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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李淑玲 Unknown Date (has links)
為順利解決金融體系不良債權、擴大金融機構經濟規模及營運範疇,並提升經營效率,以維護適當競爭環境,政府自民國89年12月13日制定「金融機構合併法」以來,已陸續制定、修正並頒布諸多法令,在金融體系之各業務單位配合遵循及戮力執行下,確已達到降低逾期放款之政策目標。 惟在政府要求快速打消呆帳之政策指引下,現行租稅法令之適用性、合理性、公平性及可行性,與實務運作相異,甚或有矛盾、不明確之處,致納稅義務人無所適從,錯估交易事實所產生之租稅負擔,進而衍生不必要之爭議與訟源。 經由文獻探討及個案討論之分析,本研究擬就政策制定面、租稅法令面及實務運作面,研擬改進建議,供金融機構主管機關及賦稅主管機關作為修法之參考。 一、政策制定面 (一)目前資產管理公司採開放登記之方式,建議比照國際作法,改採由金融主管機關特許設立,並予以高門檻管理為宜。 (二)建議政府應善用其公權力,以勸導、獎勵、糾正或採行強制命令等措施,促使金融機構加速釋出不良債權。 (三)建議政府應詳實分析檢討現行課稅規定,適當地給予必要之租稅優惠,以增加資產管理公司處分不良債權之誘因。 二、租稅法令面 (一)專案立法或在特別法中專章規範資產管理公司不良債權之處理原則。 (二)建請賦稅單位修法並增修解釋函令,明確規範,俾利徵納雙方遵循。 1.專營不良債權買賣之資產管理公司有關交際費限額之計算,建議其因購買不良債權所支付之成本與出售不良債權所回收之收入,分別按進貨淨額與銷貨淨額計算交際費限額。 2.資產管理公司就不良債權之轉售差價或收回與買價差額計徵營業稅,其個別債權成本或售價之認定,建議依序按買賣合約書所議訂之個別債權實際交易成本或價格、按公正第三人對個別債權出具之評定價值或按該不良債權之帳面價值作為分攤基礎,予以分攤計算個別債權成本或債權售價。 (三)建請賦稅單位積極檢討並修正現行不合時宜及與實務不符之法令。 1.被投資公司因經營發生虧損,日後為彌補累積虧損所產生之減資損失,建議列為不計入所得額項目之調整。 2.資產管理公司專營及兼營之認定標準,建議當經營不良債權買賣業務所產生之收入,遠大於經營非屬不良債權買賣業務所產生之收入時,仍屬營業稅法所規範之專營營業人。 3.資產管理公司取自金融機構之不良債權,建議仍有提列備抵呆帳之適用。 三、實務運作面 資產管理公司應積極地向社會民眾宣達其使命、任務及所提供之專業服務內容,善盡快速去化不良債權之社會責任與使命,避免採行低價策略而引發社會道德危機,降低因處分不良債權所帶來之社會無謂損失,並針對特定或可能之買主及其所需之不良債權,建置完整之買方資料庫,藉此提高承受抵押品前先找到買主之成交機率,善用現行租稅優惠,減輕租稅負擔。

中國大陸新企業所得稅對高科技台商的影響─個案分析 / The Impact of New Enterprise Income Tax Law of PRC on Taiwanese High-Tech Enterprises in China- Case Study Analysis

張婷婷, Chang, Ting Ting Unknown Date (has links)
Mainland China has implemented two sets of income taxes systems for many years. One is for the foreign enterprise “1991 Promulgated Foreign Invested Enterprise and the Foreign Enterprise Income Tax Law” and another one to the domestic enterprise, “1993 promulgated Enterprise Income Tax Temporary Regulation”. The coexisted of two taxes not only resulted in unfair taxation but also created fake foreign enterprise phenomenon. It is especially difficult for people to accept this situation after China joined the World Trade Organization. The legislation conditions matured after speedy growth of Chinese economy. The Chinese government considered the current financial situation can withstand the impact on decrease in tax revenue after new tax law implemented and it met one of the current economic development targets of “nurture domestic enterprise”. On March 16, 2007, the “Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China” (here in after referred it as the New Law) was eventually approved after many years of research. It surely will have profound influence on foreign enterprise including the Taiwanese businessmen. The purpose of the study is how the major changes of the New Law impacts the China investment of the Taiwanese businessmen. The structure of the study, other than abstract and conclusion, firstly, the author will discuss of the content of system and policy changes. Next, based on the major changes of the New Law, how they affect designed research method. Analyze and forecast its possible impact and influence on Taiwanese businessmen in the following categories: (1) tax incentive; (2) organization structure organization, and (3) tax risk. Finally, the author will propose the related action taken and suggestions on the impact.


顏菀暄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分五章探討,第一章為緒論。 第二章為中國大陸企業所得稅法的立法沿革介紹及發展史。在此,介紹了中國從1950年開始至今50多年來中國稅制的演變。 第三章開始探討企業所得稅制的發展歷程,由於過去中國急於發展,稅制主要目的在於吸引資金,對外資企業設立許多租稅優惠,但在這樣的大環境之下,卻產生了許多不公的情況。內外資企業所得稅分立並行,兩套稅制在稅基、稅率、稅收優惠等方面都不統一,且外資企業享有大量租稅優惠,相較之下,內資企業成為弱勢,不利市場公平競爭,為納稅人避稅和偷稅提供相當大的誘因。另外,在第四節的部分,談的是新企業所得稅法的改革重點及內容介紹,並對新舊制度做出比較。 第四章談的是新企業所得稅法施行的問題點。本章將新法規定較模糊或是較晚公布細則的地方做出釐清,並談論在新法之下,有哪些合法的避稅管道可供使用。在第二節的部分藉由數據證明,新企業所得稅法雖然取消了許多外資企業的租稅優惠,但在2008年一整年的稅收比2007年來得要多,這說明了,修法只是一個國家制度的完善與健全,資金流向中國的原因並不全然是租稅優惠的關係,而是由於中國擁有資源及良好的投資環境等因素。 第五章為結論與建議。


趙衛翎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分成兩部分,研究對象為中國大陸之上市公司,第一部分以2004至2009年之財務資料,探討2008年中國大陸企業所得稅法之實施對中國大陸上市公司平均有效稅率之影響;第二部分以1998至2009年之財務資料,探討中國大陸上市公司是否為了因應企業所得稅法實施對有效稅率的影響,而從事租稅誘因盈餘管理之行為。 第一部分之實證結果發現,中國大陸上市公司之平均有效稅率在2008年企業所得稅法實施後有顯著的下降,表示中國大陸上市公司之有效稅率隨著名目稅率降低而下降。外資持股比例超過20%之上市公司(定義為外資企業),其2008年後之有效稅率上升,且內外資企業之其平均有效稅率之差異有縮小之趨勢。屬於高科技產業之上市公司在2008年企業所得稅法實施後,其有效稅率並未下降;但與除了農林牧漁業外之其他產業相比,高科技產業之上市公司其有效稅率較低。第二部分之實證結果發現,在2008年有效稅率下降之上市公司,其於2008年後的裁決性應計項目較大,有將盈餘遞延認列之傾向。 / This study consists of two research issues. The first part uses the financial statement and capital structure data of China listed companies from 2004 to 2009, to investigate the effects of the implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax in 2008(hereafter 2008 Income Tax Law). And the second part which uses the financial and capital structure data of China listed companies from 1998 to 2009 investigates if China listed companies take the action of earnings management in response to the implementation of the 2008 Income Tax Law. The empirical findings of the first part show that the average ETRs of China listed companies declined after the implementation of the 2008 Income Tax Law. The listed companies whose proportion of foreign ownership is above 20% (defined as foreign enterprises) increased ETRs after 2008 and the differences in ETRs between domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises are reduced gradually. Further, the average ETRs of China listed companies of information technology industry do not appear to be decreased after the implementation of the 2008 Income Tax Law. However, besides the agriculture, forestry, herding, fishery industries, listed companies of information technology industries remain to have lower average ETRs after implementation of the 2008 Income Tax Law. The empirical findings of the second part show that China listed companies whose average ETRs decreased in 2008 appeared to have greater discretionary accruals after 2008, suggesting those companies shifting earnings to 2008.

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