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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳思瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國內首家專營住宅抵押貸款保證保險公司-美商聯合保證保險股份有限公司(United Guaranty, UG),已獲得主管機關核准,於民國93年7月20日成立分公司,從事住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務。購屋者可因購買住宅抵押貸款保證保險,而使銀行願意提供高貸款成數的貸款服務,如此購屋者可降低自備款,而銀行的信用風險亦可得到保障。然此類保險業務對保險公司而言風險極大,若遇上經濟蕭條、失業率高漲時,損失率將快速提高,例如:美國於1930年代出現經濟大蕭條,許多產險公司因住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務理賠金額過多而紛紛倒閉,致使美國監理機關規定保險公司承作住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務需採單一險種(mono-line)的方式經營;再者,我國雖於民國54年奉准試辦「住宅抵押貸款償還保證保險」業務,其辦理目的在配合政府實行國宅政策,並協助個人在財力範圍內自置住宅,之後太平產險於民國86年推出「1090專案」,雖有一定的業務量卻也造成不少流弊,使保險公司承擔極大風險,故國內保險監理機關對住宅抵押貸款保證保險業務的態度趨於嚴格。 本文主要在探討住宅抵押貸款保證保險於我國保險法上之適用,及其於實務上運作已發生或可能發生的問題。保險法雖於民國81年增訂保證保險專節,使保證保險有法源依據,但由於規定過於簡單,故我國保險學界與實務界對其定位有相當分歧的看法,住宅抵押貸款保證保險屬保證保險的一種,故藉由探討保證保險的法律性質與定位,以釐清住宅抵押貸款保證保險可能產生法律適用上的疑義。而對於住宅抵押貸款保證保險的實務運作,則是藉由介紹國外住宅抵押貸款保證保險發展與趨勢,針對國內當前金融環境與風險管理的角度,試著提出對國內住宅抵押貸款保證保險發展方向與監理方向上之建議。


陳淑娟, Chen,Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
企業處於現今的經濟環境,其所面臨之風險是多變的,若無防範於未然,倒閉危機將可能發生之結果。尤旅行業屬於高度競爭之產業,業者為求永續經營與維護消費者之權益,更應對可能衍生之風險,落實風險管理。 本研究以風險管理觀點出發,分析旅行業如何辨識並衡量其可能面臨之風險,選擇其風險控制之工具,後續進一步針對旅行業者倒閉風險之風險分散機制探討。旅行業除了投保商業履約保證保險外,另外研究自我保證之可行性。 本研究認為若旅行業採用自我保證方式來取代商業性履約保證保險,將可解決旅行業、銀行與保險公司三方爭議,並享有低費率之履約保證,且同時兼顧消費者之權益。實務上,若要將自我保證付諸實行,仍是有待主管機關、業者、學者研議解決有關法源依據、自我保證基金不足以因應賠款之情事及監督管理辦法等問題。 / Under the current economic environment, enterprises face capricious type of risks. In the absence of preventive measures, enterprises might face the risk of insolvency. This is especially true with the travel business because it is in a highly competitive industry. In order to achieve sustainable operation and protect consumers’ rights and interests, the travel business is advised to implement risk management concept for the risks it is likely to derive. From the point of view of the risk management, the study analyzes the method to identify and measure the risks that the travel industry is likely to face, and it also helps to choose the risk control tools. Furthermore, the study discusses the risk diversification mechanism for insolvency. Besides purchasing the commercial performance bond, the study also analyses the possibility of self-insurance. The study believes that by implementing self-insurance instead of the commercial performance bond, the travel industry will not only solve the tripartite dispute among the industry, banks and insurance companies would also benefit from the lower rates. At the same time, it also takes account of consumers’ interests. In order to put self-insurance into practice, we still require the regulator, industry and academics to resolve the legal issues, insolvency problem of self-guarantee fund, management issues, and the supervision measures to such problems.
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江聖元, Chiang, Sheng-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 本文擬以保險利益的理論為基礎,首先深入分析現行以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」,以澄清其為「信用」保險與「信用」保險利益的妥適性。其次,藉由與「信用保險」概念類似的保險相互比較,釐清同以「債務人不履行債務」為保險事故之「信用保險」、保證保險或保證業務的關係。再者,基於債務人為「信用」歸屬之主體及債務人與「信用」間存在利害關係的基礎概念,進一步探討是否確有以債務人為中心的「信用」保險存在,並嘗試為該保險的存在建構理論基礎。最後,本文希藉由上述類型保險的比較分析,獲得以債務人不履行債務為保險事故之各種類型保險的完整架構。 第二章 保險利益概論 保險利益是一種利害關係,一種存在於某一特定主體與某一特定客體間,具有經濟價值的利害關係。此為我國學者對於保險利益的共同概念,然對於「特定主體」與「特定客體」為何?保險利益於保險制度中的作用如何?我國學者間則有迥異的詮釋。本章藉由上述問題的釐清,確立本文所採保險利益的理論,並作為本文立論的基礎。 第三章 以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」 本章由信用與授信概念的說明為始,逐步探討債權人「信用保險」的沿革、意義、種類、當事人、保險標的(保險利益)、保險價額、保險金額、保險期間、保險給付、保險性質以及債權人「信用保險」在我國保險法之適用。 第四章 債權人「信用保險」與類似概念之比較 本章在比較與債權人「信用保險」內容或作用相近的保證保險、應收帳款保險與信用壽險,並明確區別其差異。 第五章  以債務人為被保險人的信用保險 以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」實質上在保障債權人的授信損失,而非債務人真正的信用損失。以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」所有的要素均與債務人無關,按本文「授信自債權人判斷、信用應歸屬債務人」之基準,我國學者稱之「信用保險」,顯然有張冠李戴的謬誤。為導正理論上名實不符的錯誤,本文認為以債權人為被保險人之「信用保險」不宜稱為「信用」保險,而應基於債權人的立場以「授信」保險稱之,其保險標的則為「授信保險利益」。 在釐清債權人的「授信保險」之後,本文進一步提出以債務人為中心的「信用」保險概念,亦即當特定事件發生,致債務人有信用減損或信用評等降低的可能性時,由保險人負擔保險給付,以維持債務人之信用不減損與維持債務人原有信用評等的一種保險概念。 第六章  債務人信用保險與授信保險、其他類似概念之比較 承續前章債務人信用保險概念之建立,進一步比較債權人授信保險及其他類似的概念。 第七章   結論與建議 綜合本文的論述,提出結論與建議。
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專案融資計劃之風險管理-延遲完工保險及乘客量保證保險之研究 / A study on the risk management in project finance – dealy in start-up and revenue/ridership guarantee insurance

陳志雄, Chan, Chi Hong Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 此論文主旨在研究大型營造等工程計劃包括公私合併基建工程之計劃融資的架構,及其計劃融資方法的成長趨向。 計劃融資為一創新及有時效性的融資技術。有別於傳統基建工程的融資方法,因此愈來愈多在採用。此研究主要是集中於計劃融資的益處,風險管理及保險要求。 由於全球的私有化現象,政府的資助計劃,有移轉至私人融資計劃的趨向。本金現在往往以計劃的資產作為抵押,而以計劃的收入基礎以返還之。因此計劃的收益為大型投資計劃的主要融資因素。計劃的完工時程往往加之於計劃融資團體及業主的合約內,因此保障股東權益使延遲完工保險的需求大增。 延遲完工保險又名預期利潤損失險,為以保障業主的收益以償還債務及實現利益而設計。在開發市場中為減免利益風險,以收益保證保險方式以填補預期收益與實際收益間的差異。此論文亦以討論常用於大型計劃的計劃融資方式的兩種保險產品,延遲完工保險及收益保證保險及其核保的挑戰性,理賠處理的特性。 以瞭解延遲完工保險的理賠複雜性,以一個興建、營運及移轉(BOT)的鐵路工程項目的理賠個案作為例子討論。並以訪談保險業界的專家為主以討論相關論點。除延遲完工保險外,乘客量保證保險亦作介紹其保障預期及實際乘客量差異所引起的收益短缺的運作方式。 / This thesis aims to study the framework of project finance and the growing trend for project financing methods in today’s large construction projects involving public-private infrastructure partnerships. Project financing is an innovative and timely financing technique that is increasingly emerging as the preferred alternative to conventional methods of financing infrastructure and other large-scale projects worldwide. Research is conducted on the benefits, risk management and insurance requirements of project finance. Due to global privatization where government funding programs have shifted towards private financing, principals now often collateralize loans with project assets and repay them purely on the basis of projected earnings. Thus, the revenue generating capability of a project has become a critical financing factor in large investment projects. Rigorous conditions on delays in scheduled project completion added to project contracts between financiers and principals and the need to protect shareholders’ interests have created demand for DSU insurance. DSU insurance, also known as advance loss of profits (ALOP) insurance, is designed to secure the portion of revenue which the principal requires to service debt and realize anticipated profit. To mitigate revenue risk in emerging markets, public-private partnership provides a revenue guarantee to protect for the insured’s financial loss due to shortfall between actual and projected revenue. The ‘pledged’ revenues may include sales revenue, rental, interest income, and other sources of funds that are generally recurring. The thesis further discusses two types of insurance commonly applied in project financing of large projects – the delay in start-up (DSU) insurance and revenue guarantee insurance. The features, underwriting challenges and claim handling of these two types of insurance will be investigated. In order to understand the complexity in claims handling involving DSU cover, a build-operate-transfer (BOT) railway construction project claim case study is created. Interviews are conducted with three selected experts from the insurance industry on the various issues related to DSU claim. The findings gathered from these experts are reported in this thesis. In addition to the DSU insurance, a ridership guarantee is also introduced for protecting the revenue shortfall between the actual and forecast ridership when project is put into commercial operations.
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朱玉葉 Unknown Date (has links)
履約保證金為政府採購契約重要的擔保工具,依據現行政府採購法規範,履約保證金繳納方式包括:現金、金融機構簽發之本票或支票、保付支票、郵政匯票、無記名政府公債、設定質權之金融機構定期存款單、銀行開發或保兌之不可撤銷擔保信用狀、銀行之書面連帶保證及保險公司連帶保證保險單等。由於這些不同的繳納方式,分別涉及不同的法律規範層面,在制度設計上是否可以達到以履約保證金為上位概念之等值擔保?而實務運作中如何有效減少履約保證金所衍生之採購爭議?委實有深入研究之必要。 / 為能對政府採購履約保證金有較為完整之了解,本論文首先將參考前稽察條例、現行政府採購法規、主管機關解釋函令等,並配合實務見解及學說文獻資料的整理,分別從履約保證金之制度沿革、規範內容、擔保功能及法律性質等面向進行討論;其次,則經由搜集法院實務中有關履約保證金所衍生之爭議案例,嘗試將爭議問題類型化並分別進行問題探討,藉以釐清履約保證金不同繳納方式在實務運作上的差異,期能達成整合各項擔保工具等值性之研究目的。此外,有鑑於目前保證保險在國內政府採購領域窒礙難行之困境,本文亦將採比較法的角度,另以專章討論美國政府採購履約擔保制度中,有關保證狀(surety bond)的使用情形,藉以提供國內保證保險比較的基礎,以期有助於健全國內履約保證金制度的發展與運作。

論保證與保證保險之責任分擔 / A Study on the Contribution of Guarantor and Bonding Insurer

秦嘉瑋, Chin, Jia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
同一債務具有保證保險與保險契約為擔保時,兩擔保制度間之責任分擔並無法明文,實務上僅因保証保險得適用保險法上之相關規定而認為,債務人不履行債務時,在債權人同時擁有保證契約與保證保險之情況下,保險公司若先為保險給付後,其得依保險法第53條之保險代位,向保證人進行全額之求償。此項法律適用之結果宣示保證保險人於擔保地位中更優於保證人之結論。雖於法律條文操作上並無問題。然,其間所隱含之意義是否符合法理解釋,仍值探討。 故本文先從連帶債務與不真正連帶債務此多數債務人間之責任分擔為討論,再就擔保制度間之競合為探討,並檢討此類案例適用保險代位之規定是否符合其法律制度目的。而最後以為,保証保險人與保證人之擔保地位應參酌共同保證之法理,使其平均分擔責任。 而員工誠實保險亦屬於保證保險之一種,在本文之主題上,其恰與民法中人事保證制度互映,因此本文所探討之問題於人事保證及員工誠實保險同時存在時亦有其價值。然因人事保證與員工誠實保險有其法理上特殊之處,故在適用保險法相關規定時應如何解釋,始能與民法之規定相調和,亦值探究。

房屋貸款保證保險違約風險與保險費率關聯性之研究 / The study on relationship between the default risk of the mortgage insurance and premium rate

李展豪 Unknown Date (has links)
房屋貸款保證保險制度可移轉部分違約風險予保險公司。然而,保險公司與金融機構在共同承擔風險之際,因房貸保證保險制度之施行,於提高貸款成數後,產生違約風險提高之矛盾現象;而估計保險之預期損失時,以目前尚無此制度下之違約數據估計損失額,將有錯估之可能。 本研究以二元邏吉斯特迴歸模型(Binary Logistic Regression Model)與存活分析(Survival Analysis)估計違約行為,並比較各模型間資料適合度及預測能力,進而單獨分析變數-貸款成數對違約率之邊際機率影響。以探討房貸保證保險施行後,因其對借款者信用增強而提高之貸款成數,所增加之違約風險。並評估金融機構因提高貸款成數後可能之違約風險變動,據以推估違約率數據,並根據房貸保證保險費率結構模型,計算可能之預期損失額,估算變動的保險費率。 實證結果發現,貸款成數與違約風險呈現顯著正相關,貸款成數增加,邊際影響呈遞增情形,違約率隨之遞增,而違約預期損失額亦同時上升。保險公司因預期損失額增加,為維持保費收入得以支付預期損失,其保險費率將明顯提升。故實施房屋貸款保證保險,因借款者信用增強而提高之貸款成數,將增加違約機率並對保險費率產生直接變動。 / Mortgage insurance system may transfer part of the default risk to insurance companies. However, the implementation of mortgage insurance system, on increasing loan to value ratio, the resulting increase default risk. And literatures estimate the expected loss without the default data, there will be misjudge. Our study constructs the binary logistic regression model and survival analysis to estimate the mortgage default behavior, and compare the data between the model fit and the predictive power. Analyzes the effect of loan to value ratio on the marginal probability of default rate. Furthermore, assess the financial institutions in the risk of default due to loan to value ratio changes. According to the estimated default rate data, we employ the mortgage insurance rate structural model to calculate the expected amount of loss and the changes in premium rates. Empirical results found loan to value ratio have a significant positive effect on borrowers’ default. Loan to value ratio increase, the marginal effect progressively increase, along with increasing default rates and expected default losses. Due to the ascendant expected loss, insurance companies increase premiums to cover the expected loss, the premium rate will be significantly improved. Therefore, the implementation of mortgage insurance, credit enhancement for the borrower to improve loan to value ratio, will increase the probability of default and insurance rates.
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