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一個國中補習班作文教學活動設計個案的探討 / An Investigation of Lesson Plans and Activities in Teaching: A course of Chinese writing for junior high students in a learning center蔣宥萱 Unknown Date (has links)
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創意策略教學在高中英文作文上的應用 / The Use of Invention Strategies in Teaching EFL Senior High School Students' Compositions黃稽興, Huang, Chi-shing Unknown Date (has links)
雖然從一九六Ο年代中期開始,英作文教學法已有不同程度的發展,如Maxine Hairston 所指稱的「作文教學法的革命」,但多數第二外語的英作文仍沿用作品成果取向(product-oriented)而非過程取向(process-oriented)。
在本研究□,運用目前「過程取向」中的創意策略教學來探討它在第二外語寫作教學上的成效。研究的目的在於回答下列問題: (一) 創意策略教學是否能幫助學生在寫作上有創意、有構思、有想像?(二) 創意策略教學是否會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力?(三) 創意策略教學是否能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力?(四) 創意策略教學是否能增進第二外語學生的整體寫作能力。
研究結果簡略歸納如下:(一) 學生因創意策略運用,更能有效構思取材而激發想像力;(二) 創意策略教學不會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力;(三) 創意策略教學未必能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力;(四) 創意策略教學確能有效提昇學生整體的英文寫作能力。
從研究中發現,應用創意策略教學確能增進學生的英作文寫作能力。 / In the mid-1960s, the pedagogy of composition has had a different progress, which Maxine Hairston (1982) labeled it as the revolution of the teaching of writing, yet most of the EFL composition writings are still product-oriented rather than process-oriented.
In this study the current process approach writing, that is, the use of invention strategies is used to examine and compare its effects on EFL high school English writing. The aim of the study is to explore and answer the following questions: (1) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing? (2) Will student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics be lessened by the use of invention strategies? (3) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers strengthen the organization of their writing? (4) Will EFL students' overall writing performances improve through the instruction of invention skills?
The study was conducted from Sept, 2002 to June, 2004, and a total of 72 11-grade senior high school students from social science program participated in the research. There were 182 pieces of students composition writings paired and graded. The criteria of scoring were categorized into five parts: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics.
The results are summarized as follows:(1) Invention strategies can help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing. (2) Student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics will not be lessened by the use of invention strategies. (3) Invention strategies cannot necessarily help student-writers improve the organization of their writing? (4) Overall, invention strategies can significantly improve the EFL students’writing performances. Besides, EFL student-writers also got the highest average grades in content part. In other words, the students-writers will enrich the content of their compositions through the use of instruction of invention strategies. Judging from the findings, student-writers as well as the writing teachers will gain benefits from the use of invention strategies.
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高中生同儕回饋對作文表現的影響 / The effect of peer feedback on high school students' writing performance李榮哲, Lee, June Che Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:同儕回饋、範文寫作、作文表現 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the “peer feedback writing instruction model” developed by the researcher on the writing performance of senior high school students. This peer feedback model was constructed based on the cognitive processing writing model and the the social interaction model, and some peer evaluation theories.
The teaching experiment lasted for eleven weeks, in which the quasi-experimental nonequivalent pretest-posttest theories were applied. Participants were juniors in three different classes of a national senior high school in Hsin-Chu County. Students in Class One and Class Two participated as the peer-feedback group, which was further divided into two subgroups: the feedback-receiving group and the feedback-giving group. Students in Class Three participated as the control group, which was also the model-essay group.
Listed below were analyses of the experimental data with reference to students' writings:
1.In the experiment, the pretest was set as covariance. To investigate the influence of independent variable on the dependent variable(posttest) , one-way ANCOVA statistics was conducted after exclusion of pretest-difference.
2.After the teaching experiment, a feedback-questionnaire survey on how the participatns perceived their writing performance is carried out. One-way ANOVA is applied for every question among different groups.
The results of the study were as follows:
1.Overall writing performance of students in the feedback-receiving and feeback-giving groups was significantly better than the model-essay group. For self-perception of the improvement in writing ability, the feedback-giving group also scored higher than the model-essay group.
2.In terms of improvement in overall writing performance, no significant difference was found between the feedback-receiving and feedback-giving groups.
3.Classwise, Class One benefited most from peer-feedback and hence made the most improvement in writing performance.
4.As far as structure organization in writing is concerned, Class Two students in the feedback-giving group performed better than students in the feedback-receiving group.
The study results showed that the peer feedback model has a positive effect on the writing performance of senior high school students. Peer interaction and peer feedback of good quality stimulate students into learning, and hence improve their writing performance.
keywords:peer feedback、writing with model essay、 writing performances
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考生字跡、考生作文程度與評分者有關特質對考生論文式測驗成績的影響李靜如, Li, Jing-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣高中學生英文作文中表達過去時間標記之分析 / An Analysis of past reference marking in Taiwan senior high school students' english compositions闕光賢, Chueh, Kuang Hisen Unknown Date (has links)
透過本文的研究可看出時間狀語對於中國學生標記英語過去時間概念上的重要性,也可看出語言遷移(language transfer)在語言習得中的影響力,期許本文的發現能在英語習得及教學上有所助益。 / / Without tense marker in Mandarin Chinese, most Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in past tense marking in the beginning of learning English. Before marking past tense steadily, Chinese EFL learners tend to depend mainly on temporal adverbials in expressing past time. Temporal adverbials seem to play important roles during the process of acquiring tense marking. The present study tries to observe how Chinese learners use temporal adverbials to express past time and what kinds of difficulties learners have in past tense marking. Furthermore, we attempt to investigate the relation between tense marking and temporal adverbials.
By analyzing learners’ composition, we found that Chinese EFL learners have high frequency in using temporal. Most learners are prone to put temporal adverbials in sentence-initial position except for learners with higher proficiency. Besides, learners are more likely to mark past tense co-occurring with temporal adverbials. Morphologically, Chinese EFL learners seem to regard was/were as a past-tense marker and put was/were in front of finite verbs ungrammatically. These findings manifest the importance of temporal adverbials for Chinese EFL learners in expressing past time and provide potential explanations for tense errors.
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作文の評価手順が評価に及ぼす影響について - analytic scoring の採点に関して -三谷, 閑子, 村上, 京子, 小室, 輝代 31 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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台灣高中英文教科書與學生英文作文佳作之文體與因果關係探討 / The use of causal relations in narrations and expositions: a case study of Taiwan senior high school textbooks and high performance students' compositions林侑萱, Lin, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
而我們也發現在不同文體中的不同文章結構,因果關係使用的情形不同。在敘述文中,因果關係主要被使用於Complications和Resolutions中。在說明文中,因果關係則主要被使用於Arguments supported by evidence 和Summing up the position中。除此之外,本文亦發現在四類因果連接詞中,Reason和Result這兩類的因果連接詞最常被使用於敘述文和說明文中。
希望本研究的發現及所提供的建議可供台灣高中英文科教師、教科書作者以及高中生參考。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the variations of causal relations in narrations and expositions in Taiwan senior high school's English textbooks, and high performance students’compositions. Since causal relations are common in reading and writing, it is important for students to learn to use it. According to Lee (2003), causal relations are the most difficult logical relations for students to master. The present study wants to know how causal relations are introduced to learners in the narrations and expositions from textbooks. Besides, the present study also wants to know how students use causal relations in different genres of compositions.
In the study, three series of textbooks are selected for the examination. These three textbooks were chosen as they are commonly used textbooks in Taiwan senior high schools. The selected texts for examination are the texts of two genres: narration and exposition, for these two genres are frequently tested in College Entrance Exams. Moreover, the causal relations in narrations and expositions among the high-scoring essays in years of 2011 to 2016College Entrance Exams were examined as well.
The results showed that three series of textbooks in have no significant differences in the distributions of narrations and expositions. Besides, senior high school students expose more narrations but fewer expositions in the higher grades. Furthermore, the result revealed that genres do influence the uses of causal relations, for expositions in the textbooks applied more causal relations than the narrations in the textbooks.
Moreover, different usages among different text organizations in both narrations and expositions were found. In the text organizations of narrations, causal relations were mainly used in complications and resolutions.In the text organizations of expositions, causal relations were mainly used in Arguments supported by evidence and Summing up the position. The types of causal relations which are frequently used in textbooks were also found as well. The results showed that Reason and Result type of causal logical connectors were mainly used in both narrations and expositions.
Analyses of casual relations’sequences were conducted to clearly see the syntactic sequences, temporal sequences, and logical sequences of the sentences with causal relations. It was found that almost all the causal relations in the textbooks had the temporal sequences equaled to the logical sequences. Moreover, six usages of causal logical connectors were categorized and presented with example sentences.
Last but not least, through the analyses of causal relations in students’high-scoring essays, the result showed that high performance students used the similar amounts of causal relations in their compositions with the textbooks’ writers. The present study also categorizes the errors of misusing the causal relations into four problems.
It is hoped that this study can provide insights for the senior high school English teachers, textbook publishers, and students to follow.
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國中學生文化資本、同儕互動及內化判準對寫作動機與作文品質的影響 / The influence of cultural capital, peer interaction and writer's internalized criteria on writing motivation and composition quality of junior high school students黃郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準、寫作動機、作文品質 / Low writing motivation and inferior composition quality has been a general phenomenon for current junior high students. In view of school as the main learning field, this research is to investigate how writing motivation and composition quality are related with cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, how the writing motivation is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, and how the composition quality is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction, writer’s internalized criteria and writing motivation.
There are 163 students of grade 8 joining in this research. Five self-reported questionnaires, which are “cultural capital scale”,“peer interaction scale”,“writer's internalized criteria scale”, “writing motivation scale” and “composition quality scale” , designed by the researcher, were utilized to measure each variable respectively. Factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson relation coefficient, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression were conducted to validate the questionnaires and verify the hypotheses.
The results were as follows:
1. The more cultural capital, the higher the writing motivation were. However, cultural capital was not related with composition quality.
2. The junior high students, who interacted with classmates more frequently, have higher writing motivation and better composition quality.
3. The more important students identified the writing criteria, the better composition quality were.
4. When students owned higher writing motivation, their compositions also have better quality. Besides, when students have higher informational extrinsic motivation, their compositions were found more novel. However, neither of the intrinsic writing motivation nor controlling extrinsic motivation impacted the novel performance.
5. Both identified writing criteria and cultural capital were able to predict writing motivation significantly, the former variable is the most important one.
6. Composition quality was able to be explained by identified writing criteria, information extrinsic motivation and peer interaction significantly. Identified writing criteria is the most important variable among them.
Based on our results, several suggestions were raised for the practical application of teachers.
1. The campus should be generated as an abundant linguistic surroundings and the school should encourage students to utilize those resources more frequently. Besides, school should inspired students to participate the various activities so as to enrich the living experiences.
2. The writing community should be encouraged to establish for sake of share of learning experience. The discussion regarding living experiences among classmates should also be promoted.
3. To help the students mater the critical principles and standard in writing field.
4. To generate both intrinsic and informational extrinsic motivation for junior high students.
Keywords: cultural capital, peer interaction, writer's internalized criteria, writing motivation, composition quality
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日本留学試験「記述問題」の評価基準の提案とその信頼性小室, 輝代, 三谷, 閑子, 村上, 京子 31 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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近代中国における国語教育改革に関する研究 -白話文教育方法論史の視点から-鄭, 谷心 24 September 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第19252号 / 教博第179号 / 新制||教||155(附属図書館) / 32254 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 耕治, 准教授 西岡 加名恵, 准教授 石井 英真 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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