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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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行政組際協調之嵌套賽局分析 / A nested game analysis of interorganizational coordination in public administration

廖洲棚, Liao, Zhou Peng Unknown Date (has links)
在當前的治理環境下,公共任務比以往更需要整合政府及各部門組織的行動方能克盡其功。因此,多數的公共管理者應會同意,行政組際協調已成為「治理時代」重要且迫切的議題之一,公共管理者需要擁有全新的能力,從解決民眾問題的角度來回應民眾需求。本文將行政組際協調定義為「藉由兩個或兩個以上行政組織的一致行動,使特定政策或計畫的執行,能達成最少的冗餘、不一致與空隙的執行結果」。在此定義下,本文討論的行政組際協調涉及三個層面:第一個層面為跨行政組織如何產生一致行動的問題;第二個層面為行政組織間的互動關係;第三個層面為跨行政組織執行成果的問題。 本文建構的「行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型」假定官僚制度中的專業分工與獲利轉換機制的制度設計,是造成行政組織分工但不合作的主因。在此前提下,筆者引入「效用損失」的概念,做為發展行政組織行為效用函數的基礎。在行政自主性「效用損失」的概念下,筆者僅保留與行政組織政策或計畫執行最相關的自變項,分別是相依關係、溝通、管轄領域、民意監督、外部課責與內部課責等六種,來解釋行政組織的合作行為以及協調的結果等兩種依變項。由於本文將制度視為對參賽者的限制與機會,在制度陳述概念的輔助下,筆者得以清楚地設定行政組際協調的賽局情境,並將行政責任的思考轉化為外部課責與內部課責等兩種課責參數型態。在此課責制度框架下,筆者建立行政組際協調的空間結構,透過行政組織自主性效用之簡單損失函數以及制度空間模型的運用,成功建立起一個階層管理者、兩個行政組織的行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型。這個模型依據外部課責是否一致,以及內部課責是否存有共識等兩個面向,將行政組際協調賽局情境區分為四種類型,並在分別推演參賽者的行為變化後,提出十項理論命題。為詮釋這些命題在現實環境中的意義,筆者在臺北市政府研考會的同意下,引用該會於2010年10月辦理之1999跨機關陳情案件問卷調查資料,進行次級資料分析。 綜合而言,本文建構的「行政組際協調嵌套賽局模型」,是建立在一個嚴格的假定條件之上的,因此其理論的解釋力與預測能力都僅能限縮在一定的範圍內,特別是一階層管理者、兩行政組織的三人完全訊息賽局。換言之,超出這個範圍之外的行政組際協調現象,就不適合使用本模型進行解釋。本文雖然只使用極精簡的相關研究變項,卻也足以展現一個理論模型應具備的解釋與預測能力。當然,本文的研究僅是一個開端,不論在模型的廣博性以及適用性都還有極大的待改善空間。筆者也鼓勵後繼的學者,能持續地擴展與修改本文提出之理論模型,讓行政組際協調研究領域能朝向更正面的發展。 / Under the present governance environment, the government would need more efforts to coordinate different organizations’ actions than before to make sure the public services would be provided successfully. Thus, most public managers would not only agree that the interorganizational coordination has become one of the important and urgent issues in the governance era, but also they need to learn new abilities to response the citizens’ needs. The author defined the concept of interorganizational coordination as “The end-state of a public policy or program which is implemented by two or more organizations in a consistent way is characterized by minimal redundancy, incoherence and lacunae.” Under this definition, the author discussed three different questions of interorganization coordination in public administration. The first question is How can we formulate a set of consistent actions for implementing a public policy or program? The second question is “How can we explain the interactive relationship between the organizations in public administration?” The third question is “What kind of results would be produced by multi-organizational implementation?” The nested game model of this dissertation has been assumed that the specification and unique side payment system of bureaucracy are the fundamental institution of interorganizational coordination. Under this assumption, the author introduced the concept of simple loss function and structure-induced equilibrium to create an utility function of public organizations and a spatial model for deducing propositions of interorganizational coordination in public administration. In order to verify the propositions of the nested game model of this dissertation, the author did a case study which was including 52 appealed cases of 1999 Citizen Hotline of Taipei City Government and tested the hypothesis derived from the propositions. Finally, the author concluded that there are six independent variables, including interdependency, communication, territory, supervision, outside accountability and inside accountability which can be used to explain two dependent variables, including cooperative behaviors and the result of interorganizational coordination. The author admitted that the interorganizational coordination is a contingent process and should be carefully defined its game rules before discussing what happened in this process. This dissertation has provided a simplicity model for explaining interorganizational coordination with one hierarchical organization and two horizontal organizations within four different situations. The author hoped that other researchers can modify this simple model to explain more complex situations of interorganizational coordination. Thus, this field could be continually developed in a positive way.

土壤污染與土地利用政策之研究 : 以桃園縣蘆竹鄉鎘污染事件為例

陳志仲, Chen, Chih-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要以土壤污染問題為探討對象,並採用Milbrath「新環境典範」(new environmental paradigm)之概念,以及Jacobs「後現代主義」(postmodernism)的土地利用計畫概念作為理論基礎,對土壤污染的形成原因;政府、污染者(廠商)及民眾之間在土壤污染事件的互動情形;以及土壤遭受污染後,其土地應如何再利用等問題,進行深入的思辯及探討。 為瞭解上述各項問題,本研究在研究方法上乃採取個案研究法,選擇桃園縣蘆竹鄉鎘污染事件為本研究之研究對象,經由對蘆竹鄉個案的深入研究,本研究有著如下發現及主張:首先,在政策層面上,本研究發現政府及專家們仍然習於環境問題化約為科技問題,往往以科技指標為其解決環保問題及土地利用問題的最佳憑藉。故而,本研究認為,政府此種基於主流社典範的思考模式,是造成蘆竹鄉的鎘污染問題遲遲無法解決之主因,必須予以揚棄,而試著納入新環境典範中之各項重要概念。 其次,本研究發現鎘污染的元凶「基力化工公司」乃以極為不負責任的態度來面對無辜的受害民眾,對於已發生的污染,並未設法加以補救,以致於鎘污染範圍一再擴大,其間僅象徵性的給與農民微薄的賠償及補貼金,並在民國77年停工後,完全跳脫其任何賠償責任。由此我們可以看出工業界不負責任的本質,也可以因此理解此等市場運動的可貴處與不得不然,因為法律與政策所保護的竟是污染性的工廠,在此等情況下,唯有藉由民眾的直接抗爭方足以使得生存環境不再惡化。 最後,在土地利用政策上,本研究認為政府及各界不應再奉科學方法為圭臬,並且純然的由科技專家來掌控,在新環境典範及後現代主義的階段,土地利用政策的決策權力應適度下放至地方及社區,並讓地方民眾的意見進入政策制訂過程之中,並且,土地利用政策也應該是一個政治及社會辯論的重要場域,服膺「民主」、 「公平」及「正義」等社會上的重要價值。 基於上述研究發現,本研究乃提出下列的政策建議: 一、在蘆竹鄉個案問題的解決上:環保署及政府其他單位應對蘆竹鄉當地農民將鎘污染土地予以變更使用之期盼予以回應。至於,變更之方法應採區段徵收、市地重劃、新編都市計畫等何種手段,可以與當地民眾充分進行溝通後決定。 二、在土壤污染的防治上:政府相關應該加強台灣島肉工業污染的防治,讓生產者負擔起其應負的責任與環保改善成本,不再允許其任意污染島內珍貴的環境資源。而且,不應再以科技方法,作為解決土壤污染問題的唯一手段。 三、在土地利用政策上 (一)政府應將權利適度下放:政府應拋棄「由上而下」的政策制訂模式,改以「由下而上」的方式,將權利下放適度至地方及社區,聽取地戶及民眾對土地利用政策上之意見,並可提供辯論的空間,尋求最符合民眾利益之政策走向。 (二)政策規畫者應追求社會價值:政策規畫者在參與政策制訂過程時,應是帶有價值的,應試圖將民主、公平、正義等社會價值納入政策之中,而非僅一味盲從於科技及專家之意見。 (三)專家應調整社會定位:專家們應積極涉入土地利用政策之政策制訂過程,並其中教育民眾,幫助民眾瞭解政策制訂上之問題,而非用高深的理論,將民眾意見完全排除於決策之外。


SAITO, Natsuki, 斎藤, 夏来 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.

媒體公(近)用實踐之探討: 以臺北市有線電視公用頻道節目《臺北市民故事館》為例 / 『Taipei Stories』: an experiment and case study of the public access to cable TV

葉子豪, Yeh, Tzu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
1993年有線電視法通過,有線電視逐漸取代無線電視,成為台灣主要的傳播媒介。有線電視因其纜線鋪設與經營形態等特性,成為自然壟斷的地方媒體;因此,法律上視其為「準公用事業」,並賦予回饋地方的義務,此為有線電視公用頻道出現的原因。 公用頻道的主要價值是落實媒體近用權,然而受到申播法規、業者經營意願與民眾製作影音內容技術門檻等限制,公用頻道在台灣的成效不彰。近年來新傳播科技興起,影音網站快速成為民眾慣用的近用平台,公用頻道存續意義乃受挑戰。本研究之目的即在探討數位匯流趨勢下,公用頻道的未來。研究發現,影音網站雖能儲存播放大量的民眾影片,但其本質仍屬「社群媒體」,與公用頻道作為社區媒體的功能不同。同時,影音網站的搜尋機制與使用者習慣也影響影片的曝光度,並不能提供一視同仁的公平近用。因此,本文認為,有線電視公用頻道的地方性與公平近用的經營理念,仍是公用頻道未來發展的應屬方向。 據此,本研究之創作實踐即以五十支「臺北市民故事館」短片,試驗公用頻道落實地方媒體近用,提升社區意識的可能製作方式。此短片透過口述歷史與數位自述之技巧,提高居民分享社區記憶、建立社區認同、參與社區事務,提升社區公益的意願,以作為公用頻道未來節目企劃製作的參考。 / In Taiwan, the previously prohibited cable television operators were legalized after the Cable Television Law was established in 1993. Like in many countries, cable television has gradually replaced network television as the primary media in Taiwan. The specific cable installation and its business model make cable television a monopolizing media in local communities. According to Cable Television Law, cable television is regarded as a “prospective public utility,” and one of its obligations is to serve the public. Therefore, the cable television public access channel was launched. The core value of public access channel is to grant the Right of Media Access. However, the practice of public access channel in Taiwan is hampered due to multiple restrictions such as broadcast application law, regulations, business management and the technical thresholds of audiovisual content production. In recent years, many websites, such as YouTube and youKU, have rapidly become the preferred access platform for the public. The necessity of public access channel is being questioned and challenged. Some studies showed that while audio and video websites can store and play a large number of access videos, their essence remains as “social media” rather than “community media,” such as public access channel. Furthermore, the audio video websites’ search mechanism and the users’ habits can both affect the exposure of the videos and impair the fair access of media. This study, supplemented with 50 related projects, intends to discuss the future development of public access channel under digital convergence. Through a year’s productions and surveys, the author concludes that the unique local relevance and the importance of providing fair access should be the emphasis of the future development of public access channel. The creative projects of this study, broadcasted on public access channel, present the public the right to access local media and enhance the community awareness. These projects, digital programs of personal life experiences, were designed for telling Taipei Stories. By employing oral history and digital storytelling techniques, these projects intend to encourage the residents share their community memories, enhance community identity, participate community affairs, and further improve the community charity. In addition, these projects can serve as references for planning and producing programs for public access channel in the future.

アメリカ環境法における救済法理 / アメリカ カンキョウ ホウ ニオケル キュウサイ ホウリ / アメリカ カンキョウホウ ニ オケル キュウサイ ホウリ

村越(米谷) 壽代, 村越 壽代, 米谷 壽代, Hisayo Murakoshi (Maitani), Hisayo Murakoshi, Hisayo Maitani 17 September 2015 (has links)
本論文では、日米両国の環境法における理論状況が法体系の性質からも大いに異なることを前提とした上で、米国において1970年代以降に制定された様々な環境法をめぐる議論を取り上げ、各種救済の態様について、事後救済、事前予防の両面から検証を行った。具体的には、我が国で検討の不十分な環境市民訴訟規定適用の根拠および要件と救済の機能、各種環境規制の導入において生じる収用をめぐる議論の検討を行った。 / This research examined the remedies of U.S. environmental law after 1970s. While their legal systems are quite different, the argument in U.S. could be helpful that of Japanese. The focus point of research is on the ground of citizen suits provisions and on the case when the plaintiff made consent decree. Environmental land use regulations and taking clause matter were also examined in this context since the private property rights is a crucial factor for environmental regulations to protect environmental injury. / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

W・ベンヤミンの思考の展開 --内的憧憬と外部空間--

小林, 哲也 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18371号 / 人博第684号 / 新制||人||164(附属図書館) / 25||人博||684(吉田南総合図書館) / 31229 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 道籏 泰三, 教授 大川 勇, 准教授 大黒 弘慈 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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