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台北市國片市場的研究李必昌, LI, BI-CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
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從敘事角度剖析國片海角七號 / A narrative analysis of Taiwanese movie Cape No. 7林世堃 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣電影產業劣勢行銷分析 / A Case Study on the Constraint Marketing Strategy of Taiwan Movie Industry洪東華, Hung,Tung Hua Unknown Date (has links)
於是本研究以《海角七號》、《艋舺》、《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》、《陣頭》、《大尾鱸鰻》歷年台灣賣座國片為分析對象,探討對內:本身行銷預算不足,商品又不具備市場吸引力,對外:又要面對有高預算做行銷宣傳,產品又有市場吸引力的強大競爭者下,如何在困境中突破重圍,透過對其實務的行銷作為的研究分析,建構可以依循複製,能逆境轉勝的劣勢行銷的方法,以期讓後續其他台灣國片業者,更甚讓同樣處於困境劣勢的企業體、創業家有所依循,共創台灣產業新未來。 / Movie market has been in a down term for long time in Taiwan. It was due to historical context and market practical reasons. But fortunately, “Cape No. 7” brings hope to Taiwan Movie industry after it created a miracle with unbeatable broken record of box office in 2008. Taiwan Movie was booming since then, it is not the matter of whether there is a market or not, but how to “Sell”?
Here we used five successful movies in recent years as our research targets, including “Cape No. 7”, “Monga”, “You Are the Apple of My Eye”, “Din Tao: Leader of the Parade” and “David Loman”. By researching and analyzing their original ideas of how to identify the target market with low budget, and unattractive productions which have to face the strong competitions who have strong budget support for market promotions as well as strong market appearance. How do they break the plight?
Thus developed a methodology of constraint marketing, providing a way to the other Taiwanese films industry, even more, to those beleaguered companies and entrepreneurs to follow! Eventually, create a brighter future to Taiwan Movie industry!
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台灣電影產業之智慧財產商品化研究 / A study on the commercialization of the intellectual property of Taiwan film industry洪誠孝 Unknown Date (has links)
一部電影,本質上往往仰賴各方面創意為基礎,而創意的具體化則該透過適當的法律制度,以「智慧財產 (Intellectual Property)」的形式呈現,並加以應用於商業策略之中。換句話說,「商業策略」才是電影創意能否在大眾市場發揮價值的主要概念。過分注重法律保護、政策支援;或過度將票房表現視為電影創意人的價值,恐非台灣本土電影起死回生的好方法。
本論文亦以「智慧財產商品化 (Commercialization)」及「智慧財產行銷」的概念為基礎,探求國片當前面臨的智財商品化問題與可能調整的方向,最後結論各項發現,建立智財觀點下的「電影市場價值組成」與「階梯式電影價值產生模型」,嘗試為台灣建立創新的電影智慧財產行銷運用方式。 / In the past one hundred years, the development of Taiwan film industry has gone through many arduous and crucial stages, including politically planned prohibition, bridles from government, and global competition. Ever since then, there are hardly successful cases. The so-called "Taiwan Cinema" might provide very much IP (intellectual property) to the film industry; however, the value of IP could not be merchandised well at all. It's difficult to make the IP of "Taiwan Cinema" be consumed by audience or consumers. Today, the creativity of Taiwan cinema production is absolutely sufficient, and properly conjugated to IP, nevertheless, the realization of creativity value still fails to get the balance between art, culture and marketability.
A "movie" intrinsically consists of multiple creativity, and which is concretized with legal system to make intellectual property rights (IPR) come into being. And then, the IP can be applied to business strategies. Therefore, the business strategies ought to be critical to the IP value in mass market. In other words, paying to much attention on the legal protection and administrative policies may not be proper.
In 2008, the movie "Cape No. 7" achieved many expectations of many people. Despite the demolished box office records, the film production team seems not to actively commercialize the IP from this movie, and so do many Taiwan cinemas after "Cape No. 7". In order to clarify the commercial relationship between the box office performance and the value of IP application, this study is going to discuss the situation of IP commercialization of movie "Cape No. 7". On the other sides, this study will also point out the challenges Taiwan film industry is just undergoing at present, and try to provide appropriate suggestion based on the views of IP commercialization and IP marketing. Finally, this study will conclude the findings and comments to establish the “Compositions of Market Value of Films with Value Generation Model” and innovative means of IP operation in Taiwan film industry.
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