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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張洪碩, Chang,Gates H. S. Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟(Knowledge Economy)的時代中,企業經營最重要的生產要素已由知識取代機器、資金、原料或勞工,亦是在商場上競爭與存活的重要武器。所以,能夠針對知識做重大投資的企業,其成長率最快,且其價值與產值亦最大,例如資訊業、半導體業、通訊業等的知識密集之產業。 我們可以發現許多高科技上市櫃公司的股價均很高,但其所擁有的有形資產並不多,其中更有些公司的市值可能達到有形資產的數十倍甚至百倍,其中的差距,並無法從財務報表一窺究竟,其實就是無形資產,也是所謂的智慧資本(Intellectual Capital)。因此,對企業而言,如何充分利用此智慧資本,將知識整合進新的核心能力,轉型成為一個知識導向的組織,就成為一個很重要的課題。 因此,在智慧資本議題受到普遍重視的同時,另外一個很重要的議題亦引起大家的注意,那就是知識管理。如前所述,知識管理乃透過創造、儲存、分享、維持等活動,進而鞏固企業的競爭優勢。然而企業的競爭優勢究竟為何?知識管理活動該如何有效地協助競爭優勢的建立與維持?知識管理活動的成效又是如何得以衡量? 本研究的目的即希望能夠透過瞭解企業知識管理及智慧資本運作機制,並深入探討高科技公司創新研發中心的知識管理模式,包含其型成過程與要素,以辨別公司是否有足夠人力、結構,並適時由人力資源策略、組織學習來調節並幫助決策者做出正確的調整策略,順利推動知識管理制度,不致於使知識管理活動流於形式,而使得企業活動毫無目標與方向。 / In the “Knowledge economy” era Knowledge is being substituted for the machine, capital, materials or labors, and to be the most important competitive weapons for the enterprise. We observe many high technology companies, which have the very high stock price, but they do not have many tangible assets. Although some of them have hundred times of marketing values compare with their tangible assets. The main difference is the Intellectual Capital which can not be expressed by the financial statement. Therefore, for the businesses, it is the most important issue to integrate the knowledge and enterprise core competency. Furthermore, there is another important issue is “Knowledge Management.” Knowledge management is through creation, storage, sharing, and maintenance to consolidate the competitive advantage of enterprise. However, what is the exactly competitive advantage of enterprise? How to help enterprise to establish and maintain competitive advantage effectively by Knowledge Management? How to evaluate the performance of Knowledge Management related activities? In this study, we hope through understanding the business Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital operation mechanism, and probing into the Knowledge Management model of innovative research and development center in high-technology business to clarify the company if they have enough human power, structure with appropriately human resource and organizational learning strategy to help the decision maker to make the right strategy, thus can advance the knowledge management system.

從創新研發與行銷管理的觀點探討新自創品牌公司的運作與動態變化 / The Exploration of the Operation and Dynamic Change of a New Own Brand Manufacturer from the Viewpoint of Innovative R & D and Marketing management

吳永欽, Wu, Yung-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
民國九十年左右,正值國內傳統行業轉型的年代,許多中小企業紛紛從所謂的夕陽工業轉型到科技業。近幾年來,政府也極力鼓勵民間企業自創品牌。但轉型成為自創品牌的企業寥寥可數,真正成功者更是少數。本研究試圖從台灣某家由傳統行業轉為自創品牌的中小企業來了解其建立品牌的經驗,除文獻探討及收集該公司之歷史資料外,並專訪該公司經理人後,進行個案分析及建立理論架構。此外,收集2000個顧客的調查資料與公司過去兩年來的銷售績效,以試圖了解競爭環境如何影響新自創品牌公司營運策略的調整,以及公司營運策略調整下,其創新研發與行銷之管理與運作。 本研究所得的重要結論有以下幾點: 一﹑新「自創品牌」公司面對競爭激烈的產業如何動態調整「營運策略」? 1. 新「自創品牌」公司的經營者對於所處競爭環境須有高度的靈敏度與機動性。 2. 資訊科技的運用可增加新「自創品牌」公司資訊的透明度與決策系統的正確性。 3. 新「自創品牌」公司正派的經營理念與形成的「品牌形象」與「企業形象」可獲得代工大廠的支持。 二﹑新「自創品牌」公司的「創新研發」與「行銷」之管理與運作為何? 1. 新「自創品牌」公司內部「創新研發」機制是提升新「自創品牌」公司品牌知名度的關鍵。 2. 新「自創品牌」公司在「創新研發」的組織方面,會考慮藉由與異業的合作,以突破傳統的設計觀念。 3. 新「自創品牌」公司在選擇目標市場上,會鎖定利基市場與被忽略的市場,同時強調產品設計的「差異化」。 4. 集中於特定市場是擴張知名度是一較有效率的方法。 5. 新「自創品牌」公司初期階段會先以「創新研發」設計導向為主,當產品陸續被接受且市場擴大後,再轉為行銷導向。 6. 「自創品牌」公司基於產品價值的概念,其定價模式以「價值定價」而非一般傳統OEM廠商的成本加成定價。 7. 「產品品質」、「設計」與「服務體系」的整合對於新「自創品牌」公司品牌知名度與品牌認同的提升有很大的助益。 8. 新「自創品牌」公司的經營者品牌承諾的兌現,及品牌策略與產品定位的一致性,能獲得通路商及客戶的支持。 關鍵詞:營運策略,自創品牌,創新研發,行銷,差異化。 / Many small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan started to transform from conventional industries into high technology ones in the beginning of the 2000s, an era of transformation of the domestic industries in Taiwan. In recent years, the government also urges the private enterprises to establish their own brand . However, those that have transformed into new own brand manufacturers (OBMs) are few, and those successful even less. The study aims to explore the experience of a small and medium-sized enterprise that has transformed from a conventional industry into an own brand manufacturer. In addition to literature review and the collection of historical information of the company, the top executives and managers are interviewed in order to analyze the case and establish the theoretical framework. Furthermore, customer information and the sales performance over the past two years are collected to explore the influence of the competitive environment on adjustment of the business strategies of an OBM, and the company’s management and operation of the innovative research and development and marketing based on the adjustment. The conclusions drawn from the study are as following: 1. How does a new OBM dynamically adjust its business strategies to the keenly competitive environment of the industry? A. The CEO of a new OBM tends to show higher sensitivity and mobility to the competitive environment. B. The application of information technology enhances the transparency of the information of a new OBM and the accuracy of the decision-making system. C. The decent corporate ideology of a new OBM, its brand image and the corporate image are more likely to gain the support from the major original equipment manufacturers. 2. What is a new OBM’s management and operation of the innovative research and development and marketing? A. The innovative R&D mechanism of a new OBM is the key to the enhancement of its brand awareness. B. A new OBM may consider the inter-industry cooperation in order to make a breakthrough of traditional design concept. C. A new OBM may focus on niche markets and markets that are ignored, and put emphasis on the differentiation of product design simultaneously. D. Focusing on a certain market is a more efficient way to enhance brand awareness. E. A new OBM tends to adopt a design-oriented approach in the early stage, and consider turning to a customer-oriented or market-oriented approach when products are gradually accepted. F. A new OBM tends to adopt value pricing instead of traditional pricing. G. The integration of product quality, design and service system contributes a lot to the enhancement of brand awareness and brand identification. H. The fulfillment of the commitments of a brand by the manager of a new OBM and the consistency of brand strategy and product positioning are more likely to obtain the support from the distributors and the customers. Keywords: business strategy, own brand, innovative research and development, marketing, differentiation

以資源基礎論探討傳統產業多角化之研究—以H公司為例 / A study on diversification of conventional industries based on resource-based theory for H corporation

張錫煌, Chang, Hsi Huang Unknown Date (has links)
我國傳統產業的發展由早期台灣經濟的中流砥柱,歷經產業變革、環保意識抬頭打壓後,至今被戲稱為「夕陽產業」,主因為產品生命週期進入低毛利成熟期。大部分傳統產業廠家積極尋求多角化轉型以突破困境,但在無法抽離製造代工心態下,積極投入非核心相關領域,無非是落入另一紅海。目前支撐台灣主要經濟命脈產業仍以資訊科技業為主,傳統產業雖非主流,但改變製造心態,堅持投入核心技術研發仍能伺機尋求切入點。 然而,過去強調創新升級轉型的研究不勝枚舉,但鮮少以國內傳統產業模範廠商為個案進行完整詳細地分析,基於此點,本研究針對我國傳統產業廠商「多角化」進行研究,以企業核心資源為基礎,試圖以較為整體性的架構,探討其多角化之相關議題,期能對「傳統產業多角化」,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究之研究問題有五:(1)傳統產業廠商多角化的動機為何?(2)傳統產業廠商如何進行多角化?(3)傳統產業廠商企業核心資源為何?(4)傳統產業廠商多角化過程中新產品開發流程為何?(5)傳統產業廠商多角化後的新創組織作法為何? 透過深度訪談個案公司高階經理人,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:(1)企業核心資源中之個人專長能力的展現為多角化轉型基礎;(2)創新研發過程中,知識資源的累積是技術發展的原動力;(3)順暢的組織內部溝通有助於新產品或新事業的發展;(4)對新產品開發而言,技術資源的彈性運用與高度整合有利於發展新事業;(5)以創新研發為導向之企業與智慧財產權之管理具高度關聯性。 / The domestic conventional industries were the mainstay of Taiwan economics. Because of the transformation of industries and then suffered from the lift of environmental consciousness. It ultimately turned to be the so-called “Sunset Industries”. The root cause was the low margin profit in mature stage of product life cycle. Most of conventional industries firms strove to break through the hardship by diversification. Not to withdraw the ideology from OEM mindset, the conventional industry firms invested in non-core relevant businesses painstakingly. It was just trapped to another red sea. For the moment, the dominant anchor of Taiwan economics was information technologies not the conventional industries. Nevertheless, just switched the manufacturing viewpoint and persevered to the development of core technologies to look for the niche points. Although, the studies in the past focused on innovative upgrading transformation were too numerous and there was scarcely to portray the leading company elaborately in domestic conventional industries. Based on this concept, the thesis paid attention to the study of diversification of domestic conventional industries. Endeavor to apply the comprehensive framework which was founded on the core resources of enterprises and discussed the correlative issues of diversification. Looking forward to the diversification of conventional industries could facilitate the contributions in practical and theoretical domain. The study aimed to investigate the questions: (1) What were the motivations drove the conventional industry firms to diversify? (2) How the conventional industry firms to execute the diversification? (3) What were the core resources of conventional industry firms? (4) What was the procedure of new product development in conventional industry firms during the duration of diversification? (5) What were the practices to construct the new business unit after diversification in conventional industry firms? This study exerted the deep interview methodology of qualitative researches and secondary data analyses to rearrange. The preliminary research findings included: (1) The performance of individual capability in enterprise core resources was the foundation of diversification. (2) During the innovative R&D process, the accumulation of knowledge resource was the motivation of technology of development. (3) The fluent communication in organization was conducive to develop the new products or new businesses. (4) As far as the new product development was concerned, the flexible exertion and high integration of technology resources was favorable for integrating and exploring new businesses. (5) Innovative R&D oriented enterprises were in high connection with management of intellectual property rights.

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