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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所要回答的問題如下:(1)將變革的方式區分為激進式變革與漸進式變革,其中任何一種變革所代表的意義為何?(2)激進式變革與漸進式變革在過去各有其支持的學者,他們主要的理論觀點為何?反對的學者所提出的問題為何?(3)組織本身所具有的特質對於選擇兩種一同的變革方式產生了什麼影響?(4)情境因素對於選擇變的方式產生了什麼影響?第3個與第4個問題為本研究的重心。 本研究參考了過去的相關變革文獻與研究,並將變革方式以激進式變革和漸進式變革進行分類,並且依據兩大類的適用性變數進行整理,其中一類變數為組織本身所具有的特,包括企業活動類別、企業文化、企業的規模、企業總裁或高階經營團隊的特質,組織內部相依程度等等,另一類則為情境因素,包括問題的急迫性、競爭環境的特質,還有資訊科技發展對企業活動影響的程度。研究方法則採用個案深入訪談,選擇了國內的廠商共八家,觀察的對象為組織內部所發生的變革事件、組織本身所具有的特質與進行變革時的情境因素。 研究的結果如下:在組織特質方面,企業活動的類別(製造或服務)與所屬國籍對選擇變革方式並沒有明顯的影響,當企業文化傾向於美式文化、規模較大、發生了總裁換任事件、高階經營團隊資歷較短或其資歷差異較大、或高階經營團隊的學經歷背景差異較大,組織內部相依程度較高時,組織發生了較多的激進式變革,反之則多為漸進式變革。在情境因素方面,當企業面臨了急迫的問題、經營的環境較為動盪、環境變化的可預測性較低、環境的相容性較低、資訊科技的進步會大幅度地影響組織運作的方式時,組織發生了較多的激進行變革,反之多為漸進式變革。


呂志崗, Lu ,Chi-gan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解與分析學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革變項間之實際關係,採用問卷調查方式對學校組織變革、校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革進行瞭解。據此,本研究之研究目的有以下: 一、瞭解國民中小學校長領導風格的現況。 二、瞭解國民中小學教師抗拒變革程度的現況。 三、探討國民中小學校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革間的關係。 四、探討國民中小學校長領導風格對教師抗拒變革的預測關係。 五、根據研究發現與結果,提出建議供相關機構與成員參考。 本研究以自編之「校長領導風格與教師變革認知概念轉化問卷」作為資料蒐集之主要工具,並以台北縣市與基隆市公立國民中學與公立國民小學760為教師為研究樣本,有效回收問卷共計541份。經t考驗、變異數分析、Pearson積差相關及逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理後獲致以下研究結論: 一、教師背景變項與教師知覺校長轉型領導風格方面:(一)不同性別、在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體校長轉型領導風格具有顯著差異;(二)不同年齡、最高學歷、服務年資與學校規模之教師,知覺整體校長轉型領導風格及各層面上無顯著差異。 二、教師背景變項與教師知覺校長互易領導風格方面:(一)不同性別、在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體校長互易領導風格及各個層面上具有顯著差異;(二)不同年齡、最高學歷、服務年資與學校規模之教師,知覺整體校長互易領導風格無顯著差異。 三、教師背景變項與教師知覺變革認知概念轉化方面:(一)不同在校職務、學校類別與組織變革關注焦點之教師,知覺整體變革認知概念轉化具有顯著差異;(二)不同性別、年齡、最高學歷、服務年資、學校規模之教師,知覺整體變革認知概念轉化無顯著差異。 四、教師知覺校長領導風格、教師組織變革關注焦點與教師知覺變革認知概念轉化的關係方面:(一)教師知覺整體校長轉型領導風格及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關;(二)教師知覺整體校長互易領導風格及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關;(三)教師整體組織變革關注焦點及各層面與整體變革認知概念轉化及各層面間具有顯著正相關。 五、教師知覺校長領導風格預測教師知覺變革認知概念轉化的關係方面:整體校長轉型領導風格、整體校長互易領導風格與整體教師組織變革關注焦點對教師整體變革認知概念轉化具有顯著預測力。 根據以上研究結論,提出以下研究建議: 一、對教育行政主管機關的建議:(一)應適度擴充師資培育制度中學校行政相關課程之內涵,以增進初任教師對於學校組織運作之瞭解;(二)校長的領導風格並非絕對,應給予校長在工作上更多的尊重與協助;(三)應給予教師在學校組織變革計畫與執行上更多參與的機會;(四)應給予國民中學與教師在學校組織變革的過程中更多的協助。 二、對國民中小學校長的建議:(一)在推動學校組織變革時應增加與教師溝通互動的機會;(二)應妥善運用領導技巧來推動學校組織變革;(三)應重視學校組織運作在各層面上的公平性。 三、對國民中小學教師的建議:(一)應主動參與相關變革計畫的擬定與執行;(二)應利用機會發表自己對於學校組織變革的意見,多與校長接觸並藉此擴大對學校組織變革的認知能力;(三)教師應給予學校行政單位更多的支持與鼓勵。 四、對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象上,後續研究或可從擴大抽樣範圍著手,以提高研究結果的適用性;(二)研究方法上,後續研究亦可從質化研究的領域著手,對學校組織變革進行實際觀察與瞭解,以歸結教師抗拒變革的成因與內涵,並謀求化解之道。 / The study focuses on the relation among school organizational change, principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change. Purposes of this research are as follow: I. To realize principals' leadership styles in elementary and junior high schools. II. To realize how teachers resist change in elementary and junior high schools. III. To study the relation between principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change in elementary and junior high schools. IV. To study how principal leadership styles relate to teacher's resistance to change. The inventory of "Questionnaire of the Relation between Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Resistance to Change" was sent to 760 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County, Taipei City and Keelung City and 541 valid questionnaires were returned. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation and stepwise regression with forward selection were adapted to data analysis. Major findings include the following: I. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transformational leadership are as follow. A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transformational leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools and their sense to organizational change. B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale. II. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transactional leadership include the following. A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transactional leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools, and their sense to organizational change. B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale. III. The relation between teacher's background and one's acceptance of change are below. A. There is difference in terms of school position, elementary and junior high schools and one's sense of organizational change. B. There is no difference in terms of sex, age, academic background, work experience and school scale. IV. The relation among teacher's sense of principal's leadership style, teacher's sense of organizational change and one's acceptance of organizational change are the following. A. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style. B. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transactional leadership style. C. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of organizational change. V. There is difference among teacher's acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style, principal's transactional leadership style and one's sense of organizational change.


林長瑞, LIN, CHANG-RUI Unknown Date (has links)
全一冊,約六萬字,分為五章。 本研究在探討企業組織變革對員工之影響;換言之,企業組織引進電腦,協助各項作 業或研究時;組織成員對電腦化所持的態度為何? 本研究分別調查以電子業,機械業為主的十三家公司,以了解不同的產業,不同的電 腦化程度(如時間、範圍等),員工所持態度為何? 其次,本研究以ヾ創造力人格特質,ゝ內外控取向,ゞA型B型人格特質,々成就動機 等四項個別差異變項,來分別探討不同的人格特質,對公司電腦化所持的態度情形。 再次,以性別、年齡、教育程度、工作性質、接受電腦教育的情形、教育背景等人口 變項,來分別探討不同的人口變項之差異,對公司電腦化所持態度的關係。


陳德展 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 日本商社在受到國家經貿政策的保護及企業銀行財源的資助下,促使商社組織發展朝向大型化、資本化及多角化,進而形成綜合商社業態。雖經歷70年代的能源危機及80年代商社無用論的衝擊下,由於綜合商社充分發揮出商社機能的綜效,不斷隨著日本經濟高度成長創造出傲人的成績,在日本每年貿易金額中佔有極大的比重。然而自泡沫經濟崩壞的衝擊導致國內景氣不振,企業倒閉案件不斷導致金融壞帳激增,加上1997年發生亞洲金融風暴,使得商社經營環境增添不確定因素及造成海外投資效益不彰,各綜合商社無不面臨赤字經營的窘境。尤其9大綜合商社之一的兼松宣示轉型為專門商社及舊財閥大倉商事倒閉,對綜合商社業界經營造成極大的震撼,迫使其餘8家綜合商社無不積極在1998年到2002年間採取中期經營計劃進行跨世紀企業轉型。 本研究問題針對90年代大型綜合商社所進行的跨世紀轉型內容為何?並進一步了解日本集團經營型態?對於我國企業集團經營啟示為何?本研究採取探索性研究,研究主體以日本綜合商社為主,研究對象為90年代9家綜合商社代表企業中的5家-三菱商事、三井物產、住友商事、伊藤忠商事及丸紅。 本研究結論發現綜合商社轉型執行重點如下,首先進行策略轉型由非關連多角化策略移轉為本業深耕多角化策略,進行事業領域的重定義及經營資源的集中。其次,設立風險控管單位,實施集團一元化風險管理,並致力於改善財務體質。增進經營體制決策速度,引進執行董事制縮減董事會人數,建置策略規劃與事業執行的分離機制。導入社內分社制組織營造高度分權組織構造,增進商社組織的應變彈性。重新評估企業總部幕僚機能,實施分社化措施,將總本部角色定位在策略性總本社。激勵商社員工自我變革,積極引進成果主義,培養多元化人材,因應未來商社經營環境需求。補強綜合商社傳統貿易機能,擴大IT設施投資,參與產業電子交易市集平台建置,結合金融與物流機能,培育商社新仲介機能。訂定事業撤退規則,適時調配事業資源配置組合,提高集團連結經營效率及企業價值。 對我國企業集團經營之啟示,就策略面而言,在面臨過度競爭的情況,企業策略應轉換為相關多角化發展,除規避經營風險外,同時達到集團內部資源有效集中,擴大企業集團的利潤來源;另從組織面來看,塑造出高度分權組織結構,以增進企業組織的應變能力,快速回應市塲的需求;就人力資源角度,配合組織結構的改革,意涵主要是期望將僵硬的組織文化及員工從業心態上有所改進,並配合組織結構的改革,進一步建構出知識型企業的基石;為顧及企業經營的周延性更導入外部董事,刺激內部董事進而達到企業良性經營的目的。 / ABSTRACT Being supported by the Country’s policy and bank capital, nine general trading companies were reformed. Although passed through the impact of the 70’s energy crisis and 80’s trading company unnecessary theory, nine general trading companies educed the trading synergy and occupy the great weight on the amount of visible balance under the following with Japanese economic high growth. But after the impact of bubble economy and the continuance of depression, corporate bankruptcy happened , and 1997 Asian financial crisis, make the environment of general trading companies append more uncertainty and oversea investment efficiency be . Especially, Kanematsu announce shifting to Special trading company and Okura bankruptcy, it made the great shaking for the management of trading company industry, and constrain others general trading companies to take an aggressive corporate transformation action between 1998 and 2002. The research questions had focus on What is the corporate transformation of general trading companies? and what is those methods of group management?what is good for corporate management?The research took an exploratory study, and the research subjects were five of nine general trading companies -Mitsubishi、Mitsui、Sumitomo、Itochu and Marubeni。 The research conclusion found out the executive points as follow. At first their strategic transformation shifted from unrelated diversification to related diversification, as well as going on the redefinition of business scope and the collection of corporate resources; secondly, they set up the risk management unit, and took over the group risk management, in order to improve the financial constitution. For the reason of adding up the decision speed of management, they imply the Operating Officer and decrease the amount of chief board, and setup the mechanism of strategic planning and Strategic execution. Speeding up the fible of organization, they implement company organization to build up high decentralized organization . Evaluating the function of corporate headquarter staff, refocus the rule of headquarter into isolating unit. To encourage self-transformation of staffs, aggress imply the principles of management-by-results, educate, in order to met the environment demands of the general trading companies. Enhance traditional trading function, extend the investment at IT, involve the setup of industrial , binding with the financial and logistic function, nourish the new functions of general trading company. Make up the corporate evacuation rules and arrange corporate resources fitness, in order to boost group concatenate management efficiency and corporate value. As for the revelation for the management of conglomerate, by the view of corporate, when biding the statement of over-competition, it need to convert corporate strategy to the field of the related diversification, and the purpose is not just for evading the management risk, but also have the purpose of the focus of internal resources effectively and extending of profit of conglomerate; By the view of organization, molding the architecture of decentralization organization, in order to accelerate the sense of occasion of conglomerate and rapidly response the demand of market;by the view of human resource, combined with the revolution of organization structure, it can improve the organization culture and staff’s mindset, with the fitness of organization change, and aggressively build up the cornerstone of KM enterprise; for the distributive of corporate management induct the outside director, catalyzing inside director in order to attach the purpose of right loop of corporate management.


張家愷 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


利翠瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
在目前競爭激烈的金融環境中,個別金融事業要能脫穎而出最重要的就是有良好的金融產品與行銷策略,而要設計出切合消費者需求的行銷手法,唯有靠組織內部良好的運作,因此,各家金融機構為了跟上時代的變遷,在近幾年無不努力推動內部組織變革與行銷策略之創新。 本文首先分析國內銀行產業環境之現況,再就針對上海商業儲蓄銀行之發展沿革做一詳細介紹,並且以上海商業儲蓄銀行為分析對象,對其所面臨的產業變化該如何因應,全體的組織架構如何重新調整以及組織變革後對其行銷策略之影響加以研究探討。 最後,作者以訪談的方式,分別訪問了上海商業儲蓄銀行與彰化商業銀行之員工,以探討兩家銀行內部員工對於各自銀行的組織變革與行銷策略改變之看法,以比較兩家銀行在組織變革與行銷策略上的優劣得失。 期望此篇論文之研究,能對金融同業人員有些許貢獻,進而引發同業對於現今金融環境之改善與發展,有更深入的思考。

商業銀行全能化發展之變革策略研究--以 c銀行為例

鄭吉真 Unknown Date (has links)
本國金融體制在經濟發展、消費需求以及業者積極求生存等多重力量下,從嚴格管制逐步鬆綁至今,在經濟全球化的巨大浪潮中,已朝全面自由化、開放發展。然本國銀行長期重競爭而輕風險的結果亦使得財務績效、產品創新能力遠不及國際級金融機構的水準。隨著中國大陸經濟快速崛起,國內民生消費及產業結構顯著改變,金融業者要求開放金融業西進的聲音不斷。然而,大陸或華人的市場固然是本國金融業者朝國際化發展的利基所在,但競爭力才是業者在全球化市場中脫穎而出的關鍵。 為了參與國際市場的競爭,金融機構國際化發展已是本國銀行與政府政策一致的目標,業者一方面以「規模擴張」為手段積極朝大型化發展,同時也持續不斷地推動創新變革以建構”全能化”的競爭力,成為一流水準近乎完美的銀行(Consummate Bank)。本研究選擇國內頗受肯定的銀行—C銀行為例,該公司自1992年改制為商業銀行,已連續多年榮獲<歐元雜誌>評選為「台灣區最佳銀行」而<歐元雜誌>亦指出個案公司在國際聯貸以及國內聯貸的重要角色。本研究嘗試探討個案公司之總體策略的演進、創新變革方案與成效、到國際化發展的變革方向,藉以分析並提出商業銀行欲成為一流水準的金融機構,推動組織變革以朝「全能化」發展的的五大成功要素以及三大變革建言,雖受限於單一個案研究仍缺乏外在效度,但冀望藉由本個案分析能提供國內金融機構未來推動創新變革一個很好的參考範本。

行政院國家科學委員會組織變革之研究 / A Study on the Organizational Change of National Science Council in Taiwan R.O.C.

陳麗樺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討行政院國家科學委員會(簡稱國科會)因應行政院組織再造,國科會如何調整以符合時代潮流及政府組織再造之目標。 時值我國政府組織再造階段,科技部門亦展開組織調整作業,實有必要整理我國科技部門之組織、任務,借鏡世界主要國家近年之組織調整經驗,作為我國科技組織再造之參考。具體言之,本文的研究目的如下: 一、探索國科會組織功能滿足其運作要求的變革方式。 二、了解國科會科技行政之角色。 三、分析國科會組織變革與其組織結構及功能之關係。 本研究以深度訪談為主,訪談對象分為三類,第一類為學者、專家與立法者,第二類為決策管理階層,第三類為行政人員,偏重中高階主管或承辦科技行政業務同仁。 本研究之結論如下: 一、在國科會組織功能之強化方面,從結構、技術、人員、工作層面加以說明。 二、在變革的方式:應從流程再造與變革管理方面著手,並提昇國家競爭力。 三、在長期變革方面,應朝下列四項進行變革:(一)透過人力資源的整合與調整。(二)建立組織設置規範。(三)定期檢討與改善法令規章,並藉以代替防弊作為,以使政府具有彈性、創新與應變能力。(四)組織結合民間力量。 / The thesis is on the study of the organizational change of National Science Council of Taiwan, ROC. It explores how the National Science Council (NSC) copes with the mission of the organizational re-engineering of the Executive Yuan to meet with tides of era. Currently our government is at the stage of organizational re-engineering, all the sciences and technologies related departments have geared up for adjustment. It is necessary for our country to examine and review the structures and missions of each government organization; to learn and share the experiences of government re-engineering from major countries of the world. The purpose of the thesis is as follows: 1. To improve the organization function of the NSC 2. To understand the Sci-Tech administrative role of NSC 3. To analyze the relationship between the re-engineering structure and the function of the NSC. The thesis concludes as follows: 1.Reinforce the function of NSC from four dimensions:structure, technique, human resource and work procedure. 2.Upgrade national competence with procedure-revolution and the management of organizational change. 3.Proceed long-term organizational change through four aspects:(1) the integration and adjustment of human resources;(2) the build-up code of organization;(3)regular examination and the improvement of organization rules;(4) combination of civil resources.

無線電視組織變革之挑戰 / The Challenge of Wireless Television Organization Transformation - A case study of the visual and audio data office of Taiwan Television Enterprise

何國華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以資料分析與深度訪談的方式,總共訪問了十一位台灣第一家電視台──台視員工,以瞭解面對內外在環境激烈挑戰下,台視視聽資料處在組織變革前後所發生的變化。本文主旨在說明台灣無線電視台在面對政治角力、有線電視瓜分市場、內部流程變革以及士氣變化對台視生存發展影響情形。研究結果顯示,受訪者均認為內部與外部環境變化,對台視影響已隨著收視率遽降與營收下滑而逐漸增強,高階經理人大幅異動與組織變革持續推動,更對台視傳統組織文化與人員士氣造成劇烈衝擊。台視過去四十年在政府保護下的獨佔與寡佔龐大利益隨著環境變異而改變,二千年總統大選結果台灣全面政黨輪替,媒體環境跟著重新洗牌,電視生態隨之調整,其中尤以政府掌握優勢股權的台視領導層變化最受矚目,新團隊繼任後重新定位台視為「多媒體、多頻道、多通路」的集團化發展,意圖打造台視媒體集團企圖不言可喻,於是擬定策略,全面進行組織變革,所獲回饋卻是高階經理人逐一中箭落馬,裁員減薪持續推動,收視率與營收則尚待提振的困境。  本文雖然指出台視面對環境調整下的內外在矛盾衝突,但仍必須肯定無線電視台組織變革的必要性,只是變革方向的正確與否則待時間驗證。事實上,無線電視台組織變革討論至今尚未見具系統性研究,本研究之分析訪談不僅試圖填補過去研究的缺憾,也指出未來研究值得探討的方向。 / Through the method of data analysis and profound interview, this current study has interviewed eleven employees of Taiwan first television station - that is Taiwan Television Enterprise (TTV) in total to understand the visual and audio office changes of TTV that happen before and after the organization transformation under the intense challenge of external and internal environment. The purpose of the current study is to make a description of the changes affecting condition to TTV in facing political wrestling, the cable televisions that are divvying the market, internal procedures transformation and morale variation. The study result shows that the subjects think that the influence effect of internal and external environment towards TTV is growing stronger gradually along with the dropping of watching rate and gross earnings. The changes of the high-level managers by a wide margin and continuous advancement of organization transformation has caused intense impact to the traditional organization culture of TTV and employees morale even more. In the past four decades, under the government protection TTV has monopolized and was the only one who has the immense benefit, and this condition has changed along with the environment variation. The result of the Presidential Election in 2000 has caused the political parties of Taiwan to take turns in governing, and the mass media environment also reshuffles following the transformation, and the television ecology is adjusted according to it. Among them is the change of high-level managers in TTV of which the government is the largest stockholder, is receiving the largest attention. The incoming new team brings up the vision of “multimedia, multi-channel and multi-passageway”, it goes without saying that they have the intention to create Taiwan mass media group. Thus, they call the organization transformation into action on a large scale and the feedback they get is that one by one the high-level managers fall out of power, and the cutbacks in personnel and wages decrement is advanced continuously. Although this study has pointed out that the TTV is facing the internal and external contradiction conflict of environment adjustment, the importance of organization transformation is also undeniable. But the correctness of transformation direction still needs some time to verify. As a matter of fact, so far the organization transformation discussion of wireless television station still does not have systematic study. The analysis and interview of this current study not only attempts to make up the deficiency of the studies in the past, but also points out the discussion aspect that is worth to be studied in the future. Key words: organization transformation, organization culture, procedures transformation, internal and external environment

行政院組織變革情境下公務人員離職問題之探討─以公務人員住宅及福利委員會為例 / Organizational Change of Executive Yuan and the Problem of Public Employee Turnover : The Case Study of Civil Service Housing and Welfare Committee

李宗憲, Lee, Tzong Shiann Unknown Date (has links)
行政院組織改造是行政院組織的重大變革,目標是打造一個精實、彈性、有效能的政府,有其正面意義。惟變革的過程中,被裁併機關其人員離職率較近5年公務人員平均離職率高出甚多的情形,人力資源是組織重要資產,人員不願意配合業務移撥到新機關而選擇離職(包含調職、辭職或退休),不僅影響業務銜接,更增加離職成本,影響組織運作,值得重視。 本研究以被裁併機關公務人員住宅及福利委員會(以下簡稱住福會)為案例,深入探討其人員離職之問題,找出影響人員離職的因素,並對於如何降低離職率,提出具體建議。 本研究係採深度訪談方式,於立法院三讀完成行政院組織改造法案起,至住福會裁併後1年內離職人員;及接受移撥1年後仍繼續任職之人員,同意受訪者為訪談對象,分析影響其離職的因素,並與接受移撥的原因對照參考。 依訪談內容分析發現,影響離職的因素與文獻理論中的工作壓力因素及抗拒變革因素對照檢視結果相符,並發現影響離職的重要因素為:不認同組織變革產生抗拒、不確定性帶來壓力及抗拒、擔心工作內容危及公務生涯、未尊重意願造成不滿,而接受移撥為被迫不得已的選擇。可藉由徵詢意見尊重意願、公開說明加強宣導、公平對待主動關懷及提前實施專長轉換訓練等方式,降低離職率。 未來可就行政院組織改造各個機關不同的變革強度及內涵下,人員的滿意度、心理調適過程、適應情形及後續生涯發展等進行比較研究,以提供政府進行組織變革時,對公務員所造成影響的參考。

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