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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林明德 Unknown Date (has links)
國內公司已因修法而得以技術、商譽等無形資產作價為資本,加上政府為發展國內知識經濟產業,協助企業增加融資管道,亦將實施無形資產之融資制度,如何公正、客觀而合理的評估無形資產的價值,顯得更加重要。針對國內經濟、產業經營環境,本研究參考並修正Gu and Lev (2001)之無形資產評估方法,推算無形資產盈餘及無形資產價值,首先以橫斷面分析1991年至2002年間上市公司之每股無形資產盈餘與每股淨值對市場價值之攸關性,再分析人力、結構及關係資本等智慧資本趨動因子與無形資產價值之關聯性。此外,本研究亦進一步將產業區分為無形資產密集產業和非無形資產密集產業,深入探討相關研究議題。 研究結果發現,每股無形資產盈餘與每股淨值之價值攸關性有增加之現象。就個別變數的股價模式分析,每股無形資產盈餘之增額解釋能力有逐年增加之趨勢。就產業別之實證分析顯示,相對於非無形資產密集產業,無形資產密集產業之無形資產盈餘資訊對投資大眾較具有價值攸關性。相對於無形資產密集產業,非無形資產密集產業之帳面權益價值資訊對投資大眾較具價值攸關性。 針對無形資產與智慧資本價值動因之關聯性,本研究發現,與研究假說之預期方向一致,無形資產與毎人營收、員工分紅比率(人力資本之代理變數)、研發費用率和權利金及技術費用率(結構資本之代理變數)、營收成長率(關係資本之代理變數)呈顯著正相關,與用人費用率呈負相關。此結果隱喻,智慧資本因素之投入有助於無形價值之形成。進一步將樣本區分為無形資產密集和非無形資產密集產業之實證結果顯示,無形資產密集產業之無形資產價值與人力資本之員工毎人營收、員工分紅比率、結構資本之研發費用率和權利金及技術費用率呈顯著正相關。非無形資產密集產業之無形資產價值則與人力資本之用人費用率(每人營收和員工分紅比率)和關係資本之廣告費用率(銷貨成長率)呈顯著為負(正)之關係。分析結果顯示,無形資產價值之決定因素似與公司是否為無形資產密集之產業性質而有差別,可供國內企業從事無形資產投資活動之參考。


呂建安 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟知識時代的來臨,我國的產業結構亦正面臨從傳統製造導向,轉為知識、服務導向的重大轉型期,企業創造財富的關鍵已從原本的土地、設備轉變朝向智慧資產的階段發展,企業的資產逐漸強調專利、品牌、顧客關係、服務等知識工作者的知識投資。隨著無形資產對於企業價值影響程度的擴大,以往用來量企業資本結構或價值的傳統方法已經不足以衡量,促使無形資產價值的評估在組織營運成果的衡量中扮演舉足輕重的角色。 自2002年開始,國內積極推動數位內容產業,在國內產業推波助瀾下,國內數家知名電視公司,以其主要營運資產-影片及節目播映權利,向金融機構爭取數十億元之融資。這些融資的取得,除顯示國內金融機構對於已往重視的無形資產,已逐漸的轉向各種可能具有價值的資產,當然也包含各種可以創造收益的無形資產,因此,如何為這些內容資產訂價,以作為交易合作的參考,即成國內媒體產業重要的課題。有鑑於國內對於媒體產業無形資產的研究較為不足,為了深入了探討我國電視產業其心無形資產價值,故本研究以國內知名電視集團所擁有之影片及節目播映權為標的內容,根據財務會計準則公報第35號「資產減損之會計處理準則」之規範實際進行個案公司該影片及節目之使用價值的評價及探討,同時對於本研究所選用之相關數據,包括:財務預測、現金流量、折現率、β值、加權平均資金成本、影片輪動率之決策做一整體之討論,藉以豐富該領域的研究內容。 隨著時代進步,財務工具多元化,各種資產交易型態推陳出新。無形資產之投資、買賣、授權、合作及融資抵押等交易日漸增加,有效衡量無形資產公平價值,以作為各種交易訂價之參考,因此為有效及合理評估各項無形資產之公平價值,即成為目前重要的課題,而有效及合理的評價端賴健全的無形資產評價制度完備及長時間實務經驗的累積與印證,本研究建議國內會計準則針對無形資產的認定應該有更明確更容易依循的標準及健全的制度與國際接軌,以此提供相似無形資產評價價值的合理性分析。


蔡耀瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2006年7月頒布財務會計準則公報第37號 「無形資產之會計處理準則」,規定對有限耐用年限之無形資產應定期認列攤銷費用。攤銷政策影響當期淨利和無形資產餘額,其重要性不容忽視。原則上,無形資產之攤銷政策,應反映該資產預期未來經濟效益之消耗型態。實務上,因為經濟效益並無明確定義而且難以有效衡量,企業多採用直線法進行無形資產之攤銷。直線法隱含著經濟效益之消耗呈現每年均等之假設,而此一假設可能無法正確反映真實的未來經濟效益消耗型態。理論上,無形資產之未來經濟效益消耗型態,與應用該無形資產之產品的市場銷售潛量及企業實現未來經濟效益之能力,具有密切的關係。 本研究試圖提供一個決定無形資產攤銷政策的新思考模式。首先,本研究從市場觀點切入,利用多代擴散模型並融入價格因素,估計十七吋和十九吋液晶監視器面板的市場總銷售潛量。其次,本研究以友達公司為例,依據該企業之市佔率,以估算其各期銷售潛量及總銷售潛量。最後,本研究依據友達各期銷售潛量,估算其企業無形資產之各期攤銷率。在一定程度上,本研究對無形資產的未來經濟效益消耗型態及攤銷政策之決定方式,提供了一個新方向。


黃于庭 Unknown Date (has links)
無形資產係生技公司的核心競爭力來源。由於其無形資產之高度知識密集性,投資人必須仰賴公司所揭露的資訊,方能有效評估生技公司之核心競爭力。因此無形資產之揭露品質,對投資人評估生技公司而言,扮演著關鍵的角色。 / 本研究旨在探討生技公司之無形資產揭露品質。首先,本研究檢視三十六家生技公司在其民國九十六年度年報及網站上有關無形資產之揭露,並以二十三個指標評分其揭露品質。其次,本研究採用迴歸模型及無母數統計方法,分析該揭露品質與股票週轉率及報酬之關係。最後,本研究分析影響該揭露品質之公司特性。 / 實證結果顯示,生技公司之無形資產揭露品質偏低,100 分中僅得到平均31.10 分。迴歸及無母數統計結果顯示,生技公司之無形資產揭露品質與其股票週轉率及報酬之關係,皆未達顯著水準。公司特性中僅有研究發展費用佔營業收入淨額比率,與揭露品質之關係達到顯著水準,顯示生技公司研發活動會影響其無形資產揭露品質。 / Intangible assets of a biotechnology company are its major source of core competitiveness. Due to the high level of knowledge intensiveness of intangible assets, investors rely heavily on the disclosed information pertaining to such assets for effective evaluation of its core competitiveness. The disclosure quality therefore plays a key role in such evaluation. / This research aims to explore the disclosure quality of biotechnology companies pertaining to intangible assets. The sample consists of 36 biotechnology companies and 23 measures are used to rate the disclosure quality on their 2007 annual reports and websites. Next, the associations of such disclosure quality and the stock trading volume and return are analyzed, using regression models and nonparametric tests. Finally, company characteristics affecting such disclosure quality are analyzed / The empirical results indicate that biotechnology companies do not score well in disclosure quality pertaining to intangible assets, with an average of 31.10 out of 100 points. Statistically, such disclosure quality is not associated with the trading volume or return of their stocks. The ratio of research and development expense to net sales is significantly associated with the disclosure quality, suggesting that research and development activities of biotechnology companies affect their disclosure quality pertaining to intangible assets.
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黃裳吟, Huang, Shang-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
無形資產一向是企業提昇競爭力的重要資產。當企業自行研發無形資產具一定之障礙與風險時,取得無形資產即成為企業併購的主要原因之ㄧ。本研究主要探討併購取得之無形資產與併購公司財務績效之關聯性,選取74家於2001年至2005年發生併購之美國公司為樣本,將股東權益報酬率、資產報酬率和營運現金流量報酬率作為併購公司績效之衡量變數。本研究運用敘述性統計、Pearson相關係數和複迴歸分析來達到本研究之目的。 實證結果顯示,在不包含2005年併購案件的樣本中,併購取得之無形資產與資產報酬率呈現正相關。高科技產業經由併購取得之無形資產與其績效亦呈現正相關;然而對傳統產業而言,併購取得之無形資產與績效並無正向相關。在各類別無形資產方面,併購取得之行銷相關的無形資產與資產報酬率呈現正相關,但是契約基礎的無形資產則與股東權益報酬率呈現負相關。 / Intangible assets are important to companies in improving their competitiveness. As it may be risky to internally develop intangible assets, companies engage in merger activities to acquire intangible assets from outside. This research aims to explore whether intangible assets acquired in mergers and acquisitions are associated with acquirers’ post-acquisition financial performances. The sample consisted of 74 American merger and acquisition cases that took place during the period of 2001 to 2005. The empirical results are as follows. The acquired intangible assets are positively associated with the return on assets for the sample excluding the cases of year 2005. The acquired intangible assets are positively associated with acquirers’ financial performance in the high-tech industry, but not so for the traditional industry. As to different types of intangible assets, the acquired marketing-related intangible assets are also positively associated with the return on assets. On the other hand, the acquired contract-based intangible assets are negatively associated with the return of equity.
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吳秀娟 Unknown Date (has links)
由於高科技產業是個新興的產業,強調以知識密集與創新做為競爭武器的產業發展趨勢,有別於傳統產業,其有形資產的比重較小,無形資產及知識創造的價值往往是決勝的關鍵。因此,傳統以有形資產為核心的企業評價體系似乎已無法完整估量高科技企業的價值,因為其忽略了企業的無形資產,也就是Stewart (1998)所稱的「智慧資本」。所謂智慧資本包括人力資本、結構資本及顧客資本,亦即智慧資本不只是以專利、著作等形式表達的智慧財產,凡是能為公司帶來競爭優勢的一切人力、知識、能力及組織運作方式皆屬之。 去年年初眾所矚目的軟體業上櫃案,在歷經波折後,證期會在上半年度分別通過資通電腦、友立資訊、倚天資訊等三家軟體公司的上櫃申請。由於軟體業的產業特性和傳統製造業不同,其研發價值不容易顯示在財務報表上,加以軟體業靠的是技術、創新和人力,這些都是看不見的資本,也很難有客觀的衡量標準,可說是現行制度下的瓶頸。 因此,藉由國內資訊軟體業開始上櫃的時機,針對資訊電子業之無形資產與智慧資本的衡量進行探討,以瞭解無形資產與智慧資本價值與公司市場價值與帳面價值差異之間的關係。本研究係以國內85年(含)以前上市上櫃之資訊電子業為研究對象,採用複迴歸與主成份分析等統計方法,探討企業股價與帳面價值間之差異與無形資產價值影響因素之關聯性。 本研究發現,公司市場價值與帳面價值之差異,與當年研發密集度、專利權核准數、員工教育程度、以及員工每人營收有關。藉由發現影響股價與淨值差異的影響因素,進而將此類攸關因素加以揭露,或是以補充性報表加以表達,不僅能使公司更瞭解本身的競爭優勢,也能幫助投資人更精確地評估公司的真實價值。因此,本研究認為在無形資產價值能公正且正確評估前,應積極找出影響無形資產評價的因素,為續後的評價問題奠定良好的基礎,以期正確評估無形資產的價值。


楊凱淨 Unknown Date (has links)
我們已進入「知識經濟」的時代。在這樣的時代裡,組織運作及獲利的關鍵因素不再侷限於實體的資產,組織內部的管理能力、員工的專業能力、組織關係的經營能力等無形的智慧資本更扮演了重要的角色。台灣是一個倚賴自由貿易的國家,配合近年來政府正大力推動台灣為亞太金融中心的環境下,金融自由化與國際化已是未來不可擋的趨勢。面對經營環境的劇烈改變,國內金融業如何運用適當策略,以維持或提高經營績效,已是目前急需解決的重要問題。本研究依據智慧資本之相關文獻發展出智慧資本衡量指標,並透過問卷調查收及金融業對智慧資本衡量指標之看法,再以層級分析法評估衡量指標之重要性。 研究結果發現,在智慧資本的三大構面中,金融業最重視人力資本,其後依序為結構資本、關係資本;智慧資本各個要項中,金融業認為員工專業能力最重要,其後依序是員工忠誠度、組織管理能力、研發創新能力及顧客創造價值。最後,並依據研究結果提出建議。


黎怡蘭, Le,Melody Unknown Date (has links)
自從1991年美國總統柯林頓提出以創新冒險為知識產業揭開序幕以來,歷經20世紀末網路泡沫化的刺激,探討無形資產的論文與各類文獻如雨後春筍, 而努力找出企業無形資產與該公司市場價值的評量工具更是專家學者的急迫任務。 與無形資產息息相關的學說,以智慧資本討論最具有代表性,自從1969年John Kenne Galbraith首度提出智慧資本的定義到今日為止,已有數十位知名學者以不同的觀點、領域探討著智慧資本的定義;然而智慧資本的相關課題、學說及論述雖然歸納出無形資產的全貌,卻仍無法做為評量各產業企業價值的基礎,更遑論能讓投資方,融資機構及無形資產企業有一個評量無形資產價值的參考指標。 無形資產價值因企業範疇與生產流程具有專屬特性,本研究期望透過研究者本身產業背景、專家問卷及業界訪談進行彙整、歸納出遊戲企業無形資產之價值驅動因子。再以彙整之無形資產價值驅動因子,進行遊戲產業關鍵成功因素的探討。在研究者與專家討論及訪談確認的關鍵成功因素基礎上進行問卷設計,進而對五家遊戲公司進行調研。 最後將調研進行統計整理, 歸納出遊戲產業成功關鍵因素以相對重要性而言有「團隊質量」、「競爭優勢」及「市場影響力」,而此三種關鍵因素應可做為評價遊戲企業價值的參考指標。 / Since US President Clinton proposed regarding innovating and taking risks as the prelude of opening of knowledge industry in 1991, go through the stimulus of the internet bubble in the end of the 20th century, there are lots of papers and documents studying about the intangible assets, and It become the more urgent issue for experts and scholars to make full efforts to find out the valuation tool for measuring the intangible assets and the market value of enterprises. The Intelligence Capital(IC) is the most representative theory which is closely linked with intangible assets, since John Kenne Galbraith proposed the definition of the intelligence capital up to today for the first time in 1969, there have been several dozens of famous scholars with different views and fields discussing the definition of intelligence capital already; However, the relevant subjects and theory about intelligence capital sum up the general situation of the intangible assets, but still not yet to become the standard valuation method to evaluate the value of every industry as well as enterprise, even can not to be the reference indicator to evaluate the intangible assets for the investor、financing organization and those enterprises with intangible assets . The value of the intangible assets has specific characteristics due to the different business model and production procedure of the company. Researcher expects to sum up the the intangible assets value drivers of enterprises in the game industry through her own industry background as well as gathering expert questionnaire and industry interview. Researcher has collected the most value drivers of intangible assets from relevant papers and interviews, also make discussions with the key person from game company on KSF. After designing the questionnaire based on the confirmed KSF, the study has surveyed five game companies to get primary data. Through the whole explored process , finally got the conclusion that the most important KSF of the game industry are ' the group's quality ' , ' the competition advantage ' and ' the marketing power ', which are educed from the stat. data, and this three kinds of KSF could be run for the reference indicators of measuring game company value.
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無形資產投入量與企業報酬及風險之研究 / Research on Enterprise Return, Risk, and Input in Intangible Assets

薛健宏, Hsueh, Chien-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討無形資產的報酬與風險。隨著知識經濟的來臨,無形資產愈發重要,然而,無形資產風險的探討卻極為有限。Barsky and Marchant (2000)明白指出,「無形資產」就是「智慧資本」。基於吳安妮﹙2004﹚、Kaplan and Norton﹙2004﹚的架構,「平衡計分卡」的三個非財務構面對應著「各無形資產項目」,即「顧客構面」對應著「關係資本」,「內部流程構面」對應著「創新資本」,「學習與成長構面」對應著「人力資本」。本研究參酌廖俊杰﹙2003﹚的設計,進一步將各類無形資產細分為投入與產出因子。 關於報酬與風險間的關連性,實證顯示,風險與報酬間呈顯著負向關係,與「資本資產訂價模式」有所不同。本研究依報酬水準分組,結果顯示,高報酬樣本的報酬、風險呈正向關係,而兩者在低報酬樣本呈負向關係。本研究以台灣近期的資料為主,而近來台灣景氣不佳,故整體而言,報酬、風險呈負向關係。 結果亦顯示,各無形資產(關係資本、創新資本、人力資本)的投入量有助於同類無形資產的產出,而各無形資產產出亦對企業績效具正面影響,驗證了無形資產的經濟價值。此外,實證結果亦支持「平衡計分卡」的論點,即「人力資本產出」對「創新資本產出」具正面效益,「創新資本產出」有利於「關係資本產出」,且「關係資本產出」也能提升「企業報酬」。此外,本研究亦發現,高報酬樣本僅研發支出的經濟效益顯著大於低報酬樣本,這意味著,研發密度係影響企業報酬水準的關鍵因素。 風險即不確定性,結果顯示,各無形資產對企業風險未呈一致性的結果,「創新資本產出」會增加企業風險,而「關係資本、人力資本產出」均可減輕公司的不確定性。在產出指標中,唯有「創新資本產出」(即專利)具高度的不確定性,其他無形資產產出皆基於「已確定的財務結果」或「已成事實的員工流動狀況」,故唯有創新資本產出與企業風險呈正向關係。在「高報酬、低風險」的環境下,關係資本、人力資本產出均與「企業風險」呈負向關係。 此外,所有「無形資產投入」(包括關係資本、創新資本、人力資本投入)均直接與「企業風險」均呈負向關係。「關係資本投入」具邊際效益遞減的特性,以致企業風險趨緩。再者,實證顯示,「研發支出」與「創新資本產出風險」間具正相關,「創新資本產出風險」與「企業風險」成凸向函數關係。這意味著,當企業不從事研發工作,未申請專利,即使該企業不具「創新資本產出風險」,但這類企業較不具競爭能力,面對生存危機,該企業的整體風險反而較高。換句話說,創新活動最終能減少企業的整體風險。就人力資本而言,除年資外,人力資本投入可增加公司報酬,減少企業風險,無怪乎常言「員工是企業最重要的資產」。 財報資料系基於一般公認會計原編製,與市場認知恐有所不同,本研究測試兩者的風險認知是否存在重大差異。結果顯示,無形資產投入的「市場風險」大多低於「會計風險」,並未發現「無形資產投入成果」因資訊不對稱之疑慮,而增加企業風險。 / The paper tests return and risk of intangible assets. Under knowledge economy, intangible assets are more and more important, but there is rare literature about risk of intangible assets. Barsky and Marchant (2000) pointed out that “intangible asset” is “intelligible capital”. Based on the framework by Kaplan and Norton (2004) and Wu (2004), three non-financial perspectives on balanced scorecard belong to intangible assets, in other words, customer perspective is connected with relationship capital, internal process perspective with innovation capital, learning and growth perspective with human capital. Referring to Liao (2003), the intangible assets items are divided into input and output items. About the relationship between return and risk, the empirical result shows the negative relation between return and risk, inconsistent with CAPM. Grouping by the level of return, the result shows the positive relationship between risk and return in high-return group, and negative relationship between risk and return in low-return group. The sample comes from recent Taiwan facing the depression, so the empirical results show negative relationship between risk and return. Results show that all inputs in intangible assets can raise the output of the same capital. In addition, all outputs of intangible assets can also increase the enterprise performance, supporting the economic value of intangible assets. In addition, the empirical results also support the concept of balanced scorecard, this is, output from human capital can increase the output from innovation capital, and output from innovation capital can increase the return through the output from relationship capital. In addition, the result shows R&D expenditure of the high-return group is only one variable significantly higher than that of the low-return group. It implies R&D is a key factor for the enterprise return. About risk, there are no consistent results. Output from innovation capital would increase the whole risk in the company, while the output from relationship capital and human capital can decrease the enterprise risk. Among the output indicators, output from innovation capital is measured with patents, which is only one indicator about highly uncertainty, while output from other capitals are captured by confirmed financial results and the occurred turnover in employees. Therefore, the output from innovation capital is related positively with the enterprise risk, and the environment with “low return, high risk” makes the negative relationship between enterprise risk and the output from relationship capital and human capital. In addition, the enterprise risk is related negatively with all inputs of intangible assets including relationship capital, innovation capital, and human capital. The marginal benefit from input of relationship capital goes down, probably leading to the decreasing enterprise risk. Moreover, the results show the positive association between R&D expenditure and the risk of innovation-capital output, and the convex relationship between the enterprise risk and the risk of the innovation-capital output, implying the firm without R&D operation can not apply for the patent, and the firms don’t the risk of innovation-capital output. However, the companies lack the competitive ability and face the serious survival crisis, so there is more enterprise risk in the firm at final. In other words, the innovation operation can decrease the enterprise risk. About human capital, except working years of employees, human-capital input can increase the enterprise return, and decrease the enterprise risk, so it is usually said “employees is the most important asset in the enterprise.” Financial reports are compiled by GAAP, which is probably different from the recognition of investors in market, so the difference in recognition of risk between them is examined in the paper. Results show the market risk of most intangible-asset inputs is lower than the accounting risk, and no extra risk from information asymmetry is found.
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企業併購無形資產及商譽之公司價值-台灣電子工業 / The Effects of Goodwill & Intangible Aseets on Coporate Value for Merger & Acquisition – The Electronics Industry in Taiwan

秦子菱 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代,電子工業環境趨於成熟的環境下,無形資產是企業成長的重要關鍵。台灣電子工業發展至今近四十年,建構完善電子產業生態鏈,在全球站穩關鍵性地位,佔國內GDP產值之比例也非常高。 而併購是企業獲取商譽和無形資產的重要手段,對於電子工業來說,尤為重要。而Tobins’Q利用公司市值為產出指標來衡量廠商之技術創新或品牌形象等無形資產的價值,能反映無形資產在公司未來的成長機會。因此本研究欲探討電子工業和非電子工業併購取得之商譽和無形資產佔贈購價格之比例,了解其差異,並以Tobins’Q值作為公司價值之衡量,探討電子工業和非電子工業於併購當年和併購後所取得之商譽和無形資產是否能增加公司價值。 本文實證結果顯示,電子工業相對於非電子工業因併購所取得商譽和無形資產佔併購價格比例愈高,公司價值在併購後逐年提升度愈大,而電子工業相較於非電子工業更為顯著,顯示出無形資產及商譽在知識經濟時代之重要性。 / In a knowledge-based economy, the electronics industry is driven to maturity stage . Therfore , the intangible assets are the keys to enhance the coporations’ performance. The electronics industry has developed nearly 40 years ,building the perfect economic chain .Now it’s the key position in the world . The electronics industry also has higher propotion of GDP than before . Merge and acquisition is an important method to aquire Goodwill & Intangible assets , except for the electronics industry . Tobins’Q can reflect the opportunity the future of the coporation .Therefore , this research aims to the propotion of acquisition price which is different between electronics industry and non- electronics industry . The research also adopts Tobins’Q as measuring the value of coporation , which aims to define the relationship between Goodwill & Intangible Assets . The empirical results are as follows. The total acquired intangible assets of the propotion of acquisition price are positively associated with the coporation value , and electronic industry is more positive than non-electronic industry .The electronic industry’s Tobins’Q , which means the value of coporation , will be increase year by year .
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