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批判思考的理論與測量-兼評加州批判思考技巧測驗B式粘揚明 Unknown Date (has links)
(2)本測驗在三個樣本上之內部一致性信度Cronbach α係數介於.27~.46間,表示題目間的異質性很大,測到的不是相同的能力。
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自然と科学 後期(サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトII : 問題発見・解決型の学習を通して多元的な思考力と探究心を育む)SOGA, Y, TAKEUCHI, F, WATANABE, T, 曽我, 雄司, 竹内, 史央, 渡辺, 武志 01 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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策略思考架構與輔助系統之設計-以台灣中小企業為例葉日維, Yeh,Jihwei Unknown Date (has links)
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批判思考教學策略運用在國小五年級社會科之實驗研究陳荻卿 Unknown Date (has links)
1.本研究的批判思考教學模式值得國小社會課嘗試。2.應以學生個別差異實施批判思考教學。3.可採對話與辯證方式進行社會課教學。4.應營造安全溫暖且容忍犯錯的學習環境。5.宜容許社會課教學活動設計有彈性調整空間。6.應採多元評量的方式與內容。7.可設計學習單幫助學生有效蒐集資料。8.宜運用學習日記幫助學生進行反思。9.教師應重視批判思考教學並進行相關研究。 / This study constructs a model for teaching critical thinking based on the major characteristics and theories of critical thinking. To probe into the effects of teaching critical thinking in social studies, the researcher performs an experiment on a sample of 131 fifth-grade elementary school students for two months. The data-collection instruments include: (a) The Critical Thinking Test; (b) The Learning Diary; (c) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire; and (d) The Learning Feedback Questionnaire For Special Case.
The following conclusions become evident. On the theoretical aspect: first, the main concepts of critical thinking include critical thinking ability, critical thinking disposition and the knowledge for critical thinking; second, the steps of the model for teaching critical thinking are guiding activities, displaying theme, comparing concepts, group discussion, sharing and clarifying, and finally, judgment and decision-making. On the experimental aspect: it was found that (a) Teaching critical thinking has significantly positive effects both on critical thinking ability and on critical thinking disposition. (b) Teaching critical thinking helps students have good performance in debates. (c) The students of experimental group make great progress on achieving confidence in reason and pluralistic thinking. (d) The students of experimental group give a vary positive evaluation on teaching critical thinking.
Through these results, some guidelines are suggested as follows:
(a) The model for teaching critical thinking is of great worth in social studies.
(b) Critical thinking should be taught according to individual difference of students.
(c) Dialogue and dialectic process is good for teaching social studies.
(d) The atmosphere of classroom must be safe, warm and tolerating learning error.
(e) Teachers should put emphasis on teaching critical thinking and on probing into critical thinking.
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日本精工愛普生公司核心技術經營導向之企業轉型林玲華, Lin, Lin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
二次大戰後以技術經營為導向的日本中小型製造業,在資源有限的環境下透過品管圈大幅地改善生產流程、提升產品品質並強化價格競爭力。 「Made in Japan」、「Japan as No.1」於80年代快速地拓展海外市場,讓歐美企業備受壓力。 但是,外在環境變化激烈,美日貿易逆差造成日幣大幅升值,使得中小企業的出口競爭力急速衰退。1992年日本泡沫經濟宣告瓦解,金融體系的壞帳問題、經濟的長期停滯,使得日本企業面臨空前未有的衝擊,特別以中小型企業所受到影響更是劇烈。 在環境的大幅動盪下,許多日本企業無法調整策略而消失在市場上。但是,有的企業卻能浴火重生,找出新的成長軌道。目前許多台灣中小型企業正面臨轉型的課題,而日本企業的轉型經驗是值為借鏡。 / 本研究個案以日本精工愛普生公司作為研究的範本。 該公司是以追求尖端科技為經營導向的企業,並具有以其核心技術來進行企業轉型的特質。本論文因為單一個案之研究,所以無法建構理論和外部效度。研究方法,從文獻理論和日本主要研究機構的報告為研究基礎。 同時,藉由研究者赴日本進行実地訪問和訪談方式,探討本個案的策略再思考,並分析其組織結構的調整和流程再造的過程。從研究中發現在經營資源有限的條件下,日本中小型企業以「聚焦、集中、深耕」於其尖端技術的研發,透過其「only one」技術的差異化來以小搏大,成為世界的「No. 1」。 同時為了突破成長格局的限制,以策略性的思考導入外部資源,藉由策略連盟來適度分散風險和加速次世代技術的研究與開發。本研究的貢獻是藉由分析精工愛普生公司以核心技術經營為導向的企業轉型經驗,提供研究發現給台灣中小型企業作為轉型上的參考。
關鍵字 : 策略再思考、核心技術
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自然と科学 後期(サイエンスリテラシープロジェクトII : 問題発見・解決型の学習を通して多元的な思考力と探究心を育む)SOGA, Y., TAKEUCHI, F., MATSUMOTO, S., 曽我, 雄司, 松本, 真一, 竹内, 史央 20 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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創造的思考の脱中心的・現働的理論展開 渾然一体としての創造理論安松, 健 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経営科学) / 甲第23359号 / 経営博第16号 / 新制||経営||3(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経営管理教育部経営科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 山内 裕, 教授 澤邉 紀生, 教授 原 良憲 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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無望感與未來思考及情緒困擾間的關係 / The Relationship among Hopelessness, Future Thinking, and Emotional Disturbances: A Preliminary Study謝文傑, Hsieh, Wen-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
目的 本研究嚐試探討無望感與未來思考及情緒困擾間的關係,旨在驗證MacLeod的未來思考研究,以及區分病例組與對照組的敏感性。
研究對象 非病人樣本,主要為大學生以及部分社會人士,共123名;病人樣本則為台北巿立萬芳醫院的門診病患,共49名。
研究方法 非病人樣本採用隨機取樣,病人樣本採用隨機立意取樣之病例對照研究設計。
研究材料 包括「貝克無望感量表」、「貝克焦慮量表」、「貝克憂鬱量表第二版」、「語意歷程作業」、「語文流暢作業」、與「未來思考作業」共六項。
研究結果 本研究結果符合MacLeod先前的研究結果為,即(1)無望感與正向未來思考的減少有關;與(2)憂鬱與正向未來思考的減少,及負向未來思考的增加有關。不符合MacLeod的研究果為:焦慮與未來思考的關係不顯著。另外,以「正向未來思考」及「負向未來思考」來區分病人與非病人就目前的樣本而言,是不具有敏感性的。
結論 對於臨床工作而言,須注意正向未來思考減少對個案的影響,並進一步的給予適宜的處置,以預防疾病的再發。
關鍵字 無望感、正向未來思考、負向未來思考、情緒困擾
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思考模式與自我構念、購後失調之關係-以挪威消費者為例湯俊章, Tang,Jiunjang Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究從研究結論中,提出數點可事先降低消費者購後失調的策略建議與方案,做為實務界能有效降低補償失調消費者的成本,並提昇消費者的再購率的執行方法。而對某些無法補償失調消費者的交易型產業而言,這樣的策略建議更是其唯一降低消費者購後失調的著力點。 / The importance of the European market goes without saying. After the establishment of the European Union, Taiwan’s export value to the European market increased over 10% every year, but the domestic academia are still few in studying about this topic. Two reasons cause this phenomenon. First of all, compared to entering Chinese, American and Japanese markets, European markets were the last choice in the past. Secondly, it is difficult to obtain European material, even second-hand material, because most of Taiwan’s scholars, who have mostly studied in America or Japan, have relatively weak relationships with European academic circles. However, with the number of exchange students going to Europe rising, this offers domestic academia a chance to access the European market. Hence how to utilize this trend of exchange students to Europe to dissolve the awkward situation of having an unknown European market has already become the academia’s top priority.
This research extends from the difference between Individualism and Collectivism, one of the cross-cultural dimensions, to the difference between independent and dependent self-construct of consumers in a culture. Consumers under individualism incline to use the systemic thinking style and most of them own independent self-construct; consumers under collectivism incline to use the hedonic thinking style and most of them own dependent self-construct. Independent and dependent self-construct and systemic and hedonic thinking style can coexist in a single cultural body, so this research wants to know if the relationships among these variables still exist under the same single culture. In addition, the thinking style that consumers use decides the sources of information that consumers adopt. Hence, another issue this research wants to discuss is about how the consumers’ thinking style relates to their post-purchasing dissonance at their unsatisfied consumption. To utilize the chance of exchanging student to Norway, the research regards consumers in Oslo, Norway as the research sample through the questionnaire investigation. The total amount of issues is 813 among which the amount of 688 was retrieved, and the count of effective samples is 355.
The research finds that independent construct correlates with systemic thinking style and dependent construct correlates with hedonic thinking style under the cultural system in the north of Europe. This conclusion has supported that this relation under the single cultural body still exists. In addition, consumers, who are accustomed to the hedonic thinking style, will bring lower post-purchasing dissonance under functional consumption, but higher post-purchasing dissonance under hedonic consumption. However, systemic thinking style has no significant influence on post-purchasing dissonance and this point violates the common sense that rational thinking will bring lower dissonance. Finally, this research develops some advice from the study’s conclusion to reduce consumer’s post-purchasing dissonance and to raise the rate of repurchasing in hopes to decrease the cost of business compensating unsatisfied consumers.
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狄更斯狂潮:論維多利亞時期狄更斯廣受喜愛之原因 / Dickensian Cult: The Popularity fo Dickens in the Victorian Age郭惠菁, Kuo, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在閱覽有關狄更斯的研究的過程中,我發現大多數的學者通常都很有默契的迴避一個事實:狄更斯不但是個名作家,同時也是個成就顯著的表演者。其中只有米勒(Melvin H. Miller)堅稱狄更斯的雙領域成就其實是缺一不可的。
然而米勒的發言並未引起其他學者的注意,即便後來柯林斯(Philip Collins)稍稍提到狄更斯雙領域的關聯,多數學者依舊保持沉默。但我認為柯林斯的論點實在太過草率,所以我轉向昂格(W. J. Ong)的口述理論,希望能藉由昂格的理論發掘狄更斯雙成就的關聯。
接著,費娜根(Ruth Finnegan)的口述理論提醒了我所有文本的功能性的重要。我有點驚訝的發現狄更斯對於口說力量的強烈信仰和世界上其他地方的口語文化不謀而合。藉著費娜根的協助,我指出狄更斯作品中的高度互文性是造成維多利亞大眾無從意識到狄更斯所做的偉大嘗試,也就是試圖結合口述性及文學性。最後,藉著福洛克(Deborah Vlock)的觀點「狄更斯的小說能夠視覺地、口語地、及敘述地被表現」,我相當有信心地作結:狄更斯結合口述性及文學性的意圖正是他深受維多利亞大眾喜愛的主因。 / In reviewing papers related to Charles Dickens, I find that scholars tend to avoid the truth that Dickens is not only a famous writer but a very distinguished performer; only Melvin H. Miller, a contemporary of Dickens, asserts that Dickens’s two careers are indispensible to each other.
After Miller’s remarks there’s a long-lasting silence until Philip Collins slightly touches this issue. Yet, not very satisfied with Collins’s hasty judges, I turn to W. J. Ong’s oral theory in order to figure out what is the connection between Dickens’s writing career and speaking achievement.
As I expected, Dickens’s writing is a combination of orality and literacy: on the one hand, orality in Dickens’s novels familiarizes the reader with the new style of story-telling; on the other hand, modern consciousness, the product of writing technology, frames Dickens’s texts with logic and lineal thinking. Dickens’s intention to enact his texts finally results in his ability to freely present a text with either written words or spoken words.
Later, Ruth Finnegan’s theory reminds me of the significance of functional value of texts. I’m kind of surprised to find that Dickens’s strong belief in oral power is very identical with other oral people’s in the globe. With Finnegan’s great help, I’m encouraged to conclude that it is the intertexuality that makes the Victorian unaware of Dickens’s combining his writing, acting, and speaking. Finally, Deborah Vlock’s remark that Dickens’s novels are “visually, vocally, and narratively written” strengthens my confidence in concluding that the combination of orality and literaty is the secret Dickens’s popularity.
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