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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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組織例規與彈性關聯性之研究 / The Linkage of organizational routines and flexibility

陳雯虹, Chen, Wein Hong Unknown Date (has links)
組織例規是組織行為的重要基石(Nelson and Winter, 1982; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005)。組織例規一方面反映組織內重複做事的方式,是組織穩定性的來源(Simon, 1945; Cyert and March, 1963; Nelson and Winter, 1982)。另一方面,近期學者主張組織例規必須具有內部動態性,組織方能有彈性地回應環境的變化(Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Pentland, 2003; Pentland and Feldman, 2005; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005)。 雖然學術界與實務界對於組織例規帶來的穩定性已有共識,對於組織例規如何幫助組織快速、有效地回應環境變異性 (彈性) (Sethi , Khamba, and Kiran, 2007),學者的看法紛紜 (e.g., Adler, Goldoftas, and Levine, 1999; Pentland, 1995; Pentland and Rueter, 1994; Feldman and Pentland, 2000; Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Rafaeli, 2002; Feldman and Pentland, 2003; Pentland and Feldman, 2005; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter; 2005)。Feldman and Pentland (2003) 主張在探討組織例規與彈性關聯性時,應將組織例規重概念化,認為主張組織例規除了包含組織例規的結構層面 (ostensive/structure aspects),也包含組織成員實際執行例規之代理層面 (performative/agency aspects)。Feldman and Pentland (2003) 並主張組織成員實際執行例規的代理層面是促成彈性的來源。 本論文主張,除了可藉由組織成員選擇例規執行的方式成為彈性的來源 (e.g., Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Pentland, 2003) 外,組織也可能透過結構面組織例規的設計來影響組織成員的決策行為 (代理面組織例規),進而達到彈性的目的。 本論文探討之研究問題包括:(一) 因應環境變異性,組織傾向發展哪些結構面的組織例規? (二) 結構面的組織例規如何影響組織個人決策行為,以幫助組織快速、有效地回應環境變異性,進而達到彈性的目的? 本論文的研究設計採Eisenhardt (1989) 之歸納性個案研究法。選取的個案公司包含5家在台灣市場成立20年以上之行銷研究公司,個案公司的篩選是依循理論抽樣的原則 (Glass and Strauss, 1967; Eisenhardt, 1989),挑選的個案公司包含在台灣之本國行銷研究公司及多國行銷研究公司。資料蒐集方法上,本論文蒐集多重來源之資料,並進行三角驗證 (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 2003)。資料來源包括:初級資料和次級資料。初級資料包含研究者與行銷研究公司參與客製化量化研究專案之不同活動、不同階層的不同人員所進行之面對面深入訪談,以及研究者實地觀察經驗,此外,研究者同時也非正式的訪談兩位客戶端與行銷研究公司合作的窗口,瞭解客戶對各個專案活動之需求;次級資料則包含行銷研究公司的網站資訊、報章雜誌報導、公司簡介、宣傳文件,以及部份公司內部之文件資料與電子郵件資料。本論文的分析單位是行銷研究公司執行量化研究專案時的活動 (activities)。 針對研究問題一,本論文發現對知識密集之新式專業服務公司 (neo professional service firms) 而言,為了回應異質之任務環境變異性,標準作業程序對於彈性的影響並不明顯,取而代之的是具可塑性的組織例規。面對異質/穩定的任務環境變異性,組織傾向發展內容樣板、檢查樣板、書面原則、及文法行動例規。而面對異質/變動的任務環境變異性,組織傾向發展資訊搜尋例規、互動式經驗學習例規、書面原則、及劇本。 針對研究問題二,本論文發現不同特性之具可塑性組織例規可能影響組織成員決策判斷面,以及/或決策行動面,進而影響組織成員回應環境變異性的品質/速度 (彈性)。 / Organizational routines are fundamental constituents of organizational behavior (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005). On one hand, organizational routines reflect repetitious “ways of doing things” in an organization, which signify stability (Simon, 1945; Cyert and March, 1963; Nelson and Winter, 1982). On the other, organizational routines embrace “endogenous changes”, which help organizations respond flexibly to environmental changes (Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Pentland, 2003; Pentland and Feldman, 2005; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005). While there is a consensus in literature that organizational routines serve as major sources of stability, discussions on how organizational routines embrace “endogenous changes” have just started in recent years (e.g., Pentland and Reuter, 1994; Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Pentland, 2003; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005; Becker and Zirpoli, 2008). Among the discussions, Feldman and Pentland (2003) propose a distinction between ostensive/structural routines and performative routines in order to understand endogenous dynamics of organizational routines. This research seeks to extend the discussions on endogenous dynamics of organizational routines. In particular, two research questions are investigated. First, in order to respond to task environment dynamisms, what types of ostensive routines are designed in practice? Second, how do different ostensive routines affect individual’s decision-making behavior (performative routines) and thus influence flexibility. Three links are explored in this research, including a link of task environment dynamisms to the design of ostensive routines, a link of ostensive routines to performative routines, and a link of performative routines to flexibility. The first link reveals that different task environment dynamisms may require different design of ostensive routines. The second and third links show how assorted ostensive routines influence different components of individual’s decision-making behavior (performative routines) and thus influence flexibility. In this research, flexibility is defined as the ability to respond effectively to the ever-changing needs of customers and is composed of two dimensions, the quality of response and the speed of response (Sethi, Khamba, and Kiran, 2007). In order to explore the linkages, this research employs a multiple-case design (Eisenhardt, 1989; Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). Five marketing research firms, including three local marketing research firms and two subsidiaries of multinational marketing research firms, are selected for field studies. I conducted field observations in one case firm and initiated field in-depth interviews with a diversity of people from different functions and different levels at each case firm. Within each firm, nine research activities/processes, which require flexible performance, are selected as units of analysis. The result first shows that across the nine research processes studied, all processes face heterogeneous task environment, including heterogeneous-stable environment and heterogeneous-shifting environment. In order to respond to task environment that is heterogeneous in nature, marketing research firms develop a collection of ostensive routines or routine artifacts, such as standard operating procedures, content templates, checklist templates, written rules, grammars of action, information-search routines, interactive experiential learning routines, and scripts. Among the ostensive routines, standard operating procedures are steady in nature and mainly assist in achieving efficiency. Other ostensive routines, such as content templates, checklist templates, written rules, grammars of action, information-search routines, interactive experiential learning routines, and scripts, are ‘flexible’ in nature and play an important role in influencing flexibility. In other words, these ‘flexible’ ostensive routines or routine artifacts are designed to be “live routines” (Cohen, 2007; Pentland and Feldman, 2008). In this thesis, the focus is on the presence of these ‘flexible’ ostensive routines and the influence of these ‘flexible’ ostensive routines on individual’s decision-making, which in turn influence the quality of response or the speed of response, the two important dimensions of flexibility (Sethi, Khamba, and Kiran, 2007). This research discovers that facing heterogeneous-stable task environment, content templates, checklist templates, grammars of action, and written rules are important ostensive routines. Content templates specify alternatives or rationales for selection of alternatives in decision-making; checklist templates specify considering factors for decision-making; written rules specify heuristics for complex decision-making; grammars of action specify logics of action. Responding to heterogeneous-stable task environment, content templates that specify alternatives guide individual’s action to specific direction and influence the speed of response consequently. Content templates that specify rationales for selection of alternatives provide individuals with logics of selection, which in turn affect the quality of response. Besides, checklist templates remind individuals with factors to be considered; written rules provide individuals with heuristics for making complex decision; grammars of action indicate logics of action to individuals. The quality of response may be influenced in consequence. Additionally, this research also discovers that facing heterogeneous-shifting task environment, information-search routines, interactive experiential learning routines, written rules, and scripts are viable designs of ostensive routines. Information-search routines exist to facilitate knowing-who, knowing-what, and knowing-how search behavior. Interactive experiential learning routines represent drilling activities “for maintaining infrequently exercised capabilities” (Nelson and Winter, 1982: 107). Written rules provide “tips” for making complex decisions. Scripts provide stories about working examples or best practices (Szulanski and Jensen, 2004). Responding to heterogeneous-shifting task environment, information-search routines, which facilitate knowing-who search behavior, provide individuals with specific direction of asking whom. The speed of response may be affected as a result. In addition, if there is a trust between the question sender and the receiver (Moorman, Deshpande, and Zaltman 1993), the receiver is willing to share his/her experience, and the sender’s judgment repertoire is likely to be influenced. Therefore, the quality of response may be affected. Information-search routines, which facilitate knowing-what search behavior, supply individuals with general market information and may impact individual’s judgment about factor considerations; information-search routines, which facilitate knowing-how search behavior, provide individuals with the logic of action to solve problems. The quality of response may be affected as a result. Besides, interactive experiential learning routines urge individuals to share and learn from each other; written rules provide heuristics for complex decision-making; scripts provide stories of working examples or best practices (Szulanski and Jensen, 2004). Through these routines, individual’s judgment repertoire may be influenced. The quality of response may be influenced consequently. The discovery from this research is in line with the recent theoretical argument that there is endogenous dynamics of organizational routines (Becker, Lazaric, Nelson, and Winter, 2005) and organizational routines can be sources of flexibility (e.g., Feldman, 2000; Feldman and Pentland, 2003). While recent scholars mainly argue that individuals who decide the way to perform routines serve as the key sources of flexibility, this thesis propose that the design of ‘flexible’ ostensive routines or routine artifacts may also influence individual’s decision-making and therefore contribute to the achievement of flexibility. The discovery not only extend theoretical discussions on endogenous dynamics of organizational routines (e.g., Feldman and Pentland, 2003; Pentland and Feldman, 2005; Becker, Lazaric, Nelson and Winter, 2005; Pentland and Feldman, 2008), but also provide some implications to the theory of organizations in action (e.g., Thompson, 1967), the micro-foundations of organizational capabilities/dynamic capabilities (e.g., Felin and Foss, 2005; Teece, 2007; Abell, Felin, and Foss, 2008; Foss, Husted, and Michailova, 2010), and the design of processes (e.g., Hall and Johnson, 2009).

例規越界:解讀產品生命週期管理系統於設計鏈的科技內涵 / Routines crossover: interpreting product lifecycle management systems in design chain

廖啟旭, Liao, Chihsu Unknown Date (has links)
企業常藉由採納新科技的作法提升本身的競爭力,科技因此成為創造企業核心競爭力的關鍵。但是要讓科技在組織中發揮其功能,並不是一件容易的事,科技的導入常伴隨著新工作方式的產生,而團隊成員不一定能馬上轉換工作方式,或接受新的工作方式,因此需要經歷過一段調適的過程,使得科技能融入到組織的工作例規當中,成為組織例規的一部份。過去的文獻從例規的觀點談科技採納並不多,本研究從組織例規的觀點著手,探究科技採納的過程中科技與組織的調適行為。 本研究以質性研究的方法進行,長期觀察與分析一家台灣知名的電腦代工廠商,研究其導入產品生命週期管理系統以提升其設計鏈績效的歷程。透過分析優品公司採納產品生命週期管理系統的前後時期,工作例規與審核變化的變化;以及分析內嵌在產品生命週期管理系統中的組織例規,以瞭解組織中的工作例規與審核例規變化的情形。最後,本研究發現有一種例規衝突的現象,我稱之為「例規越界」,這是過去文獻所未曾提及的情況,但是卻對科技採納產生重大的影響。這是科技中的組織例規與採納科技後組織的新例規之間的衝突,我將在研究中呈現不同例規間的衝突對於科技採納的影響。 本研究在學理上的貢獻有三:首先,反思在科技調適的文獻中,是否忽略了科技精神的重要性?調適不能只重視功能面的調適,更需要注重精神面的調適。其次是,透過反思審核例規背後的精神,去凸顯出當使用者在與科技進行調適時,是如何產生學習上的失靈。當使用者能有效的解讀科技的精神時,調適才有可能更有效。最後,回應Feldman的單一例規變化的主張,進行延展性解釋,本研究發現例規是否成為變動的來源取決於例規間互動的關係,其中例規變動的方向,不僅取決於例規間變動的關係,還取決於使用者是否能反思例規的內涵。因此,本研究認為組織例規不只是像Feldman所主張的「例規是變革的來源」,而且還是「例規的反思是變革的路徑」。 / The organization always promotes its competitive ability by adopting new technology. Therefore, technology has been a key element to build core competitive for organization. However, it is a hard work for technology to develop its performance in organization. When organization adopts a new technology, organization will accompany to develop a new work routine. But a lot of organization members could not switch or accept their work routines to new routines. Therefore, organization needs a period of time to adapted technology, then the technology will embed in organizational routine to be a part of organizational routines. In past literatures, there are seldom use “organizational routine” to explore technology adoption. The study will take the “organizational routine” view to understand adoptive process in technology and organizational adaption. The study is an qualitative research that reviews and analysis a famous computer OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer) in Taiwan. The study explore the process of a company adopted the PLM(product Lifecycle Management) to improve the performance of design-chain management. In the study , I analysis the organizational routines and the organizational routines embedded in PLM that before and after adopt PLM. And, the study find a routines conflict phenomenon that I call “routine crossover”. It is a important phenomenon in technology adoption that never discuss in prior research. The theoretical contribution as followings: First, the study reflected whether those prior literatures ignore the important of the “Technology Spirit” ? The technology adaption could not only focus on functional level but also spirit level. Second, by to reflect the spirit that embedded in technology, the study illustrate that the “learning disfunction” and argued that the effective technology adaption was come from effective interpret the technology spirit. Third, the study respond Feldman’s argument that “Organizational routines as a source of continuous change”, extend to “The reflect of organizational routines is a path of change.”


劉達成 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技導入組織的主要目的就是要為組織帶來最佳的效益。然而資訊科技導入的案例有半數以上是不成功的。作者會用不同的理論及實務來探討資訊科技與組織之間的互動關係,企圖了解問題的癥結並找出對策。每一種研究的方式都會因理論以及個案的差異而有不同的結論。本個案嘗試採用結構化理論、科技結構化理論以及組織例規理論這三個彼此有關聯的理論為基礎,以組織例規(Organizational Routines) 為視角,配合一個由知名全球化外商公司轉換為本土跨國公司的一個企業電腦事業群之產品資料管理(Product Data Management, PDM)科技的導入與持續使用四年的狀況為研究標的,以質性個案研究方法透過長期觀察、實務分析以及近期訪談來蒐集資料並整理分析,企圖從本個案進展的八年期間所發生的重要事件,來分析PDM科技與組織之間的互動關係,並發掘該事業群產品生命週期的組織運作要點,PDM科技背後的精神以及PDM科技在該事業群能夠持續運作四年下來的原因。更期望透過本研究讓即將導入PDM科技或者已經在使用該科技的組織能夠從例規的角度來思考組織成員、科技以及組織制度三者之間的關係,進而從中獲取可借鏡之處。 / The major purpose of introducing information technology into an organization is to bring the most value of the technology out to the organization. However, the results show that more than half of the cases failed to fulfill that purpose. Researchers have developed different theories to describe the interaction between technology and organization in order to come up with solutions for successful introduction of technology into organization. Naturally, different theories, together with different real practices, may draw different conclusions. This study tries to apply three most prominent inter-related theories: “Structuration Theory”, “Structural Model of Technology” and “The Theory of Organizational Routines,” to a selected case of implementing PDM (Product Data Management) into one of the Business Groups of Taiwan-based global IT company to analyze why and how its case turned out to be sustainable four years after the go-live. With that, this study also tries to derive useful information for enterprises with similar background for their upcoming introduction of information technology into their organizations. Organizations with existing information technologies in place may also be able to reflect on this study for possible fine-tuning opportunities.

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