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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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基於內容管理系統的資訊安全標準導入輔助系統 / A Content Management System Based Assistant for Implementing ISO Information Security Standard

彭應武, Peng, Ying-Wu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技日益普及,近年來資安事件仍層出不窮。行政院國家資通安全會報於94年5月,訂定「政府機關(構)資訊安全責任等級分級作業實施計畫」,針對各種資訊安全的潛在威脅,提出以建立管理機制並配合技術支援服務的方式,期能有效防護資訊資產,提昇資訊安全。其中管理面的具體措施為建構「資訊安全管理系統」(ISMS, Information Security Management System),並規範列屬資安責任等級為A或B級之機關,應在規定之期限內通過由第三方(third party)公正機構驗證符合資訊安全國際標準。根據行政院科技顧問組針對A、B級機關在2008年進行資安責任等級應辦事項調查顯示,B級機關在資安認證達成率只有43%,可見通過資安認證有其困難性。 本研究依據已通過資安認證的機關的經驗分享文獻,分析歸納導入ISMS所可能遭遇的主要問題,從而主張可以採用內容管理系統(CMS, Content Management System)的平台來協助組織導入ISMS。Drupal是一套結構簡單且具高擴展性模組化的開放源碼內容管理系統,不僅容易在其平台上建立客製化的應用系統,且有大量的社群可提供技術支援,故本研採用Drupal建置輔助系統,方便組織在導入符合國際標準的ISMS(如ISO 27001)時,可以集中管理各類相關資訊,評定資產價值,計算風險值,並提供組織申請ISO驗證時作為部份佐證資料的集中管理。 / As information technology is widely used in our daily work and life, incidents of information security also occurs from time to time. In May of 2005, the National Information & Communication Security Taskforce of R.O.C. instituted “The operational plan for classifying the information security duty grade of the government agencies”. The plan demands government agencies to establish technological support services along with management mechanisms for all potential security threats to provide effective information security management. In addition, all agencies whose security grade belongs to the A or B levels must pass the third party certification for ISO Information Security Standard within a specific deadline. However, as shown in the investigation report released by the government technology advisors in 2008, the achievement rate for information security certification on grade B government agencies is only 43%. Therefore, it is perceived that there are some difficulties in passing the information security certification This thesis analyzes and summarizes the main difficulties that organizations may encounter when establishing an ISMS by following the international IS standard ISO 27001. The analysis results show that document management is a key issue. Therefore, we claim that a content management platform is a good foundation to build an assistant for an organization to establish its ISMS. To demonstrate our proposal, we choose the open source content management platform, Drupal, to set up such an assistant. By fully utilizing the simpler yet extensible structures provided Drupal, we build up an assistant system that facilitates an organization to manage all related documents centrally, to assess asset values and calculate risk values by following the ISO 27001 information security international standard. These facilities will give the organization a very strong evidence of employing a centralized information security management system when applying for ISO certification


林煜程 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現對我們的生活造成了重大的改變,我們面臨的是一個全新的世界。不論是工作模式、娛樂型態皆產生極大的變化,那網際網路下一步是什麼?思科系統執行長 錢伯斯(John Chambers)告訴了我們一個答案:「網際網路中成長最巨,而日後也會證實是促進變革的最大動力,就是e-learning。」數位科技使得內容變成了「數位內容」,帶來了相當多的便利,但同時也帶來了許多的改變,不論是產業面、科技面、法律面或是管理面,皆須面臨新的挑戰與新的議題。 本研究除了二手資料的收集外,並針對e-learning個案公司做深入的訪談,從資源、著作權、數位課程開發流程等構面進行探討研究,分析歸納出e-learning業者如何進行數位課程的管理,以及既有資源是否影響其數位課程管理策略,並且對於e-learning公司在經營數位課程所會遭遇到的著作權議題進行初步的研究與探索。本研究的研究目的如下: 一、探討e-learning業者數位課程管理模式。 二、探討e-learning業者既有資源與數位課程管理間的關係。 三、探討數位課程的開發流程與著作權相關之議題。 四、探討數位課程著作權管理模式。 本研究架構乃先由個案訪談的結果收集個案公司所擁有的既有資源、數位課程開發流程以及數位課程管理方式,且藉由資源基礎論中對於資源的運用方式,分析解構個案公司其數位課程管理策略。而後以既有資源研究其對數位課程管理策略之影響,與以著作權的觀點探討數位課程開發流程中,所產生的著作權議題,並將兩者所得之結論,加以整合描繪出數位課程著作權管理模式。本研究引用經營策略與資源基礎論等相關文獻,來探討e-learning業者如何進行管理數位課程。本研究主要在說明所觀察現象的具體意義,而非嚴謹的在驗證變數間的因果關係,屬於探索性研究,故採定性研究之「個案研究」法,以個案訪談和次級資料蒐集的方式來瞭解企業實際運作情形。 本研究所得之結論如下: 在課程素材取得階段,課程素材取得策略有內尋策略、外尋策略。著作權議題則為與課程素材提中者簽訂課程素材授權(讓與)契約、課程素材著作權的保證。 在數位課程取得階段,數位課程取得策略有自製策略、委製策略、取得授權策略、買斷策略。著作權議題則為與數位課程開發人員進行數位課程著作權歸屬契約的簽訂、對數位課程開發人員進行著作權的教育。 在數位課程運用階段,數位課程運用策略有內訓策略、教學策略、委用策略、 賣斷策略。著作權管理議題則有與數位課程使用者進行契約的簽訂、數位課程其著作類型是多媒體著作、數位課程著作權保護方式的進行。 而個案公司在面臨數位課程時所採行的事業策略則有核心策略、合作策略、專業代製策略、通路策略。 此外,根據研究發現得知,個案公司在進行e-learning之前所擁有的既有資源,會影響個案公司各階段所採行的數位課程管理策略。 而在其他發現,在外部經營問題主要為市場需求不足,而內部經營問題則為教師合作意願不高、缺乏跨領域專業課程企畫人才、缺乏整合性業務人員。 / The rise of internet has changed people’s life style dramatically. Nowadays, we are facing a whole new world. E-learning is considered as the star of the next century. Even John Chambers once mentioned that “the next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education.” Digital technique has digitalized the existing contents. Internet does not only deliver much convenience, however, internet related topics are also conducted and challenged from the perspectives of industry, law, and management. The objective of this thesis is to examine 1) The general framework for e-learning management model, 2) The relationship between the primarily resources and the management on e-learning, 3) The instructional development process for e-learning and its related copyright issues, and 4) Management model for copyrights on digital contents. The method of this research is primarily based on case study, six e-learning related companies. The interviews with the e-learning companies have contributed the great insights about the information of company resources, development process of digital content, and the modes of content management. Furthermore, collected information from the interviews has been analyzed about how original resources affect the digital content management strategy and the copyright issues in the development process of digital content. This study has found that there are four stages: Instructional material acquisition, digitalized course acquisition, digital course application stage, and business Strategy. In the Instructional material acquisition stage, the strategies of acquiring the instructional materials for e-learning is in-house finding, outsourcing or both. Licensing contracts and guarantees on course materials become an important issue when dealing with the material providers. In the digitalized course acquisition step, the strategies are self-manufacture, out-source manufacture, copyright acquisition, and buying copyright. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital engineers, and in general, the company is responsible for the digital engineers. In the digital course application stage, the strategies are training, teaching, licensing, and selling. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital content users. One should notice that the digital contents belong to multi-media. Moreover, in the final stage, core business, collaboration, ODM, channeling are the business strategies that the companies use for e-learning applications. In additional findings, this study found that market demand is the primary problem of e-learning environment, and there are three major problems within the e-learning companies: the motivations of the teachers, the lack of cross boundary-expertise and integrated business manager.

內容平台營運之社群媒體應用策略研究 / The Social Media Strategy of Content Portal Site Operation

陳俞鈞, Chen, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
社群媒體伴隨行動載具的交互應用而蓬勃發展,傳統從網站首頁進入瀏覽或搜尋內容的使用經驗面臨嚴峻挑戰。越來越多網路使用者選擇直接在社群媒體訂閱、接收、和分享資訊,迫使內容傳遞或出版者必須通過經營社群渠道 ( 粉絲專頁 Fans Page ) 來為自身的平台贏得更多曝光與流量。 網絡的集體創作與分享特性,形塑了數位溝通的新樣貌。有別於傳統的高度組織化且單向遞輸內容的模式,社群渠道更注重與使用者之間扁平而多方的互動關係。藉由不同形式的語意語彙、視覺溝通、議題反饋、與時機頻率等交互操作,來提升使用者的參與 ( Engagement ) 和到達率 ( Reach ),對多數網路平台或品牌經營者而言,仍是高度重要之課題。 基於上述社群媒體經營的架構背景,本研究的重點項目,在於如何針對社群網站上的內容管理開發與優化互動成效,透過實際案例剖析與研究支持,尋求資訊傳遞與使用行為經驗之間存在滿足彼此需求的影響因子。 研究最終發現,在貼文形式與內容類別的變因下,對整體觸及和參與表現均有相當程度的影響,同時導致使用者的互動行為產生差異化。希冀本研究能對社群經營者勾勒出更明確的內容開發型態策略,進一步提升使用者的黏著度,並擴大傳播效益與廣度。


孫百佑, Sun, Pai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是從民眾的角度,深入瞭解政府在推動業務電子化的過程,在便民服務方面所產生的效益,進而探討國外先進國家的推動概況,由於國情不同,各國均有其特別之處可供參考;隨著我國電子化政府快速的推展,在國際著名調查機構對世界各國的評比中大多名列前茅,使政府願意在電子化政府的投資加碼,因此在數位台灣計畫中包括了許多e 化政府的計畫;目前在電子化政府相關計畫中除了更新現有大型系統的計畫之外,其核心計畫是一個跨機關橫向整合的計畫,建立e政府服務平台,以期能達到「提供民眾更豐富、精緻的資訊內容、更深化的網路申辦服務、與網路公民更多的互動,經由網路的溝通管道,實踐政府治理的目標」。 本文中除探討e政府服務平台對各級政府機關e化的影響之外,也一併探討在政府e化過程,可能對國內軟體產業的影響,以及目前政府推動建置平台的政策,對產業生態的可能影響;這些政策的落實,未來對於國內軟體產業的衝擊將非常可觀,因此,本論文也對國內軟體業者提出一些建議,以供業界因應與轉型參考。 / This paper mainly emphasizes on the effect of which the electronic government interface in Taiwan brings to the citizens, especially in the aspect of citizen-oriented services. Moreover, this article reviews the e-government services in other countries and their vary kinds of developing experiences as reference. Along with the quick development of the e-government service, the rank of Taiwan is always in the top list judged and rated by world-famous institutions. As a result, the government of Taiwan is willing to invest more to the plans of e-government which play an important role in the e-Taiwan project. Currently the plan attempts not only to renew the existing mainframe system, but also to build an “e-government service platform” to integrate services over different departments and resources. This platform is the core of Taiwan e-government plan. It can offer citizens vary and delicate information, more high level applications of service, and more interaction with Internet citizens. By utilizing Internet as a communication channel, it can implement the aim of governance more effectively. In the final part of this paper, it analyzes the influence of “e-service platform“ towards each level of government units. In addition, it discusses about how the e-government plan affects the software industry. Furthermore, how the policy about the platform influences the status of software industry is also mentioned in this paper. Once the policy is carried out, it is expected to be some serious impacts on domestic software industry. Therefore, this study also gives suggestions to software companies to make a preparation or reformation in advance.

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