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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

低碳都市評估及其空間結構之分析 / Evaluating the Efficiency of Low-Carbon City and Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Structure on Carbon Emissions

沈育生, Shen, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
都市CO2的過量排放,是造成全球氣候暖化與環境變異的主因之一。低碳都市的發展成為目前永續發展的核心議題,亦是抑制氣候暖化的關鍵。低碳都市的概念,包括空間和非空間維度。空間維度探討了都市型態、土地利用與運輸系統,非空間維度則著眼於經濟、能源使用和節能產品。然而過去低碳方面的研究,多聚焦於非空間維度之探討上,甚少關注空間維度面向,但面對全球氣候暖化與低碳發展,都市不僅可落實低碳發展政策,其規劃更在低碳都市的建設與發展過程中扮演關鍵角色。因此,本研究依循「全球考量,在地行動」之概念及方式,以低碳都市為主軸,並以空間規劃及環境經濟之角度切入,針對低碳都市衡量指標建構及分析、縣市低碳效率評估及低碳政策影響效果之探討、都市發展及空間結構與碳量間關係之探討等三項研究主題,進行實證分析與探討,企圖補強低碳都市在空間維度之論述,使都市的低碳化有所依循,亦使都市能藉此更達低碳與永續之目標。 在「低碳都市衡量指標系統之建構及探討」主題上,以台灣為實證案例,根據低碳都市的內涵、理念與目標,研撰適宜之衡量指標系統,透過因子分析定權法進行衡量指標的擇取,藉此評估台灣各縣市的低碳發展狀態。根據實證結果,顯示台灣的低碳都市評估指標系統,包括「環境品質及資源消耗」、「經濟及建設」、「財政及資源循環」、「社會狀態」等4構面,共22個指標;而台灣各縣市在低碳發展的綜合表現上,以台北市的狀態最佳,而以彰化縣表現最差。 而在「縣市低碳發展效率評估及低碳政策影響效果之探討」主題上,以台灣各縣市作為實證案例,在考量非意欲產出下(碳排放威脅、環境污染衝擊),透過DEA中的不良產出模型(Bad Outputs Model)評估縣市低碳發展效率,並藉由Tobit模型,釐清低碳政策對縣市低碳發展效率之影響效果。依據不良產出模型之效率評估結果,顯示臺北市、新竹市、臺東縣、花蓮縣在低碳發展效率上相對具有效率,且已達最適規模水準;而高雄縣是目前亟待改善的首要縣市。此外,藉由Tobit模式的實證分析,其結果顯示工廠家數、資源回收量、市區公車系統路線總長、具綠建築標章的建物數、綠地面積等變數,對縣市低碳發展效率有顯著影響,其中,除工廠家數對縣市低碳發展效率有負向影響外,其餘變數皆呈正向影響效果。而由此亦得知產業結構、資源循環利用、低碳運輸、低碳建築、碳匯規劃等低碳政策,對於縣市低碳發展效率是顯著有效的。 在「都市發展及空間結構與碳量關係之探討」主題上,以台灣各縣市作為實證案例,透過偏最小平方法的分析,實證都市發展及空間結構對碳量之影響關係與影響程度,並找出低碳都市發展中關鍵的空間規劃要素。而根據偏最小平方法的實證結果,顯示都市混合度、都市發展強度及密度與都市綠化對碳淨存量產生負向影響,亦即都市混合度、都市緊密度及綠化程度愈高,愈能減少碳淨存量;而都市工業機能、都市交通狀態對碳淨存量有正向影響,亦即都市工業機能與都市交通狀態愈高,愈會增加碳淨存量,其中又以都市交通狀態的影響效果最大。 綜合上述,本研究之研究成果包括:「釐清低碳都市模糊且紛雜的概念及內涵」、「建構適宜台灣本土的低碳都市衡量指標系統」、「評估台灣各縣市低碳發展之整體狀態」、「評估台灣各縣市之低碳發展效率」、「檢視台灣現行低碳政策對於縣市低碳發展效率之影響效果」及「找出低碳都市發展中關鍵的空間規劃要素」,期待此些成果,能作為地方政府或規劃單位於低碳目標下,進行低碳都市發展及規劃開發時之參考。 / Excessive CO2 emission is one of the main causes of causing global warming and climate change. Therefore, low-carbon urban development is currently the core issue in sustainable development, and it is also the key to curb climate warming. The concept of the low-carbon city includes spatial dimension and non-spatial dimension. The former contains the issues of urban form, transportation system, and land use planning, the latter contains the issues of economy, energy consuming, and energy saving product. The spatial dimension plays the important role in the construction and development of the low-carbon city, but only the few studies focused on. Therefore, this paper takes the spatial dimension of the low-carbon city as the main scope, and discusses the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of city and analyzing its influential policies”, and “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”. In the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses factor analysis to establish the appropriate low-carbon city indicator system for Taiwan. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the cities'/counties' status of low-carbon developments by this low-carbon city indicator system. According to the empirical results, there are four evaluating aspects of the low-carbon city: 1) environmental quality and resource consumption, 2) economy and construction, 3) finance and resource recycling and 4) social status. Based on the comprehensive performance of the low-carbon city indicator system, Taipei City shows the best performance, whereas Changhua County shows the worst performance. In the topics of “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of the city and analyzing its influential policies”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and assesses low-carbon efficiency of the city by Bad Outputs Model. Moreover, this paper uses Tobit Model to analyze the influence of low-carbon policies on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. According to the result of Bad Outputs Model, Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taitung County, and Hualien County are efficiency, and achieve the optimal scale level. Moreover, Kaohsiung County is the county in the most urgent need of improvement. Another result of Tobit model indicates that the industrial unit has the negative impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. Moreover, resource recovery, the total length of the urban bus route, the number of green buildings, and green area all have the positive impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. In the topics of “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses partial least squares method (PLS) to identify the impact of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions. The empirical results show that the mixed land use, urban intensity and density, and urban greening all have the negative impact on carbon emissions. Moreover, industrial function and urban transportation all have a positive impact on carbon emissions. Finally, these results can be used as reference for future low-carbon urban planning and policy.

新北市坪林區推動低碳觀光政策之研究:永續發展觀點 / A Study on Pinglin’s Low Carbon Tourism Policy from the Standpoint of Sustainable Development

鄧惟仁, Teng, Wei Jen Unknown Date (has links)
觀光業被稱為無煙囪產業,然而經研究證實,隨著觀光業的蓬勃發展,旅遊行為產生的碳排放量對於氣候變遷亦有重大影響,因此全球觀光部門開始正視本身發展與氣候變遷的關聯。在我國,新北市坪林區首先結合低碳環保與觀光發展的議題,於二○○八年首創低碳旅遊活動,是指一種致力於在旅遊活動中減少碳排放量的觀光發展模式,受到各界矚目,亦為永續觀光發展的最新趨勢。   低碳要求將旅遊活動的碳排放量降至最低,因此採取交通管制、要求共乘、定額限量等規範措施,然而觀光發展追求吸引大量遊客,在本質追求上兩者看似存有矛盾,究竟這樣的活動對於坪林地區觀光產業的永續發展有何助益?本研究欲藉文獻中所歸納的永續發展衡量架構,從過程途徑的參與層面,與結果途徑的社會、經濟、環境層面進行分析,探討諸如政策支持度、經濟利益分配與空氣品質等議題,據以提出未來永續觀光發展的策略建議。此外,由於利害關係人是永續發展的重要關鍵,本研究將以其為關注焦點,側重社會面向下利害關係人的觀點及互動,以展現永續發展的核心價值。   研究發現,政策推動過程中設有完善的溝通管道,然部分居民對政策的參與仍處觀望階段,而決策模式主要由上而下形成,在政府及居民間存在觀點上的差異;對永續發展的結果衡量上,社會面的政策支持度從反對到認同進而支持,欲使坪林未來有能力獨立執行、永續推動低碳模式的觀光發展,則須加強教育及能力訓練,在地方生活哲學中納入低碳概念,建立低碳永續發展架構,實際層面則可透過收費機制與活動的多樣化確保經濟來源;於經濟層面,政策已成功引入商機,然對於就業機會創造的影響仍稍嫌薄弱,人口外移則是地方發展最大的隱憂,而經濟不平等的現象亦有促進政策參與之效;於環境上的低碳目標,目前低碳概念的宣導意義遠重於實際減碳效益,然而低碳概念亦尚未成為當地核心價值,地方人民看重短期經濟利益更勝於長期永續發展價值,且於坪林地區推動低碳的效果本受限制,雖難以檢驗實際減碳成效,然已證實環保與經濟共存共榮的發展模式;最後並對發展低碳觀光提出建議。

由企業角度研究碳足跡標籤的導入:以宏碁與泰山為例 / Implementing carbon footprint labelling scheme from a business perspective: company Acer and Taisun, Taiwan-based companies as examples

吳思頤, Wu, Szu-I (Sandy) Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費者開始意識到自身的購買行為對於環境的影響,環境友善的產品也越來越受歡迎.碳足跡標籤,也就是在標籤上註明一件產品的生命週期所產生的所有碳排放,而其過程就包括了從原料取得到最後被丟棄的整個產品生命週期.產品碳足跡標籤讓消費者了解產品的環境友善程度,也幫助消費者做對環境友善的購買決策.碳足跡標籤也讓消費者成為帶動更永續的未來的主要推力,並激勵企業製造碳足跡較低的產品來維持競爭力. 碳足跡標籤已在全球成為一個越來越普遍的行為,而台灣也正開始推動碳足跡標籤方案.此論文深入研究已發展國家包括英國,美國,法國,日本以及跨國公司包括Walkers,Walmart和Casion Group如何導入碳足跡標籤方案. 接下來將探討台灣以及台灣企業是如何將碳足跡標籤導入到公司以及過程中所碰到的問題與機會. 在台灣企業的部分,宏碁以及泰山為研究對象,由於這兩家企業都是在碳足跡標籤方案的先驅者,並且為不同的產業背景,因此挑選了這兩家深入研究,並探討不同產業導入碳標籤方案的作法. / As consumers become conscious of the impacts of their purchase decision on the environment, environmental friendly products become increasingly popular. By indicating the amount of carbon dioxide produced and emitted throughout a product’s life cycle, from material acquisition to manufacturing to consumption, carbon footprint label give consumers the information to make earth-friendly purchase decisions. Carbon footprint label also makes consumers the driver of a more sustainable future by incentivizing businesses to make lower GHG-content products to increase the competitiveness of products. Carbon footprint label is becoming a popular practice around the world. Taiwan is also learning and doing carbon footprint labelling. This dissertation investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in advanced countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Japan and multinational companies including Walkers, Walmart and Casino Group. Then it investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in Taiwan and how Taiwan businesses approach carbon footprint labelling. Two companies of different industry were interviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of how and why Taiwan businesses implement carbon footprint labelling. From the interviews, insights of the motivation, project planning, execution and questions encountered during the implementation of carbon footprint labelling were revealed. The dissertation then concludes by discussing the limitations that happened during the research and the suggestions for the development of Taiwan’s carbon footprint label.

國內推動低碳旅遊之研究─以台南市古蹟旅遊為例 / Research on domestic impetus low-carbon tourism - take Tainan heritage tourism as the example

徐仙如, Hsu, Shien Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近年來天災地變頻傳,溫室效應導致全球暖化現象,有鑒於此,全球湧起節能減碳浪潮,低碳旅遊亦應運而生。根據聯合國氣候變遷小組之評估報告,旅遊業對氣候變遷影響重大,人為之溫室氣體排放是肇致氣候變遷異常之主因,如何兼顧日益蓬勃發展之旅遊業與有效抑止二氧化碳排放量之增加,係各國刻不容緩的課題。 台南市以府城古都聞名,轄內古蹟觀光旅遊為其重要收入來源,本研究以市府預計推展古蹟低碳旅遊計畫之相關利害關係人為研究對象,並以訪談法瞭解其需求與對市府之期待。 本研究結果指出台南市古蹟旅遊存有僅實施少數不實用之環保措施、民眾尚未養成搭乘大眾運輸工具習慣、既有街道巷弄過於狹小、居民發展心態矛盾與缺乏減少使用私人運具之誘因、綠色認證制度叫好不叫座、古蹟導覽人員培訓制度簡陋等現存之困境與瓶頸、以及民眾與市府間認知之落差,並對市府提出現有古蹟區軟硬體設備設施之改善與提升、加強產業綠色認證制度之實用性、積極發展古蹟低碳旅遊多元面貌、厚實古蹟文化園區內涵,加強市府行銷能見度、建議逐步養成民眾搭乘大眾運輸使用習慣、型塑台南成為亞洲阿姆斯特丹等六項建議方案。 / In recent years the natural disaster and diastrophism happen frequently, the greenhouse effect caused the global warm phenomenon, therefore, the whole world to surge the energy conservation to reduce the carbon tide, the low-carbon tourism also arises with the tide. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report, the tourism is significant to the climate vicissitude influence, the human is initiates for it greenhouse gas emissions sends the climate vicissitude exceptionally principal factor, how gives dual attention to day by day tourism of the vigorous development and restrains increase effectively the carbon dioxide withdrawal, is the various countries' urgent topic. In Tainan is well-known take the prefectural city ancient capital, governs the heritage site sightseeing tourism as its important source of income, this research by the municipal government estimated promotes correlation of stakeholders of study the heritage low-carbon tourism plan, and understands their demands and to the municipal anticipations for Tainan city government. Research findings pointed out the Tainan heritage tourism extant difficulties and the bottleneck, as well as between the populace and the municipal government dropping variance of the cognition, and to the municipal government proposed improvement of and the promotion the existing heritage area soft and hardware equipment facility, usability of the enhancement industry green authentication system, develops the heritage low-carbon tourism multi-dimensional appearance, the thick heritage culture garden area connotation positively, the enhancement municipal government sells the visibility, fosters the populace to travel by the populace gradually to transport the use custom, models Tainan to become the Asian Amsterdam and so on six suggestion program.

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