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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以保險通路觀點探討個人資料保護法告知義務之適用與差異性 / A Study on Notice Duty of Personal Information protection Act in Taiwan: The Insurance Distribution Channels Perspective

胡雅筑, Hu,Ya Chu Unknown Date (has links)
新版個人資料保護法大幅擴張了適用範圍,其中一項修正重點在於告知義務及當事人書面同意;為保障當事人程序參與權,向當事人蒐集個人資料時,應明確告知當事人第8條所規定事項,使當事人在了解資料處理相關事項後,才有辦法做出是否進入該資料處理程序的決定。該條規定妥善的保障了當事人的資料處理程序參與權,卻亦導致金融業大規模的作業風險。 保險業是個大量牽涉到蒐集、處理或利用個人資料的產業,不同的保險行銷通路會產生各式各樣的交易模式;若藉由任何保險通路招攬保險時,均須進行第8條告知義務,將大幅增加業者法律遵循成本、作業風險,並可能造成當事人受重複告知的困擾。是以,本文目的在於探求個人資料保護差異性之空間,藉由業務員、電話行銷及銀行保險等三種保險行銷通路出發,探討不同通路下差異性適用個資法之可能性,進而再分析不同通路下蒐集個人資料時告知義務之程度差異。 本文檢視了保險核心原則、英國資料保護法及德國新保險契約法等外國立法例後發現,向當事人所揭露之資訊應根據交易情形之不同而有差異性存在;此外,根據各通路相關規範之規定,本文認為不同保險行銷通路在適用個資法告知義務時應有程度上之差異。藉由業務員通路招攬保險而蒐集當事人資料時,由於符合個資法第8條第2項第2款「履行法定義務所必要」之蒐集,應減輕業者告知義務;然而,電話行銷通路應提供要保人相對充足的保障,故向當事人蒐集資料時,仍應回歸個資法第8條第1項告知義務;而根據現行銀行保險相關規範,透過銀行通路招攬保險時,除了金控公司蒐集當事人之姓名與地址外,其他資料依然要回歸適用個資法之告知義務。金融業是個受到高度監理的行業,在個資法修正施行前,已有許多牽涉到蒐集、處理或利用當事人資料之既有規範,為了能有效達到個資法第1條之目的,本文建議應確定個資法「法定義務」之範圍,並具體定義第8條第2項第5款之「當事人明知應告知之內容」。


王寸久 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 銀行保險在歐美已盛行多年且深具實效,然在台灣可說是方興未艾。壽險與銀行業者於兩岸相繼加入世界貿易組織後,經營上均面臨整體環境的挑戰。從事銀行保險,如能充分發揮雙方優勢,似能為消費者、壽險及銀行三方帶來利益。 本文首先探討銀行保險於外國之發展經驗與成功因素,繼以研究國內壽險業與銀行業乃至金融控股公司現況,並自實務面闡述進行銀行保險行銷活動之各項要素,以及目前業界已有之營運模式。此外,本文亦探討保險仲介人於銀行保險之運用,評析壽險,銀行與保險仲介人如何於產銷三方之互動中各取所需,以建立「三贏」之合作關係。 最後,本文針對國內業界所經營之銀行保險業務得失,分析及總結問題所在並提出建議對策,期能作為壽險業者經營銀行保險時之參考。 / Abstract Bancassurance has been implemented successfully at countries of Europe and North America, nevertheless it is still a booming business in Taiwan. Life insurers as well as banks are facing challenges from the change of macro economic environment after both Taiwan and the PRC had joined the World Trade Organization. Entering into the Bancassurance business to maximize both parties’ competitive advantage seems to be beneficial to all consumers, life insurers and banks. This paper examines the experience and success factors of Bancassurance in some developed countries, followed by studying the current situation of life insurers, banks and financial holding companies in Taiwan, and explores the key points for implementing Bancassurance marketing activities and the existing operation models of the insurance industry. In addition, this paper also evaluates the insurance intermediary’s functions in the Bancassurance, analyzes how life insurers, banks and insurance intermediaries could satisfy each others’ needs during the interaction of three players, in order to build a “three-win” cooperative relationship. At the final part, by reference to local life insurers’ lessons in operating Bancassurance, this paper analyzes and summarizes the crucial problems therein. Recommendations are submitted to the local life insurers as the reference for their operation.

直效行銷於壽險市場運用策略之研究 / Research of Direct Marketing Strategies of Life Insurance Market

廖元貞, Yuan-Chen, Liao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國人保險知識水準的提昇、消費習慣的改變,過去壽險業務人員採緣故銷售的方式已日漸受到部份有自我主張、講求便利性、不喜歡受人打擾的顧客所排斥。而傳統行銷方式所造成的人事成本居高不下,也使得許多新壽險公司的初期財務負擔沈重。因此本文提出此種行銷方式—直效行銷(Direct Marketing),並針對直效行銷領域中之直接回應行銷(Direct Response Marketing)—非透過業務員、代理人或是經紀人等任何中間人介入的銷售模式,就壽險業的特性進行探討與研究。 由於國內保險直接回應行銷仍處於萌芽階段,為了能發掘出初步的見解,並提供進一步研究的空間,本研究採取探索性研究(Exploratory Research),希望藉由文獻的探討與保險人實際經驗的分析,達到以下的目的: 1.了解企業組織和行銷組合對於保險直接回應行銷的影響。 2.了解直接回應行銷於保險運用上的特殊性。3.了解直接回應行銷於台灣壽險市場運用的可行性及其所應扮演的角色。 本研究發現,在公司組織方面,具有多個分公司的保險人在保險直接回應行銷上可以發揮規模經濟的效果,而組織內部堅定的支持與承諾將足以影響直接回應行銷的成敗,且直接回應行銷在保險行銷中應居於輔助的地位,尚無法完全取代現有的業務員系統。在保險直接回應行銷的特質方面,保險直接回應行銷產生的利潤主要來自於忠誠保戶的比例以及其產生的終身價值,而保戶透過此方式購買保險的原因,乃出於其所能提供的便利性與良好的服務,並非價格,同時產品設計若能與業務員銷售之產品有所區別,將有助於降低銷售管道的衝突。 在台灣壽險市場運用的可行性評估方面,由於媒體的普及與國內法規的嚴格規範,將有助於保險直接回應行銷的發展。直接回應行銷能夠提供壽險公司另一個新的銷售管道,提高公司的整體競爭力,對於中小型的壽險公司而言,若能設計獨特的保險產品並開發新的直接回應行銷媒體,將能在競爭激烈的壽險市場中取得優勢。但在直接回應行銷日漸發展,公司欲擴大其經營規模時,則需積極發展業務員系統才能有效地彌補直接回應行銷之不足,為公司帶來最大的利潤。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與研究動機 第二節 研究範圍與研究目的 第三節 觀念架構與研究方法 第四節 相關文獻探討 第五節 全文安排 第二章 保險直接回應行銷之介紹與應用 第一節 保險直接回應行銷的定義與優勢 第二節 保險直接回應行銷的歷史與興起背景 第三節 保險直接回應行銷的媒體 第四節 保險直接回應行銷活動的規畫與實施 第五節 國外保險直接回應行銷概況 第六節 國外保險直接回應行銷媒體之運用與個案 第三章 個案描述與分析 第一節 A人壽保險公司 第二節 B人壽保險公司 第三節 C人壽保險公司 第四節 D人壽保險公司 第五節 E人壽保險公司 第六節 個案分析 第四章 保險直接回應行銷特質之剖析與探討 第一節 保險直接回應行銷與組織特質的關係 第二節 保險直接回應行銷與行銷組合的關係 第三節 保險直接回應行銷對台灣壽險業的影響 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論 第二節 研究建議 參考文獻 / Because of the development of Taiwan*s insurance market and the change of customers* purchasing habits, the sale of life insurance by agents, effected mostly by human relationship, has been becoming redundant for customers who have their own way of thinking, enjoy convenience, and dislike disturbances. The high initial expenses of traditional marketing channels are also becoming a heavy burden for life insurers, especially for new entrants. This is the motivation of the thesis which discusses other possible marketing strategies: Direct Response Marketing, one specific branch of Direct Marketing, which focuses on the sale process through intermediaries other than agents and brokers. The thesis then follows by the discussion and research into the characteristics of the life insurance industry. Since the domestic insurance direct response marketing development is in its initiate stage, the thesis adopted the method of Exploratory Research to explore and supply room for further conceptual research. By essay discussions and analysis of practical insurance operational experiences, we hope to achieve the following objectives: 1. To acknowledge how enterprise organizations and marketing combinations affect insurance direct response marketing. 2. To specifically identify how direct response marketing applies to insurance operations. 3. To discuss the feasibility and the roles of insurance direct response marketing in the Taiwan life insurance market. With respect to enterprise organizations, insurers that have more branches will have economies of scale on insurance direct response marketing. The success of direct response marketing will also rely on the organizational support and the acceptance by internal executives. Direct response marketing should only play an assistant role in insurance marketing and can not completely replace the current agency system in the near future. In the aspect of insurance direct response marketing, the profit produced by insurance direct response marketing mainly comes from the proportion of loyal policyholders and their whole-life-values. The reason that customers purchase insurance products through this direct method is mainly due to the convenience and good service it can supply, not price. Meanwhile, it is important to distinguish products between direct response marketing and agent sales to help avoid conflicts of the two channels. In assessing the feasibility of the Taiwan life insurance market, we find that the popularity of the communication media together with the tight regulatory restrictions help the development of direct response marketing. Direct response marketing provides life insurers a new sales channel to enhance their integrated competitiveness. For small to medium sized insurers, designing an unique insurance product and developing new direct response media, will achieve benefits and advantages in this fierce competitive insurance market. However, while direct response marketing is becoming stronger and insurers need to expand their operational scale, insurers will still need to improve the current agency system to compensate for the weaknesses of direct response marketing and to maximize profits.

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