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消費性金融之個人信用因素分析—以小型信用貸款為例 / Analysis of the personal credit characteristic on comsumer banking – based on small-scale credit loan彭世文, Peng,Shih-Weng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以還款績效的觀點,分析小型信用貸款中申貸者的特性,讓銀行放款的依據除了判斷正常戶與否之外,進一步以還款績效與風險區分出不同群組的申貸者,以期作不同的放款策略;同時將個人基本變數 、該銀行內徵信資料以及聯合徵信資料變數 作統計性分類,篩選出代表性因素,研究這些因素如何影響各還款績效群組。
在放款利潤與風險方面,對三個群組之申貸戶分別採用不同方法放款,可以作到讓銀行對較少申貸戶放款並且可提升利潤並且改善損失。進行多元羅吉斯迴歸模型分析可以發掘出具影響力的因素,針對這些因素來進行分群後並採差異化放款方法,也可以作到對較少申貸戶放款並且能提升利潤以及降低損失的效果。由於因素代表具解釋性變數的歸納,配合這些具預測機能的因素及變數分群訂定差異化授信政策,有助於防範風險於未然。 / This research analyses the characteristics of small-scale credit loan applicants on the persepective of repay performances,allowing the banks not only to discriminate
between good and bad applicants but also to establish different lending tatics for applicants of different repay performance groups。We also analyse the personal characteristics and joint credit informantion of these applicants to sieve out the representative factors,and study how these factors affect the repay performance
Our research discovers that the applicants can be discriminanted into three groups:「low but steady repay ability—low overdue loss」、「good repay ability—
acceptable overdue loss」、「very low repay ability—high overdue loss」。We can learn from those factors,that most applicants grouped as 「low but steady repay ability—
low overdue loss」also have good credit qualities in other aspect;applicants grouped as 「good repay ability—acceptable overdue loss」 have finance management concept
and good financial condition;applicants grouped as 「very low repay ability—high overdue loss」have debt burdens and bad credit qualities。
As for the revenues and riks,we can improve the profit and loss with fewer applicants by taking differenct lending policies to those three groups。By using multinomial logistic regression,we can discover those factors who has significant effects and use these factors to cluster applicants into groups and to adopt different lending policies for these groups。Because those factors represent the induction of the variables which can explain the applicants’ behaviors,we can somehow prevent the risks by establishing different policies with the coordination of these factors and clusters。
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從微型貸款與就學貸款看貸款的關鍵成功因素 / The Study of key success factors of credit from the views of microcredit and student loan王立彥, Wang, Li Yen Unknown Date (has links)
反觀近幾年被熱烈討論的微型貸款,其在貸款上的創新、和就學貸款同樣具有社會服務性質,將貸款提供給予貧困、一般商業銀行不願意接受的民眾,但又可以維持高度獨立的財務支撐性而為人稱奇。1970年代開始發展的微型貸款,其首位推行者Yunas於2006年時受到諾貝爾和平獎的肯定,其在孟加拉創辦的Grameen Bank更是創下97~99%的還款率。
本文利用現今普遍被銀行採用由Paul H. Hunn提出的信用貸款5P原則:People貸款戶、Purpose貸款用途、Payment還款來源、Protection債權保障、Perspective貸款戶展望;以及由Jerome McCarthy提出、經Philip Kotler推廣的行銷4P:Product 產品規劃、Price定價、Promotion產品促銷、Place通路劃分;透過這4P及5P原則來建立架構、分析比較個案。
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台灣信用卡,現金卡(雙卡)信貸危機(卡債)之探討 / Study the Taiwan Credit Card and Cash Card Lending Crisis趙菊香, Chao,chu- hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
1. 銀行業為了業務成長,並未正確及適時地看待相關風險的控管,不斷的簡化辦卡程序、提高信用額度、增加信貸總額,以期增加信貸客戶數及客戶忠誠度。
2. 銀行業在擴張業務的同時沒有充分考慮到客戶的真實收入與負債比例,進而在發生嚴重的信貸危機時,違約比率不斷增加,銀行業亦承受了相當大打銷呆帳的金額。
3. 政府主導的統一債務協商機制,各銀行已逐漸從混亂中,走上標準作業,協商成功比率陸續提升中。未來卡片市場可否走向更健全:金融業、全民、主管機關都應更謹慎地處理消費者信用貸款的問題。 / Credit card market, driven by foreign banks and local new banks, had been boosting from 1991 to 2005 derived from GDP growth, hike of foreign exchange reserves, laws ease up, and government policies creating friendlier environment to boost consumer spending. In the same time, banks’ credit policies were loosened due to fierce competition among credit card issuers, issuances of cash card and integrated unsecured loan led by sales and marketing. Given the situation of over-banking and competition in credit card market, consumers overspent under the consistent economy recession triggered credit crunch for credit card and cash card, so called “Credit card and cash card lending crash”. This research intends to search for the root of this credit crunch by investigating the history of the growth of credit card business and issuance of cash card of major players in the market. Furthermore, this research also evidences the concluded root reasons by analyzing the important information reported to FSC by all the banks.
The conclusions of the investigation are as follows:
1. Banking industry overemphasized on business growth so the related risks were not properly and timely controlled by simplifying application procedures and increasing credit lines hoping to enhance number of customers and strengthen customers’ loyalty.
2. Banking industry ignored the percentage of customers’ real income and liability while expanding their business rapidly. It further deepened the delinquency ratio and card issuers wrote off enormous amount of bad debts when credit crunch happened.
3. Debt Negotiation Plan (DNP) led by government enabled banks to set up “Standard Operation Procedures” (SOP) which helped banks to resume their card business back to normal. The success ratio of DNP is increasing gradually. The future of credit card market all depends on how banking industry, consumers, and government deal with the issues on consumer unsecured loans.
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信用卡或融資型分期付款交易之研究劉藝文 Unknown Date (has links)
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