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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高齡志工傳統性別角色的再製:以台南市志工為例 / A study of reproduction of the gender role among elder volunteers: the case of volunteers in Tainan

蕭郁蓁, Hsiao, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在人口漸趨高齡化的社會中,高齡議題逐漸受到學術研究與政策實務界的關注,本研究則關心高齡志願服務場域的性別隔離現象。本研究企圖從性別的角度出發,探討高齡人口參與志工服務的經驗,探究傳統性別秩序是否在高齡志工領域中產生影響力,進而形成高齡志工領域中性別角色的再製。既有文獻多以女性志工為分析對象,鮮見男性志工的研究資料,因此本研究以台南市醫院志工與社區巡守隊志工為例,透過立意取樣蒐集來自男/女性高齡志工之深度訪談資料,嘗試分析高齡志願服務場域中是否存在水平與垂直之性別隔離現象,並探究其成因,旨在顯示傳統性別秩序是如何影響高齡志工領域性別秩序的建構。研究結果發現,不論是在以女性志工為主的醫院或者以男性志工為主的巡守隊,皆存在水平與垂直性別隔離現象。水平性別隔離現象顯示出男/女性志工或者出於己意或由服務單位所安排,男性志工多集中於體力、應變性質強、具保衛意義的工作上;而女性志工則多集中在情感關懷、家務勞動性質、溝通聯繫等相對單純的任務。水平性別隔離的成因和職場性別隔離之成因相仿,男性多被認為具有理想的勞動身體,以及豐富的社會經驗及膽識;女性則多被認為是需要受到保護、適合單純工作性質的族群。垂直性別隔離的現象尤為明顯;本研究發現,志工隊隊長一職由男性擔任居多,女性主要因為顧慮家庭及質疑自我能力而對領導職務產生退卻的態度而甚少擔任志工隊長。本研究結論為高齡志工領域中的確出現傳統性別分工秩序的再製。 / Ageing is a pressing issue in many societies that has attracted attentions from the academic circle and policy makers. Extensive studies have been conducted to discuss the issue from various perspectives. Few studies discuss from the gender perspective. With the case of volunteers in Tainan City and drawing upon theories about gender segregation, this study aims to critically examine the phenomenon of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in the field of elder voluntary services. Through literature review and in-depth interviews with 17 elder volunteers, female and male, from a hospital and community patrol team, this study seeks to answer the following questions: does gender segregation, vertical as well as horizontal, exist in the field of elder volunteering services? If it does, what are the main factors that contribute to the existence/ reproduction of the traditional gendered division of labour in this field? It is found that both vertical and horizontal gender segregation does exist. Female elder volunteers tend to take up those jobs that are thought to be ‘women’s jobs’ in hospital and community patrol team whilst male elder volunteers tend to do those jobs that are considered as suitable for men. Besides, both in the hospital and community patrol team, men are more confident than women to serve as leaders.


何秀娟 Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是志願服務的新世紀,台灣地區的文化機構,早自民國70年開始,即陸續運用志工協助機構推動業務,本論文旨在了解國內公共圖書館與博物館本身特有的屬性、定位、發展歷史與功能等差異,導致其志工制度及運用志工資源之不同,來探討二者對於志工管理的政策、發展過程、現況、優缺點等異同。 本研究採用文獻文析法與深度訪談法,參考國內外相關志工管理的文獻,設計訪談大綱進行深入訪談與分析,訪談對象為台北市立圖書館、國立歷史博物館、國立台中圖書館、國立自然科學博物館、高雄市中正文化中心、高雄市立美術館志工業務承辦人與志工組織的幹部。 本研究發現,公共圖書館與博物館皆十分重視志工資源,各館均有訂定志工管理政策及志工組織章程,並不定期修訂其內容,以符合館方與志工的需求。公共圖書館與博物館之志工管理制度最大之不同為志工的專長與教育訓練課程,公共圖書館志工的專長以說故事、團康活動、資料整理、電腦操作為主;博物館志工的專長以美術、手工藝、導覽解說為主;二者依照工作屬性的需求,安排不同的專業教育訓練課程,圖書館的專業教育訓練課程,如說故事技巧、英語課程、電腦研習、服務禮儀等;博物館以導覽解說技巧、各個展覽前都有特訓、讀書會為主,還有相關藝術、科學、美術知識方面的課程,如素描、水彩、陶藝等。志工可以為館方節省經費與人力,增加與民眾互動,建立良好的形象、帶來活力、增加新的服務,提高圖書館的使用率及博物館參觀人數,提升服務品質等,達到行銷推廣的作用。 根據研究調查結果,提出下列十項建議:1.建立公共圖書館或博物館志工聯盟;2.固定專職的志工業務承辦人;3.開發多元化志工人力資源;4.具體的招募策略,主動出擊;5.建立完整的志工溝通與資料保存制度;6.設計線上教育訓練課程;7.提高誘因,留任人才;8.志工組織獨立自主;9.健全志工網站內容,以發揮其功能;10.志工成為有效資產,而不是負擔。 / The 21st century is the new century of voluntary service, the cultural organization of Taiwan, had begun since the 70th year of the Republic of China for a long time, namely used the will worker to help the organization to promote the business successively , this thesis aims at understanding differences , such as domestic public library and peculiar attribute , localization , developing history and function of the museum ,etc., the ones that cause its will worker's system and use the will salary source are different, to probe into similarities and differences , such as two policy , evolution , present situation , pluses and minuses to worker's management of the will ,etc.. This research adopts the methods of analyzing literatures and interviewing, consult documents of domestic and international relevant will worker's management, design the interview outline and carry on deep interview and analysis, visit and date it for the Taipei Public Library, National Museum of History, National Taichung Library, National Museum of National Science, Kaohsiung Cultural Center, and the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. This research shows that all attach great importance to the will salary source in the public library and museum, every hall stipulates worker's management policy of the will and worker's memorandum of association of will , and revise its content irregularly , the square and will worker's demand by according with the hall . the most different management systems between the volunteer workers of the public library and museum are educational training programs. The professional speciality of the volunteer workers in public libraries are telling stories, group's health activities ,data management, and the computer operation; The annals worker in the museums are at home in explaining in fine arts , handicraft ,and guide; The two arrange different specialized education training programs in accordance with the demand for working attribute . The specialized education training programs of the library are English courses , computer operation , serve the etiquette etc.; The museum mainly focus on the training courses such as the skill of the guide to the exhibition by holding the book clubs, and there are relevant art courses of science and fine arts knowledge such as instance sketch , water colour , pottery art ,etc..The volunteer workers can save the funds and manpower for the hall , increase the interaction with people, set up good images, bring vigor, broaden the service, improve the rate of utilization of the library and visitor number of museums, and make good progress in service quality ,etc., reach the function of market popularization. The research suggests that: 1. Set up the volunteer alliance in public libraries or museums; 2. Regular and full-time voluntary engineering business undertaker; 3. Develop pluralistic voluntary workers human resources; 4.The concrete tactics of recruiting voluntary workers; 5. Set up a complete voluntary workers communication system and the system of the keeping the materials well; 6. Design the on-line educational training program; 7. Improve the incentive to keep the workers from resignation; 8. The independence of the volunteer organization; 9. Perfect the content of volunteer website , and make it to play an important role; 10. Volunteer become the effective assets , but not the burden for annals.

民生主義社會政策與軍人家庭關係之研究--已婚軍官角色衝突及其生活滿意之分析 / The research of the social policy of the principle of livelihood and the soldier's family relationship - the analysis of the married officer's role conflict and life satisfaction

朱美珍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國近年來有關家庭的研究,均著重在女性就業、單親家庭、兒童、青少年、老人、受暴婦女議題。對於家庭主要生計負責人的男性角色,只有莫黎黎、王行等研究。軍人是特殊的群體,我國約有10萬名的志願役軍官,9成以上均為男性,但未受到重視,相關文獻與研究亦少。本研究是以我國軍官為研究樣本,他們平均每天的工作時間超過12小時,平均一週也只有1.96天,可以回家和家人相聚,其生活方式與一般百姓略有不同。 一位志願役軍官,職責是保國衛民,因此常留守部隊,或因任務需求而不斷調遷,國軍「精實案」期間,使得軍人責任加重、工作時間長、工作壓力大,這些都影響他們與家庭的互動關係。軍人會不會因為其特殊的角色、特殊工作時間、特殊工作型態,忽略了家庭的照顧呢?會因此產生角色衝突嗎?軍人與家人的互動關係如何?自己的生活滿意呢?這是本研究的動機。 本研究同時運用量化研究法與質化研究法,首先以量化研究,設計了「角色衝突」與「生活滿意」的封閉性問卷,施測了1390位軍官。再設計了「家庭狀況」、「工作狀況」及「角色衝突」的開放式問卷,深度訪談8位軍官。最後,邀請3組軍官,做焦點團體訪談,針對前述研究結果/進行深度討論。 本研究的自變項有人口變項及軍人特質變項,「角色衝突」則分為:因工作而疏忽與家人相處的衝突、因工作而干擾夫妻關係的衝突、家庭角色內的衝突、因家庭責任而犧牲自己的衝突、因工作而疏忽子女教養的衝突、工作角色家庭角色與自我角色的衝突、因家庭責任妨礙追求工作成就的衝突。「生活滿意」包括:家庭生活滿意、婚姻滿意、人際關係滿意、一般生活滿意、父母與配偶互動關係的滿意、休閒生活滿意等。 本研究在量化部份,共收集已婚軍官974人,平均結婚年齡為6.07年。研究發現,整體而言,軍官的角色衝突依序為:家庭角色內的衝突、因家庭責任而犧牲自己的衝突、工作角色家庭角色與自我角色的衝突」、因工作而疏忽與家人相處的衝突、困工作而疏忽子女教養的衝突、因工作而干擾夫妻關係的衝突、因家庭責任妨礙追求工作成就的衝突。而且一半的軍官有角色衝突的情形,沒有角色衝突的軍官較少,但亦有三分之一的軍官是介於二者之間,可知,軍官的角色衝突情形是值得重視的。 軍官的生活滿意依序為家庭生活、婚姻、家庭人際關係、父母與配偶互動關係、休閒生活、一般生活。也發現有三分之二的軍官是滿意自己的生活情形,不滿意自己生活的軍官很少,但有27%的軍官是介於二者之間。 影響角色衝突的變項當中,發現男性、配偶不是軍人、協助做家事、陸軍、上尉、基層單位、外島、配偶全職工作、回家頻率較少、生活最大滿足是父母、配偶、子女、以家庭為重、工作時間愈長、年餘愈輕、收入愈少、第一位子女出生年齡愈小、愈擔心退役以後工作與生活、精實案對工作與生活的影響愈大、長官愈不關心軍官工作與生活情形,其角色衝突較大。 影響生活滿意的變項當中,發現男性、非作戰單位、協助做家事、研究所、戰院教育、上校、其他軍種、軍團以上、結婚15年以上、配偶全職工作、房屋是自己購買、與父母配偶同住、生活最大滿足是父母、配偶、子女、以家庭為重、工作時間愈短、年齡愈大、收入愈高、愈不擔心退役以後工作與生活、精實案對工作與生活的影響愈小、長官愈關心軍官工作與生活情形,其生活滿意較高。而且角色衝突愈少者,其生活滿意度也愈高。 本研究在進行量化研究後,接著進行「深度訪談」,軍官雖然會運用一些方法,來減少角色衝突,但仍不免有衝突的產生,包括夫妻間的衝突、配偶與家人的衝突、軍官與家人的衝突等,也會尋求避免衝突和解決衝突的方式: 一、軍官和配偶衝突的解決方式:面對面的溝通;用比喻的方式,期待配偶將心比心;主動向配偶對不起;讓配偶盡情發洩情緒;選擇某些事才讓配偶知道;接受配偶的意見;面對婚後爭吵的事實,事先協調好,以避免衝突的發生。 二、配偶和家人衝突的解決方式:了解婆媳問題是必然會存在的;接受婆媳觀念不一致的現況;婚前先協調好,預防婆媳問題的發生;在媽媽與配偶之間,做一些取捨;在假日,盡量離開家裡,或者回娘家;減少配偶與婆婆接觸的機會,讓彼此的接觸有限,比較不會引發較大的衝突;軍官居於原生家庭、生殖家庭之間,二邊溝通協調;藉由退伍,調整生活方式,以改變現況;選擇不同時間,分別關心原生家庭和生殖家庭,避兔讓原生家庭和生殖家庭產生衝突。 本研究最後以三坎的「焦點團體」訪談法,針對量化研究獲得的資料,再進一步訪談軍官。發現軍官覺得家庭角色和工作角色的衝突滿大的,因為在工作上衝刺的話,可以得到很多工作滿意,但若沒有配偶或家庭的支持,則生活也不滿意。衝突處理的方式有:將工作與家庭儘量分開;把工作做完,再照顧家庭,回家後,多關心家人,或在休假日協助做家事,以體諒家人;覺得虧欠家人,會有補償家人的心態;會先處理家庭的事務,再處理工作事務;期望長官應同時關心部屬的生活和工作;利用家庭其他親戚的力量,協助照顧自己的家庭;加強夫妻、子女之間的溝通,以維繫感情;重視互相體諒,主動協助做家事;有些配偶會讓軍官盡量在工作上衝刺、盡力去發揮。綜合而言,軍官對生活滿意的看法,認為軍人是很好的職業,收入穩定。 最後,透過本研究的發現,提出以下建議: 一、對軍事組織的建議 (一) 減少工作時間或降低軍官的工作負荷 (二) 建立職務代理制度 (三) 建立眷屬來部隊省親的機制,並建設眷屬省親的臨時住所 (四) 增設職務官舍,解決軍官的居住問題,增進親情關係 (五) 長官應多傾聽部屬的意見,並關懷部屬的工作狀況與家庭生活 (六) 應重視軍官的生涯規畫 (七) 建議未來「精進案」應提早有整體的配套措施 二、對軍官的建議 (一) 認識自己面臨的角色衝突與生活滿意狀況 (二) 學習認知自己的角色與職責 (三) 建議婚姻不和諧的軍官應勇於向專業人員尋求協助 (四) 建議家庭不和諧的軍官應勇於向專業人員尋求協助 (五) 鼓勵軍官在適當時機,提出適當的建議,以促進部隊進步 三、對軍眷管理單位的建議 (一) 規畫軍人家庭政策 (二) 建立軍人家庭福利服務 (三) 上維護與發揮家庭功能 (四) 成立軍眷互助中心 (五) 加強托兒、托老服務 (六) 加強配偶的職業輔導 四、在現有組織中增進專業軍隊社會工作 (一) 強化「心理衛生中心」的服務功能 (二) 增設社會工作軍官 (三) 運用專業社會工作方法,預防角色衝突 (四) 建立軍事社區與民間社區之關係 五、對一般家庭協助機構的建議 (一) 建立良好的家庭支持系統 (二) 重視家庭和諧,加強家庭成員的情感連結 (三) 增加有關家庭關係相關課程,舉辦親職教育,增加親子互動 (四) 加強婚姻與家人關係的協助 (五) 營造兩性平權,促進家庭生活現代化 (六) 開設衝突管理的課程 軍人將人生最精彩的青壯年貢獻給國家,也將自己全副精力服務部隊,而家庭與配偶仍是軍官生活滿意的主要來源,尤其來自於配偶的支持是最大的,配偶無私的支持,竭盡心力,奉獻家庭,讓軍官能不斷往前衝刺,追求事業的成功。所以配偶扮演一種穩定的角色,讓我國軍官較無後顧之憂,因此軍人內心裡,對配偶都存在有愧疚感。自己的父母親、配偶的父母親,也是軍官的最佳資源,讓軍官可以無後顧之憂的投入工作。 關鍵字:志願役軍官、角色期待、角色衝突、生活滿意、量化研究法、質性研究法 / The recent relating family research in our country are mostly concentrated on the issue of women's occupation, single-parent family, the children, the youth, the aged, and female abuse. The research toward the male who actually support the family's income are found rarely from the article of "Mo Li Li"(莫藜藜) and "Wang Xing" (王行). The soldiers is a distinguishing group, there are around hundred thousand of the volunteer officers in this country and more than 90% of them are male, they are an ignored group and not many articles and researches in this field have been really dedicated for them. The quantitative methods and qualitative methods were applied by this research. The close questionnaire of "role conflict" and "life satisfaction" that tested to 1,390 officers initiated the quantitative methods. The open questionnaire of "family status", "work status", and "role conflict" that proceeded by the depth interview to 8 officers was followed next. The focus group interview (session) to 3 groups of officers were the last that carried by the depth discussion toward the results of two previous methods. The officer's life satisfaction ranked by family life, marriage, family's human relationship, parent and spouse interaction, life resort, and normal life. It is found that two thirds of the officers are satisfied with their living life, only a few are dissatisfied, and 27% of them are in the between. The variables that affecting the role conflict mostly are with the characters of the male; the spouse is not the soldier; willing to share the house works; the army; the captain; the fundamental unit service; the out island service; the spouse works full time; not often back home; the parents, spouse, and children are the most satisfaction of life; the family care; long working time; younger; less income; the first kit born too late; concerning about the work and life after the retiring; facing the supervisor's carelessness toward the job and life that are affected greatly from "the troop reduction plan". The officers with these kinds of variables have the more serious role conflict. The variables that affecting the life satisfaction mostly are with the characters of the male; the not combating unit service; willing to share the house works; the master degree; the war academy educated; the colonel; not from the army; the regiment unit service at least; the marriage of 15 years; the spouse works full time; owns the housing; living with parents and spouse; the parents, spouse, and children are the most satisfaction of life; the family care; short working time; older; higher income; not concerning about the work and life after the retiring; receiving the supervisor's care toward the job and life that are not affected actually from "the troop reduction plan". The officers with these kinds of variables have the less role conflict and more life satisfaction. The depth interviews were proceeded after the quantitative methods in this research. The officers would manage to reduce their role conflict, but the conflict remains and still existed in the spouse, the spouse and family, and the officer and family. The ways they normally sought to avoid or solve the conflict are such as a face to face communication; a initiative apology to the spouse; to accept the spouse's complete oppression relief; to accept the spouse's point of view; an advanced agreement to avoid the conflict after married; an understanding of the realistic problem that existed in between the mother and daughter in law; to accept the facts of discordance that existed in between the mother and daughter in law. The three times of the "focus group" interviews were the last of this research, the further interviews to these officers were aimed at the data that achieved from the previous quantitative methods. In general, the officers all agreed that the solider is a good career with stable revenue, it is their recognitions to the life satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, we are having our suggestions as follows: 1. to the military organization (1) reduce the officer's working time or to improve their overload problem. (2) set up the job substitution system. (3) set up the capacity of family visit and the temporary residence to accept the visit. (4) expand the official dormitory to improve the officer's residential problem and family relationship. (5) the supervisor should listen more to the opinion from the staff and extend the highly concern toward their work and family life. (6) respect the officer's career planning (7) the project of "troop reduction plan" should be executed with the other cooperative methods to pursue the integrated achievement. 2. to the officers (1) recognize the role conflict facing and the status of life satisfaction. (2) learn to know the self-role and self-responsibility. (3) seek for the assistance from the professional for the unpleasant marriage. (4) seek for the assistance from the professional for the unpleasant family life. (5) it is encouraged to submit the right proposition in due time to accelerate the unit's development. 3. to the authority of the solider family administration (1) plan out the soldier's family policy. (2) set up the soldier's family service. (3) maintain and extend the function of family. (4) set up the dependant service center. (5) improve the welfare for the child and aged. (6) improve the spouse's vocational assistance. 4. enhancing the professional military social work in the present organizations (1) expand the service function of "the mental health center". (2) increase the social work officers. (3) prevent the role conflict by means of the professional social work. (4) set up the relationship between the military community and the civil community. 5. to the general organizations of the family service (1) set up a successful family supporting system. (2) respect the importance of a pleasant family by strengthen the emotional communications between the family. (3) expand the educational course of the family relationship, to promote the family education and improve the interaction of parents and children. (4) help the officers to manage the unpleasant marriage or family relationship. (5) create the equal rights of male and female to enhance the modernizing of family life. (6) set up the educational course of the conflict management. The soldiers dedicate the most significant golden age of their life to the country and devote themselves completely to the missions. The family and spouse are the main supporting resources of the officer's life satisfaction, and most of that are from the spouse, they make sacrifice to the family and act as a role of great stability. The officers are able to pursue the honor and success without too much cares and anxieties toward the family, the inner of soldiers all existing a deep regret to their spouse. The parents of their own and of the spouse are also the key factors of the supporting. By the completion of this research, we sincerely looking forward to the continual efforts from the government, to improve the welfare for the soldiers and the officers. keywords: professional officer、role expectation、role conflict、life satisfaction、quantitative methods、qualitative methods.

學校不當督導與非志願性公民行為關係之研究-中介與調節效果的探討 / A study on relationship between abusive supervision and compulsory citizenship behavior in high schools : an examination of mediating and moderating effects

徐宗盛, Hsu, Tsung Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不當督導、上下級關係及非志願性公民行為之關係,並探究上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有中介效果以及權力距離、組織政治知覺在不當督導與非志願性公民行為、上下級關係與非志願性公民行為之間是否具有調節效果。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國507所高中職教師為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出600位受試者邀請填寫網路問卷,回收有效問卷375份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解高中職教師知覺校長不當督導與上下級關係、非志願性公民行為之現況、差異情形及上下級關係、權力距離、組織政治知覺的中介、調節效果,研究結論如下: 一、高中職教師對校長不當督導之知覺現況屬低度。 二、高中職教師上下級關係之表現程度屬中低程度。 三、高中職教師非志願性公民行為之表現程度屬中低程度。 四、學校規模等背景變項在不當督導有顯著差異,24班以下高於50班以上。 五、性別、年齡、職務及學校公私立屬性等背景變項在上下級關係上有顯著差異,男性、兼任主任的教師情感型關係顯著較高;男性、35歲以下、私立學校教師的工具型關係顯著較高。 六、本校服務年資、職務在非志願性公民行為有顯著差異,組長高於專任、服務年資6-15年高於5年以下。此外,服務總年資、學歷等二個背景變項在不當督導、上下級關係、非志願性公民行為上皆無顯著差異。 七、上下級關係在不當督導與非志願性公民行為間有部分中介效果。 八、權力距離在「不當督導」、「工具型關係」與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 九、組織政治知覺只在工具型關係與非志願性公民行為間具有調節效果。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為高中職校長以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among principal’s Abusive Supervision (AS) and Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi (SSG) and Compulsory Citizenship Behavior (CCB) of senior high school teachers. Furthermore, the mediating effect of SSG between AS and CCB is analyzed, And the moderating effects of Power Distance (PD) and Organizational Politics (OP) between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB are explored in the study. A survey research was conducted using a sample of senior high school teachers in Taiwan, excluding the complete schools. 600 teachers from 570 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 375 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. Based on 6-point Likert Scale, the major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Teachers’ perception of principal’s abusive supervision is below average. 2. Teachers’ perception of Supervisor-Subordinate GuanXi is below average. 3. Teachers’ Compulsory Citizenship Behavior is below average. 4. One demographic variable, school size, show significant differences in AS. Teachers who work at schools with less than 24 classes show higher perceptions of AS. 5. Four demographic variables, including gender, age, position, school type, show significant differences in SSG. Teachers who are male, younger than 35, work as the director of the department, or work in private schools show higher perceptions of SSG, especially instrumental ties. 6. Two demographic variables, tenure at the present school and position, show significant differences in CCB. Teachers whose tenure at the present school is longer, who work as the chief, show higher perceptions of CCB. Furthermore, two demographic variables, tenure and education, show no significant differences in AS, SSG and CCB. 7. AS is positively related to SSG and CCB. In addition, AS has a positive direct effect on CCB, SSG has a positive direct effect on CCB. AS has a positive direct effect on SSG. SSG does have mediating effects between AS and CCB. 8. Power Distance has moderating effects between AS and CCB, between SSG and CCB. 9. Organizational Politics has moderating effects only between SSG and CCB. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for principals and future related study are proposed.

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