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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蔡耀瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2006年7月頒布財務會計準則公報第37號 「無形資產之會計處理準則」,規定對有限耐用年限之無形資產應定期認列攤銷費用。攤銷政策影響當期淨利和無形資產餘額,其重要性不容忽視。原則上,無形資產之攤銷政策,應反映該資產預期未來經濟效益之消耗型態。實務上,因為經濟效益並無明確定義而且難以有效衡量,企業多採用直線法進行無形資產之攤銷。直線法隱含著經濟效益之消耗呈現每年均等之假設,而此一假設可能無法正確反映真實的未來經濟效益消耗型態。理論上,無形資產之未來經濟效益消耗型態,與應用該無形資產之產品的市場銷售潛量及企業實現未來經濟效益之能力,具有密切的關係。 本研究試圖提供一個決定無形資產攤銷政策的新思考模式。首先,本研究從市場觀點切入,利用多代擴散模型並融入價格因素,估計十七吋和十九吋液晶監視器面板的市場總銷售潛量。其次,本研究以友達公司為例,依據該企業之市佔率,以估算其各期銷售潛量及總銷售潛量。最後,本研究依據友達各期銷售潛量,估算其企業無形資產之各期攤銷率。在一定程度上,本研究對無形資產的未來經濟效益消耗型態及攤銷政策之決定方式,提供了一個新方向。

企業併購態樣對商譽占併購成本比率之影響 / The study on the effect of M&A attributes on the proportionate of goodwill to acquisition cost

宋碧雲, Sung, Pi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
企業透過併購途徑獲取併購商譽之預期經濟效益,雖然稅務上對於商譽價值的衡量,原則上以併購成本超過可辨認淨資產公平價值之剩餘列為商譽,惟企業與稅捐機關對於溢價併購之成本及被併購公司可辨認淨資產公平價值,其認定金額在稅務上雙方未能有一致性之見解,致衍生大量商譽攤銷訴訟案件,成為不利於我國企業併購發展的因素。 在實務上,往往併購交易受到資訊不對稱的限制,以致併購價格的決定,含有主觀估價預期未來的經濟效益,在此前提下,企業嗣後將難以提出客觀合理評價的證明,加上併購交易涉及複雜的產業經濟實務,稅捐機關欲確認被併購公司原本存在之商譽價值,是否已被合理評價更是困難。 為了提供企業併購前商譽價值之評估,有相近之態樣案例可循,本文依據以往商譽攤銷訟訴案例,整理企業於併購時選擇之態樣,分別統計商譽、併購成本數據及彙整企業選擇態樣之偏好等,並依據各態樣之商譽占併購成本比率,檢視企業選擇各態樣對商譽價值之評估影響。 本研究推計企業選擇不同併購態樣之商譽占併購成本比率,對企業併購前價格之評估有所參考,並對於稅捐機關審核商譽攤銷案件時,判斷企業支付遠超過可辨認淨資產公平價值之併購成本,是否符合一般企業通常合理價位,有參考比率數據可推計,以減少訟源。

企業併購商譽攤銷稅務案例之研究 / A Study on Tax Cases of Goodwill Amortization on Business Mergers and Acquisitions

陳郁惠 Unknown Date (has links)
「為利企業以併購進行組織調整,發揮企業經營效率」為企業併購法之立法目的,因此,第三章訂有許多租稅措施,以排除企業併購之租稅障礙。然而,實務上稅捐稽徵機關常以各種理由否准認列企業併購商譽攤銷費用,即便納稅義務人提起行政救濟,行政法院法官多認同稽徵機關主張,作出不利於納稅義務人之判決。雖最高行政法院已於100年12月份第1次庭長法官聯席會將相關爭議舉證責任的分配作出決議,此決議的合理性仍有探討空間。 本研究試圖以近三年企業併購商譽攤銷相關判決為研究範圍,首先,將實務爭議類型化,統計行政法院作出對納稅義務人不利判決之主要原因,並利用法令及財務會計準則相關規範,分析各類型判決;其次,探討前述最高行政法院100年決議內容是否合理;最後,以商譽的本質及企業併購經濟實質,提出個人建議,供後續研究及修法參考。 / “The Business Mergers and Acquisitions Law (the Law) is enacted to facilitate merger /consolidation and acquisition by a business for purposes of reorganization and optimal operation efficiency.” Therefore, there are some taxation measures which aim to get rid of obstacles in taxation during merger and acquisition in chapter 3 of Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act. However, in practice, the competent tax collection authorities usually use every argument to reject the recognition of the expense of goodwill amortization. Even that the tax-payers petition for administrative redresses, the result of judgments are often unfair to them. Although the Supreme Administrative Court rendered the resolution on the distribution of burden of proof in the first joint meeting of the President of the judges in December, 2011, the rationality of the resolution is open to question. This study takes judgments of goodwill on business mergers and acquisitions from the past three years as examples, and attempts to analyze and classify these controversies in practice into patterns. Besides, it discusses the rationality of the resolution in 2011. Last, to supply some references for the future researches and the amendments on the law, this study analyzes and provides perspectives on the goodwill generated by business mergers and acquisitions and the essence of goodwill itself.


蔡智仁 Unknown Date (has links)
企業併購商譽產生係由「併購公司投資成本」與「被併購公司可辨認淨資產公平價值」產生差異所致,本文先由「併購商譽攤銷」之行政訴訟進行分析,進而研究我國稅捐稽徵機關是否應當發展公平價值評價審查制度以解決相關租稅爭議。另外由於在我國102年起上市櫃公司全面採用國際財務報導準則的前提下,透由我國上市櫃公司於102年度之商譽減損測試執行狀況,將該分析結果與國際現況進行比較,試圖了解我國上市櫃公司之商譽會計政策是否隱藏併購公司高估商譽之風險,並進而探討公司負責人於併購時點所作之投資決策,是否有「經營判斷原則」之適用?在此混沌不明的過渡期間中,本文希望透過此研究而呼籲我國監理機關能盡早正視此一問題。 / M&A Goodwill arises from the difference of "M&A investment cost" and "the acquired company's identifiable net assets at fair value" .This study analyzes the administrative litigation about the " amortization of goodwill" at first. Further we study that whether the tax authority should develop the examination system of fair value evaluation to resolve disputes related to income tax. In addition , science Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) formally announced that all listed companies must apply International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) after year 2012, we summary the the Goodwill impairments during year 2013 evaluated by the listed companies and compare with the international status ,trying to understand the listed companies`s accounting policy and weather the M&A Goodwill is without evaluation . At last, this study discuss when responsible person of the corporation high paying to the acquired company whether there is "business judgment rule" applicable? In this chaotic period, this study hopes that this research result could let FSC to notice this issue as soon as possible.

研究發展支出之效益及其資本化會計資訊對股票評價攸關性之研究 / The Benefits of R&D Outlays and the Relevance of Stock Valuation of Capitalization for R&D

劉正田 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討研發支出資本化與攤銷之理論,並以國內股票上市公司為實證對象。本研究使用聯立方程式及Almon lag procedure來檢測企業研發投資效益遞延之情形,然後以Feltham and Ohlson(1995)之評價模式,探討研發支出資本化與攤銷後之權益帳面價值與盈餘之特性,並探討研發投資是否為股票報酬之長期風險因素。本研究並以研發強度(研發費用對銷貨凈額比)區分高、低研發強度二組樣本,比較其與研發有關問題。 本文發現如下: (1)研究發展支出效益遞延實現之現象,似乎存續自第三年開始至未來數期(第四、五年);平均而言,一元之研發投資可於未來4-5年產生2元以上之獲利,高研發強度廠商則有3元以上之獲利;而低研發強度之公司,研發支出獲益則不顯著的於研發初期二年實現。 (2)在股票評價模式中,高研發強度廠商之研發支出採取資本化,對模式解釋能力較高;而低研發比例(強度)廠商之研發支出則採取費用化,「似乎」對模式解釋能力較高。 (3)目前「一般公認會計原則」對於評價模式的解釋,對低研發強度的廠商之解釋能力較高;反之,對高研發強度廠商較不適用。 (4)研發資本存量對市場比率為股票報酬之長期風險因素。 / This study analyzes the theory of capitalization and amortization of R&D expenditures. This study uses the simultaneous equations and Almon lag procedure to examine whether earnings reflect benefits from past R&D expenditures of public firms in Taiwan. Based on asset valuation model generated by Fetham and Ohlson(1995) and Bernard (1995), this study examines the properties of coefficients of parameters of valuation model and explainary power. In addition, this study estimates the R&D capitalization, and tests whether the R&D capitalization is the long risk factor of stock return or not. Moreover, this study groups sample firms into high or low intensity groups by R&D intensity (R&D expenses-to-sales ratio), and compares the above issues of capitalization of R&D expenditures. The major findings of this study follows: (1)Earnings almost reflect realized benefits from R&D, but there are two years time lag. On average, every one N.T. dollar invested in R&D will produce 2 N.T. dollars profits during four or five - years period. In the high R&D intensity group, every one N.T. dollar invested in R&D will produce 3 N.T. dollars profits in future. On the contrary, in the low R&D intensity group, the benefits of R&D outlays are insignificantly reflected in the first two years. (2)The explainary power (Radj2) of valuation model of R&D capitalized in the high R&D intensity group is higher than that of in the low R&D intensity groups. (3)The relevance of stock valuation generated by present GAAPs for the high R&D intensity group is lower than that of the lower R&D intensity group. (4)The R&D capital-to-market values ratio is the long risk factor of stock returns.

新版國際會計準則對壽險公司財務報表影響分析 / The impact of IFRS 9 / IFRS 17 on financial statement of life insurer

張蕙茹, Chang, Hui Ju Unknown Date (has links)
金融風暴喚起各界改革財務報表未能反映實際虧損的缺失,因此,新版國際財務報導準則第9號及第17號公報應運而生,未來正式接軌後,對於壽險業的財報將產生重大衝擊,更突顯其資產負債管理之重要性,故本研究係採用主成分分析建構極端利率情境,並考量折現率需反映現時狀況下,於資產面分別以攤銷後成本或公允價值衡量、負債面採公允價值評價,欲探討資產負債配置及攤銷後成本比重不同時,利率變動對於壽險公司股東權益波動度之影響,以供壽險業參考。 研究結果發現攤銷後成本比重能夠有效控制股東權益波動度。再者,壽險公司應審慎評估海外投資比例,並配合其壽險商品外幣保單之銷售策略加以布局,同時謹慎考量會計決策,適當選擇攤銷後成本權重,方能有效控制資產負債表之波動。 / The financial crisis has caused wide public concern since it is failed to reflect the actual losses in financial statements. As a result, International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued new International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS 9 and IFRS 17. The surplus of life insurers may fluctuate sharply if assets and liabilities don’t match appropriately under these new IFRS Standards. We follow the international regulation standard by using principal component analysis to generate extreme interest rate shock scenarios. This study examines the volatility of surplus under extreme interest rate shock scenarios for different combinations of liabilities, fair-valued assets, and amortized cost assets. In particular, the assets are measured at amortized cost or fair value, and all liabilities were acquired at fair value approach. In the numerical analysis, we showed that it is one of the most effective methods to control the surplus volatility by adjusting the percentage of amortized cost assets. Furthermore, life insurer should adjust the percentage of foreign investments and insurance policies carefully in order to reduce the fluctuation in shareholders’ equity.

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