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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳吟咨 Unknown Date (has links)
在世界及地區性貿易組織的努力下, 近來關稅等貿易障礙已經普遍降低。但與此同時, 環境品質向下沉淪的疑慮也隨之而來。儘管相關的討論不在少數, 但大部分著重於外生貿易障礙調降下的策略性環境政策, 以及其對應之福利變動; 或是在合作與非合作環境政策下, 同時決定環境與貿易政策, 然而也相對較少將環境階段的扭曲納入貿易政策制定的考量中。因此, 本文旨在探討若將生態傾銷的誘因納入考量,並改採序列賽局分別決定最適環境稅與關稅時, 貿易政策合作下所制定之最適關稅協定為何? 另一方面, 我們也觀察生產性跨國污染的大小對最適關稅的影響, 並發現當污染不具跨國外溢效果時, 此時不論環境政策合作與否, 最適關稅應對該污染性財貨提供進口補貼。相對地, 若跨國污染超過一定程度時, 除非環境政策能夠合作, 否則此時應對其課徵關稅, 以避免過度生產減損社會福利。 / By constructing a reciprocal-dumping model, we investigate a second-best tariff agreement when considering the linkage between the trade and the environmental policy. Though there has been much discussion about the linkage, most existing literature rarely considers the distortion when setting a trade agreement. We also take the transboundary strength of production pollution into account. Our results show that: (1) in the absence of transboundary pollution, the optimal tariff should be an import subsidy. Thus, whether both countries coordinate on their environmental policies or not, a bilateral reduction in tariffs will enhance the global welfare. (2) On the contrary, if the transboundary pollution is sufficiently strong, then the second-best tariff should be positive, while the first-best level is negative. In this situation, trade liberalization might decrease global welfare.


李玉鳳, Li, Yu-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
在邁向全球貿易自由化過渡時期中,不免對各國國內產業造成相當大的衝擊與短暫之調適問題。此際貿易規範准許其政府採取一定措施以為救濟,然在執行相關之貿易救濟措施前,產業損害之認定係不可或缺之程序。 有鑑於進口救濟制度(包括平衡稅反傾銷稅)的引進在我國乃屬創舉,現行之「貨品進口救濟案件處理辦法」條文,引用美國的作法對於產業損害之認定僅止於實質損害之有無及其與損害成因間的因果關係論斷;但當進口品對國內產業造成經濟衝擊時,必然會反應在國內同類產品的價格與數量上的變化,當下唯有賴量化的指標才能對損害存在與否作客觀的審議,以便能適時,適當的採行救濟措施。 所以本文對探討不公平貿易競爭中的傾銷行為,採用曾巨威教授(民 84)所設立之產業損害評估模型,利用現有或可計算之參數資料,計算出進口品對國內產業造成的損失。以更清楚瞭解到量化的指標在整體產業損害分析中的意義及關係。 藉由實證數據分析,本文除直接證實生產高密度聚乙烯、低密度聚乙烯及聚丙烯的產業受到損害確實起因於傾銷的價格競爭所造成,並具體衡量出產業損害的程度,這種評估模式的使用不但能避免目前以眾多因素的個別變化作綜合考量的缺失,更重要的是這種分析方法代表的經濟合理性與嚴謹性,而且得到和貿易調查委員會一致的結果。 此法雖係以不公平貿易行為為探討的對象,其中推理亦可延伸適用於一般非屬不公平貿易行為者對國內產業損害的評估。鑑於國內尚未有對損害程度具體評估之實證文獻,此為本文之主要特色。


陳財家 Unknown Date (has links)
當國際經貿日趨整合下,具相當爭議性的反傾銷制度,在貿易政策中扮演愈來愈重要的角色,如何在反傾銷制度中調和各方相關利益,已成為當前各國重要的議題。本文首先建構基本理論模型、接著實證檢測我國反傾銷個案,藉由相關經貿理論、制度、法律判例及實務的論證,評析反傾銷制度與公共利益。從理論與實務面探討台灣的應用與可行性,以作為制度修正的參考。 一、反傾銷、貿易移轉、學習效果與公共利益 反傾銷措施提供差異化的貿易限制措施,引發其他非受傾銷控訴進口品的趁機而入,產生貿易移轉效果。在邊際成本固定的情況下,非受反傾銷控訴進口品的貿易移轉效果將使得生產者剩餘減小、消費者剩餘獲得改善、公共利益變小。若非受反傾銷控訴進口品具有相當的成本優勢,本國同類產品廠商亦可能因提出反傾銷控訴而受到傷害。若本國同類產品具有相當的成本優勢,反傾銷措施在保護生產者的同時,消費者未必受到傷害,甚至可能將從反傾銷措施中獲益。當本國新興產業藉由第 1 期反傾銷措施的保護效果,調整經營體質,於第 2 期以學習效果再與進口品競爭。其中第 2 期學習效果於保護生產者的同時、消費者亦能從反傾銷措施的學習效果中獲益。而反傾銷措施的全期效果將使生產者剩餘及關稅收入因而增加、消費者剩餘則不確定。 二、反傾銷對台灣相關廠商市場價值的影響─資本市場事件研究法應用 綜合我國反傾銷制度自實施以來的鋼鐵、石化、紙業、紡織及半導體業等產業相關個案,實證結果發現我國反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商,而反傾銷控訴若保護了上游廠商,其下游業者不必然受到傷害。此實證結果支持策略學派學者及第二章理論模型有關反傾銷政策的論點。主要的實證結論如下: 在國內廠商實際受到傾銷傷害時,反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商。傾銷情況明顯之個案,反傾銷措施對於提出控訴案廠商股票報酬率通常有正面效應;而對於傾銷情況不明顯之個案,通常則沒有顯著影響。非受傾銷控訴進口品的貿易移轉效果影響反傾銷措施的保護效果。亦即本國同類產品廠商若欲採取反傾銷控訴應對所有傾銷進口提出控訴,才能獲取較佳的反傾銷效果。而新興產業藉助反傾銷措施似可獲致不錯的保護效果。反傾銷的保護效果因業者的不同經營型態而有所差異;而反傾銷對於競爭力較弱的產業有較佳的效果。 反傾銷措施對於提出控訴案廠商下游業者股票報酬率,不必然帶來負面效應,有時也可能出現正面效應。反傾銷控訴案若保護了上游廠商,其下游業者不必然受到傷害,須視國內外市場結構與廠商規模經濟等因素而定。 三、歐體反傾銷制度共同體利益條款研究─兼論台灣的應用與可行性分析 傳統理論認為反傾銷措施雖有保護生產者的功能,但卻會對下游構成傷害。然依理論模型與實證結果,反傾銷措施似有助於保護國內生產廠商,其下游業者亦不必然受到傷害。因此,我國反傾銷制度似乎需要「國家整體經濟利益」條款,用以評估及平衡相關利益。依民國 89 年 7 月 14 日核定的實施辦法修正條文第 16 條第 2 項已試圖納入公共利益條款,其雖係參酌歐體反傾銷制度共同體利益條款,但與歐體制度的強制性規範與明確的釋義實有相當的差距。「國家整體經濟利益」條款的設計係用以修正保護特定產業的效果,然於主管機關的裁量增加時,反傾銷程序的公開、透明化與監督則益加重要。而實施辦法修正條文亦未規定主管機關如何執行「國家整體經濟利益」條款,若財政部關稅稅率委員會與相關機關充份合作,綜合判斷相關利益,則可有效達成「國家整體經濟利益」條款的立法目標。其中,貿易調查委員會為主要的認定機構於執行產業損害認定調查時,透過嚴謹的問卷設計及公聽會程序,衡量反傾銷措施對於使用者產業與消費者利益的衝擊;並聽取公平會對於業者是否濫用反傾銷措施的評估,由財政部關稅稅率委員會綜合作成課徵反傾銷稅與否或降低反傾銷稅額的最終判斷。


陳言博, Chen, Yen-Po Unknown Date (has links)
隨著WTO爭端解決機構近年來的實踐,許多制度性問題紛紛浮現,特別是WTO爭端解決小組或上訴機構在反傾銷爭端中審查基準實踐上所引發之爭議。批評者主要認為上訴機構於反傾銷規範之法律解釋上不當適用解釋規則,並未遵循反傾銷協定第17.6(ii)條之規範。另外,上訴機構實質上近乎重新審理被訴會員之法律見解,似乎違反第17.6(ii)條之規範意旨。本文嘗試整理相關經由WTO上訴機構裁決之反傾銷爭端,觀察及彙整第17.6(ii)條於現行運作中之實踐情形,並檢視上述兩項爭議之正反意見。經分析後發現,上述兩項爭議皆涉及不同之政策考量與WTO組織間的互動。易言之,除爭端解決機構對於協定條文之法律解釋外,偏重與選擇不同之政策考量做為正當性基礎,將決定著審查基準之面貌。在進一步分析並檢討在反傾銷制度下可能影響審查基準之政策價值後,本文認為WTO爭端解決機制為維繫其準司法機關之正當性與確保經由多邊架構所帶來之合作利益,有統一法律解釋與重新審理被控訴會員之法律解釋之必要。另外,反傾銷協定第17.6(ii)條審查基準之解釋上,不宜採取其立法來源—美國法Chevron doctrine—之規範內涵。同時,為避免反傾銷制度遭濫用成為貿易保護政策之工具,應賦予WTO爭端解決機構於審理反傾銷爭端時較為自主之法律解釋權力。然而,基於適度尊重WTO會員主權之考量與司法自制之要求,本文建議,WTO爭端解決機構在審理反傾銷案件時,除須正確地援引並靈活運用國際法上習慣解釋規則外,更需適度參照第17.6(ii)條之立法目的,藉由嚴格適用WTO協定,以充實其所採取審查基準之正當性基礎。 / With practices of WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), the institutional issues on Standards of Review have emerged, especially on WTO Anti-dumping disputes. Contestations are focus on whether Appellate Body has mal-applied rules of interpretations on Anti-Dumping Agreement (ADA) as to go beyond Article 17.6(ii). Moreover, Critics query whether Appellate Body De Novo reviewed member’s legal interpretations as to disregard purpose of Article 17.6(ii). By examining relevant anti-dumping penal and appellate body reports, current modes of practices on ADA Article 17.6(ii) are concluded, and probed to its different critiques. Further, issues of such are result from policy considerations of Standards of Review under Anti-Dumping System. In other words, apart from penal and appellate body’s interpretations on ADA, different policy ends will influence current practices of Standards of Review. Consequently, the article checks on and assays on relevant policy justifications of deferential standards of review under anti-dumping system. Concluded, for retaining its institution justifications and ensuring the cooperation gains under multilateral approach, WTO dispute settlement institutes have the necessities in de novo review and leveling legal interpretations. Moreover, due to the different characters, the Chevron mode interpretations on standards of review is without analogy to ADA article 17.6(ii); meanwhile, for preventing distorting antidumping measures as trade protection tools, WTO dispute settlement institutes should have much room on discretion of reviewing members’ ADA legal interpretations. However, in respecting WTO Member’s sovereignty and the requiring of judicial restraint, when taking the standards of review on examining anti-dumping disputes, WTO dispute settlement institutes would strictly and nimbly retain customary rules of interpretation of public international law with considering purposes of ADA article 17.6(ii).

WTO 反傾銷程序及其證據規則研究

戴祥 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

石橋湛山的經濟自由主義研究-以日滿紡織業市場變遷為例(1929-1937) / The Reserch of Tanzan Ishibashi's Economic Liberalism - A Study of Structural Changed in Japan and Manchuria Textile Industry 1929-1937

周伶華, Chou, Ling Hua Unknown Date (has links)
1929年世界恐慌後,美國對日本生絲與絹織品的消費力降低,以及日本紡織業在世界市場被中國取代,以紡織業為首之日本出口貿易值大幅衰退,促使日本政府強化對紡織業的統制政策。本文探討1929至1937年,日本政府對紡織業逐步實施產業統制與貿易統制措施下,滿洲國在這些統制政策下的角色變化,以及石橋湛山追認滿洲國並修正其經濟自由主義的過程。 石橋湛山 (1884-1973),歷經東洋經濟新報社主筆、日本首相,至今被喻為經濟自由主義的先驅。石橋的經濟自由主義,除了表現個人與東洋經濟新報社的立場,也反應當時日本民間在經濟上不同於政府的另一種看法。日本政府實施產業統制政策,紡織業受最廣的影響。 日本政府自1929年起,陸續實施「絲價安定融資補償法」(1929)、「重要產業統制法」(1931)、「通商擁護法」(1934)、「貿易調整法」(1937),又於日中戰爭爆發之1937年,在滿洲國實施「重要產業統制法」與「棉花統制法」,足見紡織業在這些經濟政策中具有舉足輕重的地位。日本政府為獲得外匯、解決農村失業問題與備戰,控管棉花與紡織品的生產與供應價格,期望實現自給自足的目標。 滿州,是日本從中國取得原料與食料的中繼站,自中國華北棉花品質逐漸提升,滿州對日本的經濟也日益重要。日本歷經1929年中國關稅自主、美國因世界恐慌經濟衰退,加深對滿州的經濟依賴。石橋以貿易數字為依據,1932年「滿洲國」成立前,他並不看好滿州。1932年「滿洲國」成立,促使石橋逐步修正其經濟自由主義。 石橋作為日本經濟自由主義的先驅、東洋經濟新報社的主筆,在1929至1937年這段期間,積極對產業統制與貿易統制政策提供意見。這反應滿州在日本貿易市場的地位變化,也反應日本朝野針對紡織業統制政策,整合國內對經濟政策之共識,更促成石橋在1937年後擔任商工省的統制委員。 / In 1929, the Great Depression caused Japan into economical panic, the price of silk in Japan fallen and Japanese textile industry market was replaced by Chinese, prompting Japanese government to strengthen the industry and trade control policies. This report tries to explain the impacts of Japanese government’s industry and trade control policies which responded to the textile products price oversupply or insufficient upon the Manchuria from 1929 to 1937. Otherwise, Tanzan Ishibashi considerd the benefit of Manchuria to Japan and change his economic liberalism. Tanzan Ishibashi (1884-1973), to go through an economic magazine “Toyo Keizai” journalist, the Japanese Prime Minister, is a famous pioneer of economic liberalism in Japan. Tanzan Ishibashi’s economic liberalism stood in for him and “Toyo Keizai”, appear different point of Japanese government’s economic policy. The industry and trade control policies Japanese government implemented made great influence upon Japanese textile production and price, such as in 1929, the enactment of the “ Silk Price Stable Finance Law”; in 1931, the enactment of the “Important Industry Law”; in 1934, the enactment of the” Important Industry and Trade Law”; in 1937, the enactment of the”Trade Adjust Law”. Otherwise, Manchuria’s “Important Industry Law” and “Cotton Control Law” was put into 1937, we can understand the Japanese government exhausted to make Manchuria people’s livelihood, achieve the goal of “self-sufficiency” for Japan. Manchuria, a place to offer nature materials and foods from China, also important to Japanese economy since the North China cotton’s quality has gradually edged up. Before the Manchuria was founded in 1932, Tanzan Ishibashi denied it’s important for Japan’s trade by imports and exports turnover. However, the overall economic decline furthered Japanese textile industry’s bankruptcy significantly after the Great Depression. After 1929 the economy depressed, Tanzan Ishibashi revise his economic liberalism. Be a pioneer of economic liberalism in Japan, Tanzan Ishibashi is also a leader of the economic magazine”Toyo Keizai”, he participates actively about industry and trade control policies to Japanese government in”Toyo Keizai” between 1929 to 1937. Economic recession made Japanese people realize the importantance of Manchuria, a general consensus of textile industry control policy reached from the court and the commonalty, it’s a key that Tanzan Ishibashi being a commissioner of trade control police after 1937 for Japan Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

從競合策略對”雙反”議題之研究 –兩岸太陽能光伏產業為例 / Co-opetition Strategy Study for Photovoltaic Industries of Cross-Strait In the case of Anti-Dumping Duty and Counter Vailing Duty

魯永強, Lu, Yung Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
2015年3 月,IHS市場調查公司預估由於太陽能光伏企業繼續整合併購有利於市場擴大佔有的連動關係,使得大者恆大,而且平均售價快速下降,驅動市場需求更加高速增長,2020年全球太陽能光伏電站累計安裝量將達到500GW,比較2005年的5.3GW有如天壤之別,同時說明往後五年每年平均安裝64GW,也代表全球投資在太陽能光伏產業的資金每年高達1500億美元,依次中、美、日三國為領先主要投資在新能源建設。再查看平均售價(太陽板光伏模組)2005年價格約為3.5USD/W,隨著市場逐漸增大,預估價格也在2014年降至0.6USD/W。2015-2019年全球總產值將達到5120億美金(以太陽能光伏電站為基礎,系統價格160萬USD/1MW)。 雖然兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對一個極具規模及潛力的全球市場,但由於2010-2012年間供需失衡,產能過剩,急速下降的市場平均售價,歐美許多公司工廠因此關廠倒閉,進而對兩岸進行兩次所謂“雙反”–反傾銷Anti Dumping Duty及反補貼Counter Vailing Duty調查,最後判定對矽晶太陽能光伏產品加以處罰性進口關稅。依照WTO世界貿易組織規定會員國在面臨外國進口產品進行不公平競爭,並損害其國內產業時,可以採取救濟措施保護其國內產業,“雙反”就是措施手段之一。2014年大陸也針對美國多晶矽料實施53-57% Anti-Dumping Duty作為反制,目前中美雙方仍處在對峙中,但可預見隨著市場條件改變,將可能達成某種雙方可接受的妥協。 本研究把兩岸太陽能光伏產業競合策略放在上面兩個最大的標題之間及緊迫的時間軸上面,針對兩岸各自產業都已掉入虧損情況(第四章大陸與台灣個案研究),期待從競合策略的積極面(合作是為了創造新生價值,找出潛藏利益,甚至創新價值、價值整合,再爭取自己所創造的價值),加上絲毫不能忽視國家政府在文化、歷史、民族的角度及ECFA大框架協議的前提進行分析得到結論,並且做出建議。當兩岸太陽能光伏產業共同面對普遍存在的“雙反”又同時面向全球市場,台灣在思考競合策略的時候,必須認清在經濟層面上與韓國進行幾乎全面各產業競爭。特別關於時間緊迫,本研究認為無論從面板產業、IC設計產業,都已經說明台灣的技術優勢在快速流失,而大陸方面正傾全國之力加速超前,形成自主(紅色)供應鏈。換句話說,時間完全不在台灣這一邊,如果再對比韓國可以配合大陸的合作條件,台灣更沒有猶豫片刻,佇足不前的理由和本錢了!在非經濟層面上又擁有最好的文化、歷史、民族背景跟大陸進行合作,另外在更高的政治層面的考慮,如臺灣之小,大陸之大,夾存在中日美三個強國之間,臺灣的選擇應該是非常清晰可分辨,並且在極度的時間壓力下應該積極運用國家政府有效作為,盡快在ECFA大框架協議下推進各項服貿、投保、金融協議、導引兩岸太陽能光伏從企業、產業到國家組合全面互利互惠合作達到面向全球市場雙贏局面。 / 2015 March, IHS market survey company forecasts Average Selling Price (ASP) will decrease rapidly and drive much higher demand growth rate, due to the Photovoltaic industries continue merger and acquisition. The forecast also indicates global accumulated installation capacity will reach 500GW in 2020, compared with 5.3GW in the year of 2005 which displays promising growth, meanwhile averages yearly installation capacity of 64GW in next five years and yearly investment of 150B USD globally. When looking into price details that PV module selling price of 3.5USD/W in 2005 has dropped to 0.6USD/W of 2014 which translates gross product value of 512B USD, with price reference of 1.6M USD/1MW solar power system. Both sides of the Taiwan Straits are facing a huge potential but challenging global market of Photovoltaic industries. The period of 2010-2012 not only generated the peak of demand, also induced problematic over-supply and selling price free-fall. Factories in Europe and North America are forced to become insolvent, then claimed for the restricting of import with Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) against mainland China and Taiwan, according to WTO regulations. In the year of 2014, mainland China also initiated a reactive measures of ADD against polysilicon imported from USA. Currently mainland China and USA are still struggling the head-on situation, but are believed to reach a compromise solutions under the Photovoltaic market development. We study the issue of Anti Dumping Duty (ADD) and Counter Vailing Duty (CVD) for the example of Photovoltaic industries, covering both sides of Cross-Strait. We focus Co-opetition in terms of time pressure, each side reporting business loss and propose a very constructive and active strategy as the essence from Co-opetition (Creating Value that You Can Capture is the Central Theme in Co-opetition). Of course, we should never ignore government playing a critically influential role based on culture, history, Chinese nation and forward-moving ECFA positive impact. When generally evaluating Co-opetition strategy, we clearly see the competition every corner between Taiwan and Korea. Specifically about time pressue we realized the reversal happened in the industries LCD flat panel and IC design which mainland China assures to catch up and surmount Taiwan in short future. Taiwan can not afford any hesitation and miss the narrow window of creating and capturing our own value in Co-opetition with mainland China. We worry as well Taiwan’s dilemma situation between USA, Japan and mainland China and strongly believe that the best strategy, in addition to the essence of Co-opetition is to harmonize the relationship with mainland China in all the possible areas. So that when facing global market, a win-win result can be expected, through Co-opetition central theme.

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