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以詞彙功能語法分析中文的「移位矛盾」 / Movement Paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese: A Lexical-Functional Approach

顏婉玲, Yen,Wan ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「詞彙功能語法」來分析中文「移位矛盾」之現象,以Bresnan (2001)針對英文movement paradoxes以及Huang (1989),Her (1999)針對中文「移位矛盾」之研究為基礎,探討當述語所要求的典型的「名詞組賓語」被禁止出現時,將藉由體現為主題來滿足述語對賓語的要求,但並不是所有詞類的賓語都可以體現為滿足述語要求的主題。因此,本論文將中文中帶有移位矛盾現象的述語分為三大類,蒐集並分析這三大類述語在語料庫中的語料,將得以呈現只有名詞組、動詞組、句子以及帶有引介主題標記的介系詞組可以體現為主題。本論文更進一步為可以體現為主題的詞組建立一個階層,在此階層中位階最高的是名詞組,代表著名詞組在體現為帶有移位矛盾現象的述語之主題時,所受到的限制最小。除此之外,這個階層帶有遞移性,任一詞組若是可以體現為主題,則在階層中位階比該詞組高的詞組,也都可以體現為該述語的主題,反之則不一定成立。 / Based on Bresnan’s (2001) study of movement paradoxes in English and Huang’s (1989) and Her’s (1999) studies of movement paradoxes in Mandarin Chinese, this study discusses that when the prototypical NP object required by the predicate is forbidden to map to the OBJ function in the f-structure, this required NP argument must be realized as TOP identified with the missing OBJ to satisfy the Completeness and Coherence Conditions. However, not all category types of phrases can be realized as TOPs. Thus, this study classes the Mandarin Chinese predicates with movement paradoxes into three types; collect and analyze the data in the corpus. The analysis presents that only NP, VP, CP, and PP with topic-introducing marker can be realized as TOPs identified with the missing OBJ. Moreover, this study forms a hierarchy. The NP’s highest status in this hierarchy represents that it is the least restricted category type in being able to be realized as TOP of predicates with movement paradoxes. In addition, if one category type can be realized as TOP of one predicate, other category types with a higher priority can be realized as TOP of that predicate as well, but not vice versa.


潘金葉 Unknown Date (has links)
派出所所長為警察組織的基層主管,是警察體系中極具關鍵性且富有影響力的角色,其領導行為直接影響員警的工作效能及警察政令執行之良窳。 本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討所長領導風格對員警工作投入之影響。(二)基層員警個人特徵因素對所長領導風格是否有影響。(三)基層員警個人特徵因素是否會影響其對工作之投入。 本研究採用之研究方法為「問卷調查法」及「深度訪談法」。在量化研究方面,以臺北市政府警察局93個派出所所長與派出所三分之一之基層員警進行問卷抽樣調查,計發放812份問卷,回收有效問卷800份,資料回收後透過次數分配、因素分析、信度分析及t檢定等方法進行資料分析。在質性研究方面,以工作繁重、工作較重及工作單純分局各抽訪2個派出所所長及基層員警各1人,合計12人,進行深度訪談分析與比較。 由研究結果發現:隨著時代的變遷,領導的意涵也隨著轉變,由指導到協同,關係 由上對下變成平行關係。警察領導幹部之領導風格將一改過去權威式、英雄式的領導,逐漸修正為以關懷部屬為主,與基層員警建立共識達成組織目標,取代以績效掛帥、軍事化管理的領導風格,所長領導風格攸關員警工作士氣;而影響警察工作投入之問題成因很多,本研究以工作滿足、工作績效成就、參與決策等三面向鋪陳分析如下:(一)警察工作特性無法獲得民眾肯定與信賴。(二)派出所勤(業)務繁重,員警自我成長機會受限。(三)警察制度及社會型態令員警無法獲得工作滿足感。(四)媒體擷取負面報導致警察形象差社會地位不高。(五)派出所工作繁雜基層員警不堪負荷。(六)所長以身作則才能帶動員警工作士氣。(七)分層授權俾利任務完成。(八)員工參與制度流於形式。 綜上,本論文依研究目的、文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談所得資料,以個人特質、領導風格與工作投入等構面,並考量方案的可行性難易,提出近、中、遠程具體可行之警察政策建議,以及提供後續研究者的建議。 / The chiefs of police stations are basic-level executives in the entire police organization, and they play critical and influential roles within the police organization. Furthermore, their leadership will directly affect the work efficiency and implementation quality of police orders and policies. The purposes of this study are in three major areas: 1. if the leadership style of station chief affects the devotion of police ; 2. if the factor of individual traits of basic-level police should affect the leadership style of the station chief; 3. if personal traib of basic-level police affect their job involvement. The methodology of this study is “questionnaire” and “in-depth interview.” In terms of quantitative study, sampling investigation of questionnaire is conducted with chiefs of 93 police stations and one-third basic-level police of the police station from the Taipei City Police Department. A total of 812 questionnaires are distributed, with 800 valid copies retrieved. As information is recouped, frequency distribution, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and T-test are used to conduct information analysis. For qualitative study, every two chiefs and one basic-level police are selected from each of very heavily loaded police stations, less heavily loaded police stations, and police stations of lesser work load. In total, 12 people are chosen to conduct in-depth interview for analysis and comparison. It is found from the research that the interpretation of leadership has been hanged, of which meaning used to be the guidance and superior-inferior relationship, evolving into coordination and parallel interactions nowadays. Furthermore, instead of the authoritative, heroic leading style and performance-oriented, military management, the tendency of caring and consensus reaching with the subordinates emerges within the police leading party. Hence, the leading style of the chief of the police station has a great influence on the working spirits of the whole department. Besides, due to the fact that policemen who get involved in their jobs vary , this research will observe and analyze from satisfaction, performance achievement and decision-making participation of work among the policeman, and the analysis is as follows: 1.rare affirmation and trust obtained from our people due to the characteristics of the policeman work; 2.since the heavy workload of the basic-level police, their chances of self-development are quite limited; 3.They cant have a sense of achievement under the police system and the social ideology; 4.negative report from the media results in the bad image and low society status of our policeman; 5.too much workload for the basic-level policeman ; 6.the chief of police station shall set good examples with their own behavior; 7.the necessity of empowerment policy; 8.the participation system could not be put into effect. Above all, this research would be based upon the aim of the project, working through information study, questionnaire and in-depth interview. Following 3 directions as personal characteristics, leading style and their working involvement, considering the applicability, the study provide feasible policy suggestions in short, medium and long term for the police system, and the reference of following researchers.

臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員核心能力之研究-知識管理觀點- / A Study of the police constables' core capability of Taipei city police department-knowledge management perspective

周紓蘭, Chou, Shu Lan Unknown Date (has links)
「知識」是21世紀的競爭武器,也是決定組織能否永續發展之根本。透過「知識管理」機制能將基層員警之經驗與知識傳承,增進基層員警的核心能力與警政組織之競爭優勢,藉以提升警政工作績效。警政競爭力之關鍵是在於警察機關的核心能力,而警察機關的核心能力又仰賴基層員警核心能力之整合。「警察」是一個富有挑戰性的職業,隨著人民需求與全球化發展,警察工作內容與範圍變得廣泛而多元,所需具備之知識與能力相對增加,因此,警察要隨時空因素之轉變而調整本身核心能力與應用分享知識,以符合社會與民眾之需求。 / 本研究以知識管理途徑來探討基層警察人員為應警察勤業務需要應具備那些核心能力,始能成為警政組織之知識工作者,並能順利完成警察任務,藉以達成卓越績效。因此,為深入分析基層警察人員知識管理與核心能力相關問題,本研究首採文獻分析,參酌國內外有關知識管理與核心能力論著,獲得理論上之知識,並配合臺北市政府警察局現況,應用現有文獻及相關計畫方案,進行多元而廣泛的資料蒐集,再佐以研究者之觀察與深入訪談實證研究分析,作實務與理論之探索,以提出基層警察人員須具備及應積極強化培訓之核心能力,並探討基層警察人員為因應未來環境變化應具備之核心能力,藉以作為警察機關常年訓練發展參考。 / 本研究經由相關理論文獻探討及實證分析,綜合發現臺北市政府警察局基層警察人員目前與未來應具備之核心能力,就其重要性依序為「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」、「溝通表達能力」、「問題解決能力」、「危機應變能力」與「警技執勤能力」等六項。其中最具 優勢之核心能力為「問題解決能力」。最缺乏之核心能力依次為「溝通表達能力」、「法律專業知能」、「優質服務態度」。另提出以下建議:一、運用知識管理與默會知識培養核心能力;二、定期工作分析並適時修正核心能力項目;三、適度增加分局內勤員額,並專責辦理所有警察業務;四、重視優勢核心能力之維繫;五、訓練強化基層警察人員核心能力不足之項目;六、建立以核心能力為基礎之訓練發展。 / Knowledge is the key to remaining competitive in the 21st century and is essential to the continual development of any organization. Knowledge management facilitates the transfer of knowledge from current police constables to new recruits, increases the capabilities of the constables themselves, and enhances the efficiency of the police administration – all of which make the administration more competitive. This high degree of competence is built on the foundation of police constable core capability. Law enforcement is a challenging field, with the needs of today’s citizens evolving and with the content and scope of the law becoming variable and multifunctional as a result. Improved knowledge management has become increasingly important, and the police administration must make adaptive adjustments to meet the progressing expectations of the people they serve. / The purpose of the study was to explore the core capabilities, in terms of knowledge management, required for police constables to perform efficiently in routine police work. To analyze the relationship between knowledge management and the police force’s core capability, the research referenced both domestic and foreign articles regarding these subjects. I worked with the Taipei City Police Department to evaluate their currently situation by broadly utilizing their internal research along with my own observations and interviews. This information was implemented as a practical and theoretical basis in my research. The study also explored the requirement of core capability required for police constables to react to current societal changes, and research resulting from it can be used as a reference for the police administration’s annual training. / The study analyzes the current and future core capability required for police constables of the Taipei City Police Department. In order of importance are: “Interpretation of the Law”; “Quality Service”; “Communication”; “Problem Solving”; “Crisis Management”; and “Police Skill Set”. Problem solving is the strength of the department, with communication, interpretation of the law, and quality service being weaknesses. Proposals to improve these areas are as follows: 1. Apply knowledge management to enhance core capability; 2. Routinely evaluate and adjust the items defining core capability; 3. Adequately increase the desk staffing; 4. Emphasize the necessity of core capability; 5. Enhance the core capability of underperforming police constables; and 6. Build a training plan based on core capabilities.

多層次傳銷事業行銷策略之研究 / The Marketing Strategy of multi-level marketing

朱佳莉, Chu, Jia Li Unknown Date (has links)
就台灣經濟、科技、風土民情及就業人口結構變動的狀況來看市場潛力極 大。但就社會現象與社會價值觀而論,存在著許多衝突。就業者而言,除 了已上軌道穩定成長的傳銷公司外,傳銷事業的經營策略、行銷策略等皆 有待強化。本研究基於國內多層次傳銷事業逢勃發展及國內對多層次傳銷 事業,有關事業面的相關研究欠缺。而多層次傳銷本質為一種行銷工具, 故本研究欲從理論及實務二方面了解多層次傳銷,並將多層次傳銷事業的 行銷策略加以分類。本研究印證國內多層次傳銷事業的意義與原理、在行 銷理論中的定位、多層次傳銷事業的成功要件,並將傳銷事業的行銷策略 加以比較,發現在國內傳銷事業在新產品決策方面、對直銷組織的管理、 產品的選擇與保證、促銷與廣告等決策存在類似的行銷策略。同時,傳銷 事業的行銷策略,也受在公司血統、公司規模、產品性質及差異化定位策 略的影響。

住宅樓層價差之探討-以台北市為例 / A Study of The Different Prices for Housing Floors

張曦方, Chang, Si Fung Unknown Date (has links)
住宅價格主要乃是由平面價差與立體價差組合,並受供、需面的交互作用競價而成,對於位在同一塊基地上的各層樓而言,亦會因不同的空間屬性組合而產生不同的價格水準;而以往的住宅研究報告多偏重於探討有關總體面與平面區位條件的差異性對價格形成的影響,卻鮮少有人針對住宅立體屬性的差異對價格的影響做進一步的深入探討。因此本研究以臺北市地區為研究範圍,探討住宅樓層間的立體價格差異是否存在?影響樓層價差現象產生的因素為何?樓層價差的產生受供給面亦或是需求面的影響較大?   由於一般業者對於樓層的定價原則與消費者購屋樓層選擇的主客觀考量因素不同,因此可藉由市場實際樓層價格分佈狀況反應出市場呈現何種導向,並可為市場樓層價差之形成提供一合理之解釋。   茲將本研究之主要研究成果與結論略述如下:   一、供給面:     1.供給面訂定樓層價差主要依據乃是根據既有的區域市場供給面平均價差水準,再以產品的個體差異性(注重建物各層的空間居住條件差異程度)採評點加總法做價格上的調整,對於樓層價差的訂價方式缺乏需求面資料變動的預測與分析。   二、需求面(問卷調查分析結果):     1.地區別因素與樓層間的價格差異皆不是決定居民選購樓層的主要考重因素,可見得台北市居民對於樓層的選購重視的是居住環境品質,而非價差因素。     2.居民屬性之年齡別、家庭成員組成不同皆會影響樓層之選擇。     3.最喜愛居住樓層所占百分比依次為三樓(22.2%)、五樓(12.6%)和一樓(12.2%),二樓亦佔了百分之11.8%,其餘樓層之喜愛人數則隨著高度的增加而減少。     4.最不喜愛樓層具有一般性,集中於一、二、四樓最多。     5.喜愛樓層與選購之重視因素關係而言,低、中、高樓層之訴求明顯不同,相近樓層間之空間屬性需求則相近。     6.由消費者樓層偏好人數問卷調查結果得知,大多數的居民仍偏向於居住較低樓層,中間樓層次之,高樓層喜居人數最少,由此可知,需求面考量之安全性、可及性因素,重於舒適性因子之需求;供給面考量重心則有所不同,舒適性因子重於安全性、可及性因子之需求。   三、市場實證分析:     1.民國80年代初期,經檢定結果得知,樓層變數對於樓層價差形成其有顯著的影響,可見得樓層間的價差現象確實存在。     2.影響樓層價差產生的因素主要可分為居民屬性與建物屬性兩類,建物屬性則為安全性、可及性與舒適性的差異影響較顯著。     3.就樓層間的價格分佈來說,五層樓以下的樓層間價格高低關係變動幅度較大,無一定的價差模式可循,五層樓以上的住宅,樓層間的價差關係較明確,具有樓層越高,價格越高的相同趨勢,且中間樓層之價差較大,高樓層之價差幅度較小,相近樓層間的價差較平緩。     4.個別地區樓層間的實際價格差距雖然因地區與業者主觀的定價模式的不同而會有所差異,但基本上,樓層的價格高低分佈和樓層的高度有著一定的關係。     5.消費者的偏好改變,對於個別樓層的價格會有所影響,但由於消費者的議價空間有限,因此整體而言,市場價格仍是反應供給面訂定樓層價差的定價原則與方式。   由此可知,臺灣住宅市場本就呈現強烈的供給導向,因此樓層價差自然較符合供給面之定價原則,需求面的真實偏好對於價差的形成雖亦具有影響力,但影響效果有限。

我國老年退休所得維持體系之階層化分析 / The Stratification of the Statutory Old-Aged Income Maintenance Systems in Taiwan.

鄭鳳珠, Cheng, Feng Chu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著人口結構變遷(高齡化),我國老年退休後的所得維持保障已日趨重要 ,各國對於工業化所產生的職業傷害、疾病、失業和老年等社會風險,大 都建立社會安全制度加以保障,目前我國尚未有全民性的退休制度,但對 於既存的退休維持體系,本文認為有必要加以全面性的探討,根據 Esping-Andersen對福利國家階層化的分析,指出社會安全制度本身已成 為社會階層化的體系,即不平等的根源,因此,本文企圖從平等和階層化 的觀點來分析我國老年退休所得維持體系。本文主要探討對象著重在公務 人員和勞工之退休所得維持體系,至於軍人和私立學校等退休所得維持體 系,因資料取得困難,則不加以探討。本文之分析架構分為二部分,第一 、退休所得維持體系之制度建構分析,第二、分別探討目前公務人員(狹 義的依公務人員任用法任用之公務人員)和勞工所得維持體系制度面設計 最高法定給付之所得替代率,及執行面之實際所得替代率進行統計分析及 推估。本研究結果重點如下:一、公務人員退休所得維持體系之立法特性 與階層化由歷史分析得知,公保之建制強調其為官吏人事制度,立法定位 不同於一般保險,在第二層相關退休辦法和第三層優惠存款所得保障出現 階層化現象。二、公務人員(狹義的)退休所得維持方案在制度設計上,三 層所得保障下,最高法定給付之所得替代率已達98.79\%(一次退休 金)90.70\%(月退休金),實際給付面已相當落實,所得替代率達86.75\% ,而新制公務人員退休法施行後,公務人員所得替代率將大幅提高,所得 替率高達128. 32\%(一次退休金)或108.70\%,將加深其不平等的程度。 三、勞工退休所得維持方案之階層化一般勞工只有勞保老年給付,僅有部 分勞工可享有第二層退休所得保障,即適用勞基法的勞工,因此出現勞工 間的階層化。實際執行上,因薪資以多報少問題嚴重,平均所得替代率只 有14.31\%;而有雙重保障部分的勞工,平均所得替代率43.85\%。四 、 勞基法退休給付執行面之階層化效果根據本研究發現企業別與退休給付之 間產生了一階層化效果,除公營事業單位和大型民營企業外,大多數勞工 無法領到勞基法所規定之退休金,不論在給付件數上(詳見表6.3),或給 付額度上(詳見表6.4),小規模的企業都無法落實。性別與退休給付間亦 產生了階層化效果,在給付件數上,女性只佔15\%左右,其餘高達85\%皆 為男性。 /

無線行動網路中以跨層設計混合式多點傳輸策略的研究 / Cross layer hybrid multicasting policy over wireless mobile network

陳吉定, Chen, Ji Ding Unknown Date (has links)
在無線傳輸網路環境日益普遍的今日,以往各類型只在固定網路傳輸上的應用都紛紛的套用在具移動性要求的無線傳輸網路上。然而無線網路的傳輸環境比固定網路有更多使用上的條件限制以及需克服技術上的問題,像是與基地台傳輸距離的限制而產生對傳輸連線上換手( Handover )的需求,以及因為換手而導致傳輸時各種時間上的延遲( Delay )和抖動( Jitter ),若是多媒體 (Multimedia) 的多點傳輸( Multicasting )需求,則更要對傳輸內容的特性和傳輸協定的可靠性、可擴展性及穩定性加以考量。再者因為在無線傳輸環境中接收端和發送端都可能是處於移動的狀態,所以整個傳輸架構的健全性 ( Robustness )也十分重要。基於這些需求,本論文提出利用跨層(Cross Layer)設計來匯集較低網層協定在傳輸速率(Throughput)上的優勢,以及由較高網層協定提供之針對傳輸內容不同需求的應用彈性,降低協定在既有網路中實現的困難度,以期Wireless網路提供多點傳輸時在滿足穩定性及可靠性的要求下,達到最佳的傳輸速率表現。 / Applications of wireless mobile network are prevalent in recent years. Many applications inherited or developed from wired network have been proposed to enable mobile nodes to connect to wireless mobile network to access resources/services from Internet using multicasting protocol. However, wireless mobile networks have difficulty in forwarding information due to its inherent dynamism and frequent topology changes. To multicast multimedia data stream, we have to consider not only the issues of reliability, robustness, scalability and stability of routing protocol, but also the content of transmission. Besides, when handover occurs frequently during transmission, the throughput decreases rapidly due to severe jitter and delay. This thesis presents a hybrid multicasting policy for wireless mobile network to build a multicasting architecture using cross layer design of network layer and application layer to manage quality transmission according to flexible requirements. In summary, our goal is to optimize throughput in order to fulfill the requirement of reliability and stability of multicasting in wireless mobile network.

探討影響流通履歷食品購買意願之人格特質—運用3M階層模式 / The influence of personality on purchase intention of the food with traceability system —an application of 3M model

朱敏曄 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來層出不窮的食品安全事件,引發消費者對於食品安全的恐慌與關切。我國經濟部商業司為了降低消費者對食品安全的疑慮、建立消費者信心,正積極推動「加工食品流通履歷追蹤計畫」。由於該計畫尚屬於發展階段,為了能夠提升消費者對於流通履歷食品的需求以督促食品業者積極建立流通履歷,因此,本研究從消費者端進行研究,深入探討影響流通履歷食品購買意願的因素,以找出讓消費者願意購買流通履歷食品的方法。 本研究首先依據Mowen(2000)的3M模式,整合人格特質及行為意圖,以建立流通履歷食品購買意願的階層模式,接著以問卷調查的方式,衡量各個人格特質,最後運用結構方程模式分析,找出影響流通履歷購買意願的因素,並研究這些因素之間的關係。本研究重要的結果發現如下: 基本人格特質中的外向性、開放性、嚴謹性及物質資源需求對於學習需求有正向的影響,此外,物質資源需求對於健康動機有負向的影響,身體資源需求對於健康動機則有顯著正向的影響。學習需求與健康動機進一步對食品安全關心度及流通履歷知覺品質有正向的影響。食品安全關心程度與流通履歷知覺品質則又進一步對於流通履歷食品購買意願有正向的影響。 由於過去研究關於履歷食品購買意願的影響因素,尚未探討至更深層的人格特質因素,因此希望透過本研究,能夠瞭解人格特質與流通履歷食品購買意願之關係,了解消費者對流通履歷食品的認知與需求,以提供政府或業者推廣流通履歷食品參考。

鈷/鉑垂直磁化多層膜中結構對磁耦合及電性的影響 / Influence of structure on magnetic coupling and electric properties in cobalt/platinum multilayer with spontaneously perpendicular-magnetization

曾嘉裕, Tseng, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在研究多層膜之垂直異向性結構組成及其介面特質,本實驗多層膜選取的材料為鐵磁性的鈷(Co)以及貴重金屬的鉑(Pt),並利用濺鍍(Sputtering)系統來製作(鈷/鉑)多層膜樣品,最初的實驗為尋找(鈷/鉑)多層膜結構組成最佳垂直易性發生之條件,所以分別變化鐵磁層鈷之厚度、一般金屬層鉑之厚度、(鈷/鉑)雙層層數及緩衝buffer layer層鉑之厚度,並利用震動樣品磁度儀(VSM)及超導量子干涉儀(SQUIDE)分別量測垂直及平行磁場方向之磁化強度M對磁場field H的關係,再由M-H圖進行判別其垂直異向性的程度。 在最初的實驗部分可了解如何得到最佳(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜之結構,並從中可得不同緩衝層鉑之厚度、(鈷/鉑)雙層層數及雙層內鉑之厚度的矯頑場有一趨勢存在,於第二部分的實驗即利用這些矯頑場之趨勢來製作一系列產生巨磁效應之三層膜結構,其中的鐵磁層由(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜取代,並對此結構做一系列量測,利用震動樣品磁度儀(VSM)量測其磁化強度對磁場的關係、利用LR700系統及物理低溫量測系統(PPMS)量測其異常Hall effect霍爾效應(EHE)現象和電阻對磁場的關係,再將這一系列的量測結果分析其中被一般金屬層鉑所隔開的上下(鈷/鉑)垂直異向性多層膜之間耦合程度。 / The topic of this thesis is about the property of the interface and structure in the multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy. The materials of this multilayers are ferromagnetic cobalt and platinum. We use sputtering system to fabricate cobalt/platinum multilayer with various thicknesses. The initial experiment is to search for the optimum condition that develop cobalt/platinum multilayer with perpendicular anisotropy. Then, the influenceof the buffer layer of platinum is studied. We use Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer to measure the magnetization vs. magnetic field relation by applied magnetic fields in both out of plane and in plane directions to distinguishe the degree of perpendicular anisotropy from the M-H figures. From the initial experiments we can understand how to get the optimum structure of cobalt/platinum perpendicular anisotrpy multilayer. There is a tendency exists in the coercivity depending on different thicknesses of the ferromagnetic layer cobalt, the normal noble platinum, the number of bilayers of cobalt/platinum, and the buffer layer of platinum. In the second part of this experiment we used the difference of coercivities to fabricate a series of trilayers structures that produce giant magnetoresistance effect. The individual ferromagnetic layer was cobalt/platinum perpendicular anisotropy multilayer. The structures was measured by VSM to study magnetization vs. field relation. A LR700 resistance bridge and a physical properties measurement system (PPMS) were used to measure the Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE) and resistant vs. field relation.

國小英語教科書評選指標之研究 / A study on criteria for elementary english textbook evaluation

曾子芸, Tseng, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由探討教科書評選指標的權重,了解國小英語教師對於英語教科書評選所採用之評選指標的看法,以及其教師背景對英語教科書評選的影響。本研究方法採用階層程序分析法(AHP), 並由文獻探討將教科書評選指標分為2大層面,5大向度,以及26個指標,建構出階層程序分析法問卷,以隨機方式發放於台北市12個行政區公私立126位國小正式英語教師,並藉由Expert Choice 2000 軟體分析,計算出各層面、向度、指標之權重值,並予以排序。 研究主要結果如下: 1.教師重視教科書內在評選高於外在評選。 2.教科書外在評選,教師較為重視整體編排架構;教科書內在評選,教師認 為語言能力比語言成分重要。 3.整體編排架構裡,教師認為最重要的指標為「使用英語文正確、自然流 暢。」;編印設計,最重要的指標為「字體大小適宜,印刷清楚。」; 4.教具與輔助教材,最重要的指標為「提供配合課程的電腦多媒體教材。」 5.教科書內在評選,男性教師較重視教科書語言成分;女性教師則較重視 語言能力。教學經驗較少的教師重視語言成分高於語言能力;教學經驗較 豐富的教師則認為語言能力較為重要。 6.教具與輔助教材,學士學歷教師較重視指標為「提供配合課程的電腦多媒 體教材。」;碩士學歷教師較重視指標為「CD發音正確清晰,速度適 宜。」 綜合本研究結果,教師對於教科書評選指標有不同看法及重視程度,期能提供教師對於教科書評選及評選指標有進一步瞭解。 / The current study aimed to understand how elementary English teachers in Taiwan prioritized criteria for textbook evaluation, and whether their various backgrounds influenced their prioritization of criteria. The research framework was constructed based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), including 2 objectives, 5 sub-objectives, and 25 criteria. An AHP questionnaire was randomly administered to 126 elementary English teachers in Taipei City. All the data were analyzed by means of the software Expert Choice 2000. The major findings in the current study are summarized below. 1.Internal evaluation of textbooks was prioritized before External evaluation by a majority of the teachers. 2.In external evaluation, most teachers emphasized General features of a textbook; in internal evaluation, teachers focused more on Language skills rather than Language components in a textbook. 3.Concerning criteria for evaluating General features of textbooks, teachers considered the criterion Accuracy and fluency most important; as for Layout and physical makeup of a textbook, the criterion Typeface came out top; in Teaching aids, Multimedia was viewed as the most crucial criterion. 4.In respect to criteria for evaluating Language components and Language skills in textbooks, the criterion Integration of components and Integration of skills were respectively emphasized by teachers. 5.While male teachers focused more on Language components of a textbook, female teachers found Language skills more important. 6.Novice teachers were more in favor of Language components than Language skills; however, to more experienced teachers, it was Language skills that they prioritized first. 7.For criteria evaluating Teaching aids of a textbook, teachers with a Bachelor's degree prioritized Multimedia as the most important criterion, while teachers holding a Master's degree put much emphasis on the Quality of CDs. To conclude, it is hoped that these findings can shed light on textbook development and provide useful information for teachers when selecting and evaluating textbooks and for textbook developers when compiling textbooks for students.

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