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金字塔的底層:能創造財富或者只是海市蜃樓? / Bottom of pyramid : fortune or mirage?涂勉農, Tuteja, Manoj Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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中國民營上市集團企業之控股型態及公司治理衡量指標之研究 / A research on ownership structure and corporate governance performance indicators of Chinese private business groups黃培琳 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,德隆及復星企業集團(系)股權仍屬集中,集團旗下上市公司均有持股超過三成的單一大股東,且均透過金字塔之股權結構控制其集團企業,但交叉持股情形不明顯。其中,德隆系大都透過未上市公司取得集團內上市公司持股控制,復星系則大都透過集團內上市公司轉投資未上市公司,並經由各未上市公司再持股其他上市公司(屬間接互相持股性質),取得股權控制。以傳統偏離指標(盈餘分配權與股份控制權之偏離)上,兩集團偏離程度相近;但以盈餘分配權與席次控制權或以席次控制權與股份控制權之偏離比率來衡量偏離程度時,德隆系偏離程度明顯高於復星系。此外,兩大集團均設有獨立董事,及由職工代表出任監事會;但分析結果亦顯示,法令雖規定應由職工代表監事席次,但集團內仍有部分上市公司未依法設置。 / Based on an ultimate controller(s) perspective and using a case study approach to two private business groups—DeLong and Fuson—in China, this research analyzes the ownership structure, board structure, and measurement of governance indicators of theses groups. In specific, this research first discuss the attributes of ownership structure of the individual business group, followed by the computation of voting rights, cash-flow rights, the degree of control through board seats (board-seat control), and the related deviation between theses control power owned by the ultimate controller. In addition, in-depth comparisons of governance features between these two groups are also performed.
The analysis indicates that the concentration of ownership is relatively high for both DeLong and Fuson groups. There exits one single largest shareholder with more than 30% of shareholdings, and the formation of pyramidal ownership structure is also common for both groups. However, cross-holding is not obvious for either group. In DeLong, the ultimate owners exercise their voting control through their unlisted companies. In contrast, the ultimate owners of Fuson exercise their voting rights through unlisted companies that invested by the listed companies. The deviation between cash-flow rights and voting rights of these two business groups are similarm while the deviation between cash-flow rights and board-seat control and the deviation between voting rights and board-seat control is significantly higher for DeLong groups. Furthermore, the corporate boards of DeLong and Fuson groups are composed of both independent board directors and workers' representatives on the supervisory board. Although it is mandatory to have a minimum numbers of workers' representatives on the supervisory board, it is not uncommon to find the lack of full compliance to this requirement.
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「那神教育學」(Pedagogy of No-thing):從奇幻敘事看靈性教育之人類圖像 / Pedagogy of “No-thing”: A Human Picture of Spiritual Education from the view of Fantasy Narration梁可憲, Liang, Ke Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採文本分析,融入「皺摺、展開、再皺褶」及「詮釋、再詮釋與過度詮釋」的概念與方法,著眼於「人與超自然」向度來詮釋靈性教育的人類圖像。本文共分六章:第一章,導論:緣起說「圓」,為本研究的緒論;第二章,究竟起「源」:創世與起「源」,為文獻探究與前導,指出源即是靈;第三章,迷宮探「園」:謎樣的世界,旨在闡述「界意在破(無)」;第四章,穿越奇「緣」:隧道的盡頭,旨在闡述「道意在無(悟)」;第五章,另度次「元」:空間與過門,旨在闡述「門意在空(心)」;第六章,總結:究極奧「圓」— 〇、●、 、◎,回顧與統整「那神」的人類圖像。
本研究嘗試勾勒之「那神教育學」圖像,或可稱為靈性教育的人類圖像,此圖像模型主要有三層(嚴格來說有五層),上下有其位置,但沒有先後順序或優劣之分,分別以基層的太極陰陽圖、中層的環狀隧道和上層的三角體形構,並透過「噬尾龍」的蘊義,闡釋「人即是神、神即是人」的循環圖像。 / The purpose of dissertation is trying to verify the imagination can be the connection between the education and literature. Imagination can connect and mediate among the multi-dimensions. One of the important things of education, not only for children but also for adults, is to cultivate and maintain the imaginative capacity. In this reason, my dissertation adopts the literature narrative and care about spiritual education. Especially, I use the folk literature with rich fantasy to do the re-imagine and re-interpretation for illustrate the meaning of the whole human picture.
The methodology of the dissertation are use the "folding, unfolding and re-folding " and "interpretation, reinterpretation and Overinterpretation" and so on, with the fantasy narrative in "human being and supernatural", to interpret the human picture of spiritual education. There are six chapters in this paper: Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction: the Origin and "circle"; Chapter Ⅱ, Explores the Beginning: the Genesis and Origins; Chapter Ⅲ, Explore the Maze "Garden": the Mystery World, aims to set forth "Boundary to be Break (No)"; Chapter Ⅳ, Meet the “Fate”: At the End of the Tunnel, to elaborate "Road means None (Enlighten)"; Chapter Ⅴ, Another Dimension: Space and Threshold, to elaborate "Door means Empty (Heart)"; Chapter Ⅵ, Conclusion: The Ultimate "Round"— 〇、●、 、◎, Review and integrate the human picture of "No-thing".
I try to describe the picture of "Pedagogy of No-thing" or called the human picture of Spiritual Education. There is a vertical structure with three levels in the picture (strictly speaking there are five levels) but no priority among them. The foundation is “Tai Chi”, the middle is “Ring Tunnel”, and the top is Triangular Shape in the structure. Through the “Ouroboros” (bite the tail dragon) interprets the picture of "human being is god, and god is human being ".
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集團持股對台灣銀行業績效之影響 / The impact of conglomerates shares on performance of commercial banks in Taiwan楊育霖 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際公司治理之探討何聖隆 Unknown Date (has links)
公司治理的研究,其主要的目的是了解董事會組成,董事會規模,外部董事, 董事及CEO薪酬誘因,CEO改組,外部大股東,外國股東,機構投資人,控制權和股權集中性,併購,法律制度及執行,法源…等變數對以ROA,ROE,會計盈餘,Tobin’s Q和股市報酬率所代表的公司績效之影響。與公司治理有關的重要指標包括股份控制權,現金流量權,董監事席次的控制權,控制權與股權的偏離,次大股東,金字塔結構,交叉持股,優先投票權,外部董事比例等。
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