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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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民國史博士學位論文之引用文獻分析(2001-2010) / The citation analysis of doctoral dissertations on the history of Republic of China (2001-2010)

施佩宜, Shih, Pei I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臺灣各大專院校中歷史學相關研究所於 2001年至2010 年所產出、研究主題以民國史為範疇之博士學位論文進行引用文獻分析,以觀察其書目資料特性以及引用文獻特性。具體研究項目包括:樣本論文數量、研究主題,被引用文獻之數量、形式類型、內容類型、核心期刊、老化情形、語文、出版地、典藏單位等。 重要研究結果簡述如下: 一、書目資料特性部分:所產出之民國史博士論文數量最多者為國立政治大學;兩位以上教授共同指導的論文占樣本數的17%;民國史博士論文的主題以社會、政治以及文化為多數,其中社會史子題以社會運動與婦女為數最多。 二、引用文獻特性部分:平均單篇論文的引用文獻為317筆;被引用文獻的形式類型以圖書(62.56%)所占比率最多,其次為連續性刊物(18.62%)和未出版資料(9.50%);被引用之圖書文獻內容類型以一般專論(54.67%)最多,其次為史料與檔案彙編(9.54%)、傳記資料(6.79%);民國史研究因研究主題差異造成某一研究大量引用特定刊物,而難以觀察核心期刊;民國史研究圖書的被引用半衰期為20.4年、連續性刊物為25.02年、報紙為64.3年;被引用文獻之語文以中文(88.76%)為主,其次為英文(7.41%)、日文(3.71%);被引用圖書文獻的出版地以臺灣與中國大陸為主,共占圖書類文獻的85.01%;被引用之未出版資料的典藏單位以國史館最多,其次為中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館、中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館、國史館臺灣文獻館。 根據上述研究成果,本研究之研究建議以及後續研究建議如下:研擬史學領域學術論著引用文獻著錄標準;鼓勵檔案典藏單位以多元管道開放史料;加強圖書館與檔案館之館際合作與資源整合。擴展史學領域之引用文獻分析範圍;以質性研究方法研究史學研究者之引用文獻行為。 / This study aims to analyze the citing phenomenon of the doctoral dissertations written in 2001-2010 on the topic of history of Republic of China. Specific research questions include: the number and research subjects of dissertations; the number, form types, content types, core journals, half-life, languages, publication locations, repositories of cited literature. The findings are as follows. The most productive institute for the research of the R.O.C. history was National Chengchi University. Dissertations guided by two or more advisors account for 17%. The majority of research subjects of dissertations were social, political and cultural. Furthermore, the majority of sub-subjects of social research dissertations were social movements and women. The average citations of single dissertation were 317. The most cited form type of citations was Books (62.56%), followed by continuous publications (18.62%), and unpublished papers or manuscripts (9.50%). The most cited content type of cited books was monograph (54.67%), followed by compilation of historical materials and records (9.54%), and biographical materials (6.79%). The core journals about the R.O.C. history research were difficult to observe, because of the diversity of research topics and that single journal may largely cited by single dissertation. The half-life of cited books was 20.4 years, cited continuous publications was 25.02 year, and cited newspapers was 64.3 years. The main language of cited literature was Chinese (88.76%), followed by English (7.41%), and Japanese (3.71%). The main publication locations of cited Books were Taiwan and Mainland China, together accounting for 85.01%. The main repository of cited unpublished manuscripts and records were Academia Historica, followed by Archives, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Kuomintang Party Records Archives, and Taiwan Historica. The suggestions of this study are as follows. Developing standard academic citation format in the field of history. Encouraging archives repositories to open manuscripts and records in multi-ways. Enhancing cooperation and resources integration of libraries and archives. Expanding the scope of citation analysis in the field of history. Investigating the behavior of historical researchers by qualitative research methods.

社會科學期刊引用目的類型分析 / The Classification of Citation for Journal in Social Sciences

李旻嬑, Lee, Min I Unknown Date (has links)
社會科學是人們認識人類自身和社會發展規律的學科,它是研究人類社會發展和人自身發展的各種學科的總稱。社會科學學科相當廣泛,各學科學者間的資瞭使用行為也不相同。本研究旨在藉由引用文獻分析法觀察臺灣社會科學領域學者的資料引用情形,以及從引用文獻出現於文章中的位置來看出社會科學各領域的引用特性,最後輔以內容分析法探討引用文獻類型與文章中位置之關係。本研究參考臺灣社會科學引文索引資料庫 (TSSCI) 對社會科學期刊之分類,針對期刊文獻較具格式化的學科,從中選擇出具有重要性的代表期刊,以2010年文獻為主,作為研究的主要對象。 本研究結果如下:1.臺灣社會科學引用文獻特性概況:(1)社會科學學者引用資料類型以期刊與圖書為主,報紙與研究報告最少;(2)除期刊與圖書外,教育學偏重引用博碩士論文,政治學者使用電子資源頻率較高,經濟學著重研究報告的引用;(3)社會科學學者引用最多的語文為英文;(4)社會科學學者皆偏向引用近10年的文獻,引用文獻半衰期為10-11年。2.臺灣社會科學引用文獻位置與研究特性:(1)社會科學領域結構型文獻比率高;(2)社會科學學科屬性為實證型與非實證型並重;(3)社會科學學者對於引用文獻使用頻率以導論部分最多,結論最少。3.臺灣社會科學內容註與註中註使用情形:(1)社會科學各學科內容註現象使用頻繁,經濟學使用內容註數量最高;(2)註中註使用比例以政治學為最高;(3)內容註與註中註使用情形以導論、研究方法、結果為最高,結論部分最少使用。4.社會科學引用類型與引用位置之關係:(1)社會科學以"研究動機與問題設定"類型的引用文獻最多;(2)引用類型與引用位置之間關係密切。 本研究結果可應用於圖書館或相關研究單位之館藏規劃,了解社會科學學者的學術資訊需求與特性,界定重要的研究資料來源,以及評估館藏是否足以支援研究之參考,藉以提供研究人員完善的資訊服務。同時可將研究之分析應用於國內社會科學引文資料庫之建置建議,提供社會科學學者撰寫註釋引用格式之相關資訊,作為資料庫建置人員之參考。


蔡佳玲, Tsai, Chia-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步、資訊的大量增加、溝通交流方式的多元化,使用者的需求更加廣泛與深入,傳統的圖書、期刊資料已無法滿足讀者的研究需求,對於豐沛新穎但不易取得之「灰色文獻」,其重要性更不容忽視。根據學者研究指出,學術界引用或參考灰色文獻的情形有明顯增加的趨勢。 本研究主要目的為對社會科學學術期刊論文引用灰色文獻做一分析,瞭解社會科學整體研究灰色文獻的概況。並期藉此引用文獻分析之結果,作為規劃圖書館在提供灰色文獻服務之參考。 本研究採用引用文獻分析法分析教育學、經濟學、政治學、人類學與社會學1995-1999年間的期刊論文。該期刊樣本則以國科會期刊評比排序之結果為研究對象,於各該學科挑選前10種期刊,共5,202篇文章,計有140,710筆引用文獻,其中共有19,191筆灰色文獻。 研究結果顯示:以引用數量分析而言,社會科學期刊論文引用灰色文獻之平均數量為4.41個,文章數比例為74.72%,引用灰色文獻個數比例為13.64%。各學科間,平均引用個數、引用灰色文獻文章數比例及引用灰色文獻個數比例皆以經濟學最高。以引用資料類型而言,社會科學期刊論文引用灰色文獻資料類型以政府出版品最高。教育學、人類學以引用博碩士論文為主,經濟學、政治學、社會學以引用政府出版品為主。以引用語文而言,社會科學期刊論文與各學科引用灰色文獻之語文皆以中、英文為主。就引用年代而言,社會科學期刊論文引用灰色文獻之年代以1990-1994年為主,引用1990年以後的比例已超過半數。各學科皆以引用1990年以後佔多數。 本研究建議對於高度引用灰色的學科,須加強重視灰色文獻於該等學科的重要性、加強蒐集灰色文獻、圖書館對社會科學系所應加強提供政府出版品、博碩士論文與研討會論文等灰色文獻、國內圖書館間合作典藏,建立灰色文獻資料庫。

人文學期刊引用類型分析初探 / Citation analysis of humanities

邱琦茹, Chiu, Chi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
人文學是指與人類文化有關,或與分析、判斷人類價值和獨特的精神表現的研究方法有關的學科。本研究透過臺灣人文學引文索引核心期刊資料庫(THCI Core)與美國藝術與人文引文索引資料庫(A&HCI),選擇人文學5門學科權威期刊內2011年出版的文獻進行文獻引用之分析,探討並比較國內外人文學科引用文獻的性質與類型,藉以瞭解人文學科學者的引用特性。 本研究結果如下:1.人文學引用文獻特性之分布現象:(1) 除語言學以期刊為主要引用資料類型外,人文學各學科引用資料類型以圖書為主;(2)除圖書與期刊外,文學、哲學與藝術偏重對博碩士論文的引用,歷史學則著重於檔案與報紙的使用,對於研究報告引用情形最少;(3)人文學參考文獻語文以中文為主,語言學之參考文獻以英文為多;(4)人文學引用文獻年代分布長遠,引用文獻半衰期平均為16.8年;2.人文學引用文獻位置與特性:(1)人文學學門以論述型文獻為主;(2)人文學論述型文獻對於引用文獻使用頻率以本文部分最多,結論最少;(3)人文學使用內容註現象頻繁;3.人文學引用類型都是以「首次作品」類型為多;4.語言學與其他人文學學門之引用文獻特質有所差異。 本研究結果可應用於規劃圖書館或相關研究單位之館藏資源類型,了解人文學學者的學術資訊需求與特性,界定學門中重要的資料類型,以提供研究人員完善的資訊服務。同時可將研究分析結果應用於國內人文學引文資料庫之建置建議,提供人文學學者撰寫註釋與引用格式之相關資訊,用以作為資料庫建置人員之參考。 / Humanities, those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself. Via Taiwan Humanities Citation Index Core and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, this study select 2011 representative journals of five disciplines to analysis their citations, and explore and compare humanities citation type and characteristics as to observe humanities scholars’ citation behavior. The results are as follows: 1.The analysis of Citation and Reference in Humanities: (1) The humanities citation mostly refer to books except the discipline of language; (2) In addition to books and periodicals, the citation emphasis on dissertations and theses in the discipline of literature, philosophy and art, and History focuses on the use of files and newspapers; (3) The majority of citations were to Chinese materials; (4) The half-life of the cited journal in the humanities is average 16.8 years; 2. The position of citation in humanities literature and research features: (1)The ratio of describing research literature in humanities is higher;(2) Humanities scholars frequently use citations at the part of body, which seldom at the part of conclusion;(3) The content note usage in humanities is frequently phenomenon;3. The classification of citation in humanities is mostly “primary sources”; 4. The citation characteristics of Linguistics differ from other discipline of humanities. The results can be applied to planning the resource type to libraries or research units, realize the academic information needs and characteristics of humanities scholars, and defining important research sources to provide researchers complete information services. Meanwhile, the analysis can be used in proposals of building citation index database, providing scholars to write notes and citation format, and as the recommend for humanities’ database.

西文資訊科學重要期刊引用文獻之研究 / Citation analysis of western journal literature on information science

許如玉, Hsu, Ju-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在學術傳播中,引用文獻揭示正式傳播的模式與學術影響,本研究是以1998年至2008年資訊科學重要期刊Information Processing and Management、Journal of Information Science及Journal of Documentation為研究對象,利用引用文獻分析法,分析近年來資訊科學引用參考文獻之情形,以瞭解資訊科學學門研究的學科及主題範疇。 研究結果發現,西文資訊科學期刊引用參考文獻的類型以期刊為主,圖書與會議文獻次之。在文獻分布方面,並不完全符合布萊德福與布萊德福─齊夫定律,其核心期刊主題以資訊科學及圖書資訊學為主,僅有兩種期刊偏向電腦科學。參考文獻引用的學科以圖書資訊學門為主,此外更涉及科學、社會科學及科技學門,著重於數學、電腦科學;科學總論;工業、土地用途、勞工;一般語言學;電機、電子、核子工程、電腦硬體;科技總論等。在期刊引用的學科範疇偏向圖書資訊學門及電腦科學,然而在圖書引用方面,圖書資訊學所佔比例未如同在期刊引用,且對於社會科學的引用比例亦提高許多。 深入分析圖書資訊學相關圖書與期刊的主題,發現重要議題包含:機械化(電腦)資訊檢索及書目控制、圖書館學與資訊科學、索引摘要、編目、各類型圖書館、參考服務、圖書館資訊網路、電子資源等。而圖書資訊學文章熱門研究主題有:搜尋、線上資訊檢索、資訊工作、全球資訊網、資訊儲存與檢索、主題索引法、技術服務、資訊尋求行為、評估及研究、引文分析、書目計量學、資訊科學、使用者調查等。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的期刊與圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊科學相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊科學學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊科學引用學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊科學學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / As an artifact of scholarly communication, citations reveal formal communication patterns and scholarly impact. By Citation Analysis, this study explores the related disciplines and subjects with Information Science through investigating the important Information Science journals: Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Documentation during the period 1998 to 2008. Results show that the main documentation type of Information Science citation is journal, and followed by book and conference. The distribution of Information Science citation does not exactly fit Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf Law. Of the citation, the chief field of core journals is Information Science and Library & Information Science; only two core journals are about Computer Science. The primary discipline of citation is Library & Information Science. However, it also involves with Science, Social Science, and Technology, such as Mathematics, Computer Science; General Science; Industries, Land use, Labor; General Philology and Linguistics; Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Nuclear Engineering, Computer Hardware; General Technology and so on in particular. From further examination of subjects of the cited Library & Information Science journals and books, some important topics are found: Machine Methods of Information and Retrieval, Mechanized Bibliographic Control; Library Science, Information Science; Indexing and Abstracting; Cataloging; Classes of Libraries; Reference Services; Library Information Networks; Electronic Information Resources and so on. On the other hand, popular research subjects of the cited Library & Information Science journal articles are Searching, Online Information Retrieval, Information Work, World Wide Web, Information Storage and Retrieval, Subject Indexing, Technical Services, Information Seeking Behavior, Evaluation, Research, Citation Analysis, Bibliometrics, Information Science, User Surveys, etc. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Science collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Science research.

光復後臺灣省級機關(構)檔案之博碩士論文引用分析研究 / The Citation Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations and Master's These on Archives of Taiwan Provincial Institutions:After the Retrocession

黃偉訓, Huang, Wei Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過書目計量法分析臺灣博碩士論文加值系統中引用光復後臺灣省省級機關(構)檔案情況。本研究目的有兩項:1.從不同典藏來源方式探討不同學位、校院系所、出版年份、研究內容時期之我國博碩士論文引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的分布情形;2.從不同的檔案全宗探討不同學位、校院系所、出版年份、研究內容時期之我國博碩士論文,引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的分布情形。 本研究所獲得的研究結論有六項:1.半數光復後臺灣省級機關檔案被博碩士論文引用類型是專書(49.4%)、專書與數位檔案(20.5%);2.半數的博碩士論文(52.3%)引用臺灣省政府檔案史料彙編;3.臺灣師範大學(15.4%)、政治大學(10.3%)、臺灣大學(10.3%)、中央大學(10.3%)、臺南大學(9.6%)等校是引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案較多的學校;4.從2006年起至2011年止出版的我國博碩士論文占74.4%,且引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案呈現逐年增加的趨勢;5.博碩士論文研究內容時期,引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案有56.2%最多;6.歷史類研究所產出的我國博碩士論文占51.9%,引用光復後臺灣省級機關檔案最多。 本研究建議有五項:1. 擴大檔案引用於國內各學科之系所博碩士論文;2.增廣博碩士生研究主題引用光復後臺灣省級機關的檔案;3.增進宣傳光復後臺灣省級機關檔案的典藏;4. 推廣數位化檔案檢索和引用;5.加強數位化典藏檔案的廣度。 關鍵字:引用文獻分析,檔案,博士論文,碩士論文 / Abstract The study analyzes the citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institutions in post Taiwan Retrocession from the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan using Bibliometrics. The purposes of the study are divided into the following two: 1. analyze the distribution of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession, cited by Taiwan’s theses and dissertations with different degree, schools and departments, year of publication, and period of research content through the different sources of collection; 2. analyze the distribution of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institutions Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession, cited by Taiwan’s theses and dissertations with different degree, schools and departments, year of publication, and period of research content through the various general archives. The study reaches the following six points of conclusions: 1. the majority of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession by cited theses and dissertations are books (49.4%) and books and digital archives (20.5%);2. the majority of theses and dissertations (52.3%) cite from the preparation of the archives of Taiwan Historica;3. the majority of schools citing the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession include National Taiwan Normal University (15.4%), National Cheng Chi University (10.3%), National Taiwan University (10.3%), and National Central University (10.3%), and National University of Tainan (9.6%);4. between 2006 and 2011, about 74.4% of Taiwan’s thesis and dissertations published with citation of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica accounts for 74.4% while the citation for the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica shows an upward increasing trend; 5. for the period of research content in theses and dissertations, about 56.2% of them cited the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession.;6. the majority of our theses and dissertations come from history institutes, accounting for 51.9% with most citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession. The study makes the following five suggestions: 1. expand archives citation in these and dissertations from different departments and schools in Taiwan; 2. increase the theses and dissertation topics with citations of the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica; 3. increase collection that promotes the archives of Taiwan provincial level institution Taiwan Historica in post Taiwan Retrocession; 4. advocate digital archival query and citations; 5. strengthen the breadth of digital collection archives. Keywords : Citation Analysis; Archives; Doctoral Dissertations; Master's Theses.

西文資訊科學文獻被引用之分析研究 / Analysis of western cited literature on information science

蔡玉紋, Tsai, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用書目計量學與引用文獻分析法分析引用1998年至2008年資訊科學重要期刊之特性。四種代表性期刊分別為Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology、Information Processing and Management、Journal of Information Science以及Journal of Documentation,研究樣本取自WOS資料庫,共計9579篇書目資料。希冀藉由分析探討引用資訊科學文獻之分佈現象與主題範疇,以觀察其他學科與資訊科學學科的互動關係。 本研究結果歸納如下:(1)資訊科學期刊被引用文獻篇數數量隨年代增長。(2)研究型文章為引用資訊科學期刊文獻最主要的資料類型。(3)本研究不完全符合布萊德福與布萊德福-齊夫定律,但可經由布萊德福-齊夫定律圖解,觀察出核心期刊有七種,核心期刊主題以圖書館學與資訊科學為主。 (4)引用資訊科學期刊文獻之學科大類分佈情況,以引用圖書館學門以及科學類為主,JOD是圖書館學門重要的參考期刊。(5)期刊及圖書主題分佈以被圖書資訊學主題和資訊檢索引用最多。(6)高被引用文獻以JASIST所佔比例最多,顯示JASIST是高生產力與高品質兼具的期刊,是資訊科學最重要且最受關注的文獻來源。(7)高被引主題以全球資訊網最多,其次為線上資訊檢索以及搜尋。(8)高被引作者共21位,目前皆任職於學校機構,以從事資訊科學、資訊研究領域為主,研究主題則是資訊檢索、資訊計量學等為多。這21位核心作者可以說是目前資訊科學界的核心領導作者。 本研究結果可應用於館藏發展與管理之參考,界定重要的期刊與圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位規劃、建立完整的資訊科學研究架構,以支援研究。同時,可將本研究之分析應用於資訊科學領域研究者,提供投稿之參考、了解目前研究主流以及未來的發展趨勢等,並可提供於資訊科學期刊編輯者,讓其了解該期刊之表現,適時調整,作為期刊長期追蹤的參考。 / Through bibliometric approach and citation analysis, this study analyzed the related disciplines and subjects of literature citing the important Information Science journals during 1998 to 2008. The four leading Information Science journals are Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Documentation. A total of 9579 bibliographic data were from WOS database. Results show that:(1) The cited times of Information Science journals increased steadily. (2) Journal article is the main documentation type citing Information Science journals. (3)The distribution of literature citing Information Science journals does not exactly fit Bradford’s Law and Bradford-Zipf Law. However, by observation on Bradford-Zipf Law graph, there are seven core journals. The chief fields of core journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Science. (4) Primary disciplines of literature citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Science. JOD is the important reference journal in Library Science & Information Science discipline. (5) The subjects of journals and books highly citing Information Science journals are Library Science & Information Science, and Information Retrieval. (6) JASIST is highly cited, showing that it is both a high productivity and high quality journal. (7) The highly cited subject is World Wide Web, and followed by information retrieval and search. (8) The highly cited authors, who mainly serve in college and most of whom hold the post in the related Information Retrieval and Information Study departments, defined in this study amount to 21. Most of them specialize in information retrieval and informetrics. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection development and management, and identify the core journal and books. It assists libraries or information centers in planning and establishing complete research framework on Information Science.

台灣西方翻譯文學作品之引用研究 / Citation Analysis of Taiwan Translational Literature

李青親 Unknown Date (has links)
引用文獻分析法可觀察學科研究特性與歷程、未來發展趨勢、學科與跨學科關係,並建構知識地圖,但較少被應用在人文學領域的研究。而文學作品包含著豐富意涵,具有多種探討面向,正可藉引用文獻分析法來觀察其被引用的情形,而發現其多元內涵。本研究透過引用文獻分析法,以1950至2008年間台灣高度翻譯的西方外國文學作品為對象,觀察其在國外被引用的次數,以及年代、語言、主題分佈情形,以了解文學作品在台灣被翻譯次數與在國外被引用次數之差異與相關性、在不同年代、語言、主題領域中的不同影響性,以及被研究與引用的分佈情形。 研究結果如下:1.西方外國文學作品被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,文學作品被翻譯次數與被引用次數相關程度為低度正相關;(2)西班牙文學分區之作品與莎士比亞的作品在台灣被翻譯次數與在國外被引用次數皆成高度正相關;(3)被引用次數前三名的文學分區為英國、古代西洋、法國文學;(4)被引用次數前三名的文學作品為《伊里亞德》、《奧德賽》、《神曲》。2.被引用之年代分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區最高被引年代多集中在1990年代;(2) 各年代區段皆以英國文學分區被引次數最高;(3) 1970、1980與1990三個年代區段皆以《伊里亞德》被引次數最高。3.被引用之語言分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區皆被引用在英語文章中最多;(2) 各語言文章中所高度引用的文學分區與文學作品多與該地區所使用之語言相符。4.被引用之主題分佈情形:(1) 各文學分區除了古代西洋文學,皆被引用在文學主題領域文章中最多;(2) 各主題文章所高度引用之文學作品多屬古代西洋、英國、義大利、法國與德國文學作品。 本研究結果可應用於圖書資訊界在規劃館藏發展、進行參考服務及舉辦閱讀推廣活動時之參考。外文學門研究者可藉由不同文學分區之文學作品被引用的多寡與分佈情形,觀察各文學分區與文學作品被研究的狀況與範圍,進一步探討學術研究與發展史、觀察文學作品在不同語言國家與主題領域的影響力,並發現跨科際整合研究的契機,探掘文學作品更多元深沉的內涵。 / Citation Analysis reveals research characteristics, research development, scholarly communication, and helps to construct knowledge map. However, little research devoted to the cited situation of humanity discipline. This study aims to investigate how literary works were cited. Through Citation Index, the Western literary works highly translated in Taiwan during 1950 and 2008 were examined in terms of their cited times and cited distribution in foreign papers. The findings are as follows. Correlational analysis of translated times of Western literary works in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research was lowly positive. Nevertheless, the translated times of Spanish literature in Taiwan and cited times of which in foreign research were highly positive correlated, and also the case in Shakespeare’s works. English literature was the most highly cited literary division in five year period, and Iliad was the most highly cited work in 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. In all literary divisions, more than half of the citing papers were in English. On the whole, the language of citing papers corresponded to the language of their highly citing literary division and works. Except for Classical literature, all literary divisions were highly cited by papers of literature subject area. In different subject areas, most highly cited works belonged to Classical literature, English literature, Italian literature, French literature, and German literature. The results of the study may assist in Collection Development, Reference, and reading promotion. On the other hand, foreign literature researchers can further observe research progress, review literary theory, and proceed interdisciplinary research to explore the abundant and diverse connotation of literary works.

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