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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

高中職學生學業成績影響因素之探討 / Factors Affecting Academic Achievement of Students in Senior High School

褚馥瑜, Chu, Fu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)調查結果,對台灣地區高中職學生個人特徵、家庭背景以及學生生活進行次級資料分析,探討各種因素與學業表現之關聯性。   本研究選取資料庫中之9,750樣本數,以資料庫綜合分析能力測驗成績作為應變數,選取性別及手足數目等12個自變數,以Logit Model為實證模型分析,再以Ordered Probit Model進行實證結果穩健性檢驗(Robustness Check),發現兩者結果呈現一致性,本研究發現: 一、男性成績較女性成績為佳,曾經或現在就讀資優班者成績較為優異。 二、家庭手足數目對學生學業成績表現有負向影響,雙親教育程度、家庭收入愈高及家庭文化資本愈豐富對子女學業表現有正向顯著影響;家庭親子關係、父母閱讀頻率對於子女學業表現則無顯著影響。 三、補習、參加社團活動以及校隊培訓對學業成績有正向影響;打工及結交行為偏差朋友則對學業成績有負向影響。   本研究提出教育政策方向建議如下: 一、建議文創產業主管機關以差別取價之價格誘因方式提高親子參與藝文活動之意願,並持續鼓勵文創產業提供學校學生及家長參與藝文展演活動機會。 二、教育主管機關應持續執行對(中)低收入戶子女學雜費補助之政策,並建立對高中職學校社團活動之管理制度,另應加強學生品性教育管理。 / This study analyzes the association between personal characteristics, family background, the life of students and academic achievement of students in senior high school. The data have adapted Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The research has used 9,750 samples in the database. The dependent variable is the test scores of students while the independent variables are gender, the number of sibling, etc. This study has used Logit Model for empirical analysis and Ordered Probit Model for robustness check of the results. The research findings indicate that both models have similar conclusions, which are shown as follows. Firstly, the academic achievement of males is better than that of females. Moreover, students who are in the gifted and talented class have a better performance than those who are not in. Secondly, the number of sibling has a negative effect on academic achievement; whereas the education background of the parents, income and cultural capital of the family are as the opposite. The frequency of reading and the relationship between parents and children have no significant influence on academic achievement. Thirdly, the student who goes to cram school or participates in extracurricular activities has a positive influence on his/her academic achievement. However, the student with the part-time job or bad-behavior friends has a negative influence on his/her academic achievement. Therefore, the authorities should encourage parents and their children to participate in cultural activities through offering economic incentives and the tuition subsidies for low-income households continuously.

弱勢幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就之探討 / A study of high risk children's school readiness and later achievement

賴涵婷, Lai, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過回溯方式探究幼兒弱勢因素、家庭社經、學前經驗、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度之影響;另,探究就學準備度對日後學習成就之影響及就學準備度對日後學習成就預測之重要領域能力,並比較弱勢及非弱勢幼兒之差異。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以弱勢幼兒為主要探究對象,以立意取樣方式選取南投縣草屯鎮及信義鄉352位三年級學童樣本回收率為71%。將教育弱勢幼兒定義為:偏遠地區、原住民、新移民子女及中低收入戶,樣本中弱勢學童占60.8%。研究工具分為三部分:(一)學童一、二及三年級學業成績,其中一年級學業成績採計五科作為就學準備度五領域之替代指標;二年級及三年級上學期成績則作為幼兒日後學習成就短及長期之替代指標。(二)兒童自評之生活適應問卷作為長期學習成就之另一替代指標。(三)透過自編之幼兒背景問卷、幼兒及小學時期家長問卷了解幼兒之基本資料及家長參與情形。本研究所使用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、交叉表分析、卡方分析、Pearson相關分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸及多元階層迴歸分析。 研究主要結論如下:(一) 弱勢因素對幼兒就學準備度有顯著之負項影響其影響可延伸至小學三年級。(二) 曾就讀幼兒園、就讀私立幼兒園對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響,其影響可延伸至三年級。(三) 家庭社經、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響。(四) 就學準備度及學前因素為影響就學準備度之主要因素;弱勢因素及就學準備度為影響幼兒就學準備度及幼兒日後學習成就之主要因素。(五)弱勢幼兒就學準備度對日後短期及長期學習成就之預測力,較非弱勢幼兒高。(六) 弱勢幼兒就學準備度之數學及語文領域能力,能有效預測其日後二年級及三年級上學期之整體學業表現。(七) 非弱勢幼兒之幼兒就學準備度數學及語文領域能有效預測其二年級上學期之整體學業表現。 / The main purpose of this study is trying to figure out how disadvantaged factors, family Social Status, preschool experience and parental involvement will affect children’s school readiness and their later achievement. And try to find the connection between school readiness and later achievement, looking for the important school readiness area that can predict later achievement. Also try to compare the difference of above answers between disadvantaged and advantaged children’s. Ex-post-factor research and questionnaires investigate are used. Using purposive sampling, choosing Sinyi and Caotun 2 township of Nantou County, 352 3rd grade student are involved, and Effective response rate is 71%.There are 60.8%of sample are educational disadvantaged student. 3 main research tools are used:1. 1st grade’s academic score of 5 subject are using as the substitutes of school readiness performance;2nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of short-turn later achievement; 3nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of long-turn later achievement. 2. A children answered life adaptation questionnaire as another substitutes of long-turn later achievement.3. Using a self-edited student background and 2 parental involvement questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t-test, linear regression, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The main finding of the study: 1. Disadvantaged factors have negative effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 2. Having the experience of preschool and going to private preschools have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 3. Family social status and parental involvement have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 4. Disadvantaged and preschool factors can and strongly predict children’s school readiness; disadvantaged factors and school readiness can strongly predict children’s later achievements. 5. School readiness can effectively predicts short and long-turn later achievements, and the effect is more significant on disadvantaged children. 6. Disadvantaged children’s school readiness of math and reading can strongly predict their short and long-turn later achievements. 7. Advantaged children’s school readiness math and reading can strongly predict their short-turn later achievements.

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