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文化與消費者偏好之關係: 以好萊塢電影出口為例 / Culture and Consumer Preference: Evidence from Exports of Hollywood Movies王思予 Unknown Date (has links)
在國際貿易中具有文化特性之產品,因國家文化不同可能造成價值減損,因此為了解文化在貿易中所造成之影響,本研究將討論文化如何影響好萊塢電影出口與國際票房。資料採用2013-2015年IMDb與Box Office Mojo網站上所提供票房與電影相關資料,並以Schwartz文化變數作為各國文化特質衡量,最後使用Heckman二階段模型進行估計。實證結果顯示,與美國文化差距越大的國家,則出口以及國際票房表現越差。更於全球化指標中,發現文化相似與資訊傳遞指數值越大時,則對出口與國際票房表現佳。整體來說,文化確實具有影響力。
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台灣電影產業劣勢行銷分析 / A Case Study on the Constraint Marketing Strategy of Taiwan Movie Industry洪東華, Hung,Tung Hua Unknown Date (has links)
於是本研究以《海角七號》、《艋舺》、《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》、《陣頭》、《大尾鱸鰻》歷年台灣賣座國片為分析對象,探討對內:本身行銷預算不足,商品又不具備市場吸引力,對外:又要面對有高預算做行銷宣傳,產品又有市場吸引力的強大競爭者下,如何在困境中突破重圍,透過對其實務的行銷作為的研究分析,建構可以依循複製,能逆境轉勝的劣勢行銷的方法,以期讓後續其他台灣國片業者,更甚讓同樣處於困境劣勢的企業體、創業家有所依循,共創台灣產業新未來。 / Movie market has been in a down term for long time in Taiwan. It was due to historical context and market practical reasons. But fortunately, “Cape No. 7” brings hope to Taiwan Movie industry after it created a miracle with unbeatable broken record of box office in 2008. Taiwan Movie was booming since then, it is not the matter of whether there is a market or not, but how to “Sell”?
Here we used five successful movies in recent years as our research targets, including “Cape No. 7”, “Monga”, “You Are the Apple of My Eye”, “Din Tao: Leader of the Parade” and “David Loman”. By researching and analyzing their original ideas of how to identify the target market with low budget, and unattractive productions which have to face the strong competitions who have strong budget support for market promotions as well as strong market appearance. How do they break the plight?
Thus developed a methodology of constraint marketing, providing a way to the other Taiwanese films industry, even more, to those beleaguered companies and entrepreneurs to follow! Eventually, create a brighter future to Taiwan Movie industry!
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電影採購決策-舞力全開系列電影分析 / Movie Purchasing decision-A case study of Step Up Series鄭惠方, Cheng, Claire Hui fang Unknown Date (has links)
Each year, only around 10% of the produced films will go to theatrical release, and 90% of the produced films might be the missing jewels lost in time. In Taiwan, movie distributors will act as this filter role to find out those 10% films. In this case, we will introduce the basic knowledge of the industry and discuss the evaluation process of the distributors and at the end reaching our conclusions and suggestions.
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何者較能增加表演藝術票房收益: 票價折扣或座位調整? / On Increasing Performing Arts’ Box Office Receipts: Ticket Discount vs. Seat Re-categorization田鵑華, Tien, Chuan Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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