麽?本論文將評論中國電影業的軟實力發展。我們將蒐集與評估現有的資料以研究其進化與現況。更將進一步分析, 在針對中國特定的軟實力目標上,該產業的成功與不足。 / According to Joseph Nye, “Soft power is the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than coercion or payments” (2004, 256). Recently, China has been making a soft power push to promote its “peaceful rise,” focusing on a non-threatening culture based approach, with the aim of ingratiating themselves as an emerging super power to the rest of the world. Film remains a powerful cultural tool, one that the U.S. industry in Hollywood has dominated throughout the twenty-first century. But as China marketized its own film industry at the turn of the century, the medium there has moved away from being purely a propaganda apparatus to more of a cultural industry. Upon Hu Jintao’s urging in 2007, China must better develop its cultural soft power to accommodate its meteoric rise. While the Chinese film industry’s soft power development has not yet reached the ranks of the U.S.’s, it has made incredible strides over the past decade. There are still many hurdles for it to surpass if it truly intends to become a significant soft power resource for the country, but what are they? This thesis will evaluate the Chinese film industry’s soft power development by surveying existing material, data, and research on the subject, by examining its evolution, by reviewing its current environment, and by analyzing its successes and its shortcomings against the framework of China’s specific soft power objectives.

中國電影文化外交探索-以2013年巴黎中國電影節為例 / The Analysis of Culture Diplomacy in Chinese Films--The Case of the Chinese Film Festival in Paris in 2013

王政皓, Zheng-Hao Wang January 1900 (has links)
電影作為跨文化傳播的重要媒介,對國家形象的扮演有著重大作用。胡錦濤特別在2004的四中全會上提到中國一方面發展硬實力,另一面就是軟實力的培養。中國當局希望透過文化電影的發展超越西方國家。   中國旅法畫家高醇芳女士於2004年有感於法國人對中國電影的生疏,因而創立「巴黎中國電影節」,其宗旨就是向法國人推廣中國的電影,而此活動也逐漸受到中國當局的關注和協助。因此,中國政府採用「巴黎中國電影節」進行「公共外交」的策略。也希望影片中的意識形態能讓法國人接受。   中國在經濟上已逐漸與歐美並駕齊驅,在文化上更是希望與歐美國家抗衡。然而在西方影展得獎的中國片或是西方電影呈現的中國意象,這些影片經常出現很深的東方主義觀念。「巴黎中國電影節」的出現提供中國宣揚自身文化,以及利用此機會平反歐美國家對中國東方主義的觀點。 / Film is an important medium of cross-cultural communication, it plays major role in the shaping of national image. In 2004, Hu Jintao particularly referred to the development of China on Fourth Plenary Session. One is hard power; another is the training of soft power. Chinese authorities want to go beyond the western countries through the development of cultural films.   In 2004, Chinese painter in France, Ms. Gao Chunfang felt the French were unfamiliar on Chinese films, so she found “the Chinese Film Festival in Paris”. The purpose is to promote the Chinese Films to French public, and this festival is also gradually paid attention by Chinese authorities. Therefore, the Chinese government has adopted "Chinese Film Festival in Paris" to execute "public diplomacy strategy". The government also hopes the film's ideology could be accepted by French person.   Chinese economy has gradually reached Europe or American; it also wants to compete on culture. However, Chinese films won the reward on West Film Festival and the Chinese image on western films which often appear the concept of "Orientalism". The appearing of ''The Chines Film Festival in Paris" provides China to promote their culture, as well as they use this opportunity to vindicate the perspectives on Chinese Orientalism from United States and Europe. / 第一章緒論 1 第一節研究動機與目的 1 第二節研究架構 6 第二章文獻探討8 第一節軟實力和公共外交理論探討 8 第二節意識形態理論11 第三節國際電影節與中國電影節概略 12 第三章研究方法 16 第一節樣本取樣 16 第二節研究限制 28 第三節符號學分析 28 第四節鏡頭分析 32 第四章、分析 35 第一節中國夢VS.美國夢:《中國合夥人》、《北京遇見西雅圖》 35 第二節宣揚政府形象:《三個未婚媽媽》、《蝶吻》 46 第三節歌頌青春愛情:《情人節》、《青春派》、《我願意》 51 第四節演繹女性主義:《蕭紅》 76 第五節彰顯愛國情操:《黃金大劫案》 90 第六節營造民族融合:《唐卡》 97 第七節再現古老中國:《畫皮II》 110 第五章、結論 119 第六章、文獻參考 125

文革後中國電影中的女性形象-以彭小蓮、胡玫、李少紅的電影為例 / Women image in Post-Cultural Revolution Chinese films-Case studies of Xiaolian Peng. Mei Hu. and Shaohong Li’s films

文玫今, Wen, Mei Chin Unknown Date (has links)

當代中國電影的主流意識:以革命歷史片為例 / The mainstream ideology of the contemporary Chinese film: using the revolutionary history film as an example

陳加恩, Chen, Chia En Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對近年來越來越多中國電影向主流意識靠攏的現象感到好奇。透過分析近年來頗受好評的四部革命歷史電影,來了解當前中國電影中的主流意識內涵以及這些主流意識與電影之間的接合方式。研究發現,當前在革命歷史電影中的主流意識,可分為下列四項:彰顯革命精神、凝聚國族意識、中國式民主的建立與資本家地位的提升。這些主流意識的內涵,其功能主要是為了維持中共政權的存續,提供意識形態上的合法性依據。此外,在接合方法上,採用了商業電影的製作方式,達到吸引觀眾與傳遞主流意識的功能。 / An increasing number of Chinese films draw close to the mainstream ideology in recent years. This study analyzes four revolutionary history Films which have good reputation to understand the mainstream ideology in contemporary Chinese film and the articulation which is between the mainstream ideology and the Chinese film. This study found that there are four mainstream ideologies in those revolutionary history Films. They are as follows: Highlight of the revolutionary spirit, Solidarity of the national consciousness, establishment of Chinese-style democracy and upgrading of capitalists status in china. The main function of those mainstream ideologies is to maintain the existence of the Chinese Communist regime. In addition, those Chinese films are produced by commercial film production way in order to attract the audience and delivery the mainstream ideology.


鄭嘉詩, Cheng, Chia Shih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究雖非旨在探討如何解決台灣電影產業困境,但不難看出研究最終的結論其實是解決台灣電影產業困境的方法之ㄧ。由於兩岸電影產業多年來缺乏交流,而原因除了中國對於電影的各項發展措施缺乏穩定性及中國電影法規與部門體制異常複雜之外,我們對中國電影之政策法制、市場偏好、產業規模及產業價值鏈知之甚少也是關鍵原因之ㄧ。 故本研究除了探討中國電影發展政策及其法規外,也以波特的五力分析模型探討兩岸電影產業的各個競爭面向,加上學者的產業研究及產業數據分析,用以回應本文欲探討的兩個問題包括: 1.中國在電影產業上之發展策略對台灣的機會與挑戰為何? 2.針對中國發展策略對台灣的機會與挑戰,台灣電影產業應採取哪些應變措施? 由本研究結果可看出,由於中國電影發展政策的影響,使得中國電影產業的替代品威脅遠較台灣電影產業低,但若台灣能夠與中國電影產業採取跨國合作的方式,爭取製作合拍片的機會,則可化危機為轉機,使台灣電影產業能夠走出市場狹小及人才不足的問題,並排除中國與香港簽訂CEPA後所帶來的華語合拍片的威脅。 關鍵詞:中國電影發展策略、電影產業、波特五力分析 / Though the purpose of this study is not to solve the current predicament of the film industry in Taiwan, it is obvious that the result of this research is one of the solutions of current situation. The insufficient communications between the film industry in Taiwan and mainland China is because that the developing policies of film are unable and the regulations and sections regard to the films are extremely complicated in China. In addition, we are not familiar with the film making policy, market tastes, industrial scale, and industrial value chain in China as well. Therefore, except for identifying the film developing policy and related regulations in China, this study also probed into the competitive factors of the film industries cross-Strait with Michael Porter's Five Forces Model and combined with the academic industrial research and data analysis to figure out the two topics of this study: 1. What are the opportunity and challenge of Taiwan to the developing strategy of the film industry in China? 2. What kinds of response measures should the film industry in Taiwan take to encounter the opportunity and challenge caused by the developing strategy of the film industry in China? The research result suggest that due to the influence of the film developing policy in China, the threat of substitution of the film industry in China is much lower than it is in Taiwan. However, if the film industries in Taiwan and China are able to cooperate and strive for the opportunity of film shooting, the crisis may be altered to a favorable turn, which allows the film industry in Taiwan to solve the problem of tiny market and insufficient human resource, and eliminate the threat of co-shooting of Chinese movies caused by the CEPA signed by China and Hong Kong. Keywords: developing strategy of film in China, film industry, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model.

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