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論安琪拉.卡特小說《馬戲團的奇幻世界》中的二元對立之解構夏甄翊, Hsia, Chen-I Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文企圖運用三種理論,包括傑克森(Rosemary Jackson)的奇幻理論、巴赫金(M. Bakhtin)的嘉年華理論、和依蕊格萊(Luce Irigaray)的假面理論 (masquerade),來分析安琪拉•卡特的《馬戲團的奇幻世界》。本篇論文討論小說中用來解構二元對立以及社會成規的的顛覆的元素。本篇論文分成五個部分來討論。
論文的第一章提供了卡特生平和三個理論的簡略的介紹。論文的第二章以傑克森的奇幻理論為基礎,探討如何以奇幻的呈現手法,達到反動的功用,以為被壓抑的族群發聲。這章也討論到傅柯(Michel Foucault)的圓形監獄的理論。而藉由奇幻理論,小說中的角色和事件,呈現出那些被歸類為不好的、被壓抑的,其實都是權力運作下所產生的。第三章以巴赫金的嘉年華理論來分析小說。文本中的馬戲團,就像是嘉年華世界的化身,充滿了不尋常的事件,舊有的觀點也一一的被挑戰。而藉由這些事件,世俗成規被顯露出來只是建構出來的,而不是本來就存在的。第四章著重於性別方面的議題。以傅柯的權力理論、巴特勒(Judith Butler)的表演理論,和依蕊格萊的假面理論來探討性別成規,以及書中如何打破這些性別成規。最後,本篇論文,以這三種理論,來顯示出小說中對二元對立的解構和對社會成規的反動。 / This thesis aims to analyze Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus with three theories, inclusive of Rosemary Jackson’s theory of fantasy, Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnival theory, and Luce Irigaray’s theory of masquerade. The thesis discusses the blurring elements which aim to deconstruct and to denaturalize received notions and binarism. The thesis is divided into five parts.
The first chapter gives a brief introduction of Carter and three theories. The second chapter discusses the function of the fantastic as a method of revealing the repressed. In this chapter, Michel Foucault’s theory of panopticon is also discussed. Through fantastic events and characters, the novel shows that what is forbidden and repressed results from workings of power and discourse. The third chapter analyzes the novel in terms of carnival. The circus is the embodiment of a carnivalesque world in which things are turned upside down and conventional conceptions are challenged. Characters and events that happen in the circus work to reveal the constructedness of norms in society. The fourth chapter, with a focus on gender binarism, analyzes the novel in respect of the idea that gender is performative. This chapter starts with a brief introduction of Foucault’s discursive theory and Judith Butler’s theory of performativity. Then, Irigaray’s masquerade is applied so as to demonstrate the notion that gender is formed out of power relations. In conclusion, by interpreting the novel with these three theories, the thesis aims to show the constructed nature of binarism and to introduce different perspectives.
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探討城市行銷與鼓勵影視產業之關聯:「少年PI的奇幻漂流」之個案分析 / Strategies of Feature Filmmaking in City Marketing: A Case Study of "Life of PI"林依融, Lin, Yi-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年「韓流」席捲整個亞洲之後,電影製作/影視製作就成為熱門的城市行銷手法,透過電影拍攝,不但可以將城市意象傳播至世界,也可以提升地方產業的發展。在這樣的潮流下,臺中市政府更邀請李安導演及國際劇組來臺拍攝「少年PI的奇幻漂流」,透過影片的拍攝及播送進一步行銷城市。然而,一般討論電影製作以及城市行銷間的關係時,多數會將焦點放在「影視觀光」以及「地方行銷」上;而「少年PI的奇幻漂流」這樣一部在臺中拍攝但完全沒有任何臺中場景的電影,卻讓臺中市與這部電影產生了緊密的聯結,也在李安導演獲獎無數後,讓臺中受到了許多國際媒體的關注。簡而言之,「少年PI的奇幻漂流」是一個不靠電影場景置入而成功達到城市行銷目標的個案,但臺中市政府如何透過鼓勵影視產業發展達成城市行銷目的?本研究即著重於探討臺中市政府在此個案上所採取的各項策略。 / Since 2000, the craze of “Korean Wave” has overwhelmingly swept across Asia, filmmaking became a popular city marketing approach to broadcast and transmit the city image to the world, also to promote the local industry development. Following this trend, Taichung City Government seized the opportunity to invite and cooperate with Ang Lee and the production group of “Life of Pi” since 2010 to 2013 to market the city. However, when discussing promoting filming activities as one of the strategies to reach the city marketing goal, most of the perspectives and literatures were focusing on film tourism or place marketing. That means, most of the city marketers focus more on whether the sceneries of the target city are broadcasting through the films or not. By contract, “Life of Pi” is the film which produced and shoot in Taichung but none of the sceneries from Taichung City were disclosed in the story. Nevertheless, the film and Ang Lee had indeed linked the international media exposure and attention to Taichung City while they won numbers of film awards included the Academy Awards. To put it more specifically, this is the case which successfully reached the city marketing goal without manipulating any “product-placement” strategy. But what did the city government do to reach the goal? This research aims at analyzing the strategies which Taichung City Government took by coordinating and supporting “Life of Pi” to reach the city marketing goal.
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「那神教育學」(Pedagogy of No-thing):從奇幻敘事看靈性教育之人類圖像 / Pedagogy of “No-thing”: A Human Picture of Spiritual Education from the view of Fantasy Narration梁可憲, Liang, Ke Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採文本分析,融入「皺摺、展開、再皺褶」及「詮釋、再詮釋與過度詮釋」的概念與方法,著眼於「人與超自然」向度來詮釋靈性教育的人類圖像。本文共分六章:第一章,導論:緣起說「圓」,為本研究的緒論;第二章,究竟起「源」:創世與起「源」,為文獻探究與前導,指出源即是靈;第三章,迷宮探「園」:謎樣的世界,旨在闡述「界意在破(無)」;第四章,穿越奇「緣」:隧道的盡頭,旨在闡述「道意在無(悟)」;第五章,另度次「元」:空間與過門,旨在闡述「門意在空(心)」;第六章,總結:究極奧「圓」— 〇、●、 、◎,回顧與統整「那神」的人類圖像。
本研究嘗試勾勒之「那神教育學」圖像,或可稱為靈性教育的人類圖像,此圖像模型主要有三層(嚴格來說有五層),上下有其位置,但沒有先後順序或優劣之分,分別以基層的太極陰陽圖、中層的環狀隧道和上層的三角體形構,並透過「噬尾龍」的蘊義,闡釋「人即是神、神即是人」的循環圖像。 / The purpose of dissertation is trying to verify the imagination can be the connection between the education and literature. Imagination can connect and mediate among the multi-dimensions. One of the important things of education, not only for children but also for adults, is to cultivate and maintain the imaginative capacity. In this reason, my dissertation adopts the literature narrative and care about spiritual education. Especially, I use the folk literature with rich fantasy to do the re-imagine and re-interpretation for illustrate the meaning of the whole human picture.
The methodology of the dissertation are use the "folding, unfolding and re-folding " and "interpretation, reinterpretation and Overinterpretation" and so on, with the fantasy narrative in "human being and supernatural", to interpret the human picture of spiritual education. There are six chapters in this paper: Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction: the Origin and "circle"; Chapter Ⅱ, Explores the Beginning: the Genesis and Origins; Chapter Ⅲ, Explore the Maze "Garden": the Mystery World, aims to set forth "Boundary to be Break (No)"; Chapter Ⅳ, Meet the “Fate”: At the End of the Tunnel, to elaborate "Road means None (Enlighten)"; Chapter Ⅴ, Another Dimension: Space and Threshold, to elaborate "Door means Empty (Heart)"; Chapter Ⅵ, Conclusion: The Ultimate "Round"— 〇、●、 、◎, Review and integrate the human picture of "No-thing".
I try to describe the picture of "Pedagogy of No-thing" or called the human picture of Spiritual Education. There is a vertical structure with three levels in the picture (strictly speaking there are five levels) but no priority among them. The foundation is “Tai Chi”, the middle is “Ring Tunnel”, and the top is Triangular Shape in the structure. Through the “Ouroboros” (bite the tail dragon) interprets the picture of "human being is god, and god is human being ".
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The Broken Swan: The Projection of the Fantastic in the Fairy Tale of Angela Carter's The Magic Toyshop / 破碎的天鵝:論奇幻之投射在安潔拉•卡特《魔幻玩具舖》童話故事中陳薇真, Chen, Wei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
當代童話故事《魔幻玩具舖》再現個體於成長過程中父權與社會機制所壓抑與消音,尤其強調於成長過程中的伊底帕斯情節期。當代童話作者呈現幻滅與殘缺的社會寫實,以提供讀者真實世界的不全以及社會的異化,藉此使讀者不安;透過詭異(the uncanny)的閱讀經驗,讀者認知於自己潛意識中的壓抑,以及社會機制的缺陷。在童話的結構中最重要的為奇幻之要素,奇幻重視顯露社會中的異化與顛覆理性的成規,其建築在現實即為取得讀者之信任,然而推展至非真的境地以混淆讀者對於現實的概念;透過傾覆讀者的認知,奇幻創造出在現實規則中的間隙(breach)以及破壞權威的法則;奇幻以及童話故事的努力皆於尋求到一個更美好的家庭遠景。
第一章介紹童話的文類架構以及與奇幻的緊密關聯。第二章著重於童話理論以及其架構呈現的欲望與空缺(lack),讀者因認知到自我的伊底帕斯經驗與社會的異化而感到不安;奇幻要素則質問社會規則以及傾覆讀者對於社會秩序的概念。第三章為《魔幻玩具舖》的童話理論分析,以詭異的效果干擾讀者。第四章表明奇幻在《魔幻玩具舖》中的顛覆力量,模糊真與非真的界線以及在社會法規中創造出間隙開啟了被壓抑與壓迫發聲的可能性。最後一章以童話與奇幻要素顛覆父權社會機制作為總結。 / The modern fairy tale, The Magic Toyshop, copes with the issue of what is repressed and muffled under the social and patriarchal restraints through the growing process of a person, especially the oedipal stage. The modern fairy tale writer presents a disillusioned picture of reality, so as to provide the reader with the real conditions of deficiency and alienation in society and unsettle the reader. Through the reading process of the uncanny, the reader recognizes what has been repressed in his unconsciousness, and thus realizes the imperfectness of the society. In the structure of the fairy tale, the most important element is the fantastic which endeavors to reveal the reality of alienation and to subvert the rules of rationality. The fantastic is built on the real in order to gain the belief of the reader; however, it then develops to the realm of the unreal in order to blur the boundary between the real and the unreal. By upsetting the reader’s conception, the fantastic creates a breach in everyday reality and undermines authoritarian rules. The ultimate efforts of the fairy tale and the fantastic are made for the quest for a real homecoming.
The first chapter introduces the genre of the fairy tale and its high relevance to the fantastic. The second chapter focuses on the theory of the fairy tale and its significance in revealing what is underneath the structure, desire and lack. The reader is unsettled by recognizing his / her own oedipal experience and the alienated reality. The element of the fantastic questions the everyday rules of the social order and disturbs the reader’s perception. The third chapter is the textual analysis of the fairy tale structure and its uncanny effect on the reader as reflected in Carter’s The Magic Toyshop. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the subversive function of the fantastic in Carter’s novel. The boundary-blurring and breach-making process opens a possibility for what is repressed and oppressed. The final chapter concludes that the fairy tale and the element of the fantastic subvert the authoritative society of patriarchy.
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「這是上帝的貓」?:論《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中同伴物種之倫理 / "This is God's Cat"?: On Ethics of Companion Species in Life of Pi簡滋儀, Chien, Tzu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由五個章節組成。第一章包含《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》相關評論,並回顧西方哲學傳統之下人與動物的關係。第二章意圖闡明在哈洛威脈絡之中同伴物種的概念,尤其是「關係性」和「成為共在」。透過檢視Pi和理查‧帕克在救生船上的種種細節,本文認為Pi和理查‧帕克的關係可被視為同伴物種的關係。第三章聚焦在「回視」的動作,作為同伴物種間建立雙向溝通的方式。本文也將透過「回視」深入分析Pi和理查‧帕克溝通上的(不)可能性。第四章將《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》中兩個版本的故事讀為兩種動物敘事的並置。兩者皆從擬人化的角度去敘事,但是其中一個版本透露出同伴物種倫理的實踐,另一個版本則回歸到傳統人類中心式的解讀。第五章為本文之總結,主張蘊含同伴物種倫理的動物敘事能夠幫助我們理解如何透過關注生活中真實存在的動物去重新思考人與動物之間的關係。 / The thesis aims to rethink an ethical relationship between humans and animals that is separated from the anthropocentric stance in the Western philosophical traditions. Reading Yann Martel’s Life of Pi in light of the ethics of companion species in Donna Haraway’s The Companion Manifesto and When Species Meet, I would like to contend that this ethical relationship take shape while it is founded on relationality, instead of the human/animal dichotomy. Acts of respect need to be exerted by human and animal participants when they meet. And in the meeting, they become with each other in the relationship in which their subjectivities are co-constituted by each other. The narrative of Pi living with Richard Parker employs a kind of anthropomorphism endowed with ethics of companion species.
This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is a review of research on criticism of Life of Pi and discussions of human/animal relationships in the Western philosophical framework. Chapter Two aims to elucidate the concepts of companion species in Haraway’s context, including relationality and becoming-with. By examining the details in Pi and Richard Parker’s life on the lifeboat, I argue that they are in a companion-species relationship. Chapter Three focuses on the act of respect, the practice for the companion species to evoke mutual responses. The (im)possible communication between Pi and Richard Parker will be analyzed. Chapter Four reads the two versions of the story of Life of Pi as a juxtaposition of two kinds of animal narratives. Both told from anthropomorphic perspective, the story with the animals is registered with ethics of companion species while the story without animal returns to the traditional anthropocentric interpretation. Finally in Chapter Five, I conclude that animal narrative that is entailed with ethics of companion species enables us to rethink the human/animal relationship by attending to real animals which are physically beside us.
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