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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以語意分析及Bloom理論為基礎之線上測驗輔助及智慧型評分系統 / A Study on Computer Aided Testing and Intelligent Scoring: Based on Semantic Analysis and Bloom's Taxonomy

應鳴雄, Ying, Ming-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子化學習(E-Learning)環境技術的普及,線上學習與線上測驗已成為資訊教育的重要議題。但是因為填充題及問答題等測驗類型在線上測驗系統上實施有許多問題需克服,當線上測驗系統提供填充題及問答題等題型測驗時,將會產生嚴重的測驗評分等化(Equation)問題。目前線上測驗系統大多仍以是非題、單選題及複選題等題型為主,雖有少數線上測驗系統提供填充題及其他開放式填答的測驗類型,但仍未針對受測者填答之答案進行的語意自動評分。 / 另外,現有線上測驗系統未提供教師設定個人化的評分風格,對於多位教師共用測驗系統平台時所產生的評分規則認知衝突,系統也未提供支援與解決,為了解決上述問題,並使線上測驗能具備與傳統測驗相同的評量效力,本研究使用模糊理論、相似語意詞庫及人工智慧概念等,發展一個線上測驗及智慧評分子系統,此系統除了包括一般測驗系統所提供的是非、單選、複選等題型外,也包含採用智慧評分機制來評分的填充題,完成雛形系統的建置後,本研究再針對傳統紙筆測驗、一般型評分機制、及本研究的智慧型評分機制進行評分效力比較的實證研究。 / 此部分的實證研究結果顯示,在包含填充題型的測驗中,不同的評分機制在測驗成績的評分結果上會有顯著差異,而智慧型評分機制運作初期雖然可以減少與紙筆評分間的差異,並改善一般型評分機制的評分效力,但仍無法在統計上獲得具有相同評分效力的結果。但是智慧評分機制在擴充詞彙語意後,「已擴充語意後的智慧評分機制」與「紙筆評分」的評分結果並無顯著差異,其顯示出若在包括填充題型的線上測驗系統中加入具有擴充詞彙語意關係知識的功能,並提供多功能的智慧型模糊評分機制,允許教師輸入代表個人評分風格習慣的評分規則參數,則線上評分系統將有可能具有與紙筆評分相同的評分效力來處理具有填充題題型的測驗工作。 / 然而線上測驗並不只是在測驗後給予受測者一個分數而已,而應該讓學習者了解自己在知識向度及認知向度的學習結果,因此測驗系統的試題若能包含Bloom教育目標分類資訊,將促使測驗活動能給予學習者更大的幫助。為了降低教師製作試題的負擔,本研究也以本體論、詞彙網路、Bloom分類理論、中文語意庫、人工智慧為基礎,提出一個輔助教師產製題庫的系統架構,並使電腦所產製的試題能涵蓋新版Bloom認知領域教育目標分類中的知識向度及認知向度概念。本研究在電腦輔助教師產製題庫的成果上,不僅能減少教師人工出題的負擔,系統產製的試題也能評量事實、概念及程序等三種知識及記憶、了解、應用、分析及評鑑等五種認知向度能力。受限於線上測驗系統能自動評分的四種題型,本研究尚無法產製屬於創造認知層次的試題,但是卻已能產製出包含基本知識概念的試題,並能提供具有Bloom概念的測驗題庫來評量學習成效。此外,本研究亦針對電子化學習環境,提出適用於線上測驗系統的試題品質及評分等化能力評估概念模式,強調Bloom理論在線上測驗系統環境中的使用範圍與限制。此模式也透過測驗等化觀念,針對教育領域測驗理論在評估試題品質概念上提出新的觀點。 / Since the rapid E-learning development, the online learning and testing have been important topics of information education. Currently teachers still need to spend much time on creating and maintaining on-line testing item banks. Some researches have applied the new Bloom's taxonomy to design meaningful learning assessments. This research has applied ontology, Bloom's taxonomy, Chinese semantic database, artificial intelligence, semantic web, to design an on-line course learning system to assist teachers in creating test items. / Most of present on-line testing only has multiple choice items and true-false items. Though some provide fill-in-blank items, they can only recognize the answers either all right or all wrong through the simple computer binary pattern matching. In order to have the same evaluation effects as the traditional paper-and-pencil testing, this research will adopt the concepts of fuzzy theory, thesaurus, set, and artificial intelligence to develop the fuzzy scoring mechanism. The proposed on-line testing system will have true-false, multiple-choice, and fil-in-blank items. The latter will be graded through fuzzy judgment that is naturally endowed by the human teachers. / In addition, the past research indicated that e-learning students would learn more if provided appropriate feedback messages. In this research will add feedback messages to the proposed system according to different situations. The proposed on-line testing system will not only grade the test items, but also explain the answers and provide related materials to the testers. / The result of study are: (1) we could design the test items that would need a particular cognitive process to a particular type of knowledge, though we still could not have items to test “creative” level of cognitive process; (2) the test items could be used to assess the learning level meaningfully; (3) the computer would assist teachers to create a large number items, and save time of making item; (4) that different scoring mechanisms have a significant effect on test scores; (5) at the beginning, though our fuzzy on-line testing system is significantly better than the usual on-line testing system, it could not achieve the same effect as the paper-and-pencil testing; (6) after expanding semantic vocabularies from feedbacks, our fuzzy scoring mechanism is equivalent to paper-and-pencil.

以資源基礎論探討傳統產業多角化之研究—以H公司為例 / A study on diversification of conventional industries based on resource-based theory for H corporation

張錫煌, Chang, Hsi Huang Unknown Date (has links)
我國傳統產業的發展由早期台灣經濟的中流砥柱,歷經產業變革、環保意識抬頭打壓後,至今被戲稱為「夕陽產業」,主因為產品生命週期進入低毛利成熟期。大部分傳統產業廠家積極尋求多角化轉型以突破困境,但在無法抽離製造代工心態下,積極投入非核心相關領域,無非是落入另一紅海。目前支撐台灣主要經濟命脈產業仍以資訊科技業為主,傳統產業雖非主流,但改變製造心態,堅持投入核心技術研發仍能伺機尋求切入點。 然而,過去強調創新升級轉型的研究不勝枚舉,但鮮少以國內傳統產業模範廠商為個案進行完整詳細地分析,基於此點,本研究針對我國傳統產業廠商「多角化」進行研究,以企業核心資源為基礎,試圖以較為整體性的架構,探討其多角化之相關議題,期能對「傳統產業多角化」,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究之研究問題有五:(1)傳統產業廠商多角化的動機為何?(2)傳統產業廠商如何進行多角化?(3)傳統產業廠商企業核心資源為何?(4)傳統產業廠商多角化過程中新產品開發流程為何?(5)傳統產業廠商多角化後的新創組織作法為何? 透過深度訪談個案公司高階經理人,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:(1)企業核心資源中之個人專長能力的展現為多角化轉型基礎;(2)創新研發過程中,知識資源的累積是技術發展的原動力;(3)順暢的組織內部溝通有助於新產品或新事業的發展;(4)對新產品開發而言,技術資源的彈性運用與高度整合有利於發展新事業;(5)以創新研發為導向之企業與智慧財產權之管理具高度關聯性。 / The domestic conventional industries were the mainstay of Taiwan economics. Because of the transformation of industries and then suffered from the lift of environmental consciousness. It ultimately turned to be the so-called “Sunset Industries”. The root cause was the low margin profit in mature stage of product life cycle. Most of conventional industries firms strove to break through the hardship by diversification. Not to withdraw the ideology from OEM mindset, the conventional industry firms invested in non-core relevant businesses painstakingly. It was just trapped to another red sea. For the moment, the dominant anchor of Taiwan economics was information technologies not the conventional industries. Nevertheless, just switched the manufacturing viewpoint and persevered to the development of core technologies to look for the niche points. Although, the studies in the past focused on innovative upgrading transformation were too numerous and there was scarcely to portray the leading company elaborately in domestic conventional industries. Based on this concept, the thesis paid attention to the study of diversification of domestic conventional industries. Endeavor to apply the comprehensive framework which was founded on the core resources of enterprises and discussed the correlative issues of diversification. Looking forward to the diversification of conventional industries could facilitate the contributions in practical and theoretical domain. The study aimed to investigate the questions: (1) What were the motivations drove the conventional industry firms to diversify? (2) How the conventional industry firms to execute the diversification? (3) What were the core resources of conventional industry firms? (4) What was the procedure of new product development in conventional industry firms during the duration of diversification? (5) What were the practices to construct the new business unit after diversification in conventional industry firms? This study exerted the deep interview methodology of qualitative researches and secondary data analyses to rearrange. The preliminary research findings included: (1) The performance of individual capability in enterprise core resources was the foundation of diversification. (2) During the innovative R&D process, the accumulation of knowledge resource was the motivation of technology of development. (3) The fluent communication in organization was conducive to develop the new products or new businesses. (4) As far as the new product development was concerned, the flexible exertion and high integration of technology resources was favorable for integrating and exploring new businesses. (5) Innovative R&D oriented enterprises were in high connection with management of intellectual property rights.

具有產生參考解答功能的高中化學計算問題生成系統 / A generation system for high school chemistry word problems with accompanying solutions

張博城, Zhang, Bo Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年線上教學平台有著很大的發展,不管是國內的均一教學平台,或國外知名的可汗教育平台,都提供各種學科便利學生自主學習。而在高中化學計算的領域中,這些平台上均提供各種教學課程。美中不足的是在線上的練習系統中,往往題目數量少、題目變化少、無詳細解題步驟,這樣將不足以透過題目衡量一個學生在各個主題的學習上有無明顯的進步。 本論文的目的是改善上述問題。我們設計並實做一系統,只要使用者輸入簡單需求,即可自動產生高中化學問題以及伴隨詳細解答,可方便出題者快速產生各式不同主題的高中化學應用題目。我們的系統提供一個Web前端供使用者輸入所需要生成的題目之資訊。系統由此收齊相關參數之後,接著即可依據參數產生符合題目限制條件的化學問題生成模型。此問題模型為一hypergraph,節點代表已知或未知相關化學量,超連結(hyperedge)則代表數個化學量間的相依關係。有了此一以ASP(Answer Set Programming)表達的問題模型之後,系統即可利用ASP求解器(Solver)進行單一或多個題目生成,後續工作則是驗證每一生成題目之可行性並產生解題步驟,最後經由Django整合呈現於Web上。 / In recent years there has been great progress in the development of online learning. Well-known platforms such as international Khan Academic or local Junyi Academy in Taiwan provide courses in various subjects allowing interested students to study in a very convenient and autonomous way. As expected, courses on common subjects such as high school chemistry are offered with rich content by these platforms. However, there are shortcomings in these courses about the problems they provide for the students to practice or test. In addition to rich content, an ideal course should provide abundant problems of all possible topics, with each given detailed solution, so that students can evaluate their achievement of study by practicing or testing themselves with these problems. Unfortunately, no courses on these platforms meet the above requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to improve the above shortcoming by providing a system which can generate automatically word problems on various topics of high school chemistry, together with detailed accompanied solutions. Our system is a web-based application implemented using Django. It provides a front-end enabling the users to enter related information for the word problems they want the system to generate. According to the parameters collected from the front-end, our system will generate a corresponding chemical problem model. The model is a hypergraph with nodes representing known or unknown chemical quantities related to the problem and hyperedges representing relations or dependencies among these quantities. After the model is generated as a logic program of ASP(Answer-set Programming), the system will use an ASP solver to generate one or more candidate problems. Subsequent works are then used to verify the feasibility of each problem and produce a solution for the feasible one. Finally the generated problems as well as solutions are wrapped in the server side and then sent to and presented friendly in the client's browser.

商標符碼消費行為之實證研究 / Empirical Study of Symbolic Consumption Behavior of Trademark

陳淑貞, Chen, Shu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)

中國內地高中化學課程中科學素養主題的研究 / Study of the high school chemistry curriculum for scientific literacy themes in the P. R. China

陳博 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

國際人權公約酷刑禁止規定對我國刑事法之影響 / The Impact of The Prohibition of Torture on International Human Rights Covenants to Taiwan Criminal Law

陳彥廷 Unknown Date (has links)
我國立法院於2009年3月31日通過《公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法》,經總統於2009年4月16日簽署,並於同年4月22日公布。故我國雖無加入聯合國或經由簽署而成為締約國,惟透過該施行法的轉化功能,《公民與政治權利國際公約》已正式於我國法體系落地生根,也使我國與國際的人權保障標準有了初步的接軌。其中,《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條規定:「任何人均不得加以酷刑或施以殘忍的、不人道的或侮辱性的待遇或懲罰。特別是對任何人均不得未經其自由同意而施以醫藥或科學實驗。」,該條中有關酷刑禁止之原則亦因上述施行法的通過而成為我國應遵行的人權保障範疇。惟公約第7條的酷刑禁止規定究係一單純的理念宣示,亦或是具有實效的保護規範?對我國刑事法的規範面及實踐面又有何重要影響? 對此,本文先在第二章中比較酷刑的一般性定義及國際法定義,並論述酷刑本身帶有的惡性,接著探索酷刑產生的根源、在歷史的發展變遷及禁止酷刑的理論基礎。第三章首先確立酷刑禁止原則在國際法上已受到諸多條約及宣言的反覆闡示,且取得了國際習慣法的地位,而其本身帶有的強行法性質可為酷刑禁止原則之絕對保障提供強而有力的說理基礎。其次介紹《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條的制訂背景、保障意義及聯合國人權委員會對此所作出的兩號一般性意見書。《歐洲人權公約》關於酷刑禁止之原則規定在第3條,而歐洲人權法院在此表達的權威性見解有助於我國釐清《公民與政治權利國際公約》第7條的保障內涵。 第四章剖析公約第7條對我國法的規範面及實踐面會產生哪些重要的影響。首要應先定位公約第7條在我國法體系中的法律效力,特別是不受酷刑在我國憲法上的保護基礎為何?而死刑及無期徒刑有無違反公約第7條?需受到哪些限制?我國現今的監禁法制與現象有哪些需要迫切檢討之處?社會上有引進呼聲的鞭刑與化學去勢是否牴觸公約第7條?營救式刑求是否屬於公約第7條的例外?本文整理了相關的國內外文獻,歸納出不同的肯否見解,並參照歐洲人權法院的看法對上述議題一一回應,以期使公約第7條可在我國獲得正確適用,並妥善的發揮其保障功能。最後,除了總結回顧上開的研究重點外,並展望我國刑事法在酷刑禁止原則上所要面臨的全新課題與挑戰。

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