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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中學生人際策略之研究-以建立對教師關係為例 / A Study of Interpersonal strategies in High School Students-- To Illustrate How They establish Upward Relation With Their Teachers

陳秀碧, Hsiu-Pi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國中學生建立對教師關係時,所使用的人際策略,包括 三種情境; 向教師提出要求時、希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象時,所 使用的向上影響策略,與教師發生不滿或衝突時,所使用的衝突處理策略 ;並探討性別、國高中別、學業成績與中學生對教師所使用的人際策略的 關係。本研究以臺灣地區國中、高中、高職學生為取樣對象,有效樣 本952人(男410人, 女542人)。研究工具包括「提出要求與使用方法」 、「建立良好關係與使用方法」、不滿、衝突與衝突處理方法」與「個人 基本資料」等四部分;統計方法,包括皮爾森積差相關、點二系列相關、 t考驗、單因子與二因子多變項變異數分析、典型相關分析。結果如下: (一)提出要求與使用策略中學生向教師提出的要求,分析後共得八類, 其中最常提出「球類野炊活動」與「減少考試作業」的要求。所使用的策 略共有六種,最常用的是「迂迴訴求」最有效果是「條件交換」,最少用 且認為是最沒效果的是「以退為進」。性別與國高中別在向教師提出要求 時所使用策略上有交互影響。高中女生比國中女生與高中男生常使用影響 策略,且效果更好。學業成綪與使用策略之頻率有顯著差異,但在使用策 略的效果上則無顯著差異。(二)建立良好關係或好印象與使用策略中學 生希望與教師建立良好關係或好印象的類別,共有六類,最希望教師覺得 他是「循規蹈矩」的。所使用的策略共有五種,最常使用「乖巧盡責」, 且效果最佳。最少用且認為效果最差的是「撒嬌討好」。性別與國高中別 在親近關心與認真向上此二種策略之使用頻率上皆有交互影響,且在認真 向上、撒嬌討好與自我表白此三種策略之使用效果上有交互影響。學業成 績不同在乖巧盡責與認真向上策略的使用上有顯著差異。(三)與教師發 生的不滿或衝突與處理策略中學生自我知覺到與教師發生的不滿或衝突類 別,分別有七類,以「不滿教師的教學與處罰」為最多。衝突處理策略共 有五種,最常用的是「忍氣吞聲」,使用效果最佳的是「改過遷善」,最 少用且效果最差的是「委屈無辜」。性別與國高中別在賭氣冷戰、改過遷 善與委屈無辜三種策略之使用頻率上有交互影響,但在策略使用效果上無 顯著差異。學業成績在改過遷善與訴苦力爭策略使用頻率上有顯著差異, 而在改過遷善策略使用效果有顯著差異。

國小男女教師性別角色與學生學校適應、學業成就之研究 / A Study of the Relationship of Teacher's Gender Role to Student'''' s School Adaptation and Achievement

何秀珠, Ho, Hsiu-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
在國小女性教師日益增加以社會上生理和心理性別的一致性日漸分歧的趨勢下,教師在生理與心理性別上的差異,是否影響學生成長與學習?如何在現況中了解教師性別角色與性別對學的影響,如何輪換不同性別教師以減少對學生可能產生的影響,值得吾人重視。因此,本研究乃從男女教師在教學效能、教學態度的差異上著手,而以性別角色理論為基礎,探討男女教師性別角色與學生學校適應、學業成就之關係。以期做為師範院校師資養成教育以及國小安排及輪換教師之主要參考。 為達成研究目的,本研究採二部份進行,第一部份採問卷調查法,以分層叢集取樣,選取桃竹苗四縣市國小男女教師256人(男119;女137),以探討教師性別角色、性別與教學態度、教學效能之關係;第二部份以問卷調查為主,兼及實驗法優點,以分層立意取樣選取第一部份樣本中,新竹縣市四至六年級七十九個班級的師生為研究對象,計男學生1245人,女學生1187人,以探討男女教師性別角色與學生學校適應、學業成就之關係。 根據研究結果的分析與討論,歸納如下結論: 一、教師性別與性別化特質對學生學校適應與學業成就均有直接影響,唯影響不大,重要的教師在學生心目中角色與形象。 二、學生學業成就主要受其學校適應之影響,而學校適應良窳又取決於學生對教師形象的評定。學生認為級任教師是其心目中的好老師,則其學校生活愉快,適應良好,學業表現亦優異。反言之,學生學業成就上的差異來自其不同的學校適應,以及對老師形象不同評價。 建議: 一、小學教育方面 (一)擴展教師的性別化角色 (二)加強學校輔導工作,協助學生適應學校以能全心向學 (三)教師應重視學生需求與感受,並扮演學生心目中的好老師 (四)教師多關心智商、社經地位較低之學生,並予以適切輔導 (五)輪換不同性別級任教師時,宜對學生多加關懷並予以定向輔導 (六)宜縮小學校規模為中小型學校以利學生適應學校 二、師範教育方面 (一)教導學生扮演兩性化角色 (二)增進師範生的輔導知能

焦慮與動機影響數學學習之縱貫研究 / A longitudinal study of the effect of anxiety and motivation on the learning of mathematics

王金香 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是以文獻分析、問卷調查、潛在成長模式等方法探討數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就等三個變項的縱貫模式及因果結構模式。根據五百二十九位國三學生所填的五波調查問卷資料,進行兩部分研究。 研究一乃在估算數學焦慮、數學學習動機、數學學業成就的潛在改變量模式及 數學焦慮、數學學習動機、數學學業成就兩兩之間的因果結構模式。結果發現1.數學焦慮縱貫模式上,符合「焦慮遞增理論」;2.數學學習動機縱貫模式上,符合「動機先升後降理論」;3.數學學業成就縱貫模式上,符合「成就先升後降理論」; 4.數學焦慮與數學學習動機因果結構模式上,符合「動機焦慮交互激發效果理論」;5.數學焦慮與數學學業成就因果結構模式上,符合「焦慮成就交互抑制效果理論」;6.數學學習動機與數學學業成就因果結構模式上,符合「動機成就交互激發效果理論」。 研究二則依據研究一二變項因果結構統計驗證成立的三套理論,建構出三變項因果結構六模式,並驗證有無中介效果。結果顯示,1.前焦慮、中動機、後學業成就因果模式上,符合「動機未完全中介前焦慮、後學業成就理論」;2. 前動機、中焦慮、後學業成就因果模式上,符合「焦慮未完全中介前動機、後學業成就理論」;3.前焦慮、中學業成就、後動機因果模式上,符合「學業成就未完全中介前焦慮、後動機理論」;4.前學業成就、中焦慮、後動機因果模式上,符合「焦慮未完全中介前學業成就、後動機理論」;5. 前動機、中學業成就、後焦慮因果模式上,符合「學業成就未完全中介前動機、後焦慮理論」;6.前學業成就、中動機、後焦慮因果模式上,符合「動機未完全中介前學業成就、後焦慮理論」。 除了上述結果外,研究也對數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就縱貫模式的趨勢與時間效果量,國三學生轉折點界定,數學焦慮、數學學習動機與數學學業成就適當模式產出及個別中介角色剖析有深入探討。 / This study, using literature review, questionnaire survey, and latent growth model, investigated the longitudinal model and causal model among math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement. After collecting 529 students with 5 waves, I conducted two studies. The purpose of study 1 was to estimate the latent change model and the causal model of math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement. Results showed that 1. The anxiety increasing theory was supported by the math anxiety longitudinal model. 2. The first increasing then decreasing theory was supported by the math learning motivation longitudinal model. 3. The first increasing then decreasing theory was supported by the math academic achievement longitudinal model. 4. The reciprocal activated effect theory was supported by the math anxiety and learning motivation causal models. 5. The reciprocal inhibitive effect theory was supported by the math anxiety and academic achievement causal models. 6. The reciprocal activated effect theory was supported by the math learning motivation and academic achievement causal models. According to the final three theories stated above and proved by study 1, I constructed the six causal models in order to verify the mediated effects of math anxiety, math learning motivation, and math academic achievement. I found that 1. Math learning motivation did not mediate fully the effects on early math anxiety and late math academic achievement. 2. Math anxiety did not mediate fully the effects on early math learning motivation and late math academic achievement. 3. Math academic achievement did not mediate fully the effects on early math anxiety and late math learning motivation. 4. Math anxiety did not mediate fully the effects on early math academic achievement and late math learning motivation. 5. Math academic achievement did not mediate fully the effects on early math learning motivation math and late math anxiety. 6. Math learning motivation did not mediate fully the effects on early math academic achievement and late math anxiety. In addition, the research also explored the longitudinal model trend and effect, the key period for 3rd year junior high school students, the proper models, and the mediated roles among math anxiety, learning motivation, and academic achievement.


郭致君, Kuo, Chih-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解青少年偶像崇拜行為之現況,以及青少年偶像崇拜行為與人口變項(性別、年級、家庭社經地位)、家庭變項(親子互動關係類型)、自尊變項(家庭自尊、學業自尊、身體意象自尊、社會人際自尊、利他自尊、整體自尊)、學業成就等背景變項之關係,乃以台北地區國一和國三學生1135名為研究對象,採用家庭社經地位調查表、偶像崇拜問卷、親子互動關係量表、自我尊重量表等研究工具來獲取所需資料,再以卡方考驗、K-W考驗、平均數差異t考驗、Pearson積差相關、變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 1.青少年最崇拜的偶像依序為:「影視明星」(44.8%)、「卡通小說人物」(9.6%)、「父親」(9.1%)、「母親」(8.0%)、「同學朋友」(5.6%)、「運動員」(5.6%)、「其他偶像」(4.6%)、無偶像(3.9%)、「歷史人物」(3.8%)、「師長」(3.1%)、「政治人物」(1.9%)。 2.崇拜不同類型偶像的青少年,對偶像的「外型」、「個性」、「才能」、「成就」、「很會賺錢」等崇拜原因的重要性排序具有顯著差異。 3.崇拜「影視明星」的青少年,會到機場接機、守在偶像出現的場合,或是請假、蹺課去看偶像者實屬少數,且從事上述崇拜行為者多為女生。 4.男生崇拜「父親」、「運動員」、「歷史人物」的人數顯著多於女生,而女生崇拜「影視明星」的人數則顯著多於男生。 5.來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著少於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數卻顯著多於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;而家庭社經地位為中下的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著少於中上及中等家庭社經地位的青少年。 6.男生顯著偏好崇拜男偶像,但女生對男、女偶像的偏好並無顯著差異。 7.女生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於男生,而男生對偶像「很會賺錢」的重視則甚於女生;國一學生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於國三學生,而國三學生對偶像「才能」的重視則更甚於國一學生;來自中下家庭社經地位的青少年,對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於中等及中上家庭社經的青少年。 8.女生對偶像的崇拜強度顯著高於男生;國一和國三學生偶像崇拜的強度並無顯著差異;而來自中上家庭社經地位之青少年,偶像崇拜強度顯著高於來自中下家庭社經地位之青少年。 9.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」、「聚疏心離」的青少年;父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著少於「聚頻心繫」、「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」的青少年;而父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於其他父子互動關係類型的青少年。 10.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」與「聚頻心離」的青少年,對偶像崇拜的強度顯著大於父子互動關係為「聚疏心繫」的青少年。 11.母子互動關係類型不同的青少年,崇拜的偶像類型與崇拜強度均無顯著差異存在。 12.高家庭自尊的青少年崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者;低學業自尊的青少年崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於高自尊與中自尊者;而高整體自尊的青少年崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者。 13.低家庭自尊的青少年較中、高自尊者更重視偶像的「外型」;中、低學業自尊的青少年對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於高自尊者。 14.學業自尊愈低的女生,對偶像崇拜的強度愈強;身體意象自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強;利他自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強。 15.學業成就優劣不同的青少年所崇拜的偶像類型無顯著差異。 16.低學業成就的青少年對偶像「外型」、「很會賺錢」的重視甚於中、高成就者;而高學業成就的青少年對偶像「才能」、「成就」的重視則甚於中、低成就者。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並針對家庭教育、學校教育、社會教育及未來研究等四方面提出數點建議,以供青少年輔導工作及後續研究參考。

教師角色對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 / The Effects of Teacher Roles on Junior High School Students' Deviant Behavior: Evidence from Taiwan Education Panel Survey

汪慧瑜, Wang, Hui Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中教師的經師角色(投入教學)、人師角色(投入輔導)、導師角色(注重班級成績、注重班級整潔秩序)等變項對於國中生偏差行為的貫時性影響。研究資料取自中央研究院調查研究專題中心學術調查研究資料庫中的「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」第一波國中學生問卷【限制版原始數據】、第二波國中學生問卷【限制版原始數據】、第一波國中家長問卷【限制版原始數據】、第二波國中教師問卷【限制版原始數據】。 本研究又分為兩個子研究。研究一使用兩波問卷中的20,055筆國中生問卷及家長問卷,研究二使用兩波問卷中的8,794筆國中生問卷、家長問卷、導師問卷。本研究採用Rasch模式垂直等化、結構方程模式、階層卜瓦松模式分析資料,研究結果如下: 一、「人師角色」「經師角色」對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 (一)國一教師投入教學對於追蹤樣本國一學生偏差行為有顯著影響,教師越認真教學,學生偏差行為分數越低。 (二)國一教師投入教學對於追蹤樣本國三學生偏差行為有貫時性顯著影響,國一教師越認真教學,國三時追蹤樣本學生的偏差行為分數越低。 (三)國一二教師投入輔導對於追蹤樣本國三學生偏差行為有顯著影響,國一國二教師越投入輔導,追蹤樣本學生國三時的偏差行為分數越低。 二、「導師角色」對國中生偏差行為影響的貫時性分析 (一)追蹤樣本國三偏差行為顯著較該生國一時嚴重。 (二)偏差行為與性別有關,男生偏差行為分數顯著比女生高。 (三)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與性別有關,男生偏差行為惡化情形顯著較女生嚴重。 (四)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與該生國一時的學業成就有關。國一成績較差,國三偏差行為惡化程度顯著較嚴重。 (五)追蹤樣本國一至國三偏差行為惡化程度與該生國一時的讀書習慣有關。國一讀書習慣較差者,國三偏差行為惡化程度顯著較嚴重。 (六)導師要求班級學業成績,對於國中生偏差行為有顯著影響,導師越注重學業成績,該班學生偏差行為越低,且該影響具貫時性。 (七)導師要求班級整潔秩序等生活常規,對於國中生偏差行為有顯著影響,導師越要求班級整潔、秩序,該班學生偏差行為越低,且該影響具貫時性。 (八)國中生偏差行為與就讀學校公私立與否有關。私立學校學生偏差行為分數顯著較公立學校學生為低,且該影響具貫時性。 研究者並提出建議供教育實務工作者及教育主管單位參考。 / The purposes of the study were to explore teacher roles including instruction role, guidance role and headroom teacher’s role, and to find out the effects of teacher roles on junior high school students' deviant behavior. The data used in the analysis are from the nationally representative 2001–2003 Taiwan Education Panel Survey, including students’ questionnaire, students’ academic tests, parents’ questionnaire, and teachers’ questionnaire. In study 1, data from a 2-wave panel (N = 20,055), tested in the 7th and 9th grades, were used to estimate a structural equation model. The model was used to compose a previously observed teacher’s instruction role (teaching engagement) and guidance role (guidance engagement) in wave 1. In study 2, data also from a 2-wave panel (N=8,794), were to estimate a hierarchical Poisson regression model, in which independent variables were achievement-oriented headroom teacher role and discipline-oriented headroom teacher role, and dependent variable was students' deviant behavior. The results indicate that teachers who devoted themselves in teaching and guiding students could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal for at least 2 years. Also, both achievement-oriented and discipline-oriented headroom teachers could reduce junior high students’ deviant behavior, and the effects were longitudinal. Implications for current practice and future research are also discussed.


塗振洋, Tu, Chen-yang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討拖延行為及其相關因素,共分成以下三個研究: 研究一的目的是編製一份拖延行為量表及拖延時感受量表。在拖延行為量表方面,區分為「學業拖延量表」及「一般拖延量表」兩種。 研究二的目的是探討時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為的關係。其中,在時間觀部分,包含有「未來」、「現在快樂主義」、「現在宿命論」、「過去-正向」、「過去-負向」五種時間觀取向;而「成就目標」則分成「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」、「逃避表現」四種目標導向。除此之外,本研究亦針對不同性質任務的拖延情形及性別、年級、是否有兼職或打工、創新行為與拖延行為、拖延時感受的關係,進行探討。 研究三的目的是探討拖延行為、情緒調節與拖延時感受的關係。其中,情緒調節部份分成「重新評估」及「壓抑」兩種調節方式。 經由統計分析的結果,各研究有以下的發現: 研究一以大學生為對象,有效樣本277人,扣除性別漏填3人,男有88人,女有186人。經由主成份分析結果,拖延行為量表中的「學業拖延量表」、「一般拖延量表」均為單一因素的量表,並且該兩種量表在內部一致性的信度分析方面,Cronbach α值分別為.70(學業拖延量表)、.90(一般拖延量表),在效標關聯效度方面,也均與「自我概念」、「學業成績表現」呈顯著負相關(r=-.21&#12316;-.33,p<.001)。而「拖延時感受量表」經因素分析結果共得「自圓其說」、「自責後悔」、「僥倖心理」、「自我調適」、「灰心逃避」五個因素,這五個因素在內部一致性的信度分析方面,除了「自我調適」分量表(3題)的Cronbach α值為.56外,其他四個因素的α值則介於.74&#12316;.82之間。 研究二也是以大學生為對象,有效樣本541人,扣除性別漏填1人,男有193人,女有347人。利用研究一所編製的量表進行施測,結果發現無論是在學業拖延或是一般拖延上,約有50﹪以上的人認為自己的拖延情形在中間程度(五點量表,中數為3)以上;而在拖延時感受部分,人在拖延時最常出現的感受是「自責後悔」(M=3.60,SD=.70)與「自我調適」(M=3.52,SD=.65)。在不同性質任務的拖延程度上,「自己不想做但又必須做的事情」最會拖延(M=2.99,SD=.84),「自己想做也喜歡做的事情」最不會拖延(M=1.95,SD=.70)。而「性別」、「是否有兼職或打工」在拖延程度上並無顯著的差異存在;但是,在拖延時的感受部分,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生在拖延時較常感到「自責後悔」;「沒有兼職或打工」的人比「有兼職或打工」者在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。至於,拖延行為與創新行為的關係,拖延程度越高的人創新行為的表現越低;而拖延時較少感到「自我調適」,或較常感到「灰心逃避」的人,其創新行為表現也較低。 在時間觀、成就目標與拖延行為關係方面,除了時間觀中的「未來」時間觀與拖延行為呈顯著負相關(r=-41、-.47,p<.001)之外、「現在快樂主義」與「過去-負向」兩種時間觀則均與拖延行為呈正相關(r=.08&#12316;.20,p<.05),亦即時間觀越是「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」,越不是「未來」取向者,其拖延的情形越高。至於,成就目標與拖延行為的關係,無論是「趨向精熟」、「趨向表現」、「逃避精熟」還是「逃避表現」的目標導向,則或多或少均與拖延行為呈負相關(r=-.13&#12316;.22,p<.01);但是,成就目標對拖延行為的影響,則因為時間觀的作用達顯著時而式微。 研究三則以研究一所編製的量表對研究二的樣本進行分析,主要想要了解情緒調節是否能作為拖延行為與拖延時感受的調節變項。應用階層迴歸分析的結果發現,基本上情緒調節與拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響並無顯著的交互作用存在。但是,若從情緒調節、拖延行為對拖延時感受的主要效果來看,兩者則分別對拖延時感受具有不同顯著的影響。以拖延行為對拖延時感受的影響來看,拖延程度越高的人在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。而以情緒調節對拖延時感受的影響來看,情緒調節越是以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越不會感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;情緒調節若越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。除此之外,本研究也發現,「重新評估」的情緒調節方式與學業拖延呈正相關(r=.09,p<.05),但是相關不大;而且若從時間觀與情緒調節的關係來看,「重新評估」情緒調節方式與「未來」、「現在快樂主義」時間觀呈正相關(r=.21&#12316;.27,p<.001),與「過去-負向」時間觀呈負相關(-.15,p<.001)。可見,這樣的結果與研究二中時間觀與拖延行為的關係加以對照來看,「重新評估」可能不是影響一個人是否經常學業拖延的直接原因,真正影響的是他站在怎樣的時間觀取向下來進行「重新評估」的情緒調節。 綜合三個研究結果,我們獲得以下幾個主要結論:(一)本論文所編製的學業拖延量表、一般拖延量表及拖延時感受量表,無論是在信、效度上均是可以接受的,可作為測量個體拖延程度與輔導其拖延問題的參考工具。(二)拖延已是大學校園內普遍的一種行為,而這種行為的程度並不因「性別」或「是否有兼職或打工」而有所不同;真正影響一個人是否經常拖延的原因主要與個體的時間觀取向有關,當一個人的時間觀越是傾向於「未來」時間觀,越不傾向於「現在快樂主義」、「過去-負向」的人,則越少拖延。(三)當任務是自己想做也喜歡做時,大學生比較不會拖延;相反地,當任務是自己不想做但又必須做時,大學生則比較會拖延。(四)雖然性別、是否兼職或打工在拖延行為程度上並無顯著的差異;但是,在拖延時感受的比較上,男生在拖延時比女生較常感到「自圓其說」,女生則比男生較常感到「自責後悔」,而沒有兼職或打工的學生則比有兼職或打工的學生在拖延時較常感到「自圓其說」。(五)拖延程度越高的人,在拖延時越常感到「僥倖心理」、「灰心逃避」、「自圓其說」。(六)情緒調節越是傾向以「重新評估」方式來調節的人,在拖延時越常感到「自責後悔」、「自我調適」,越少感到「自圓其說」、「灰心逃避」;而情緒調節越是以「壓抑」方式來調節的人,在拖延時則越常感到「自圓其說」。(七)拖延行為程度越高的人,其創新行為的表現也越低。 最後,本論文根據以上的研究發現,進行綜合討論與結論,並據以對學校、輔導及未來研究提出相關的綜合建議。 關鍵字:拖延、學業拖延、一般拖延、拖延時感受、創新行為、時間觀、成就目標、情緒調節。 / This dissertation mainly explores procrastination through three studies. Study 1’s objectives are to develop inventories about procrastination. The measurement instruments include academic procrastination, general procrastination , feelings when procrastinating. Study 2’s objectives are to explore relationships among time perspective(TP), achievement goals and procrastination. The five factors of TP include future, present-hedonistic, present-fatalistic, past-positive and past-negative orientations(Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). The achievement goal variable includes a 4-dimensional goal orientation: approach-mastery, approach-performance, avoidance-mastery and avoidance-performance(Elliot & McGregor, 2001). Furthermore, this study also investigates: a)procrastination of different tasks, b)the difference of procrastination behaviors and feelings when procrastinating based on different variables such as sex, grades, whether or not the students have part-time work, and c)relationship between procrastination and innovative behaviors(Scott & Bruce, 1994). Study 3’s objectives are to determine the relationships among procrastination, emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating. The two forms of emotion regulation include reappraisal and suppression(Gross & John, 2003). The following are some findings based on the three studies: In study 1, the participants were 277 college students(88 males, and 186 females).The data was analyzed using Principle Component Analysis. Results yielded the following: 1)Both academic procrastination and general procrastination were unidimensional scales. The former’s reliability was Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .70 and the latter’s was .90. Two scales were related negatively to academic performance and self-concept(r=-.21&#12316;-.33, p<.001). 2)Items of feelings when procrastinating were divided into five factors. These five factors were labeled as excuse-making(4 items, α=.82), self-blame and regret(4 items, α=.74), wishful thinking(3 items, α=.78), self-adaptation(3 items, α=.56), and dejection and avoidance(2 items, α=.78). In study 2, the subjects were 541 college students(193 males, and 347 females).All participants were measured by inventories developed in study 1. Results yielded the following: 1)More than 50﹪of students reported that their procrastination was higher than middle level. 2)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 3)No significant relationship was found between procrastination and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. However, males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. In contrast, females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 4)People with higher procrastination levels tended to have lower scores of innovative behavior. 5)People with higher scores of future orientation, lower present-hedonistic TP and past-negative TP tended to have lower procrastination levels. In study 3, study 2’s participants were also part of study 3. The study primarily aimed to understand how “emotion regulation” functions as a moderator of the relation between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating. Data was analyzed using Hierarchical Multiple Regression. Basically, we did not find the interaction between procrastination level and emotion regulation to explain variance of feelings when procrastinating. However, when examining the effects of procrastination level and emotion regulation individually, both variables significantly affected variance of feelings when procrastinating. When the analyzing between procrastination level and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher procrastination levels tended to have higher scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. This indicated that the relationship between emotion regulation and feelings when procrastinating, people with higher reappraisal scores tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. Further, people with higher suppression scores tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. In addition, this study also found that emotion regulation by reappraisal was marginally related to academic procrastination(r=.09,p<.05); but from the relationship between TP and emotion regulation, we found that reappraisal was related positively to future TP(r=.21, p<.001) and present-hedonistic TP(r=.27, p<.001), and related negatively to past-negative TP(r=-.15, p<.001).Therefore, in contrast with point 5 in the results of study 2 in this dissertation, academic procrastination may not be directly affected by reappraisal. In fact, the relation between reappraisal and academic procrastination was determined by one’s TP. Through the results of above three studies. From this dissertation 7 key points were concluded: 1) Reliability and validity of procrastination inventories which were developed in this dissertation were acceptable. Therefore, these inventories could be used when we want to measure one’s procrastination level and to resolve problems of procrastination. 2)Procrastination was a common behavior in campus. No significant relationship was found between procrastination level and sex, or whether or not the students have part-time work. Procrastination level was mainly affected by one’s TP. People with higher scores of future orientation, lower scores of present-hedonistic and past-negative TP tended to exhibit greater procrastination behavior. 3)People procrastinated more with tasks that they have to do but do not want to do; and less with tasks that they want to do and like to do. 4)There were differences when feelings when procrastinating were compared with different sex or whether or not the students have part-time work. Males were more inclined to excuse themselves than females when they were procrastinating. Females were more inclined to blame themselves and feel regretful than males when they were procrastinating. Non-part-time workers were more inclined to excuse themselves than part-time workers when they were procrastinating. 5)People with higher procrastination levels were more inclined to have scores of wishful thinking, dejection and avoidance, and excuse-making when they were procrastinating. 6)People with higher reappraisal scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of self-blame and regret, higher scores of self-adaptation, lower scores of excuse-making, and lower scores of dejection and avoidance. People with higher suppression scores of emotion regulation tended to have higher scores of excuse-making. 7)People with higher procrastination level tended to exhibit lower scores of innovative behavior. Key words: procrastination, academic procrastination, general procrastination, feelings when procrastinating, innovative behavior, time perspective(TP), 2×2 achievement goal, emotion regulation

行為改變技術對學業行為影響之個案實驗研究之統合分析 / A Quantitative Synthesis of Single-Subject Researches into the Effect of Behavioral Modification on Academic Behaviors

高玉靜, Gao,Yu-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由整合相關之單一受試實驗研究結果來探討行為改變技術對學業行為影響之效果。研究中用來計算效應量的方法有兩種:未重疊資料百分率(Percentage of Nonoverlapping Data, PND)、超過基線中點資料百分率(Percentage of Data Points Exceeding the Median of Preceding Baseline Phase, PEM)。為了檢視超過基線中點資料百分率方法應用在單一受試實驗研究統合分析上之可行性,本研究以各原研究作者之判斷為效標,對超過基線中點資料百分率與未重疊資料百分率之效度進行比較。 一共有98篇單一受試實驗研究納入統合分析。實驗的介入處理共分成:1.電腦輔助教學、2.合作學習、3.精熟學習、4.增強、5.自我控制訓練、6.情境學習、7.社會學習、8.策略教學、9.其他。研究顯示各種介入處理對於受試的學習行為皆產生正向效果。此外,超過基線中點資料百分率方法亦獲得支持適用於單一受試實驗研究之量化統合分析。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of behavioral modification on academic behaviors by aggregating relevant conclusions of primary single-subject researches. Two approaches are used to generate estimations of effect sizes: the PND (Percentage of Nonoverlapping Data) approach, and the PEM (Percentage of Data Points Exceeding the Median of Preceding Baseline Phase). To test the applicability of the PEM approach, the validity of the PEM scores is compared with that of the PND scores by using the judgments of original authors as a validity criterion. A total of 98 studies are reviewed. Treatments include (a) computer assisted instruction; (b) cooperative learning; (c) mastery learning; (d) reinforcement; (e) self-control training; (f) situated learning; (g) social learning; (h) strategy instruction; and (i) others. Results indicate that all kinds of interventions produce positive effects on participants’ academic behaviors. In addition, the PEM approach is shown to be an appropriate method for a quantitative synthesis of single-subject researches.

教育體制、學習環境與學生成果之研究 / A Study on Education System, Learning Environment and Students' Academic Outcomes

張明宜, Chang, Ming Yi Unknown Date (has links)
This research highlights the importance of considering the degree students’ integration into school classes when estimating school effects. Combining and using two different datasets collected before and after education reform in Taiwan, the study compares school effects under two different education systems in order to answer the question about the efficiency of education reform. I estimate multilevel growth models to assess how school environments affect changes in students’ initial and change rate of their academic performance across junior high school years. Besides, two-part random-effects models are also introduced into the analyses to testify how school environment influence adolescent performance in their high school enrollments. My results support and extend Blau’s structural theory, revealed that school contexts and school networks directly and indirectly influences students’ performance in their school classes and in their high school enrollments, suggesting students’ outcome are conditioning by the local structure, the school environments. However, through making more friends inside and outside school classes, students still have their own power to modify the environmental impacts on themselves. With respect to the comparisons of school effects on individuals’ performance under two different education systems in Taiwan, the decreasing peer influences and the decreasing significance of school networks indicate that the school effects gradually decline after the administration of education reform. One should note that simply a little change on education system might alter students, parents, and teachers’ behaviors. The decreasing peer effects and the decreasing school effects on students’ academic performance suggesting that students might change their behaviors on interacting with their friends and change their behaviors at schools in order to jostle higher education after education reform. The increasing cram schooling and the increasing significance of family SES support the inference that students modify their behaviors to come up against the education reform in Taiwan. These findings suggest the need for more panel datasets collected from the newly cohorts after education reform was administrated for a period and the need for more studies of education reform and school effects, to have more understanding about the mechanisms of school efficiency.


蔡毓智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國中生基本學力測驗成績為例,採問卷調查法,以89學年度台北市四所國中之三年級學生共286人為樣本,探討學習資產對學業成績的影響。研究所稱之學習資產係指社會資產與文化資產二者之合稱,前者意指經由人際互動創造出來的教育期望、參與及人際關係等學習資源;後者則包含參與各種不同文化活動、接受文化刺激等。不同的學生具有不同的學習資產,因此對學業成績的影響各不相同,研究的目的即在探討不同種類之學習資產對學業成績的影響效果,以及不同種類學習資產相互間之關係。 主要研究發現如下數點:1.文化資產與學業成績有關,具備不同文化資產的學生彼此間學業成績有所差異,文化資產較豐富之學生成績較佳,文化劣勢之學生學業成績較為不佳;2.社會資產與學業成績有關,社會資產較豐富之學生學業成績較佳,社會資產不足學生之成績較為不佳,學生具備不同社會資產彼此間學業成績有所差異;3.學習資產多寡隨家長學歷不同有明顯差異,家長高學歷之學生,學習資產較為豐富,家長低學歷之學生學習資產較為不足,並進而影響學業成績;4.社會資產和文化資產有密切的相關,文化資產對學業成績的影響,受到社會資產的影響,文化資產需透過社會資產產生作用,二者密不可分。 分析結果發現,最明顯影響學業成績的文化資產變項為是否補習,其他文化資產變項如課外閱讀或是參與高層文化活動等則效果較不明顯。朋友成績、家長參與親師活動、學習態度及教育期望等四個社會資產變項對學業成績有顯著影響;家中手足人數及家長對子女學校生活及關心成績的影響效果較不顯著。在控制家長教育因素之後,學習資產對學業成績的影響仍然顯著。結果顯示,家長透過提供學習資產而影響子女的學業成績。綜言之,本研究發現豐富的學習資產能創造出較佳學習環境,而透過較佳的學習環境,有助於提升學生之學業成績。 根據研究結果,建議家長與子女經常進行進行關於學業方面之互動及溝通,多參與親師活動,提供充足的文化刺激,同時提高教育期望等,有助於提升學生學業成績。同時,師生間的互動及期望、教師經常與家長保持連繫及互動對學生學業成績也有正面幫助。 / Academic achievement is often used as an explanatory factor of students' future SES, though academic achievement is affected by other variables. This article attempts to investigate important factors associated with academic achievement. Using a sample of 286 junior high school students in Taipei city, we investigate the role of social and cultural capital on academic achievement. The study confirms a consistent finding of earlier research in capital theory-----academic achievement is significantly affected by social and cultural capital. Results suggest the importance of social and cultural capital in the educational process, and the involvement of parents in this regard, should be an important policy promotion. KEYWORDS: social capital, cultural capital, learning capital, academic achievement

學校設施品質與教育成果關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between the Quality of School Facilities and Educational Outcomes

廖文靜, Liao, Wen-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討學校設施品質與教育成果之關係,以臺灣區公立普通高級中學共計127所學校為研究對象,並依各縣(市)行政區的國立和縣(市)立校數比例,分層抽取74所學校作為研究樣本。 本研究的自變項為學校設施品質。依變項為教育成果,包括教師態度、教師異動行為、學生態度、學生偏差行為和學生學業成就。控制變項為學生基礎學力和社經地位。為蒐集相關資料,本研究自編「學校設施品質與師生態度問卷」,以教師為問卷填答對象,總共發出問卷888份,回收772份,回收率為86.94%。另編製「教師異動情形、學生家庭經濟狀況及學生紀律行為調查表」,以校長為調查對象,總共發出調查表74份,回收67份,回收率為90.54%。學生學業成就係以各校參加大考中心辦理之學科能力測驗平均成績的原始級分,轉換為20級參照等級作為代表。 本研究主要目的在了解臺灣區公立普通高級中學學校設施品質現況,以及學校設施品質與教師組織承諾、教師異動行為、學生學習態度、學生偏差行為和學生學業成就的關係,並試圖建立學校設施品質與教育成果關係模式。研究者使用SPSS for Windows 18.0版和LISREL 8.52版,進行描述性統計、相關分析、變異數分析和因果路徑分析等統計分析,獲得結論如下: 一、臺灣區公立普通高中的學校設施品質屬於中高程度,校際之間有落差。 二、「學校類型」、「學校轄屬」、「學生性別偏向」、「學校規模」和「學校密度」等背景變項,對於學校設施品質有所影響。「學校密度」最能反映學校設施品質。 三、學校設施品質與教師的組織承諾呈中度正相關。「舒適的教室環境」、「充足的E化設備」和「完善的建築機能」等學校設施品質因素能有效預測教師的組織承諾。 四、學校設施品質與學生的學習態度呈中度正相關。「舒適的教室環境」、「良好的設施維護」和「完善的建築機能」等學校設施品質因素,能有效預測學生的學習態度。 五、學校設施品質與學生偏差行為呈低度負相關。學校在「完善的建築機能」表現愈好,學生偏差行為就愈少。 六、學校設施品質與學生學業成就呈低度正相關,「多元的學習空間」能有效預測學生學業成就。 七、在學生學業成就上,學校設施品質對於基礎學力低的學校比基礎學力高者,有更大的正面影響力。 八、學校設施品質對於學生學業成就的影響來自間接效果,由「教師態度」、「學生態度」和「學生偏差行為」扮演中介的角色。 九、學校設施品質與教育成果關係的實證模式經驗證確立,學校背景變項影響學校設施品質,學校設施品質直接影響教師態度和學生態度,並以間接方式影響學生行為和學生學業成就。 最後,依據研究結論提出建議,供作學校設施規劃設計、教育決策者政策制定及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the quality of school facilities and educational outcomes. The quality of school facilities is measured using five elements, viz. comfortable classroom, facilities maintenance, IT equipment, multiple learning spaces, and architecture functions. The population of this study was 127 public senior high schools in Taiwan, and 74 schools in the population was stratified chosen as samples. Six major data components were used to complete this study. The first component is the quality of school facilities, the second component is the attitude of the teachers, and the third component is the attitude of the students. To obtain this information, 888 teachers were invited to complete the Assessment of School Facilities Quality and the Attitude of Teachers and Students Questionnaire, where 772 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 86.94%. The fourth and the fifth components are the turnover rate of the teachers and demerit rate of the students of each school which were obtained from principle survey. The sixth component is the score rank from the General Scholastic Ability Test for each senior high school in Taiwan. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model, were conducted to analyze the collected data. It is found that school facilities quality is related to educational outcomes. Students performed better in schools with good quality of school facilities. The conclusions of this study can be illustrated as followed: 1. The averaged quality of school facilities is moderate-high level for public senior high schools in Taiwan; however the quality differences among schools do exist. 2. School context variables, viz. school type, school objection, student sex, school size, and school density will all affect the quality of school facilities. 3. Quality of school facilities is positively correlated to teacher organizational commitment, student learning attitude, and student academic achievement. Nonetheless, quality of school facilities is negatively correlated to student rule-violating behavior and teacher turnover rate, whereas the latter is not significant. 4. In terms of student academic achievement, quality of school facilities has more significant influence on schools with students having lower academic performance than those with higher academic performance. 5. Quality of school facilities directly affects teacher organizational commitment and student learning attitude. Meanwhile, quality of school facilities indirectly affects student academic achievement and student rule-violating behavior. In this study, relationships between quality of school facilities and several educational outcomes were examined. Some significant results were observed and suggestions on possible adjustments were made. Hopefully these results and suggestions can be useful to school planners and related government officials for future reference.

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