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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新媒體衝擊下的組織轉型策略個案分析:以A集團與B集團為例 / The impacts of new media on organizational transformations take Group A and Group B as an example

王凌婷 Unknown Date (has links)
數位科技的發展影響了各行各業,在媒體圈工作有幸經歷台灣各個媒體生態轉變的重要時間點。傳播業的經營與獲利模式更在數位時代的快速發展下,面臨著了一場組織結構與人才發展的關鍵時刻。 在面臨傳統媒體廣告量的逐年下滑,卻仍是媒體代理商公司主要的利潤來源。新網路媒體的需求激增,卻無法帶來相對的利潤,現有人員的技能擴展也需要時間養成。同時,外在數位新創公司如雨後春筍般的迅速崛起,也造成媒體代理商營業額的威脅。 台灣外商媒體代理商公司型態的經營,歷經了原本是屬於廣告公司的一個部門,到獨立成媒體公司,然後更擴大到集團化模式的經營。集團化的經營在新興媒體崛起的初期,因顧及財報效應,初期在人員的投資上採取較顯保守,也給了數位新創公司快速崛起的機會。然而,當數位公司發展成熟後,外商集團則開始採取購併的動作。 媒體代理商的組織部門形成大致分成兩大區塊,「企劃」與「購買」。企劃主要是面對客戶,服務內容包含市場目標對象媒體消費行為研究、媒體傳播策略發展、媒體傳播工具組合平(包括電視、報紙、雜誌、廣播、戶外、網路數位)、媒體創意、預算分配規劃、執行排期、KPI制定;購買是負責與媒體價格的談判、版位時段安排、執行、監督。數位媒體的興起改變了消費行為模式, 廣告主的傳播方式, 媒體代理商所需的應變也造成衝擊。 本研究以台灣市場兩大龍頭集團A集團與B集團為個案比較研究,就過去10年在因應新媒體發展衝擊下之組織架構與人才發展進行分析比較。以本身所經歷的過程以及深入訪談各集團內資深人員為內容的主要來。 在過去傳播領域,人是主要的資產組織, 組織架構單一化。在數位快速發展下,除了人的素質以外,數據資料平台建立加上組織架構的轉型速度,是強化競爭力的重要關鍵。 雙元組織是必要的,但是雙元的定義是依核心競爭力公司化,將新舊系統明確拆開建構?還是在同一公司內,人才盤點後做組織改革,明確界定職責與各自新舊發展方向?研究者認為,兩種方式的成功與否主要在於管理與執行。 人才轉型不是只有教育訓練,是考驗著人資系統對於人才發展是否具有全面的理解,是否有能力建構發展流程系統與快速召募。

中華郵政人才發展機制探討 / A Case Study on the People Development Systems of Chunghwa Post

劉錫標 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以人力資源發展理論與趨勢為基礎,並參考業界的作法,探討中華郵政如何建構人才發展體系,提升人力素質,強化企業競爭力。 人才發展體系可歸納出功能及執行二個構面,其中功能構面包含訓練體系、訓練藍圖、職涯發展路徑及人才庫;執行構面包含學程學分制、學習管理、個人發展計畫及訓用合一等。而推展人才發展體系關鍵成功因素有三,一是擁有成熟訓練經驗的統籌單位;二是單位合作分工,與實務緊密結合;三是透過資訊科技整合運用。 在建置的步驟上依序為分析組織人力與人才需求;分析訓練與發展需求;規劃訓練體系架構及訓練學習藍圖;針對個人及組織發展建構員工職涯發展資訊與路徑及人才庫機制;以資訊系統將各項作業做系統性整合;透過個人發展計畫及學程學分制度強化人才培育效能。 建置人才發展體系所產生的效益如下: 1.建置訓練體系及訓練藍圖:從公司角度,依員工職務性質規劃學習內容,提升訓練成效;從員工角度,主動規劃個人年度學習,獲得期望的工作技能與成長;從主管角度,緊密結合育才與用才,提升部門績效;從訓練規劃角度,有效簡化作業與縮短流程。 2.建置職涯發展資訊與路徑:對公司,能支援組織的發展與活化人力資源;對員工,能有清楚的發展方向,提昇工作的動力與滿足感;對主管,能有效發揮部屬的潛力並增加人力配置的彈性。 3.建置人才庫:對公司,有計畫的培育關鍵人才,有效支援組織中長期之策略性發展;對有高潛力的員工,能感受到有很好的職涯發展,更願竭盡所能為公司打拼。 / The research is based on theory and trends about development of human resources. Referring to actual practice in the field, the research will discuss how to construct people development systems, to enhance quality of human resources and to strengthen enterprise competitiveness in Chunghwa Post. People development systems can be concluded into functional and executive dimensions. The former includes training system, training map, career development path and talent pool, and the later contains program and credit system, learning management, individual development program & combination of training and employing. To promote people development systems successfully, there are several critical factors. Except owning an overall planning department with mature training experience, every department should work together and combine the work closely with practical experience following by integration of information technology. Building steps for the system following with analysis of manpower and talent needs, analysis of training development needs, plan for training structure and learning map, construction of staff’s career development path and talent pool mechanism in connection with personal and organizational development, integration of every operation by information system, and reinforcement personnel training performance through personal development plans and program & credit system. Generated benefits from the above steps are as below: A.Buildup of training structure and learning map: from the company’s angle, it enhances training effectiveness if the learning program designed by staff’s duties; from the staff’s point of view, they will obtain the desired working skills and growth through its annual personal learning programs; from the supervisor’s point of view, it closely connects talent use and cultivation, enhancing sector performance; considering the training plan, it simplifies operations and shorten process. B. Buildup of career development information and path: for the company, it supports organizational development and activated human resources; for the staff, it provides clear directions, as well as promoting work motivation and satisfaction; for the supervised, it effectively develops the staff’s potential and increase flexibility of placement. C. Buildup of talent pool: for the company, it cultivates key personnel, efficiently supporting medium-and-long-term strategic development, for the high-potential staff, it feels good career development, pushing them willing to work as hard as they can to the company.

中小企業轉型之人才發展機制探討-以G公司為例 / The Study on Talent Development Mechanism of Small Medium Enterprise Transformation- A Case Study of G Company

林添瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業一直以來都扮演著台灣整體經濟的幕後重要推手,但面對全 球經濟景氣多變的經營環境,台灣中小企業面臨的競爭挑戰也日趨增加, 主要原因為全球化趨勢促使產業環境快速變遷、競爭加劇,對中小企業的 經營有著關鍵性的影響,面對這樣強烈的全球化挑戰,中小企業轉型和升 級是必然的。因此,當中小企業遇到經營瓶頸,必須藉由轉型策略,重新 塑造企業競爭優勢,而企業轉型的成敗與人才發展機制息息相關,本次個 案研究以某一具代表性的中小企業科技公司為研究的對象,採用深入訪談 法引導談話方向的訪問方式進行資料收集。 透過實證研究來探討「企業轉型」與「人才發展機制」之間配合運作 方式,並探討企業轉型後,如何利用人才發展機制的因應策略,來提升企 業之組織績效。在組織進行企業轉型策略後,透過適當的人才發展機制的 選擇,讓轉型的績效可以更順利的達成,期望透過這一次的研究,提供中 小企業在面臨到組織轉型時,擬定人才發展機制的參考資料。 / Small & Medium Enterprises (henceforth, SMEs) have acted in an important backstage role as a whole in the economy of Taiwan. Surrounded by the constantly changing business environments in the world, the SMEs in Taiwan faces more competition from domestic and foreign markets. The main reasons are that the trends of globalization have not only had a severe impact on competition, but also on opportunities for SMEs. With strong global competition and challenges, the only way for Taiwan to face international competition is to look at industry transformation. Hence, to solve the difficulties, the entrepreneurs must reshape the competitive advantage through a transformation strategy. And the success or failure of transformation is related to the talent development mechanism. The object of this case study is a figure of small and medium technology company. In this case, gather necessary data through thorough interviews between individuals. For this reason, this paper tends to probe into the relationships between corporate transformation and talent development for SMEs in Taiwan by empirical research and tries to figure out how SMEs use the talent development mechanism to promote the corporate performance after the transformation. Keywords:Small & Medium Enterprises; Transformation Strategy; Talent Development

中小企業接班人個案研究 / A Case Study on the Succession Plans of Small and Medium Business

賴雯莉, Lai, Wen Li Unknown Date (has links)
「中小企業」一直以來都是我國商業經濟的根基命脈,這些企業大多是以家族企業的形式經營,因此「父傳子、子傳孫」是相當普遍的接班形態。但發展至今,許多企業主開始面臨膝下無子或子女不願接班的窘境,且隨著產業變遷,中小企業在用人與留才上也遭遇到困境。這些因素都使得台灣的中小企業在近年來發生了嚴重的「接班問題」。 「接班人計劃」(Succession Plans)已逐漸成為企業相當重視的人才議題;正如許多企業在面臨領導人驟逝或因故離職時,因為無法迅速推舉出新任的接班人,進而導致組織動盪甚至影響到企業營運。因此,透過制定接班人計劃,預先培養未來所需的領導者,已成為企業間普遍的做法。 考量到中小企業的獨特性,在發展接班人計劃時無法完全因循大型企業的做法。本文旨在透過探究以下三個問題,試圖發掘中小企業在發展接班人計劃時應注意的重要議題: 1.中小企業接班人計劃發展的結構性困難。 2.中小企業接班人計劃所應具備的內容與特質。 3.中小企業接班人計劃得以成功的關鍵因素。 本文將以個案研究的方式,實際建構一套中小企業的接班人計劃,並將研究結果作一整理與綜合性之討論。 / “Small and medium enterprises” have been foundations of economy in our country for a long time. Most of these enterprises are family-owned, so passing on from generation to generation is a usual type of succession. However, there are some entrepreneurs who don’t have any offspring or finding their coming generation have no willingness to take over the business. It’s a troublesome problem that many small and medium enterprises have no idea about how to pass on the business. “Succession Plans”start to be paid attention by many entrepreneurs in recent years. In the past, many dominant enterprises collapsed in a flash just because of failure in succession when last conductor quitted or passed away. Now, it’s very common for enterprises to formulate a proper succession plan in order to incubate some backup talents for future needs. To consider about the uniqueness of small and medium enterprises, it’s hard to follow up the major industries totally. In this paper, we want to investigate the succession question of small and medium enterprises by dealing with three point: 1. What are the structural difficulties about succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 2. What are the contents and characteristics should be possessed by succession plans in small and medium enterprises? 3. What are the key success factors (KSFs) or key performance indicators (KPIs) for succession plans in small and medium enterprises? In this paper, we’ll have a case study research and try to build a succession plan for case company. The final goal is to make this issue prominent and then find the way to resolve the question.

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