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黃財焜 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行辦理授信業務,雖以借戶信用、資金用途、還款來源、債權保障及借戶展望等五大因素,亦即一般所謂之授信5P為基礎,並作詳盡之事前預測及評估,咸認債權確保無虞,始予貸放,惟信用風險之評估畢竟是一種事前之預測,甚難做到百分一百可靠。因此,在眾多的借戶中,難免會有到期未能依約償還之情事,一般所謂之逾期放款於焉產生。 本文嚐試以個案分析方式,從個案銀行的公司概況、財務概況、營業概況等三構面的異同,試圖尋找出商業銀行發生逾期放款的諸多可能原因。 文後,本文再依據這些造成銀行逾放的原因,擬定出下列之因應對策: 1.加強金融檢查及監理。 2.健全不動產鑑估制度。 3.適度揭露金融機構逾放比率。 4.提高金融機構打銷呆帳誘因。 5.提升授信人員專業知識水準。 冀望對業界處理多年棘手的逾放問題有所貢獻,並因此對國家、社會有安定的作用。


陳曉蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
當政府由早期基於金融穩定而採取嚴格的管制措施,演進至推行各項改革與跟制解除的同時,國內金融機構卻在84年起相繼爆發金融風暴。經歷過這樣的變化後,相信在一般大眾的心裡,一定存在這樣的疑惑:到底把錢存在哪一家銀行才最有保障?投資於哪一家銀行,才能滿足自己獲利的需求?目前主管當局用來降低自由化所帶來風險而設定的資本管制是否有效?因此,本文將針對上述的問題,分為兩大部份進行討論: 一、對台灣所有銀行進行信用評等。 二、尋找台灣銀行業最適風險基礎資本比率。 表面上看來,二者似乎沒有多大關聯;但事實上,因為台灣特殊的金融環境,使得進行銀行評等時,必須特別注意「資本」所可能產生的假象蒙蔽而扭曲結果。正由於如此,讓我們對目前的風險基礎資本管制產生好奇,究竟何種資本比率可使台灣銀行業的信用風險達到極小乏境界。 一般評估銀行的營運狀況多半是採用CAMEL(資本適足性、資產品質、管理能力、盈利性、流動性)制度,其中的C雖然代表資本適足性,但仍認為自有資本越多時,銀行的安全性越大,評價也越高。不過由近代許多研究報告得知:銀行資本問題實非形成銀行倒閉之主要原因。特別是在臺灣,許多金融機構之所以擠兌或倒閉,乃是因為資產品質或人謀不臧而發生問題。所以,更多的資本未必代表銀行更健全。因此本文將改用C*AMEL制度來對指標作控制處理,也就是要求銀行具有10%的BIS自有資本比率及5%的第一類資本槓桿比率即可,避免以往的金融評等易受高資本比率的庇護,而無法顯現隱性問題銀行的本質,扭曲評等結果,並強調揭示銀行的信用態度。 正因為國內與國外金融環境有所差異,於是再次凸顯資本大小與資產品質間的重要性關係。以往對於此類的討論眾說紛紜,有的認為二者應成正向關係,有的則提出負向關係。為深入探討實施「風險基礎資本比率」後,所有本國銀行自有資本與資產品質問的關係,並檢驗國內銀行業是否、存有一最適資本比率,以期達信用風險極小之境界,我們又進一步利用併合時間數列及橫斷面資料之Dummy Variable Model進行迴歸分析。 研究結果發現: 1.在公營銀行的財務強度評等中,以國營行庫的交通銀行、市屬行庫的臺北銀行及省屬七行庫中的臺灣銀行、土地銀行經營最好,其餘多半列於B或Ba級。但若考量其他關於營運環境分析或評估其在金融體系中之地位時,可發現公營銀行在一般舊銀行中仍具有領導性的地位,尤其背後都有政府約隱性支持,故大大降低倒帳風險。 2.舊民營銀行中,中國商銀、世華銀行不但具有卓越的財務實力,其信用等級也名列前茅。 3.六家中小企業銀行中,除臺中企銀的業務基礎與信用程度較平穩外,其餘的財務強度或長期信用等級多位於B甚或C級。究其原因,乃是在於各企銀的逾期放款遠高於一般水準。 4.新銀行的實證期間只有三年,易受到單一事件影響而使其財務強度評等或長期信用評等等級的波動較大。不過綜合來說,華信銀行的財務實力雄厚,且與玉山銀行擁有優良的信用品質;但泛亞銀行無論是從財務面或是由其信用度的觀點切入,都顯示出劇烈的波動,亟待大刀闊斧地整頓一番。 5.提昇評等等級的方法,除了改善財務營運體質外,提高本身在金融體系的地位、加強專業經營能力與開拓營業項目之市場佔有率方面,也是不容忽視的,唯有多管齊下,才能穩定利基,確保永續經營。 6.臺灣銀行業存有U型資本結構,尤其在風險基礎資本比率的各資產風險權數的設定是採恣意性規定的情況下,資產品質的優劣更關乎銀行是否能生存的重要條件。在主管當局所能觸及管轄的範圍內,再提高公營行庫此一資本比率到90%的水準,相信能減緩資產品質風險;而對於民營銀行紛紛調高帳面風險基礎資本比率的作法、應賦予高度的關切,避免其從事更具冒險的動作而危及銀行永續經營。


林美如, Lin, Mei Ru Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界經濟水準的提升,產業內活動包括產業內貿易(IIT)與產業內投資(IIFDI)相繼活躍起來,而且其重要性不容忽視。故本文在理論方面,運用國際貿易與產業組織理論,以Dixit (1980)為成本結構探討IIT、IIFDI、與產業內經濟活動(IIM)及決定因素。   在實證上,以G-L指數做為衡量IIT、IIFDI、與IIM程度的指標,所得的實證結果如下:   1.當美國產業處於貿易逆差下,美國相對市場規模擴大,IIT程度下降;處於順差時,美國相對市場規模擴大,IIT程度上升。在其他變數方面,美國的進口運輸費率與外國廠商的研發支出對IIT的影響,和理論模型的特性有一致性。   2.在IIFDI方面,當美國產業處於FDI逆差下,美國的相對成本競爭力上升、宣佈的關稅稅率下降、與進口運輸費率上升,會使IIFDI程度上升,其中進口運輸費率的實證結果與理論方向相反,但係數值不顯著;若處於FDI順差下,美國相對成本競爭力上升、宣佈的關稅稅率下降、與進口運輸費率下降,使IIFDI程度下降。   3.在IIM方面,當產業處於國際經濟活動逆差下,美國相對市場規模擴大、相對成本競爭力下降、宣佈的關稅稅率上升、與進口運輸費率下降,會使IIM程度下降,其中相對市場規模和進口運輸費率的係數值均不顯著,且進口運輸費率對IIM的影響方向和理論不一致;處於國際經濟活動順差時,美國相對市場規模擴大、相對成本競爭力下降、宣佈的關稅稅率上升、與進口運輸費率上升,使IIM程度上升,其中進口運輸費率係數值不顯著,但均和理論預期方向一致。   4.當產業處於逆差下,美國市場集中度提高使IIFDI及IIM程度上升;產業處於順差下,美國市場集中度提高,使IIFDI及IIM均下降。   5.產品差異程度變動對IIT、IlFDI、IIM程度的變動方向具一致性,解釋了產品差異性是IIT、IIFDI、IIM會發生的共同原因。

台灣總體貨幣政策對其企業商業授信模式之影響 / .

潘福明, Pan, Dennis Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討企業間商業授信(Trade Credit)在總體貨幣政策變化時所扮演的角色,並參考Choi and Kim (2005)分別觀察應收帳款、應付帳款及淨應收帳款之變化,探討當總體貨幣政策變化時財務較佳企業是否會對財務受限制企業【規模較小、利息保障倍數較低、短期債務相對營收比重偏高、財務槓桿偏高】提供財務協助。 本研究實證結果發現,貨幣政策變化確實造成同業間增加商業授信比率;惟由淨應收帳款比率之變化發現,財務指標較佳企業之淨應收帳款比率對總體貨幣政策之敏感度皆低,亦即對財務不佳企業之財務協助不存在,反觀財務受限制企業在貨幣政策變化時期應付帳款被明顯調降,但仍需增加應收帳款,故整體而言,反而造成財務受限制企業於貨幣政策變化時期增加提供淨商業授信之結果,此結果以負債比偏高組及利息保障倍數較低組尤其明顯,說明不但財務較佳企業並無對財務受限制企業提供財務協助,財務受限制企業於貨幣政策變化時,尚有增加淨商業授信之歷力,對貨幣政策之敏感度較高。 / The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between monetary shock and trade credit. Following Choi and Kim (2005), we look at both sides of firm’s trade credit as well as net trade credit to find out if financial assistance view stands. The following results are obtained: (1) Account receivable of both large and small firms increases with monetary shock, but the result of net trade credit is not the same. We find no evidence that financial assistance view stands in terms of different sized firm. (2) Financial unconstained firms also don’t offer more net trade credit while financial constrained firms are forced to increase more net trade credit due to huge account payable drop. Therefore, monetary shock increase the financial pressure of fincncial constrained firms especially significant in higher net leverage ratio and lower interest cover ratio groups.

The All Star 商業計畫書 / The all star team business plan

賽斯, Robinson, Seth Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Guanxi 貿易公司商業企劃書 / Guanxi trading LLC business plan

阿斯特麗, Astrid Fabiola Mejia Sanchez Unknown Date (has links)
Japan’s sogo shosha institutions and South Korea’s chonghap sangsa are among the top trading companies in the world. Along with other players in the international market, they have significantly contributed to the expansion of trade and to the economic development of their countries. In countries like Taiwan, Japan and Korea, trading companies were part of the driving force that propelled their global economic effort and they were an integral part of the economic miracles that transformed their economies forever. International trade benefits countries by improving the living standard of the population, lower prices for consumers, improved efficiency in production and a greater variety of goods. This business plan is focused on analyzing the feasibility of Guanxi Trading LLC, an export trading (ETC) company based in Honduras, with efforts oriented toward boosting the Honduran economy by trading with Taiwan. In doing so, it intends to replicate the success of trading companies worldwide in improving the economies of their nations. By trading with Taiwan, Guanxi Trading LLC also aims to enter the rising Asian market and increase its global presence in hope of helping in the development of the Honduran economy.

茶舖商業計畫書 / Tea house business plan

李仁德, Lee III, Renato W. Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan has been prepared to provide the reader with information about Formosa Tea House, including business structure, company goals, projected growth, venture capital requirements, start-up costs, an investment analysis and the industry trends. Formosa Tea House is a proposed tea house located in the General Manila Area. It will be managed by a seasoned Banker whose love and knowledge of tea leaves will make the transition to owning and running a tea shop as a natural step which was born out of passion. His interest in tea leaves and the proper way of brewing and serving tea was enriched by his stay in Taipei, Taiwan were true tea connoisseurs have enjoyed both the luxury and benefits of tea drinking for decades. Formosa Tea House will offer a full range of teas (hot and iced), as well as pastries, premium chocolates, tea accessories, and loose tea for self-brewing and to be enjoyed at home or gifts to friends and love ones. The store will be manned by a master “Teatender” and the proponent has been learning proper brewing techniques for the last six months. All “Teatenders” will be trained in the proper storage, brewing, and serving of each kind of tea. Our goal is to provide the finest premium teas and chocolates in the Greater Manila Area in a relaxed and very upscale environment. The owners are investing $10,330 of their own money into the business while an additional 6 year loan of $53,633 will be needed to fund initial company operations. Based on the company’s well-researched and conservative sales forecasts, projected sales will be over $190,000 in the first year, with continued moderate increases through year 3. The proponents project a net profit in the first year of over $19,000, with steadily increasing net worth for the foreseeable future.

開設Betty花店的商業企畫書 / A Business Plan for Betty's Florist

賈大衛, Joughin, David Unknown Date (has links)
Betty’s Florist is a small shop located in Taipei City, Taiwan. It opened in 2006 in a store front recently purchased for the purpose. In the years since its opening, the shop has been able to cover its expenses, including the repayment of the loan financing the real estate. The owner had never looked at the flower business and the building as separate investments to determine whether gains by one were offset by losses from the other. Four possible scenarios are proposed as a result of this plan: operate the business in its current location, operate the business but sell the property and move to new location, abandon the business and hold the property, and abandon the business and sell the property. Analysis of the business revealed that while the business was generating a small amount of cash after payment of the loan, the owner had never allowed for a reasonable salary for herself, in effect making a large monthly investment in the business/ building combination. This plan then determines that the failure of the business to provide an adequate return stems from a combination of a poor location and complete lack of sales and promotion efforts. It then provides a detailed plan to reverse the losses, predicting a change to profitability in 2013. An independent analysis of the property revealed that it has indeed been profitable over the investment period. It is not expected to produce gains or losses in excess of the cost of capital in years to come. Since the real estate investment does not produce a large expected loss, it has been determined that the best option is to continue the business in its current location, pending a firm commitment by the owner to adopt the strategic changes.

香皂世紀商業計劃書 / SoapEra Business Plan

郭乃文, Kuo, Jeffrey Unknown Date (has links)
香皂世紀商業計劃書 / SoapEra is a new made-in-Taiwan brand in the soap business. The founder of SoapEra has over fifteen years of experience in the soap industry and soap business, and will take the management role to run SoapEra’s daily business operation. SoapEra has the vision to provide the value-added soap products with design and customization to customers. SoapEra is seeking the business opportunity in the cultural and creative industry and going to explore the gift market in Taiwan. SoapEra will be selling designed soaps that can be used for general body cleansing and can be displayed as decoration as well. SoapEra also will allow customers customizing shape, stamp, color, scent, and size of the soaps that customers have in mind. SoapEra will be selling soap products in individual package and gift set boxes on SoapEra’s official website, retailers at the cultural and creative places, souvenir stores, and on-line retailers. SoapEra will also collaborate with hotels, restaurants, wedding planners, wedding dress companies, and postpartum centers to promote SoapEra’s design and custom soaps for wedding and newborn baby giveaway gifts. SoapEra is expected to have a positive net income by the end of the second year, and the net income is estimated at $1.7-million NTD for a significant growth in the third year. SoapEra will make a premium soap brand in the culture and creative industry and have a profitable business in the gift market.

台灣商業銀行經營困境及發展海外業務之探討 / Taiwan commercial banking landscape - current insights and trends

邱凌蘭, Chiu, Lin Lan Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化、區域經濟整合的時代來臨,兩岸金融隨著世界貿易組織的規範而向全球開放,台灣銀行業將面臨嚴峻的挑戰與機會,且因國內金融市場過度競爭,以及台商全球化布局,為滿足客戶的跨國金融需求,國內金融機構日益著重於海外市場布局,逐漸走向區域化、國際化發展已成必然的趨勢。然而面對瞬息萬變的國際市場,台灣銀行業如何因應環境趨勢,因勢而變,適時轉型,以提升其國際競爭力,並保持永續成長的動能,實為國內銀行業重要的經營議題。 本研究選擇頗受國際財經專業雜誌肯定的個案銀行為例,個案銀行連續多年被國際財經專業雜誌選為台灣地區最佳銀行,在台灣市場的外匯交易、貿易融資、現金管理、網路銀行、財富管理、投資銀行、債券交易與聯貸等業務皆於國內同業領先之地位。本研究試圖分析目前台灣銀行業與個案銀行在現行的海外市場營運面臨之問題與挑戰,並探究個案銀行如何依循其企業願景,擬定海外擴張策略,並決定經營目標和經營方針,然後透過新商業模式的建立,將其所擁有的資源,進行分配和調整,複製台灣成功經驗,建置亞太地區交易型金融平台,有效連結海外分行平台,使得銀行可以建立以客戶為中心的核心價值,以經營客戶全面關係管理為主軸,深入掌握不同客戶區隔的需求與市場脈動,提供最貼切的金融解決方案與服務,以獲得可持續之競爭優勢。 / As a combined result of globalization, economic zone integration, and increased cross strait openness stipulated by WTO rules, Taiwan’s banking industry is now experiencing both intense challenges and increased opportunities. As Taiwanese companies have become more internationalized and Taiwan’s local banking market remains hypercompetitive – Taiwan banks have increasingly focused on building up overseas platforms to meet customers’ financial needs. In short, maintaining competitiveness and growth expectations within this dynamic business environment is a top goal for Taiwanese banks. In our research we look at “Case Bank”, which has been designated ‘The Best Bank in Taiwan’ by several financial magazines. Case Bank is a market leader in FX trade, transactional based lending products, cash management, net banking services, wealth and investment management, bond trading, and syndication. Our research assesses the challenges that both Case Bank and other Taiwanese banks face with respect to overseas platforms. Our study also looks at how Case Bank has executed its overseas strategic objectives including, management strategy, business objectives, resource allocation, transaction platforms, and networking synergies. Overall, our research concludes that Taiwan banks’ best practices with respect to developing overseas business model include: focus on customer-centric core values, relationship management, understanding demand by segment and industry, and providing superior financial solutions.

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